College of Science and Engineering College Research Training Committee Scholarships meeting held on Friday 25th November 2011, Hodgson Room, Weir building Present: Professor Bob Fisher (DoRT) Dr Clare Blackburn (CB) Dr Perdita Barran (PB) Prof David Ingram Dr Peter Nienow (PN) Professor Andrew Ranicki Professor Martin Evans (ME) Professor Gordon McDougall Mr Murdo Gillanders (MG) Dr David Williams (DW) Ksenia Siedlecka (KS) (Dean of Research Training, Chair) (School of Biological Sciences) (School of Chemistry) (School of Engineering) (School of Geosciences) (School of Mathematics) (School of Physics and Astronomy) (Dean of Quality Assurance) (College Office) (College Office, Academic Affairs) (College Office, minutes secretary) Apologies: Professor Barbara Webb (BW) (School of Informatics) 1. Principal’s Career Development scholarships & Edinburgh Global Research Studentships 2012 DoRT reported that the College of Science & Engineering had been awarded 19 Principal's Career Development studentships and 10 Edinburgh Global Research studentships for 2012 entry. PCDS pays 50% of a 14K stipend plus UK/EC fees, i.e. about 10K each. EGRS pays supplement between UK/EC and overseas fees, i.e. about 11.5K each. The Heads of Schools at the College Senior Management Committee (CSMC) agreed that each School would commit an additional, approximately, 3K to the PCD pool and 6.5K to the EG pool, per annum over 3 years. This would allow rounding up the allocations to 21 PCDS and 14 EGRS and thus make a fixed allocation to each school in the first round. Having studentship numbers that are multiples of 7 would allow schools to know they have a fixed number of studentships that they can award now, provided quality is maintained and will reduce the opportunities for game playing and improve the clarity of allocations to reserve candidates if nominees withdraw. 2. Process for allocating PCD & EGR scholarships The Committee has agreed on the following process for allocating these studentships: 1) Each school will have a guaranteed first round 3 PCD and 2 EGR studentships. 2) Each School could nominate 2 reserve candidates each for the PCD and EGR awards. 3) Each School must submit to College a list of their 3 PCDS and 2 EGRS nominees, 2 reserve candidates for PCDS and 2 reserves for EGRS, along with a paragraph summary of the qualifications of the student and why they are outstanding. For PCDS candidates, the paragraph should also include an explanation how the candidate fits the chosen theme. To maintain quality, all nominees must be approved in advance by the CRTC, and then an offer can be made. One agreement by another committee member is sufficient, provided there are no objections. All 5 guaranteed place and 4 reserve place candidates must be approved by 5pm Monday 2nd April 2012. Thereafter, candidates can still be nominated but they become part of the reserve pool. Schools are encouraged to allocate Scholarships before 2nd April to secure outstanding candidates. Paragraphs need to be submitted to the College before offering the awards to candidates. 4) There will be withdrawn candidates. The first two such can be filled from the reserve candidates. 5) Each School submits to CRTC a further list of 2 additional reserve candidates for PCDS and 2 additional reserve candidates for EGRS, plus a paragraph summary of the qualifications of each student. Deadline 2nd April 2012 1 6) CRTC will rank these collectively and the studentships will be allocated down the list if a previous award nominee withdraws. The meeting date will be decided at the RTC meeting on Friday 27th January. Post-meeting note: Suggestion from office: We propose that after any additional reserves have been submitted, each Head of Graduate School provides a list of ranked candidates from across all Schools, apart from their own School. The lists could be then compared and the College list of reserve candidates compiled. The list of PCDS & EGRS nominees, reserves, and the accompanying paragraphs will be posted on the College PGR wiki. It was noted that all scholarships recipients should be of outstanding quality. First class degree or the Masters degree with distinction should be a requirement. Also, as in previous years, overseas recipients need to meet University English language requirements. Last year, many candidates declined the scholarships offers. EGRS had to be relocated many times. Most of EGRS recipients who rejected offers did not have matched funding. AR noted that it would be beneficial if the University holds a reception for all PCDS scholars to mark the candidates’ achievements and the prestigious status of the scholarships. Committee members agreed that it would be a good idea. DRT will communicate this further. DoRT noted there was a reception for these and other university scholarship students on 9th November 2011. PB commented that the first year report for PCDS scholars should include questions regarding the scheme. The Committee noted that in order to compete with the Oxford and Cambridge Universities, University of Edinburgh should have one deadline for all PGR scholarships in future years. 2