Curriculum Modification Proposal - 300 Jay Street, New York City

CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
New York City College of Technology, CUNY
 Please refer to the Curriculum Modification Guide before submitting a proposal.
(One course per form)
Nov. 19, 2012
Computer Systems Technology
Delores Archibald/Hong Li
Course Number:
Foundation of Computing
3 Class Hour,
Lab Hours
Prerequisite(s): CUNY proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics.
Course Description:
This introductory course for non-computer systems majors highlights the use of computers in
problem solving and enhances critical thinking skills. Students learn fundamental computer
principles and study how technology influences our learning, communication, and social
Rationale: (add additional pages as needed)
This course is proposed for non-computer systems majors as an elective under Scientific World. The
purpose of the CST1000 course is to transition from computer literacy to fluency in Information
Technology, that is, information intelligence. The course will give the students the knowledge and ability
to use computers and related technologies efficiently.
Living in the digital age, it is simply not enough to be knowledgeable of the applications; but, how
computer concepts can be used as a tool to enhance critical thinking and problem solving skills. By
enhancing these skills, it will foster an environment of innovation and creativity. In addition, through active
learning based on real world resources (library support), students will enhance their learning skills.
As quoted by Abraham Maslow, “if you have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”. This
course is designed for students to do computational thinking, broadening their conceptual based skills
using all the tools available – helping the students to be resourceful, to analyze, and to generate creative
ideas in problem solving.
According to the data from spring 2013 enrollment, potentially, over four thousands students are eligible
to take the course. These are students who are enrolled in academic programs that require one free
elective from the Scientific World category.
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Has the department approved the modification and recorded the approval in the
Date of Meeting:
Nov. 16, 2012
Has the department consulted with the academic dean?
Will other departments be affected by this change?
If so, which ones:
Does the content of this course overlap with other courses in the College?
If so, which ones:
Is this course is a(an):
elective within the dept.
required within the dept.
free elective
X other _Elective of Scientific World
Will you submit this proposal to the Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum
Committee for inclusion in Pathways?
How many faculty members are qualified to teach this course?
When will this course be offered?
x fall
Are there minor changes to your Curriculum that will need to be made as a
result of this new course?
Has the Advisory Board recommended this change?
If so, when?
Academic Dean
Please attach:
Course Outline
Summary of Student Survey Results (optional)
Library Form
Consultation with Affected Department(s)
Chancellor’s Report
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
New York City College of Technology
Computer Systems Technology Department
CST1000 – Foundation of Computing
3 credits, 3 hours
Course Description:
This introductory course for non-computer systems majors highlights the use of computers in
problem solving and enhances critical thinking skills. Students learn fundamental computer
principles and study how technology influences our learning, communication, and social
As part of computational thinking, special emphasis is placed on the role of abstraction. The course
includes the implementation of algorithms in problem solving. Through algorithmic problem solving, the
students will enhance their ability to structure a problem, think in a logical manner, and obtain a reasoned
The course further explores how technology influences our learning, communication, and social
interactions. The course will focus on enhancing critical thinking skills by analyzing information as to
its’ reliability and validity. It also explores computer technology as it relates to other fields, collaborative
thinking, and understanding the cultural impact of digital technology.
Classes will be taught in computer labs. Class activities include lectures, interactive exercises, projects
and discussions.
Goals and Objectives
Develop an understanding of how computers influence critical, creative thinking and learning.
Understand and articulate the impact of technology on privacy, security and the ethical
responsibilities of using technology.
 Understand how the history of computing is related to present day use.
Learn to use technology as a tool to be used in analyzing problems and developing solutions.
Learn about expert systems used in different disciplines.
Learn how to use a step by step approach to problem solving – dissecting the elements of a
problem, sequencing events, and repetition.
Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics.
