Journal Packet Three check list

Journal Packet Three Check List:
Directions to students: Note: Each item with a box next to it should be included in this
 Please fill out your name
 Give the dates for any daily journals you are submitting here as make up journals
(1/2 credit)
 Check off all items you are turning in with this journal packet such as reading
summaries of particular articles, or responses to particular homework questions.
 Do NOT fill in the blank spaces between the parentheses. This is for me to fill in.
Student Name:
_______________________________ Points from Packet (_____)
Make Up Journals: (Please list dates of journals you are turning in late for ½ credit on
the daily journal) __________________________________________
Discussion of How Class is going (% _____)
Discussion of Civic Engagement work (% _____)
Monday 2/18 - The Conquest of Mexico and the legacy of Western expansion (% _____) (make up points
Reading Response
Takaki, Chapter 7 (24 pp.)
Homework Question: none
Wednesday 2/20 - The Mexican northern exodus (% _____) (make up points _____)
Reading Response
Takaki, Chapter 12 (28 pp.)
Homework Question: 1) If Takaki’s characterization of the Mexican American war is correct, was this
a “just” war? And if not, what would establishing “justice” now require?
Monday 2/25 - The Legacy of Conquest for Latinos/as in the United States (% _____) (make up points
Reading Response
“Chicana/o Commitment,” Alysia Tate
“Speech to National Latina Health Organization,” Natalia Delgado
“Topic Group Report: Language Oppression,” Anonymous
Devra Anne Weber, "Raiz Fuerte: Oral History and Mexicana Farmworkers" (Reader)
Vicki L. Ruiz, "'Star Struck': Acculturation, Adolescence, and Mexican American Women, 1920-1950"
“Policing the Third Border,” Alessandra Moctezuma and Mike Davis
Homework Question: 1) What are some of the key characteristics of the experiences of Mexican
American women described in these readings?
Homework Question: 2) identify one factor relating to each of the following categories of analysis
dealing with Mexican American immigration and development from the Takaki chapters: gender;
mass or popular culture, ideology or religion; politics; law; technology; nature/the
environment/sustainability; economics and business; law, politics and the government; and
Wednesday 2/27 - "Strangers from a Different Shore "-- the history of Asian Pacific American Immigration
(% _____) (make up points _____)
Reading Response
Takaki, pp. 225-227
Takaki, Chapter 8 (36 pp.)
Takaki, Chapter 10 (30 pp.)
Judy Yung, "Unbounded Feet: Chinese Women in the Public Sphere" (Reader)
Optional reading: Judy Yung, "The Social Awakening of Chinese American Women..." (Reader)
Homework Question: 1) What were the main differences between the immigration stories of Japanese
versus Chinese immigrants described in Takaki's narrative?
Monday 3/3 - "Strangers from a Different Shore "-- the history of Asian Pacific American Immigration (%
_____) (make up points _____)
Reading Response
Takaki's book, Strangers from a Different Shore- selected pages-- see the reader.
Gail Paradise Kelly, "To Become an American Woman: Education and Sex Role Socialization of the
Vietnamese Immigrant Woman" (Reader)
Alice Yang Murray , "Ilse Women and the Early Korean American Community: Redefining the Origins
of Feminist Empowerment" (Reader)
Homework Question: 1)From the range of readings we have done on the experience of Asian Pacific
heritage women, what are 3 main factors defining or creating the "gendered" experience of these
women? That is, why was not their experience just like that of Asian Pacific heritage men?
Wednesday 3/5 - The Asian Pacific American Struggle (% _____) (make up points _____)
Reading Response
Cheng Imm Tan, "The Liberation of Asians," (Reader)
“Thoughts on Family History and My Own Liberation,” D.
“People’s History of the Philippines ,” Esminia Luluquisen
“Internalized Oppression and the Culture of Silence,” Keith Osajima
Bob Wing, Crossing Race and Nationality: The Racial Formation of Asian Americans, 1852-1965
“Con-fusion Ethic: How Whites Use Asians to Further Anti-Black Racism,” Tim Wise
Homework Question: 1) What are several qualities of internalized oppression among Asian Pacific
Americans? What are some of the historical sources of this internalized oppression?
Homework Question: 2) identify the most important factor effecting the experience of Asian Pacific
Americans relating to each of the following categories of analysis from the Takaki chapters and/or the
other readings we have done on Asian Pacific American peoples: