Yearly report from Continuing Education Submitted September 5

Yearly report from Continuing Education
Submitted September 5, 2008
Note: CE Directors would like to visit each campus and make a presentation to the campus management,
updating them on CE classes, plans, and opportunities for partnerships.
Youth and Academic Enrichment
Prepared by: Marquetta Finley, Director
Classes Offered:
General Highlights/Accomplishments:
Academic Enrichment
 Added SAT Preparation to Test Preparation courses
 Continued to utilize KAPLAN to provide KAPLAN certified ACT instructors for ACT Prep classes
 Established a new ACT class focused on combining classroom instruction and computer lab time –
Ultimate ACT Class
 Offering English as a Second Language classes at the Education Outreach Center in partnership with
NEC ESL Program and the EOC
 Reestablished Personalized Tutoring for kindergarten through college age students
 Partnered with Personal Enrichment and MALEI Math Institute to offer Parent and Child Math courses
 Offered new Algebra Primer classes in partnership with MALEI Math Institute
 Pursued grant with Coweta High School to offer ACT and College Preparation classes
 Promoted ed2go online enrichment classes for Oklahoma educators
 Three new programs were added to the summer youth program offerings: Math and Minds Camp at
Metro Campus, High School Leadership Academy at Southeast Campus, and Global Opportunity
Academy in partnership with Tulsa Global Alliance and TCC Global Education
 Camp MD and Camp Scrubs continue to be among our most popular camps – both received media
coverage and both continue to remain full with wait lists each year
 Camp Scrubs garnered the financial support of three local hospitals totaling $1,300 in donations
 On Broadway! served 34 students and 150 people were in attendance for the student performance on
the last day of camp
 Submitted 2007 Youth Summer Program Guide for the LERN brochure award
 Submitted Teen Extreme program for the NCCET Exemplary Program award
 Youth Summer Programs were offered at each campus, thanks to all the campuses for their support of
our efforts and programming!
Contract Training:
 Continued ACT Preparation contract training with Booker T. Washington High School
Continued ITV Spanish contract training to provide rural area high schools in Oklahoma with Spanish
instructors and classes - Picked up a high school in Missouri
Partnered with Dr. Sharon Wright to offer College Math Prep courses at Will Rogers High School –
courses are designed to prepare high school students to matriculate to college campuses without
taking remedial level math courses
Continue to renew contract with TPS Saturday High School at Northeast Campus
Community Involvement:
 With funding from TCC Foundation, hosted a TCC Career Day for 82 KIPP students at the Northeast
 Continued Good Student and Home School Student of the Month programs to recognize deserving
students in the greater Tulsa area
 Partnered with Big Brothers and Sisters of Green Country and Student Recruitment Services to offer a
Big Brothers and Sisters College Prep Tour
 Continued to offer College Preparation for Teens classes to area 9th -12th graders with Student
Recruitment Services
 Offered a Teen Parenting class in partnership with the J.A.M.E.S. Foundation
 In partnership with KAPLAN, offered free ACT/SAT Combo Practice Test and Strategies Seminar for area
students and parents
 Continued to offer KeyTrain to community members in need of increasing their WorkKeys score(s)
 Presented College Preparation workshop at TCC Day of Vision
 Provided NAACP/TCC Youth Helping Youth parent participants with certificate of completion and noncredit transcript for attendance at the parent workshops
Professional Development:
 Attended the national LERN Conference to learn more about continuing education benchmarks,
marketing, how to increase profit, etc.
