October 13, 2010 - Valencia College

October 13, 2010
Members Present: Colin Archibald, Joe Bivins, Chris Borglum, Karen Borglum (co-chair), George
Brooks, Dan Dutkofski, Bob Gessner, Yolanda Gonzalez, David Jones, Anita Kovalsky, James McDonald,
Sarah Melanson (alternate), John Niss (co-chair), Kristy Pennino, George Rausch, Pam Sandy, Betty
Ex-Officio Present: Belen Caba, Jackie Cole, Kurt Ewen, Cheryl Robinson, George Ruiz, Edwin Sanchez,
Falecia Williams
Staff Present:
Kim Adams (recording)
Guests Present:
Debbie Drobney, Shannon Hellard, Reyna Rangel, David Sutton
Review of Minutes – September 8, 2010
The minutes of the September 8, 2010 meeting were approved by consensus.
Consent Agenda – Course modifications or deletions involving minor editing of course
descriptions or level changes which do not impact other departments are eligible for placement
on the consent agenda. Any members of the committee may request to remove a proposal
from the consent agenda for the purpose of discussion.
The following course(s) have outlines in Course Outline Builder which may be viewed in ATLAS:
ETD 2355
The following outlines are being presented as part of the Two-Year Program Review Cycle (in
COB, the course number will be followed with the number 2 in parentheses [i.e., OST 1108 (2)])
OST 1100
OST 1110
OST 1141
OST 1320
PLA 2192
REA 0002C
Keyboarding and Document Processing I
Keyboarding and Document Processing II
Computer Keyboarding
Ten Key Mastery
Legal Research and Theory III Capstone (Voter List attached)
College Prep Reading II
The Consent Agenda was approved as submitted, by consensus.
Regular Agenda
1011-002 ETD 2355
3-D CADD, CCM .................................................. Shannon Hellard
Purpose: The purpose of this request is to add a “C” to the course to show the existing lab
component; change the prerequisites; and update the College Catalog Description; Revised
Official Course Number: ETD 2355C (previously ETD 2355); Revised Catalog Course
Description: Engineering drawing and computer-aided drafting recommended. This course
provides the CADD student with the opportunity to approach mechanical drafting and design
problems from a 3-D solid modeling perspective. The student will learn how to create
parametric 3-D solid models with computer software and how to take advantage of the
information contained within to improve the design process. (Special Fee: $35.00); Revised
Prerequisites: None (previously, ETD 1340 or department approval); Effective Date: Fall 2011
This proposal was approved as submitted.
1011-003 OST 1100
Keyboarding and Document Processing I, CCM ..... Betty Wanielista
Purpose: Change course description to bring it up to date; Revised Catalog Course Description:
Students will develop touch control of the keyboard and proper keyboarding techniques to
build basic speed and accuracy. Practice will be provided in applying basic skills to formatting emails, reports, letters, memos, tables, and other personal and business communications. For
students with little or no keyboarding experience. (Special Fee: $34.00); Effective Date: Fall
2011 (201210).
1011-004 OST 1110
Keyboarding and Document Processing II, CCM .... Betty Wanielista
Purpose: Change course description to bring it up to date; Revised Catalog Course Description:
Previous keyboarding, document, and word processing experience strongly recommended.
This course continues building keyboarding speed and accuracy using a computer and word
processing software. It emphasizes production of advanced features of correspondence, tables,
reports, and forms. (Special Fee: $34.00); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
1011-005 OST 1141
Computer Keyboarding, CCM ............................... Betty Wanielista
Purpose: Changes made to course description to bring the content up-to-date. Also, modify
the credit and class/lecture hours to make them uniform; Revised Catalog Course Description:
Basic instruction on a computer to learn the touch system for the alphabetic keyboard, number
keyboard, and the ten-key numeric pad. This course may not be used for credit as part of the
Office Administration A.S. Degree Program. (Special Fee: $34.00); Credit/Class (Lecture)/Lab
Hours: 1/1/0 (previously, 1/2/0); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
1011-006 OST 1320
Ten Key Mastery, CCM ......................................... Betty Wanielista
Purpose: Change in course description to bring it up-to-date; Revised Catalog Course
Description: Students will learn the numeric keypad by touch and develop speed and accuracy
for data entry situations as: data entry employment; on-line, point-of-sale entries;
spreadsheets; accounting; and other numeric computer-related applications. This skill will
easily transfer to the ten-key calculator for those students for whom speed and accuracy are
necessary. (Special Fee: $34.00); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
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Proposals numbered 1011-003 through 1011-006 were approved as submitted.
1011-007 PLA 2003
Intro. to Paralegal Practices and Ethics, CCM ............. Carin Gordon
Purpose: Change course level number to a 1 to reflect that this is a foundation course; Revised
Official Course Number: PLA 1003 (previously, PLA 2003); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
This proposal was approved as submitted.
