Research Paper_Example 1


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Sally Smith

Professor Kline

English AX

5 June 2012

Parenting Adjustment

A masterpiece like "David" by Michel Angelo was carved with different movements, techniques, and tools used to have the shape he wanted. Miguel Angel shaped his sculpture based on their knowledge of malleability, and the resistance that particularly the marble has to avoid mistakes or break his creation. Children are like a piece of marble, invaluable and unique for the parents, to sculpt, and the sculptor are the parents. All parents wants their children be a master piece. There are several ways and tools for parents to raise their children, but the achievement of parents is the same; the success of these children. However, the manner of raising children depends on many factors like how raise a child, and the personality of each child. So, some parenting techniques can have very good results, and others can damage the child's success.

One style to raise children is used by many parents, is called "Tiger Mother." This method is distinguished by its strict and harsh parenting mode of disciplining children, preferably used by Chinese mothers. His discipline is limited to daily tasks and exercises after school for hours, and to practice a musical instrument often tirelessly to achieve the perfect tone. These children are not allowed to go out and play with other children, go to sleepovers, watch TV, or play video games on the computer. Children are forbidden to score under "A" at school. Opposed to raising in the western, this style of raising children focus on "to drill, baby, drill" (Murphy 39).

These children are required to be the best in their classroom for academic excellence, based on rigorous exercises, and hard work for all subjects, but especially in mathematics. Children do not

Smith 2 have the option to decide on what to do because the parents decide for these children. If these children do not like what they will do, parents do take measures such as punishing or verbally attacked. According to the characteristics that every child has, the expectations "need to be realistic and tailored" to have an efficient result (Brown 2).

Children need to have goals and expectations for good academic achievement. The consistent hard work gives them the security to do good academic tests; therefore, children who reach the goals set by the parents, create positivism and self-confidence. On the other hand, children who can not handle the pressure of parents can behave lazy and without energy, and have some degree of anxiety and aggression. This could be a warning that the pressure is too much. When children watch television, they lose programs that can be a topic of conversation among their age peers. This situation can leave children isolated, and this lack of interaction with other children can hurt their ability to communicate. For example, if they do not know what peers are talking about, the child will feel uncomfortable and may damage the prospect of interacting with people. For children who can not meet the expectations of parents, can be discouraged and stop believing in themselves in the future. Therefore, it could create adults without goals, and dreams. Those are some reasons of why people are changing the way they raise their children. The idea of "Tiger mothers" are good, but exaggerated so that "just can not work for every child" (Brown 2). For this reason, people have been thinking about the extremes used of this method because it does not foster the creative thinking cavity. Therefore, some people, even governments are turning to adjust education in "ways to Foster more creative thinking" in academic institutions (Powell 1).

On the other hand, there is the "helicopter parent" that is basically characterized by an obsession with children's success, and the fear of failure of these same children. Parents live

Smith 3 concerned about self-esteem of their children, so they avoid the suffering from the children at all costs. Parents start this behavior since they know the baby is coming. Since, before the baby is born, parents are enrolled in courses for new parents, they begin to put to the baby classical music, they have reading sessions with the baby, and they talk all the time with the baby. When the baby is born, parents take this baby to the gym for babies, and put "Baby Einstein" for the baby development brain (Gibbs 1). Throughout the academic life, these children are accompanied by at least one parent in "all the important moments" these children could pass.

This children were escorted to the classroom, even at college, on their first day of class, so there are "many resources to teach parents how to leave kids alone," so that parents learn to leave without their children (Gibbs 1).

However, despite this extreme breeding behavior, these parents let their children socialize as opposed to "Tiger mothers." These kids are allowed to play a sport in a team, and have permission to go to sleepovers, in the case of girls. Children are allowed going to birthday parties, watch TV, and play video games. This permission promotes the interaction and relationship with others for children. The ability to act in a group is not easy because it requires certain skills that are acquired by the exposure to dynamics groups. These dynamics group are very good for children because it helps them to develop their ability to interact, to learn social norms, to negotiate with others, and the knowledge to handle both group and individually situations. The cons of this type of breeding are that these children grow up without character, without the ability to recover because they are never exposed to solve their own problems. In adulthood may have problems because they do not develop a personality because they have always been the extension of their parents.

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Both, "Tiger mothers," and "helicopter parent" are two very different types of parenting, but have the same purpose. Each of these models have their positive side as in the case of "Tiger mothers," is a good philosophy to have clear expectations, and the consistency of schooling practicing at home benefits children, but also the "Helicopter parent" has a good overview of the benefits of interacting with people. Therefore, a mixture of the good things of each kind of parenting, moderating techniques, taking into account the particular characteristics of each child can be very beneficial for the success of each child.

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Work Cited

Brooks, David.

“Amy Chua Is A Wimp :[Op-Ed].”

New York Times.19 July 2011: 25. Print.

Brown, Eryn

.”Health & Wellness; Parenting experts tackle 'Tiger'; The controversial memoir describes some techniques that have value, they say.” Los Angeles Times.19 July 2011: 26. Print.

Gibbs, Nancy. “Roaring Tigers, Anxious Choppers.” Time Magazine. 31 Jan 2011: 68. Print.

Murphy Paul, Annie. “ The Roar of the Tiger Mom.” Time Magazine. 31 Jan 2011: 31. Print.

Powell, Bill.

“Tiger Daughter.”

Time Magazine. 31 Jan 2011: 41. Print.