Recommended Materials:
1. Fluency 5 with Information Technology, by Lawrence Snyder, Published by Pearson, ISBN-10:
2. ALICE: The Programming Language, by Jose Garrido, Published by Jones and Bartlett, ISBN10:076375059X
3. Additional handouts
Flash drive needed for storage
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Weekly Topics
Part I
Becoming Skilled at Computing
History of Computing
Defining Information Technology
Exploring the Human-Computer Interface
Principles of Computer Operations
The Basics of Networking
1-Chapters 1, 2
1-Chapter 9
1-Chapter 3
Exam 1 - covering week 1 and 2 topics
In addition, take home essay question
Part II
Data and Information
Introduction to Database Concepts
A Case Study in Database Organization
Privacy and Digital Security
Social Implications of IT
Digital Society, Ethics, and Globalization
Representing Information Digitally
The Internet and World Wide Web
Locating Information on the WWW
A Case Study in Online Research
1-Chapter 16
1-Chapter 17
1-Chapter 9 & 10
1-Chapter 12
1-Chapter 7
1-Chapters 5, 6
Midterm covering Part I and Part II
Part III
Algorithms and Problem Solving
Algorithmic Thinking
Continuation with Algorithmic ThinkingA Case Study in Algorithmic Problem Solving
Handouts on Computational Thinking
Project Due on Computational Thinking
1-Chapter 10
1-Chapter 22
Exam 3 - Take home case study covering Algorithms and Problem Solving
Introduction to Alice
Predefined Virtual Worlds
Notations for Algorithm Description
Handouts given on Problem Solving
Final Exam and Final Project
2-Chapters 1 - 5
2-Chapters 6 - 8
2-Chapters 9 - 10
2-Chapter 11
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Assessment of Learning Outcomes:
For the successful completion of
this course, a student should be
able to:
Identify how computers are used
in different disciplines.
Identify the expert systems used
in different disciplines.
Identify the ethical
responsibilities of using
technology. Students will discuss
the issues surrounding privacy
and security in computing and
ways to assure it.
Demonstrate a step-by-step
approach to problem solving –
analyzing, dissecting the elements
of a problem, sequencing events,
and repetition.
Demonstrate an understanding of
a database system and how it is
Demonstrate analytical thinking.
Will give persuasive argument.
Effectively work with a team
Assessment Measurement/Competencies:(assignments, quizzes
and exams will be used for assessment)
Using the Internet, students will research and do a paper on
their own career interest and explain how the different
computers applications are used in their particular field.
Using the Internet to research:
Students will gain knowledge of the ethical issues related to
digital technology. Students will use critical thinking to
compare and contrast security software programs.
Define a given problem using algorithms.
Students will create pseudo codes and flowchart outlining the
steps to solving set problems.
Will learn to use conditional statements which will be
reinforced through Alice – a programming tool.
Through assignments, students will create a table using Access,
set primary key and do simple SQL Select statements.
Students will assess and contrast given views and give their
supporting evidence for their own views.
Students will submit their conclusions in a report.
The final project requires students to work in teams of four and
choose a specific topic to research. Will use the Internet and
other resources to complete their work. Students will present
their findings to the class with supporting evidence and submit
their project report.
The last page of their project will be a “debriefing page”
describing their learning experience in working in a group.
General Education/Scientific World Learning Outcomes/Assessment Methods
For the successful completion of
this course, a student should be
able to:
Gather, interpret, and assess
information from a variety of
sources and points of view.
Assessment Measurement/Competencies:(assignments, quizzes
and exams will be used for assessment)
Throughout the term, students will have various reading and
writing assignments requiring them to gather, assess the reliability
and validity of the information. Students will contrast the views and
give their supporting evidence for their own views both in an oral
and written format.
Using the Internet, students will research and do a paper on their
own career interest and explain how the different computers
applications are used in their particular field.
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Demonstrate how tools of
science, mathematics, technology,
or formal analysis can be used to
analyze problems and develop
Articulate and evaluate the impact
of technologies and scientific
discoveries on the contemporary
world, such as issues of personal
privacy, security or ethics
Students will work with teams,
including those of diverse
composition. Build consensus.
Respect and use creativity.
Define given problems using algorithms. Students will create
pseudo codes and flowcharts outlining the steps needed in problem
Through current events and internet research, students will write
about the ethical issues related to digital technology that confront
individuals both personally and professionally.
The final project will require students to work in teams and choose
a specific topic discussed in class to research. The team will use
the Internet and other resources to complete their work. Each team
will present their project to the class with supporting evidence and
submit their project report.
