Southeastern Dual Enrollment Program

Psyc 101: General Psychology I
Southeastern Dual Enrollment Program
2014-2015: Course Syllabus
PHS Instructor:
Gretchen Hintz, M.A.
Southeastern Instructor:
Monique LeBlanc, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Southeastern Louisiana University
Title: Understanding Psychology, 11th edition
Author: Robert S. Feldman: 2013
*All students are required to register for the McGraw-Hill Connect Psychology system.
Course Description: The purpose of this class is to provide a general introduction to psychology. The course
will introduce students to the major theoretical perspectives in psychology, research methods, and concepts from
different content areas, such as developmental, clinical, personality and social psychology.
Chapters Covered:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology
Chapter 2 and the Appendix: Psychological Research
Chapter 6: Learning
Chapter 12: Development
Chapter 13: Personality
Chapter 17: Social Psychology
Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders
Chapter 16: Therapies
Course Requirements:
1. Quizzes: There will be eight quizzes in this course. There will be one quiz per chapter worth 15 points
each. The quizzes can be taken three times prior to the stated deadline and the highest grade will
be used. Quizzes are to be taken through the online system and will not be timed. The quizzes are not
extra credit. Students should allow time for computer errors and avoid waiting until the last moment to
take a quiz. Quiz deadlines will not be extended for technical difficulties. Quizzes will be due at
11:59 pm on the due date. Students are not allowed to communicate with classmates about a quiz.
Communication about quiz questions will be considered cheating and handled according to the General
2. Tests: There will be four tests worth 100 points each. Each test will consist of 50 multiple choice items.
They will be administered through the online system during class time within a strict time limit.
Each test will cover two chapters.
Test 1 – Chapters 1 and 2
Test 2 – Chapters 6 and 12
Test 3 – Chapters 13 and 17
Test 4 – Chapters 15 and 16
3. Final Exam: There will be a comprehensive final exam that will be worth 120 points. It will consist of
60 multiple choice items and will be administered through the online system during class time and within
a strict time limit that will be announced.
Assessment Plan:
1. Tests
2. Quizzes
3. Final Exam
Total Points
400 points (4 tests @ 100 points each)
120 points (8 quizzes @ 15 points each)
120 points
640 points
Grading: Southeastern Louisiana University grades will be assigned according to the following criteria:
Percent of points
Number of points
576 - 640
512 - 575
448 - 511
384 - 447
Below 60
0 - 383
PHS Grading: PLEASE NOTE: Because you are dually enrolled, you will also have a separate grading system
that follows the PHS grading policy according to the accelerated grading scale. Ms. Hintz will give students a
total of 6-12 grades per six weeks, made up of group assignments, projects, and LearnSmart homework related to
the unit. Tests will be each worth 100 pts., quizzes worth 30 pts., and the other grades will vary.
Makeups: It is imperative that students are in class and keep absences to a minimum. Makeups will only be
allowed with a doctor’s excuse or for an emergency. Students must schedule the makeup immediately upon
return to school with Ms. Hintz. Makeups will only be given after school. If you need access to a computer to
complete an assignment for my class, Ms. Hintz will offer “computer lab” time after school on Mondays and
Wednesdays until 3:30.
Class Preparation: The assigned readings should be read prior to the first lecture on that subject. Any material
from your textbook and list of objectives may appear in exam questions, regardless of whether the material was
covered in the classroom.
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Behavior
that violates these standards is not acceptable. Examples are the use of unauthorized material, communication
with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student and similar
behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work. Cheating on examinations, plagiarism,
improper acknowledgement of sources in essays, and the use of a single essay or paper in more than one course
without permission are considered very serious offenses and shall be grounds for disciplinary action as outlined in
the current General Catalogue of Southeastern Louisiana University.
The first incident of academic dishonesty in a Dual Enrollment course by any student in any manner will result in
a grade of 0 on the assessment in question. The second incident will result in the student’s failing the
Southeastern portion of the course.
Appeal and Change of Grade: After a final course grade is recorded in the Records and Registration Office, a
change of grade must be approved in sequence by the instructor (Dr. LeBlanc), the instructor’s department head,
and the academic dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. In the event of a contested final
course grade, a student’s written appeal of the grade must be submitted to the instructor within thirty (30)
calendar days of final grades for the term being due. The grade appeal should also be submitted to Dr. Jeff
Temple, Interim Director, Transfer and Dual Enrollment Programs. For more information about grade appears,
Please Note: The last day to withdraw from this class without grade penalty is Friday, March 13th at
Class Topics and Tentative Dates (Dates may be adjusted.):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Intro to Psychology
Psychology Research
Quiz September 5
Quiz October 1
TEST 1: October 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 12
Human Development
Quiz November 6
Quiz December 12
TEST 2: December 18
Chapter 13
Chapter 17
Social Psychology
Quiz January 30
Quiz February 27
TEST 3: March 6
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Psychological Disorders
Quiz March 27
Quiz April 17
TEST 4: April 24
Psychology 101 course suggestions:
You will have just 2-3 days to read your textbook and complete your chapter objectives. This will be the
most grueling part of each unit. Your objective notes will probably be around 3-7 pages long, so it is
imperative that you work on them a bit each day.
Study over notes or objectives in some capacity each day. This is a habit you need to get into if you want
to survive most college classes. We don’t have major tests for over six weeks, so you need to keep
reviewing the material to keep it fresh in your mind.
Do not ignore project and homework deadlines. Large assignments drop a letter grade per day. Small
assignments will be a 0 if not turned in the day they are due.
I suggest you have either a notebook with a folder for this class or a binder with pockets. You may share
your binder with other classes so long as your other teachers are okay with this as well.
We will be doing in-class experiments from time to time. If you are absent those days you will have to
read a related Psychology article and write a response about it. Basically, COME TO CLASS. The
experiments and presentations will help you retain the chapter’s material, so you’ll regret missing them.