Please note :


Venture Parents,

Attached you will find Venture’s updated course descriptions and textbooks/materials required for each course. The Scroll order forms will be available soon.

The Scroll has a co-op incentive program to help them manage inventory. They offer a rebate to co-ops when their members pre-order their co-op materials through The

Scroll. The convenience of the program worked great for our parents; therefore, Venture will participate again this year.

The program is a “win-win” situation for everyone. Parents streamline their purchasing and support the Scroll, co-ops receive a rebate, and the Scroll does a better job of controlling inventory and providing everyone with their materials in plenty of time for the start of the new school year.

Here’s how the program works according to the Scroll:

1. Co-op leaders will send us the student materials needed for their courses. It should be received at The Scroll no later than April 15 th . Venture has completed this step.


Parents will need to return the parent order form to The Scroll or FAX it to the

Scroll at 903-592-3508 by July 1


. These will be emailed out as soon as we receive them from the Scroll.

The Scroll will have orders ready for pick up by August 1st.

Orders must be paid in full by August 17


. Orders paid after August 17th will not qualify for the rebate.

FYI - There are some textbook/materials that The Scroll will not be able to provide such as A Beka and Teaching Textbooks


You will need to purchase these directly from the publisher.

Serving with you,

The Venture Ministry Team

Please note


- All courses are listed alphabetically under age divisions.

Venture - Middle School Courses

Course - 6



Time -

Target Age -

Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30

6 th Grade

Course Description: Science 6 reveals the incredible intricacies of cells and organisms, matter and energy, astronomy, heredity, the nervous system, and the immune system. This science curriculum includes exciting science experiments and projects.

We will be preparing the students for more advanced learning as they enter the middle school grades. There will be labs, homework, and tests.

Prerequisites (if any) - none

Textbook/Materials - 1. Bob Jones Grade 6 Science Student Textbook 4 th




Bob Jones Grade 6 Science Activity Manual 4 th Ed.

Bob Jones Grade 6 Science Test Booklet 4 th


Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 1:30 - 3:30


Course Description – More to come. th Grade – High School

Students will be required to work on this course a minimum of one hour per day. Parents will be required to grade daily work each and every school day.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -

P lacement Test passed

1. Teaching Textbooks Algebra I 2.0

: Student Book, Answer Key and Test Bank

2. Required – Lecture and Practice CD's, Solutions CD's, Test Solutions CD

Course -

Time -

Target Age -

Course Description: This is a class for guys and girls to focus on the importance of character. Character qualities will be studied through creative and hands-on projects. We will have lessons from nature and memorization of character quality definitions. From time to time there will be guys with guys for manly projects and girls with girls for girly stuff. Come and learn to apply God's character in your life!

Prerequisites - None

Textbook/Materials – None


Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30

6 th Grade – 8 th Grade

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30

6 th - 12 th grade

Course Description: This class will focus on the basics of telling a story through drama. Students will work on voice projection, volume & clarity, body language, blocking, character development, stage presence as well as the need to "stand and deliver". Each student will present monologues, duologues or short skits by the end of the first semester and a full-length production at the end of the year. Though we are teaching techniques of drama, we are also developing the confidence and poise that comes from acting and speaking in public.

Prerequisites - None

Textbook/Materials - None

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 10:30 - 11:30

6 th - 8 th grade

Course Description: A Beka Grammar and Composition work-text for grade 7. This book includes clear explanation of traditional grammar, diagramming, writing skills, in depth study of eight parts of speech, and a convenient end-of-book handbook of all grammar rules learned that year. The time spent on this class is a minimum of an hour per school day and parents must grade daily.

Prerequisites -


Textbook/Materials - 1. A Beka Grammar and Composition I Student Text # 138835


A Beka Grammar and Composition I Test Booklet # 138851


A Beka Grammar and Composition I Teacher Key # 138843

Course -

Time -


Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30

Target Age - Middle School and High School

Course Description –

Students will be completing monthly newsletters as well as publishing our Venture Yearbook.

Journalistic research writing projects will be incorporated throughout the year. Students will have weekly assignments throughout the year, which will incorporate the knowledge and understanding of journalism and the responsibilities associated with publishing.