1011-008 SUR 2402
Land Surveying and Descriptions, CCD ..................... Karen Borglum
Purpose: Florida Statute 1002.24 indicates that a course that has not been taught for five years
should be deleted; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
This proposal was approved as submitted.
1011-009 AFR 1101
Air Force Today I, CCD ............................................. Karen Borglum
Purpose: Florida Statute 1002.24 indicates that a course that has not been taught for five years
should be deleted; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
1011-010 AFR 1111
Air Force Today II, CCD ............................................ Karen Borglum
Purpose: Florida Statute 1002.24 indicates that a course that has not been taught for five years
should be deleted; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
1011-011 AFR 2130
Development of Air Power I, CCD ............................ Karen Borglum
Purpose: Florida Statute 1002.24 indicates that a course that has not been taught for five years
should be deleted; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
1011-012 AFR 2131
Development of Air Power II, CCD ........................... Karen Borglum
Purpose: Florida Statute 1002.24 indicates that a course that has not been taught for five years
should be deleted; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210).
Proposals numbered 1011-009 through 1011-012 were approved as submitted. Since these
courses do not have a voter list, with the exception of the department dean, the CCC was asked
to be the voter group. The proposal was approved by consensus.
Discussion Items
General Education Alignment Recommendations - Karen Borglum will present
recommendations on the alignment of Gen Ed courses with UCF, based on accumulated
information and a final meeting with UCF that took place Friday, September 10, 2010.
Karen led a discussion focused on recommendations regarding the alignment of A.A. and
A.S./A.A.S. General Education courses. Currently, Valencia has two lists – one for the A.A.
degree and one for the A.S./A.A.S. degree. Two documents were provided for the
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Committee – one document contained the General Education Alignment Recommendations
and the other was a General Education Analysis.
She began by giving a brief history of the work that has been done over the past three years
related to general education. In December, 2007, General Education Principles and
Procedures were approved. This was followed by a number of discussions surrounding
general education, many of those with regard to courses currently in gen ed and courses
that perhaps should or should not be in gen ed, based on the newly approved Principles and
For a brief time, no new courses were accepted into general education, while the issues were
being discussed and sorted out. A subcommittee (Dan Dutkofski, Catherine Espenscheid,
Falecia Williams, and Karen Borglum) was convened to look at inconsistencies in the gen ed
program. At one point, a “homework” assignment was given to the members of the
Curriculum Committee; members were assigned one or two Florida community colleges and
were asked to look at those colleges’ general education programs and bring information
back to the CCC.
Last November (2009) the subcommittee met with UCF, and there have been several
subsequent meetings. One of the main questions Valencia asked UCF is what courses would
be accepted by them from a student who wishes to transfer to UCF without their A.A.
degree. From those meetings, a list of inconsistencies between the gen ed programs was
developed (General Education Analysis). Course inconsistencies have been color-coded for
ease in reading. The courses highlighted in yellow appear in either the A.A. general
education or A.S./A.A.S. general education – but not in both. Those courses highlighted in
purple are acceptable in UCF’s General Education Program.
Based on the meetings with UCF, the subcommittee drew up a document, “General
Education Alignment Recommendations.” Karen asked to take the courses one at a time so
that there could be thorough discussion and all questions answered.
Each course and grouping of courses was reviewed, with some concerns being expressed. All
concerns were documented; and, at the end of the discussion, Karen read each area of
concern back to the Committee to be sure that the issues were stated correctly.
During the course of the discussion, Falecia Williams took a few minutes to explain how the
courses were analyzed and how the decisions were made for the recommendations. She
said that only those courses that are currently in the General Education curriculum were
taken into consideration for deletion from the program or for addition to the one main list.
Karen outlined the next steps as follows: the General Education Alignment
Recommendations list will be revised to be more readable and easier to understand, with a
column to be added for the recommendations of the CCC. The recommendations will be sent
to the deans and faculty for their thoughts. There will not be voting, but all will have the
opportunity to voice their opinions. Karen said that she would like to have a two-week
turnaround time for the comments. She also asked members of the CCC to go back and talk
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to other faculty members to help them understand the process and bring their questions and
concerns to the Committee in November. Karen and Falecia will work on the e-mail to be
sent and it will go out with both of their names. (Note: a revised General Education
Alignment Recommendations document, along with the General Education Analysis and
original Principals and Procedures document were sent to all tenured and tenure track
faculty, as well as deans/directors, provosts, and student affairs personnel, with a detailed
e-mail explaining the documents and process. The e-mail was posted to the Curriculum
Committee website under the link “Communication Station,” and all comments will be
posted, as well.)
Information Items
There are no Information Items for October.
The next meeting of the College Curriculum Committee is scheduled for November 10, 2010, and
will be held on the East Campus, Room 3-113. Deadline for submission of materials for the
November agenda is October 27, 2010
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