 Attended LERN marketing seminar in Tulsa for ideas on how to enhance marketing pieces and website
 Attended North Texas Consortium meeting with CE directors and dean and visited Richland CC CE
Marketing Highlights:
 Implemented monthly email blast from our department to our customers
 Implemented monthly marketing tracker to gauge how customers found out about our
programs/services – word of mouth was the leading category
 Contracted with Big Guys to place advertising fliers at various businesses in the Tulsa area over a
twelve month period to continually advertise fall/spring and summer programs
 Submitted 2007 and 2008 Summer Youth Guides for LERN to critique
 Critiques were used to enhance format and structure of brochure each year to appeal to
target audience
 Continue to promote credit programs as well as non-credit programs at community events
Areas of Concentration/Focus for 2008-2009:
 Expand contract training
 Increase enrollments in online enrichment classes for educators
 Add more academic enrichment classes to fall/spring course offerings
Partnered with Johnson County Community College to co-host the national 2008 Youth Programming
Conference to be held in Overland Park, KS – The conference is originally a TCC sponsored event and
this is the third time it has been offered. Current enrollment is over 40 participants.
Focus on GRE open enrollment classes for fall/spring
Provide at least four professional development sessions for CE instructors
Provide Youth Development Workshops to Workforce Development OSY and ISY participants
Diversify marketing efforts
Business and Industry (BUIN)
Prepared by: Judy Tarpley, Director, Business and Industry
Totals 2007-2008
Enrollment has decreased in our open enrollment classes from the previous year.
Classes Offered:
Totals 2007-2008
Class offerings have increased in our open enrollment classes. We increased the number of offerings by 100
classes from last year. This was done by increasing morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes.
Online Enrollments:
# of Ed2Go classes held 215
# of Ed2Go enrollments 258
# of Gatlin classes held 6
# of Gatlin enrollments 8
General Highlights/Accomplishments:
Created evaluation for CE feedback on contract training needs
Held two instructor meet and greet to meet new director
Held two open interviews for new CE instructors
Attended Metro Chamber Breakfasts, networking group lunches and other events to market and
advertise for TCC
Researching new online partnerships and new certification programs
Added all new members of the advisory committee including instructors, Tulsa industry professionals,
contract training customers, clients, students and others
Created the first backup system with the partnership of the IT employees at Metro and the CC to save
our shared folder of curriculum in case something happens to our systems
Contract training:
In the fall we contracted with over 14 companies and held 60 total training classes not including our
open enrollment classes. This is an increase from the previous fall.
In the spring we contracted with over 11 companies and held 46 training classes not including our open
enrollment classes. There was a slight reduction from the previous spring.
In the summer we contracted with 12 companies and held 20 training classes not including our open
enrollment classes. This is an increase from the previous summer.
Renewed contract with Cherokee Nation Enterprise for their Leadership Development Academy
Renewed City of Tulsa Contract for safety training and computer classes
Renewed contract with J. D. Young
Renewed Tulsa County Library contract
Signed new contracts with:
Ramsey Winch
Stanfield & O’Dell
Sulzer Chemtech
Bank of Oklahoma
Performance Resource Group
St. John Medical Center
Tulsa Public Schools
Leadership Tulsa
Church of St. Mary
Turpin & Associates
Matrix Service Corp
Added 20% new classes in Fall, Spring and Summer for open enrollment and will add that same amount of new
classes this year.
Meetings with other directors about possible cross-marketing in the schedule and saving money by
collaborating on schedules and printing costs
Food Service post cards, fliers and brochures created and mailed
CPR Fliers and post cards created and mailed
Dementia Care flier created and mailed
Residential Care fliers created and mailed
Two Computer Schedules created and mailed
Three open enrollment schedules created and mailed
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) flier and brochure created and mailed
PayTrain (American Payroll Association) flier created and mailed
World@Work post card and brochures created and mailed
Big Guys advertising agency 12 months of ads run
Monthly email blast sent
Specialty post cards sent like the one for the wine tasting class
Professional Development:
 Supervisory Management
 Directors and Dean visited the CE department at Richland Community College in TX and attended the
North Texas Consortium meeting at Collin County Community College, TX
 Director and Dean visited Northwest Arkansas Community College.