Prerequisites - None

Textbook/Materials - None


Time - Tuesday 12:30 – 1:30

Target Age - 7 th and 8 th grade

Course Description: “

Life Science is a survey course that provides a foundation for high school studies in biology. The course introduces students to God’s organic creations, focusing on the classification of living things, the animal kingdoms, basic cell structure, and activities of living cells and organisms. Students examine the theories of creation and biological evolutions in relationship to the

Word of God. Students develop a Biblical understanding of man’s stewardship of the earth by studying ecosystems, interrelationships among organisms, and natural resources. Students also study the human body and its basic structure and function. The course includes hands-on activities”.

Students will complete a chapter every week and be tested every other week. There are section review, chapter review, student activity pages & laboratory assignments weekly. The time spent on this class is a minimum of an hour a school day.

Prerequisites - completed 6 th

grade science

Textbook/Materials - 1. BJU Life Science Student text 4th ed

2. BJU Life Science Tests text 4th ed

3. BJU Life Science Lab Manuel 4th ed

Course -

Time -


Tuesday 2:30 – 3:30

6 th - 12 th grade Target Age -

Course Descriptions: Students will learn the art of speaking without having a tremendous amount of time to prepare a speech. Venture’s mission statement is: We seek to glorify God through service by inspiring and equipping others to boldly stand for truth with Christ-like character and this course will equip students to boldly speak even though they haven’t had hours to prepare a speech. They will work on Apologetics, Mars Hill (using popular cultural entertainment topics to share with people),

Extemporaneous (using current events to share) and Broadcasting basics during this class. Students will be given a limited time to prepare for a speech on a topic that is given to them. These students will be prepared to compete at Go Light Your World if they choose.

Prerequisites - Desire to have fun and learn to speak!

Textbook/Materials - None

Course - OMNIBUS I

Time - Tuesday 7:45 – 9:30

Target Age - 7 th -10 th grade

Course Description: Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all encompassing,” and is a classical

Christian educational approach to history/philosophy and literature. Students who complete Omnibus I will gain a full credit in Ancient World History I, Doctrine and Theology I, and Ancient Literature I.

Combining these disciplines will allow students to grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge. This material is taught through a Biblical worldview.

The student text leads the student through the study of the whole-book great works (not anthologies) from the dawn of time to the fall of Rome, teaching with the emphasis on ideas, not simply information.

Prerequisites –

1. A conversation with the instructor, Dana Bertino (reading comprehension and time management make this a difficult course as it fulfills three credit requirements: literature, history, and


2. Pre-class mastery of timeline

3. Completion of 5th grade English grammar.

NOTE: All students entering Omnibus I must also be concurrently mastering sentence and paragraph development.

Omnibus I and II do not include a writing element. Venture suggests three excellent curricula to parents for this purpose: WriteShop I (for use with a grammar curriculum), Rod and Staff English Grammar 6 & 7 , ABeka Grammar and Composition for 7 th

grade, and Shurley English

Grammar ) Any of these will adequately prepare students for Omnibus III--a 4 credit high school level course which includes introductory essay writing.

Textbook/Materials -


Omnibus I, Student Edition


The Codes of Hammurabi & Moses




The Histories


The Odyssey


Chronicles of Narnia – complete set


Plutarch`s Lives Vol. 1


The Aeneid


Early History of Rome


The Last Days of Socrates


Shakespeare's Julius Caesar


Eagle of the Ninth

Course -

Time -


Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30

Target Age - 6th - 12th grades

Course Description: In this course, students will focus on the development of movement, skill and knowledge. Students will be encouraged to participate in assessment, Presidential Fitness, and maintenance of physical fitness to improve health and performance. Students will be taught physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies, and the application of psychological and sociological concepts, including self-responsibility, positive social interaction, and group dynamics, in the learning and performance of physical activity.

A Beka high school health will also be added to this course. Description of the textbook:

“Written from a thoroughly Christian perspective, this interesting, practical text addresses the health care issues that concern young adults today. Health discusses the various body systems in the field of health care that most directly involves them. Therefore, as students read about nutrition, growth, and development, they learn about the digestive and endocrine systems. The section on fitness includes the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory; the section on mental health, the nervous system.

