Name ___________________________ Number __________ Date ____________________ Block _________
Match the following with their definitions.
_____ 1. Climax
A. a series of related events
_____ 2. Falling action
B. a logical guess based on facts
_____3. Rising Action
C. the techniques writers use to develop characters
_____ 4. Theme
_____5. Resolution
D. the narrator is not a character in the story but is telling
the story
E. a conflict between the character and another
_____6. Main character
F. an internal conflict
_____7. Minor character
G. an author’s use of clues about future events
_____ 8. Setting
H. a conflict between the character and nature
_____9. Foreshadowing
_____ 10. Conflict
I. the narrator telling the story is not a character in the
story and knows all
J. the narrator is a character in the story
_____ 11. Protagonist
K. the main problem in the story
_____12. Antagonist
L. the main idea or message in the story
_____ 13. 3rd person
_____15. Myth
M. the contrast between what is expected and what
actually exists or happens
N. the first part of a plot line that introduces the
characters and setting
O. the “good guy” in the story
_____ 16. Folk Tale
P. the “bad guy” in the story
_____ 17. Man vs. man
Q. the turning point of the story
_____ 18. Man vs. nature
R. the part of the story in which the suspense builds
_____ 19. Man vs. self
S. the characters the story is mainly about
_____ 20. Exposition
_____ 21. Irony
T. characters that do not change or have a main part in
the story
U. the conflict is solved
_____ 22. 1st person
V. events leading to the end of the story
_____ 23. Characterization
W. the time and place a story takes place
_____ 24. Inference
X. a legendary mythological story with a hero
_____ 25. Plot
Y. a tale or legend passed on traditionally
_____ 14. 3rd person omniscient
Name ___________________________ Number __________ Date ____________________ Block _________
Directions: Circle the BEST answer.
An object or idea that has its own meaning and represents
something else as well.
a. irony
b. allusion
c. symbol
d. inference
The technique writers use to create and develop characters.
a. allusion
b. characterization
c. symbolism
d. figurative language
Fiction based on technological or scientific developments.
a. frame story
b. science fiction
c. symbolism
d. theme
The main idea or author’s opinion about life expressed in a piece
of literature.
a. theme
b. non-fiction
c. setting
d. exaggeration
The time and place of the story.
a. theme
b. setting
c. science fiction
d. plot
A series of related events (what happens in the story).
a. theme
b. setting
c. plot
d. irony
The difference between what is expected and what actually
a. allusion
b. inference
c. irony
d. frame story
The relationship between the narrator and the story (who is telling
the story).
a. point of view
b. allusion
c. inference
d. theme
A logical guess or conclusion based on facts.
a. allusion
b. irony
c. point of view
d. inference
10. Hints or clues provided by the author that permit the reader to
predict what might happen later in the story is an example of
a. irony
b. foreshadowing
c. setting
d. characterization
11. The feeling or atmosphere created when reading a story is called
the _______________.
a. mood
b. conflict
c. climax
d. setting
12. The plot of a story usually has some sort of _______________
that must be resolved.
a. climax
b. rising action
c. conflict
d. theme
13. What is the most exciting part of the story called?
a. conflict
b. falling action
c. resolution
d. climax
14. The moral or lesson to be learned in a story is called the
a. conflict
b. mood
c. sequencing
d. theme
15. The person or thing in a story that often creates conflict in the
story for the “good guy”.
a. protagonist
b. antagonist
c. pharmacist
d. dentist
On a dark and stormy night, Kayla laid in her bed highly anticipating the
championship softball game that was to be played the next day. Eyes wide
open, she scanned her room that was covered with softball posters, pictures
from the season and trophies from championships won in years past. Kayla
was one of the best players on her team and the thought of the game being
cancelled due to the weather made her stomach ache. “If only it would stop
raining”, she thought.
16. The very beginning of the story would be considered
a. foreshadowing
b. climax
c. resolution
d. setting
17. Kayla would be considered what type of character?
a. slob
b. careless
c. major
d. minor
18. What type of conflict is Kayla having?
a. man vs. self
b. man vs. man
c. man vs. technology
d. man vs. nature
19. Number 19 above would best be described as what type of
a. Internal
b. External
20. The above paragraph is told from which point of view?
a. 1st Person
b. 2nd Person
c. 3rd Person
21. The mood from the above paragraph would best be described as
a. happy
b. frightened
c. anxious
d. joyful