 Directors attended national LERN Conference in Orlando, FL
 Attended Every Encounter Counts
 Directors and Dean attended the LERN Marketing seminar in Tulsa
Areas of Concentration/Focus for 2008-2009
Continue to partner with the other directors for collaborative classes
Increase marking efforts from the previous year to help increase CE enrollments
Increase online partners if they meet our need with the community
Increase our certified courses both online and in the classroom
Create additional classes partnering with the Alzheimer’s Association and the Nursing Division building
on our Dementia Care Program.
 Increase the number of contract training companies and classes from the previous year
 Continue to find ways to streamline our office procedures for the most efficient productive means of
offering our services to the community.
 Offer new and innovative business classes and retire classes that have not made in the previous
Personal Enrichment
Prepared by: Barbie Slagle, Director
Classes Offered:
General Highlights/Accomplishments:
 Enrollments in PEIN have remained constant, despite dip in economy; profit doubled from fall 2007 to
spring 2008 semesters.
 Continued to see increased enrollment in Ed2go classes in the PEIN area.
 Photography, Music/Theatre and Health/Fitness remain the most popular program areas of PEIN.
 Offered PEIN’s second class abroad, South Pacific Adventures, in fall of 2007.
 In spring, 2007, added an advanced section to the digital camera workshop done by a nationally known
photographer. Classes so popular had to schedule additional sections. Requests from participants for
additional offerings in 2008-09.
 Introduced a successful wine tasting series in spring, 2008. Classes so popular had to schedule
additional sections. Requests from participants for additional offerings in 2008-09.
 Received scholarship money from the Zarrow Foundation for our program for developmentally
disabled students:
 Productive meeting with PEIN advisory committee in November, 2007 focusing on current and future
promotion pieces.
 Enrollments and offerings in our photography curriculum (hobby and certificate programs) continue to
 By end of summer, 2007, one person had completed the requirements for the photography certificate
program (which represents participation in a minimum of eight courses/ 87 contact hours). By the
end of summer, 2008, eight additional people had completed the program. Overall enrollments in
this discipline grew from 424 in 2006-07 to 572 in 2007-08, a 35% increase.
 Successful collaboration with current Community Band and Orchestra members in charting future
direction of their groups and in establishing the selection process for new conductors for both groups.
Group outlook is changing from anxious and uncertain about future, to engaged and excited!
 New courses were added to the curriculum, such as the popular, “Photography on the Edge” class.
Traditional courses were also popular, and during the spring semester a waiting list prompted the
addition of a fourth Photography Level 1 section
 Based upon the input of students, specialized, hands-on workshops are being developed for those
who have completed the certificate program. These workshops will be available beginning in fall,
 Added successful conversational classes in Chinese and Italian.
 Worked in partnership with Youth and Academic Enrichment (YAED), Business and Industry (BUIN),
the English as a Second language (ESL) staff and faculty and coordinator of the new TCC Outreach
Center to offer classes geared to non-English speaking students.
 Collaborated with both BUIN and YAED to create and promote classes of mutual interest.
 Created courses designed for parents to take with their children (math preparation, gardening with
kids) with YAED Began talks to move “family classes” to YEA, or to jointly sponsor and promote them.
 Shared popular wine tasting series, and courses in personal investment with BUIN.
Contract Training:
 Offered two courses (Spanish for road construction crews)
 Appeared twice on Christian radio program for seniors to promote PEIN programs.
 Successful conversion to carrier route mailings for schedules. New format lowers costs and assures
delivery of promotional pieces.
 Oklahoma Magazine article in fall, 2007 featured three of our writing faculty. Nice article in Tulsa
World about our photography classes in spring, 2008.
 Pictures of our photography students featured in an exhibit in SEC Student Union Gallery in spring,
2008. Larger exhibit of student work booked in the SU Gallery in April, 2009.
 Consistently sent monthly ‘reminder” postcards to students from last two years to increase
enrollments during the semester.
 Sent first email blast.
 Increased targeted marketing done in-house promoting specific classes.
Professional Development:
Attended 2 local / regional and 1 national conferences to learn more about successful strategies for
marketing continuing education programs.
