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Tips for Prayer--1
These suggestions are meant to be a help use them only if they do help ...please
don't try to get them all in
-Find a suitable place.
-Realize that harmony of body and spirit is important, take a peaceful, relaxed,
meaningful position.
-Spend a few moments quieting yourself, becoming aware that you are placing
yourself in the presence of God in a special way.
-Ask for the grace you most desire.
- Read the passage slowly, aloud if convenient, letting the words sink deeper
within, savoring them. Just listen at first; understanding will follow.
-Return to any words, phrases, or sentences that particularly attract your
attention; disregard any that do not. You might return to them later.
-Try not to think or figure things out on your own, but let the Spirit pray
through you (Rom. 8:26-27).
- Keep repeating those words that attract your attention, becoming aware of the
insights and the reactions they evoke. Look for the message of the passage for
-Pause and savor wherever you feel drawn or moved.
- Return to the remaining words to see if there is more for you to absorb.
-Respond from your heart.
Tips for Prayer--2
If nothing seems to be happening, don't get discouraged.
Sometimes God lets us feel dry and empty in order to let us realize it is not in
our own power to communicate with the Lord or to experience consolation.
God is sometimes very close to us in seeming absence (Ps. 139: 7-8) Yahweh
is for us entirely in a selfless way. The Lord accepts us as we are, with all our
limitations--even with our seeming inability to pray. A humble attitude of
listening is a sign of love for God, and a real prayer from the heart.
At these times remember the words of Paul:
"The Spirit, too, comes to help us in our weakness, for when we cannot choose
words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a way
that could never be put into words. II (Rome 8:26-27)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REVIEWING THE PERIOD OF PRAYER: After the period of prayer is over it is
helpful to make a review for a few minutes. You might use one or another of these
questions to help reflect on your experience.
-What passage did I choose?
-Where was the Lord working and how did I respond?
-Where did I notice God or not notice the Lord?
-What were my reactions, changes in mood, thoughts; in other words, what
struck me?
-How did I feel about what struck me--enjoyable, distasteful, moving, anger,
tears, comfort?
-What grace did I ask for? Did I receive this grace? Is there something I
Tips for Prayer--3
should return to in my next period of prayer?
OTHER SUGGESTIONS: Finally, here are some other ideas that may assist you
with this time of directed prayer.
- In order to create a more conducive mood for your prayer:
-Seleect a special place with chair, candle, table, etc.
-Shut off the phone; pull the plug on it or soften the bell ten minutes
before and until ten minutes after the prayer period.
-Don't watch TV immediately before the prayer period.
-Talk to your family about the importance of this prayer program and
enlist their cooperation in protecting your special prayer time and place.
-At some convenient time before meeting with your prayer guide spend some
time reflecting on your prayer as a whole.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Summary: 5 “P’s”
 Passage from Scripture. Pick one and have it marked and ready.
 Place. Where you are alone and uninhibited in your response to God’s presence
 Posture. Relaxed and peaceful. A harmony of body with spirit.
 Presence of God. Be aware of it and acknowledge and respond to it.
 Passage from Scripture. Read it very slowly aloud and listen carefully and
peacefully to it.