Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank UNIT-I INORGANIC CHEMISTRY LESSON-1 (Chemistry of d-block elements ): Long answer questions: 1. What are transition metal ions? give a detailed account on their characteristic properties like colour , atomic radii, complexing ability, variable oxidation states. 2. What are d-block elements? Explain catalytic magnetic properties of transition metals. Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Write a note on copper triad. Write account on titanium triad. Write a note on chromium triad. Compare the first transition elements with second and third transition elements. Very short answer question: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Anomalous behavior of copper and chromium. Ferric salts are more stable than their corresponding ferrous salts. Transition metal ions have strong tendency to form complexes. Why? What is d-d excitation (or) transition? What are non-typical transition elements? What are Nobel metals (or) currency metals (or) coinage metals? LESSON-2 (Chemistry of f-block elements): Long answer questions: 1. What are inner transition elements? Explain their oxidation states ability to form complexes and magnetic properties? 2. What is Lanthanide contraction (decrease in atomic & ionic radii)? Give its causes and consequences. 3. How do you separate lanthanides by ion exchange method ( chromatographic method ), Solvent extraction method and oxidation number method. Short answer questions: 1. What are actinides? Give their electronic configuration of actinides. 2. What are actinides? Give their oxidation state of actinides. 3. How do you separate lanthanides by selection of crystallization method? Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 1 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank 4. Compare lanthanides and actinides. Very short answer question: 1. 2. 3. 4. Why La(OH)3 is more basic than other lanthanidehydroxides? Why Zirconium is similar to Hofmium. What are transuranic elements? What are uranides? LESSON-3(Theories of bonding in metals): Long answer questions: 1. What is metallic bond? Explain nature of the metallic bond based on free electron theory, valence bond theory and band (or) M.O. theory? Short answer questions: 1. What are the characteristics properties of metals? 2. Write a note on superconductivity? 3. What are semiconductors? Give an account on p & n- type of semi conductors. Very short answer question: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define the term metallic bond? What are conductors? What is synchronized and unsynchronized resonance? Malleability & ductility. LESSON-4 (Metal carbonyls and related compounds): Long answer questions: 1. Give the structure of Ni(CO)4 , Mn2 (CO)10 , Fe2(CO)9, and Co2(CO)8. Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What are metal carbonyls? Give their classification briefly. Explain structure, preparation and bonding in ferrocyne. What is 18- electron rule? Write a note on EAN rule? Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 2 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank 5. How M.O theory explains the bonding and structure of metal carbonyls? Very short answer question: 1.What are metal nitrocyne? 2. What are metalocenes? 3. Mention the magnetic property and hybradisation of Ni(CO)4. UNIT-II ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LESSON-1 (HALOGEN COMPOUNDS): Long answer questions: 1. Explain the mechanism, kinetics, stereochemistry of SN1 & SN2 reaction? Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Write a note on reactivity of vinyl halide? Write a note on reactivity of allyl halide? Write a note on reactivity of aryl halide? Write a note on reactivity of arylalkyl halide? Very short answer question: 1. What is walden inversion? LESSON-2 (HYDROXY COMPOUNDS): Long answer questions: 1. Write the mechanism of following reactions? a) Kolbe’s Schmidt reaction c) Reimer tiemann reaction b) Fries rearrangement 2. Write the mechanism of following reactions? a) Libermann nitraso test b) Pinacole – Pinacolone rearrangement c) Esterification Short answer questions: 1. How do you distinguish 1o, 20, 30 Alcohols by victor Meyer’s test? Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 3 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank 2. 3. 4. 5. Phenolphthalein test. Explain acidic nature of phenols? How can you prepare 1o,2o,3o alcohols by Grignard reagent Diazonium coupling. Very short answer question: 1. What are phenols? 2. Elb’s persulphate oxidation. 3. How phenols are reacting with neu.Fecl3? LESSON-3 (CARBONYL COMPOUNDS): Long answer questions: 1. Write the mechanism of following reactions? a) Aldol condensation c) Benzoin condensation b) Cannizzarro’s reaction 2. Write the mechanism of following reactions? a) Perkin’s reaction c) Knoevnagel reaction b) Baeyer-Villiger oxidation 3. Write the mechanism of following reactions? a) M.P.V reduction c) Clemmensen’s reduction c) Wolff kishner reduction Short answer questions: 1. How aldehydes are distinguish from ketones. a. Fehling test b. Schiff’s test c. Tollen’s test d. Haloform test 2. Write the structure of the carbonyl functional group. Very short answer question: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2,4-D.N.P Urotropine. What is rosenmund’s reaction? Hydroxylamine. LESSON-4 (CARBOXYLIC ACIDS & THEIR DERIVATIVES): Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 4 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write the structure of the carboxylate ion Write the mechanism of ester hydrolysis. Write a note on Hunsdiecker reaction. Write a note on Hell-Vohlard-Zelinsky reaction. Arndt-Eistert synthesis. Very short answer question: 1. Schmidt reaction 2. What is saponificartion LESSON-5 (SYNTHESIS BASED ON CARBANIONS): Long answer questions: 1. How do you prepare of acetoaceticester by claisen condensation? How do you synthesis from acetoaceticester 1.