All PEIN staff attended “Every Encounter Counts” to reinforce current customer service behaviors
of high quality
Steps to deal with change/ promote innovation:
 Continued the laborious process of editing PEIN’s roster of courses. The goal is to assure that what
PEIN offers matches current needs and interests of the community, nationwide trends and changes
in technology
 Solicited ideas for new courses from current PEIN faculty; requested similar information from
persons applying to teach in PEIN and from advisory committee members
 Continued efforts to make the PEIN section of the CE schedule more user-friendly and visually
Collaborated with BUIN and YAED to:
 Held focus group sessions to gain feedback on current courses and public image
Asked faculty to work with peers in their particular discipline to:
 Review and improve curriculum
 Offer suggestions for increasing enrollments
 Help promote each other’s classes
 Improve communications between CE Directors and Directors of Enrollment
Personal Involvement/Service:
 In charge of all logistics for staff development day for “Achieving the Dream” at the Tulsa
Convention center October, 2007
 Member, Best Thinking Forum (Step Up Tulsa) steering committee; in charge of logistics for three
events, if offered
 Member of planning team for LDA II
 As past chair, helped 2007 United Way Chair for TCC get started with duties and programs
 Member of planning committee and in charge of site logistics for Global Conference, October,
2008 at TCC
 Member of TCC Self-Study committee
 Member of planning committee for grand opening of TCC Outreach Center
 Participant in Provost’s Leadership Team and Provost Council
 Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry, Leadership Tulsa, Tulsa Now, Save Mid-Town
Plans for upcoming year:
o Collaborated closely with faculty groups in all PEIN disciplines to revamp, re-package, re-energize,
and streamline the curriculum. Work will continue through spring of 2009 when will determine
what our curriculum focus should be. Decisions will largely be based upon course “make rates”,
costs and enrollments.
o Focusing on meeting benchmarks
o Offering two trips for fall 2008, Ireland and New York City
o Due to popularity of the “Making a Scene” acting class and input from parents, PEIN is adding an art
class for developmentally disabled students in fall, 2008 and investigating offering courses for
students with higher levels of developmental challenges.
Dean, Continuing Education and Staff Development
Prepared by: Dr. Cheryl Marrs
Total SPOD
Classes offered:
Total SPDO
 Completion of department desk reference manual
 Revision of instructor handbook
 Revision to web pages, CE and SPOD
 Completion of department strategic plan, 2008-2015
 Completion of online teaching certification, Terry and Cheryl
o Banner ERP Conversion
o Banner, Student Committee
o Banner, Sub-committee lead
o Distance Learning Committee
o Academic Council
o Community Campus
Community Schools
East Tulsa Outreach Center
Enrollment Management Committee
Intellectual Property Committee
Web Advisory Board
Professional Development:
LERN Marketing Seminar in Tulsa
LERN Operations Institute
Visit to Northwest Arkansas Community College’s CE staff
Online Teaching Certification TCC, Terry and Cheryl
Memory Training at Continuing Education retreat
Every Encounter Counts (Terry, Leta and Cheryl)
Change Your Mind and Change Your Life
Integrating Technology Into Your ESOL Program
New Standards for the New Student
An Evening of Health and Wellness
Pedagogy 202 for Distance Learning, Measuring What Matters
Are You Teaching With Style
MS Office Word, Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced (took online and by self study)
Took directors to Richland College, Dallas CE office when we went to North Texas meeting
Attended North Texas Consortium Fall Convocation focused on Leadership with Directors
Took Judy Tarpley and Lou Marlar to Northwest Arkansas Community College CE office
Attended with directors the Continuing Ed State group meeting at OSRHE
Focus for 2008-2009
 SPOD Survey administered Sept.—will review results and plan classes for spring/summer
 BANNER implementation ongoing
 LERN Consultant to work with CE Directors/Dean this year to benchmark and review structure
 WEB focus on CE pages as well as SPOD pages
 Marketing focus on SPOD and educating CE Directors/Chris on marketing practices
 CE has several benchmarks they are targeting for this year