This integral approach helps students better understand their bodies and determine the steps needed to attain and maintain good health.” Middle school students will be allowed to audit the health portion of the course.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials -


Health in Christian Perspective – A Beka Item # 174157

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Wednesday 2:00 -3:00

8th - 12th grades

Course Description: Spanish 1 introduces students to beginning Spanish. Students will learn how to ask and answer questions in Spanish, give and follow directions, purchase items, and make small talk.

The textbook is rich with activities to help students gain confidence with the Spanish language.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -


BJU Press Spanish I Student text, 2 nd


Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 10:30-11:30

6th - 9th grades

Course Description: S.T.E.M.

combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education to form an engaging field of study. This course will aim to provide an engaging classroom with labs for a hands-on learning experience to prepare our students for ingenuity and problem solving. Math and Engineering labs will include the hands on study of money, budgets, physics, simple machines, smart machines and robotics.

This S.T.E.M. class will utilize Money Matters for Kids and the VEX IQ curriculum to foster a love for math and science. This course will also include the basics of engineering graphics where students will learn to read and understand engineering drawings. The workbook "Practical Drafting" will be used as a tool to apply learned concepts in a written form. Drafting is a powerful tool needed for many careers such as engineering, architecture, industrial design, mechanics, electrical engineering, and building.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -



Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 9:30-10:30

7th - 9th grades

Course Description: In addition to teaching descriptive narration, narrative voice, and point of view, WriteShop II offers six comprehensive lessons in essay writing. Students learn to write and edit opinion essays, compare/contrast essays, and essays that describe or define. Special focus is placed on writing timed essays.

One lesson will be covered every two weeks, with a completed paper due at the end of that time.

Our class time will set the groundwork for the writing that will take place at home during the week. You can expect to spend about 45 minutes a day on this class.

Writeshop 1 or its equivalent

Writeshop 2 Student Workbook (4 th


Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials -

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 8:30-9:30

6th - 8th grades

Course Description: History of the World leads students on a journey through time from Creation to the early 21st century. The Christian perspective is the thread that connects the past to the present in this fascinating narrative of world history, teaching students to recognize the hand of God in human events. An abundance of full-color paintings, lithographs, and photos enhance the text. Colorful maps provide students with a geographic setting for historical events; time lines help them place events in the chronology of world history. The 26 chapters will be covered over 30 weeks. You can expect to spend about an hour a day on this class.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - none


A Beka History of the World Student Text – Item # 66524


A Beka History of the World Test Book - Item: #71889

Venture - High School Courses

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 1:30 - 3:30

8 th grade– High School

Course Description – This course is the foundation for high school mathematics courses. It is the bridge from the concrete to the abstract study of mathematics. Topics include simplifying expressions, evaluating and solving equations and inequalities, and graphing linear and quadratic functions and relations. Real world applications are presented within the course content and a function's approach is emphasized.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -

Placement Test passed

1. Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2.0

: Student Book, Answer Key and Test Bank

2. Required – Lecture and Practice CD's, Solutions CD's, Test Solutions CD

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 1:30-2:30

10 th grade – 12 th grade

Course Description: A thorough study of American Literature through reading, Worldview discussions, literary analysis, and essay writing.

Prerequisites (if any) - Upper High School

Textbook/Materials -


Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards


Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by B. Franklin


The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne


Walden by Henry David Thoreau


Billy Budd by Herman Melville


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain


Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane


A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway


The Unvanquished by William Faulkner


The Pearl by John Steinbeck


The Crucible by Arthur Miller


A Separate Peace by John Knowles


The Chosen by Chiam Potok


Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot


Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 10:30 - 11:30

High School

Course Description: Advanced Biology in Creation: The Human Body, 2nd Edition is a collegepreperatory course that provides an advanced study of the human body’s 11 organ systems. Students will develop a beautiful appreciation of the complexities of the human body.

