
Ms. Leahy 2015-2016
Google Classroom Code: jvybm
What is sociology and what will I do in this class?
Sociology is the science that studies human society and social behavior. This course deals with the
social atmosphere that help to make us who we are and how we behave. Sociology will cover topics
such as culture, group behavior and social control. The key component of this course is to study
ourselves and the society that influences our behavior. Due to the nature of topics in Sociology, the
material presented will require maturity. Many high schools do not offer sociology. In this course we
will discuss a wide range of topics that affect our society and well as others throughout the world.
Respect for a variety of opinions and ideas is essential.
What do I need for this class?
You will need to bring your ipad, notebook ( either paper or digital) and a writing utensil (either pen or
pencil) every day. Class notes, homework, worksheets, documents, etc should be kept in the notebook.
Please make sure you come to class prepared. Some suggestions for a digital notebook: evernote, one
note or google docs.
Students will be expected to bring their iPads to class, charged, on a daily basis. Not having your iPad is
to be unprepared for the day. Student use of iPads in the classroom is restricted to topics and materials
which, per the instructor, further the implementation of the day’s lesson. Students who are off topic with
their iPads risk negatively impacting their grade for the assignment and potentially face disciplinary
consequences. This policy also applies to other devices such as phones, etc.
Grading: How will I be evaluated in this class?
Quarter grades result from the points gained divided by the points possible during that marking period.
During each marking period, points will vary depending on the size of the assignment: assignments
include projects, participation, quizzes, tests, reaction statements, viewing guides, blogs, current events,
homework etc.
Participation: Your positive participation is expected. Students are expected to contribute in class
discussions and effectively participate in class activities. Participation will be included in your grade.
Late policy: In general, assignments, projects, papers will drop one full grade for every late day.
Google and Power School:
Using gmail and google classroom is essential in this class. Assignments, due dates, reading schedule,
blogs, emails, etc will all be posted through google. Students are expected to check their email,
classroom and calendar at least once daily as this is the primary mode of disseminating information.
Grades: will be posted in Power School regularly. Use your login to access grades.
Student Absence and Extra Help:
Students are responsible for making up missed work, including notes, due to absence. I am always
available for extra help, but it is your responsibility to seek assignments and materials that were missed.
Students that miss work due to field trips should be prepared to make up work within a one-day period
or prior to the field trip. Students that are late to school or class will not provided with extra time for
work and students that are late to school and miss class should make be prepared to make up work that
same day. Exceptions will be made for extended illness or other circumstances that arise. Students with
unexcused absence will receive a zero on any missed work.
Class expectations:
Respect: Students should be respectful to all persons and property in the room.
Students should be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. Appropriate measures will be
taken if lateness becomes a chronic problem.
In general, you need a pass to leave the room. Bathroom usage shall be limited to time which
remains after the conclusion of the lesson.
All school policies and procedures apply in this classroom. Please be aware of all school policies
regarding electronic equipment, cell phones, hats, food, dress code, fire drills, security drills, etc.
Substitutes should be treated with respect. Inappropriate behavior will result in detention for
individuals or the entire class.
Reading Assignments: Diligent and focused completion of all reading assignments, as and when
assigned, is the foundation for understanding and success in every Social Studies course. Students are
responsible for all information in reading assignments and should be aware that not all information in
the reading is covered during class time. Valuable class time is used to expand upon and deepen student
understanding beyond the simple foundation provided for in the reading assignments.
Academic Integrity: Cheating, copying, plagiarism (using someone else’s words or ideas without
citation), falsifying data, and other unauthorized use of materials is dishonest and will not be tolerated.
Most universities will expel a student who is caught cheating. Cheating or plagiarism will result in a
zero for the assignment. Instances of cheating or plagiarism will be reported to the Assistant Principal.
It is expected that you are familiar and will use MLA citation style for all papers, projects, etc.
In this class we will use an honor code similar to that found in many universities. Any major
assignments, (not submitted through you turn in must contain the following statement
handwritten and signed by you at the top of the first page before it will be accepted or graded.
“On my honor I certify that this assignment is my own work and that I have neither given nor received
unauthorized aid on this (test, exam, paper)”