α, β-unsaturated acids 2. Succinic acid 3. Adipic acid 4. 4-methyluracil 5. Diketones 6. Γ-keto acids 2. What is malonic ester? How do you prepare it. Give the following synthetic properties of malonic ester? i)Dicarboxylic acids. ii) α,β-unsaturated acids. iii) synthesis of β-keto acids. iv) synthesis of barbituric acids. Short answer questions: 1. Explain the keto-enol tautomerism? Very Short answer questions: 1. What is active methylene group.? 2. What is Cabanion? 3. Wht is tautomerism? Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 5 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank UNIT-III PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LESSON-1 (PHASE RULE): Long answer questions: 1. a) What is phase rule?. Define different terms in phase rule? b)Explain water system. ( one component system) 2. Explain the lead-silver system. And write a note on desilverisation of lead by pattinson’s process? 3. What is phase rule. Explain Zn-Mg system. 4. What is phase rule. Explain salt-water system? Short answer questions: 1. What is reduced phase rule? 2. What is congruent & uncongruent melting point? Very Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is Tripple point? What is phase diagram.? What is metastable curve? What are freezing mixtures? What is Chryo-hydric temperature? What is Eutectic point? LESSON-2 (DILLUTE SOLUTIONS): Long answer questions: 1. What is Colligative properties? Lowering of vapour pressure with suitable examples? 2. Write a note on Raoults law? And write its limitations? 3. What are Osmosis & Osmotic pressure? How do you determine Osmotic pressure of a solution by Berkely and Hartley method? Short answer questions: 1. What is depression in freezing point? 2. Write a note on Elevation in boiling point? Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 6 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank Very Short answer questions: 1. Reverse Osmosis. 2. Isotonic solutions. LESSON-3,4 (ELECTRO CHEMISTRY): Long answer questions: 1. What are transport number? Give the Hittorff’s method for the determination of transport number? 2. Write a note on Kohrausch Law of independent migration of ions? Give any four of its applications? 3. Write a note on different types of conductometric titrations? 4. What is Standard electrode potential. Give the construction and working of Hydrogen electrode ( primary electrode) and Calomel electrode ( secondary electrode) 5. Derive the Nernest Equation ? Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define the terms Specific Conductance, Equivalent conductance & Molar conductance? What is the effect of dilution on specific, equivalent, molar conductance? What are the main postulates of Debye-Huckel theory of strong electrolytes? Write a note on relaxation or asymmetric effect? Write a note on eklectrophoretic effect? Ostwalds dilution law? Give the differences between electrolytic cell & gal;vonic cell? What is electrochemical series. Give its characteristics? Very Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Specific resistivity. Conductance. Debye-huckel Onsager equation? What are strong & weak electrolytes? Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 7 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank UNIT-4 GENERAL CHEMISTRY LESSON-1 (Molecular Symmetry): Long answer questions: 1. Write a note on different types of symmetry elements with suitable examples? Very Short answer questions: 1. Define symmetry operation. 2. What is symmetry element? LESSON-2 (Theory of Quantitative Analysis): Long answer questions: 1. What are complexometric titrations? Why EDTA is used in complexometic titrations? 2. What are acid-base titrations? Write a note on Quininoid-Benzenoid theories of acid-bse titrations? Short answer questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is post-precipitation , co-precipitation? Write a note on redox titrations? Write a note on argentometry or precipitation methods?\ Write a note on gravimetric method of quantitative analysis? Write a short on indicators? What are the qualities of primary standard? Very Short answer questions: 1. End point. 2. Indicator . 3. Common ion effect. LESSON-3 (Evalution of Analytical Data): Short answer questions: 1. Define term Errors? Give its classification? Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 8 Padmasri Dr B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Chemistry Paper-I Question Bank 2. Write a note on Precission & accuracy? 3. Write a note on Significant figures? Very Short answer questions: 1. Standard deviation LESSON-4I(ntroductory Treatement To Pericyclic reaction, Synthetic strategies, Assymmetric Synthesis): Long answer questions: 1. What are pericyclic reactions? Explain the different types of pericyclic reactions? Short answer questions: 1. what is FMO theory and explain with examples? 2. Explain Retero-synthetic analysis writing the various steps involved in using this technique, how will you prepare the following. i)acetophenone. Ii) cyclohecene iii) phenyl Ethyl bromide. 3. Explain the following with atleast one example in each case i)Suprafacial ii) antr-facial 4. What is con & dis rotatory? 5. Define the disconnection, synthon, synthetic equivalent & target molecule. 6. Define the enantiomeric excess, diastereomeric excess , stereo specific reaction & stereo selective reaction. Department of Chemistry, B V R I C E Page 9