Prerequisites (if any) - Biology I

Textbook/Materials –

Apologia: The Human Body 2


Edition – Student Textbook

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30

High School

Course Description: This year in Apologetics we will focus on Theology to understand the basics/essentials of WHAT we believe so we understand what we are actually defending. Apologetics will be included; however, the focus is going to be Biblical content. The theme verse is going to be Jude


Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”

We can't defend the faith if we don't understand with what we've been entrusted!

Prerequisites (if any) - None

Textbook/Materials –

To be announced by Chris Sherrod

(will be available for purchase the 1st day of class; cost: $10)

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


High school

Tuesday 10:30-11:30; Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00

Course Description: This course is designed to be a high school chemistry course and gives the student a rigorous foundation in chemistry, in order to prepare him or her for a college-level course.

The course covers significant figures, units, classification, the mole concept, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, Lewis structures, molecular geometry, the gas laws, and equilibrium.

Students will complete half a module every week and be tested every other week. There are reading, study guide and laboratory assignments weekly. The time spent on this class is a minimum of an hour every school day. The class time will be divided into experiments/laboratory (Tuesday) and lecture


Students will be required to memorize the oxidation numbers prior to the start of class.

Prerequisites - Passing oxidation quiz prior to first day of class.

Textbook/Materials - 1. Apologia Chemistry (2 nd

Edition) – Student Textbook

2. Scientific Calculator

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30

6 th - 12 th grade

Course Description: This class will focus on the basics of telling a story through drama. Students will work on voice projection, volume & clarity, body language, blocking, character development, stage presence as well as the need to "stand and deliver". Each student will present monologues, duologues or short skits by the end of the first semester and a full-length production at the end of the year. Though we are teaching techniques of drama, we are also developing the confidence and poise that comes from acting and speaking in public.

Prerequisites - None

Textbook/Materials - None

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Wednesday 12:30 – 2:00

High school

Course Description : This class will introduce free economics and financial principles in the light of

Scripture. Students will learn the steps to financial peace, helping them prepare for the ups and downs

of money before they enter adulthood. Each student will be challenged to “live” the principles by keeping track of a regular “budget”. Additionally, they will learn what scripture teaches about poverty and Christian responsibility. This class will be very interactive and full of role-playing.

Computer and internet access will be required for this class.

Prerequisites (if any) - None

Textbook/Materials -


Foundations in Personal Finance by Dave Ramsey ISBN -



How We Live – Economic Wisdom Simplified by Fred Clark printed by Christian Liberty Press


Free Enterprise Economics in America by Tom Rose ISBN – 0-9612198-9-0

4. In The Shadow of Plenty by George Grant ISBN – 0-930462-17-3 printed by Christian Liberty Press

5. Abeka Economics Work and Prosperity Student Text Item #174653

6. Abeka Economics Work and Prosperity Quiz & Test Book Item #174718

Course -

JOURNALISM _________________

Time -

Target Age -

Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30

Middle School and High School

Course Description –

Students will be completing monthly newsletters as well as publishing our Venture Yearbook.

Journalistic research writing projects will be incorporated throughout the year. Students will have weekly assignments throughout the year which will incorporate the knowledge and understanding of journalism and the responsibilities of publishing.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -



Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30; Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00

High school

Course Description: The main goal of Geometry is for students to develop the structure of

Euclidean geometry logically and apply the resulting theorems and formulas to address meaningful problems.

Students will use deductive and inductive reasoning to understand geometric concepts, discover geometric relationships, formulate conjectures and construct proofs. Students will utilize their preexisting experiences with algebra and geometry to solve problems. Students will be required to work on this course daily for a minimum of one hour per day.

Prerequisites - Algebra 1 and a placement exam

Textbook/Materials -

1. Teaching Textbooks Geometry 2.0

: Student Book, Answer Key and Test Bank

2. Optional – Lecture and Practice CD's, Solutions CD's, Test Solutions CD

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 8:15 -9:15

High school

Course Description: Prepare your student for responsible citizenship with a discussion of the principles and mechanics of a constitutional republic. Material covered will include the Constitution, in depth insights into the three branches of government, political parties, elections, foreign policy, and more, all from a biblical perspective. Students will also study great speeches and orators in American

Government and prepare self -written speeches. Christians have been called upon to speak out, not only to share the gospel but also to defend Biblical values against an increasingly antagonistic society.

