
To whom it may concern
Activities report during the FD shift in Maralgüe from February 19th - March 7th
As it was accorded by the Collaboration of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the duties and
responsibilities of the Scientific Operation Coordinator are:
To organize and supervise the FD shifts, making sure that those on shift receive
all necessary information. Assist those taking shift to monitor the data and
assure its quality.
To collaborate closely with the SD SOC in order to produce hybrid data of the
best possible quality.
To write and keep up-to-date the “Guidelines for FD shifts”, a document giving
those on shift an overview of the procedures and problems that might arise
during the data-taking period.
To send a report to the Collaboration at the end of each shift, including the
fraction of time when data was normally taken and describing the problems that
prevented the normal FD operation. This report will be based on the information
written in the electronic logbook by those on shift.
To maintain the FD local web page, that will include guidelines to help those
taking FD shifts, links to different manuals, a model for a shift report (that will
be copied to the FD electronic logbook), a contact list of hardware and software
experts and general information about the FD detector.
To generate and analyze the statistics on the amount of FD data taken at
different trigger levels and to insure the data quality before it is transferred to the
data mirrors.
To communicate any problem related with the FD hardware or software that
could affect the normal data taking to the FD engineer, who will either solve the
problem himself or require the assistance of the person responsible for the piece
of hardware/software originating the problem.
Let me mention that as can be read in the e-logbook generated during the run, the data taken
have good quality and will be analyzed by the collaboration members soon. The participation on
this kind of activities at least once a year, is part of the membership requeriments
Dr. Oscar Mario Martinez Bravo
Helen grant holder from Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, MEXICO