Leadership is impossible without strong communication skills. This course will include discussions of the communication process, audience analysis, and public speaking. Students will be taught to choose topics, research, organize and effectively communicate.

Prerequisites (if any) - None

Textbook/Materials -

American Government, 3rd edition, BJU Student Textbook

American Government Tests

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 2:30 – 3:30

6 th - 12 th grade

Course Descriptions : Students will learn the art of speaking without having a tremendous amount of time to prepare a speech. Venture’s mission statement is: We seek to glorify God through service by inspiring and equipping others to boldly stand for truth with Christ-like character and this course will equip students to boldly speak even though they haven’t had hours to prepare a speech. They will work on Apologetics, Mars Hill (using popular cultural entertainment topics to share with people),

Extemporaneous (using current events to share) and Broadcasting basics during this class. Students will be given a limited time to prepare for a speech on a topic that is given to them. These students will be prepared to compete at Go Light Your World if they choose.

Prerequisites - Desire to have fun and learn to speak!

Textbook/Materials - None

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 12:30 -3:30

10 th grade – 12 th grade

Course Description: O mnibus V covers early church fathers through the Reformation. Like

Omnibus IV it studies more difficult texts, incorporates the growing rhetorical nature of the student, and engages them at a more mature, higher academic level; teaching with the emphasis on ideas, not simply information.

Prerequisites (if any) - mastery of 5-paragraph thesis argument essay, 10th grade grammar, pre-class mastery of the medieval history timeline.


Textbook/Materials –


Omnibus V, Student Edition


Malmesbury , Chronicle of the Kings


Boethius , Consolation of Philosophy


Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise


Mallory , Morte d'Arthur


Augustine , The City of God


Bainten, Here I Stand: The Life of

Martin Luther


The Koran


Acquinas , Summa Theologica


Calvin , Institutes of the Christian



Erasmus, The Praise of Folly


Chaucer , Canterbury Tales


Machiavelli, The Prince


Martin Luther : On Vocation


Cervantes, Don Quixote


Shakespeare, Othello


Shakespear e, Romeo and Juliet


Spenser, Fairy Queene


Twain, Connecticut Yankee in King

Arthur's Court


MLA Handbook

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 1:30 -2:30

6 th grade – 12 th grade

Course Description: I n this course, students will focus on the development of movement, skill and knowledge. They will be encouraged to participate in assessment, Presidential Fitness, and maintenance of physical fitness to improve health and performance. Students will be taught physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies, and the application of psychological and sociological concepts, including self-responsibility, positive social interaction, and group dynamics, in the learning and performance of physical activity.

A Beka high school health will also be added to this course. Description of the textbook:

“Written from a thoroughly Christian perspective, this interesting, practical text addresses the health care issues that concern young adults today. Health discusses the various body systems in the field of health care that most directly involves them. Therefore, as students read about nutrition, growth, and development, they learn about the digestive and endocrine systems. The section on fitness includes the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory; the section on mental health, the nervous system.

This integral approach helps students better understand their bodies and determine the steps needed to attain and maintain good health.” Middle school students will be allowed to audit the health portion of the course.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials -


Health in Christian Perspective – A Beka

Item # 174157

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 7:45 - 9:30

High school

Course Description:

This class will include topics needed to prepare your student for college level calculus. Including exponential and logarithmic functions, matrices and determinants, statistics and probability, a complete course in Trigonometry, and more.

Homework will be required daily.

Prerequisites - Algebra 2 and a placement exam

Textbook/Materials -

1. Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus : Student Book, Answer Key and Test Bank

2. Required – Lecture and Practice CD's, Solutions CD's, Test Solutions CD

3. TI-83plus


Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Wednesday 2:00 -3:00

8th - 12th grades

Course Description: Spanish 1 introduces students to beginning Spanish. Students will learn how to ask and answer questions in Spanish, give and follow directions, purchase items, and make small talk.

The textbook is rich with activities to help students gain confidence with the Spanish language.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -


BJU Press Spanish I Student text, 2



Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Wednesday 3:00-4:00

9th - 12th grades

Course Description: Spanish 2 builds on the foundation of Spanish 1 with advanced grammar,

Scripture passages and additional vocabulary. All lessons are presented with a Christian worldview.

Colorfully illustrated, with reference charts and a glossary as added helps.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -

Spanish 1

BJU Press Spanish 2 Student Textbook, 2 nd edition

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00

7th - 10th grades

Course Description: STARTING POINTS is a Biblical worldview primer. The purpose of this study is to establish the Biblical worldview in the hearts and minds of your children. It lays the solid foundation for their personal lives. It also provides a compass for giving direction in the evaluation of all the ideas that will confront them in life.

**For a complete description of this course, see

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials -



Starting Points Syllabus by David Quine


Answers for Difficult Days by David Quine


Know What you Believe by Paul Little


How to Read Slowly by James Sire


Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis


The Magician’s Nephew,


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


The Horse and His Boy


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


The Deadliest Monster by Jeff Baldwin


Know Why You Believe by Paul Little


Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis


Assumptions by Christian Overman


Never Before in History

Course -

Time -

Target Age -


Tuesday 10:30-11:30

6th - 9th grades

Course Description: S.T.E.M. combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education to form an engaging field of study. This course will aim to provide an engaging classroom with labs for a hands-on learning experience to prepare our students for ingenuity and problem solving. Math and

Engineering labs will include the hands on study of money, budgets, physics, simple machines, smart machines and robotics.

This S.T.E.M. class will utilize Money Matters for Kids and the VEX IQ curriculum to foster a love for math and science. This course will also include the basics of engineering graphics where students will learn to read and understand engineering drawings. The workbook "Practical Drafting" will be used as a tool to apply learned concepts in a written form. Drafting is a powerful tool needed for many careers such as engineering, architecture, industrial design, mechanics, electrical engineering, and building.

Prerequisites -

Textbook/Materials -



Course -

Time -

Target Age -


7th - 9th grades

Tuesday 9:30-10:30

Course Description: In addition to teaching descriptive narration, narrative voice, and point of view, WriteShop II offers six comprehensive lessons in essay writing. Students learn to write and edit opinion essays, compare/contrast essays, and essays that describe or define. Special focus is placed on writing timed essays.

One lesson will be covered every two weeks, with a completed paper due at the end of that time.

Our class time will set the groundwork for the writing that will take place at home during the week. You can expect to spend about 45 minutes a day on this class.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials -

Writeshop 1 or its equivalent

Writeshop 2 Student Workbook (4 th


Venture – Electives


Time - Wednesday 3:15-4:00

Target Age - 5th grade– High School (Adults too)

Course Description: This is an overview of American Sign Language (ASL), its basic vocabulary, structure, syntax and grammar. Students will focus on mastering the basics of fingerspelling, numbers, colors, facial grammar and sentence structure; students will also learn conversational/cultural behaviors necessary to hold a beginning-level conversation with ASL users. The class is conducted in ASL, very little explanation will be done spoken English, in order to improve sign skills.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - none none


Time - Wednesday 4:00-5:00

Target Age - 5 th grade – High School (Adults too)

Course Description : A continuation of basic concepts taught in Basic ASL. Improving vocabulary, structure, syntax, and grammar skills. Students will continue to focus on fingerspelling, numbers, facial grammar and sentence structure. Students will also further develop the conversational/cultural behaviors necessary to hold a beginning-level conversation. More challenging material and conversation will be use in order to improve express and receptive signing skills. This class is not voiced and will be conducted in ASL only.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - completed Basic sign language none

Course - CHESS

Time - Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30

Target Age - 2 nd Grade – High School

Course Description : Students are taught the chess principles of basic strategy and tactics. It includes discussions of the three phases of chess: opening, middle game, and endgame. Students from beginners to tournament players may take this course. High School students have the opportunity for leadership of the club, planning activities, teaching concepts or captaining teams.

Why chess? Chess is a game for people of all ages.

You can learn to play at any age and in chess, unlike in many other sports, you don't ever have to retire. Chess

develops memory. You will also learn to recognize various patterns and remember lengthy variations. Chess

improves concentration. During the game you are focused on only one main goal -- to checkmate and become the victor. Chess develops logical thinking. Chess requires some understanding of logical strategy. Mistakes are inevitable and chess, like life, is a never-ending learning process. Chess promotes imagination and creativity. It encourages you to be inventive. Chess enables you to meet many interesting people. You will make life-long friendships with people you meet through chess. CHESS IS FUN!

Venture Chess began in 2005 and will be back at the Shores on Tuesdays this year.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - none

The Chess Tactic Workbook ISBN 096590670


Time - Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30

Target Age - High School students.

Course Description: Debate, asserting the truth articulately with clear logic and engaging presentation, is an art that will serve all students regardless of God’s calling on their life. More importantly, debate improves a student's ability to stand up for Truth, and to not be afraid to defend their Christian worldview. The study of Lincoln-Douglas Value Debate challenges students to develop new thinking, improves public speaking, enhances logical argumentation skills, and prepares them for formal, competitive LD Debate. Students will study logic and philosophy while utilizing research skills to support oral affirmative and negative case constructions from a Biblical worldview. Our mission is to inspire and equip students to boldly speak Truth with Christ-like character. It should be each student’s primary ambition to glorify God through good sportsmanship and character, as they love their fellow competitors.

Prerequisites (if any) - Attend Debate Camp and complete a summer reading list.

Requirements: STOA membership, Participation in two tournaments, parental service in class as judges and extensive service at Go Light Your World 2015, Debate sourcebook, flow book and timer

Computer and internet access will be required for this class.

Course - FITNESS (Jump Rope and Basketball)

Time - Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30

Target Age - 5 th – 12 th

Course Description: Come join your friends for an hour of fun and fitness together. We will have a variety of activities throughout the year. We will play basketball, volleyball, jump rope, kickball, wiffle ball, and much more. We might even have 3 different activities going on at once! We will also throw in some health challenges just for fun! There is nothing like some good, healthy competition to help your kids achieve their goals in fitness. You will not want to miss out on the fun and it will be a great way to end your Venture day!

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - none none


Time - Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30

Target Age - K-12 th Grade

Course Description: LEGO Engineering brings science, technology, engineering, and math to kids ages K-5 th

in a fun and challenging way. Instruction will build on students’ natural curiosity by teaching engineering concepts through hands-on learning. Some days will be free build while others will include challenges, motors, and engineering.

Prerequisites (if any) - none

Textbook/Materials - none




Time - Wednesday 3:00-4:00

Target Age - 3 rd – 12 th grade

Course Description: This class is an introduction of building and programming robots using the

LEGO® Mindstorms for girls of all ages.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - none none


Time - Wednesday 4:00-5:00

Target Age - 3 rd – 8 th grade

Course Description: This class is an in-depth exploration of building and programming robots using the LEGO® Mindstorms. Students will learn mechanical design, construction, programming and teamwork skills. In small teams, using LEGO blocks, motors and sensors, students build robots that can walk, draw, move objects, or find their own way and avoid obstacles. Students use a control console or computer to teach their robots to move, react, and make sounds in order to solve challenges.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - none none


Time - Wednesday 12:30-2:00

Target Age - 8 th – 12 th grade

Course Description: VEX Robotics class is designed to help students master the fundamentals of robotics and the engineering design process while learning to use robot-C software.

Prerequisites (if any) -

Textbook/Materials - none none

Explanation of Science Sequence:

It is our desire to offer science in a logical sequence. If followed, each student will have the opportunity to take 4 lab sciences (a requirement for all college bound graduates).

6th Grade

7th and 8th grades

BJU 6 th grade science

2 year rotation - Apologia Physical Science one year and

Bob Jones Life Science one year.

High School







Anatomy & Physiology

Marine Biology (?)

We also hope to offer Anatomy and Physiology or Marine Biology in alternating years to provide students with the opportunity to take 4 lab based science classes.