In addition, the team project will require the students to write about
their experience in working in a group.
Attendance Policy: You are permitted to be absent from class a maximum of three class sessions for
classes that meet twice a week and one and a half absences for classes that meet only once a week. This
is in accordance with college policy that sets the maximum number of permissible absences at 10% of the
number of class meetings scheduled for the semester. Students are responsible for insuring that they have
been marked present for each class. Any student who arrives after the attendance has been taken will be
considered late. Three such lateness, will count as one absence. Any student who exceeds the maximum
number of permitted absences will receive a grade of “WU” for the course, regardless of class grade. In
the event of an emergency, which constitutes an excused absence, the student must provide the instructor
with proper documentation.
Academic Integrity Standards: Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images,
music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in
using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College
recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity,
offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic
integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at
New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades,
suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found
in the catalog.
Exams: There are four scheduled exams as listed in the Grading Policy below. These exams will consist
of practical as well as written exams. Exams schedules will vary depending upon instructor. However,
the final exam must be given the on the last day of class.
Assignments/Projects: All assignments are expected to be submitted when due. Assignments not
submitted when due will not receive full credit.
Final Project: Each student will work on a team to choose a computer industry-related topic. The team
will conduct research on the topic (using the Internet, Library, Journals, Magazines) to prepare a
professional paper. The team will prepare a PowerPoint presentation to present their topic to fellow
classmates and instructor. This exercise allows the students to utilize their knowledge of the Microsoft
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Office Suite of products as well as strengthen their reading, writing, team building and public
speaking skills. The paper, as well as the as the presentation, must be presented in a professional
Absence from Exams: A student who is absent from a test will receive a zero grade for that test.
A make-up exam will be at the discretion of the instructor.
Grading Policy: The grading for the course consists of the following:
Exam 1
Exam 3 - Case Study
Final Exam
Final Project
Baldauf, Ken and Stair, Ralph M., Succeeding with Technology, 4th edition, Cengage
Garrido, Jose, Alice: The Programming Language, 3rd edition Jones and Barlett
Snyder, Lawrence, Fluency 5 with Information Technology, 5th edition, Pearson
Hoganson, Kenneth, Concepts in Computing, 1st edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Dale, Nell and Lewis, John, Computer Science Illuminated, 5th edition, Jones and Bartlett
Gordon, Jon, Lankisch, Karen, Muir, Nancy, Seguin, Denise, Verno,Anita, Our Digital World,
1st Edition, Paradigm
Harrington, Jan L., Technology and Society, 1st edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Gross, Terry, Steve Jobs: ‘Computer Science Is A Liberal Art’, October 6, 2011,
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Please complete for all major curriculum modifications. This information will assist the library in
planning for new acquisitions; it will not affect curriculum proposals either positively or
Consult with library faculty subject selectors ( 3 weeks
in advance when planning course proposals to ensure enough time to allocate budgets if
materials need to be purchased.
Course proposer: please complete boxes 1-4. Library faculty subject selector: please complete
box 5.
1 Title of proposal
CST1000 Foundation of Computing
Proposed by (include email & phone)
Professor Hong Li/ Prof. Delores Archibald,
Computer Systems Technology Department
Expected date course(s) will be offered
Fall 2014
# of students 100 and will vary each
2 Are City Tech library resources sufficient for course assignments? Please elaborate.
Yes, there will be three textbooks reserved for students. The library does provide an
ample collection of journals needed in their studies.
3 Are additional resources needed for course assignments? Please provide details about
format of resources (e.g., ebooks, journals, DVDs, etc.), author, title, publisher, edition,
date, and price.
No. The resources are satisfactory for the course.
4 Library faculty focus on strengthening students' information literacy skills in finding,
evaluating, and ethically using information. We can collaborate on developing
assignments and offer customized information literacy instruction and research guides
for your course.
Do you plan to consult with the library faculty subject specialist for your area? Please
Yes. The students will be required to attend a workshop on using the many library
information resources to do research papers. The instructor will contact the media
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
coordinator to setup an agreeable time and day.
5 Library Faculty Subject Selector Junior Tidal_
Comments and Recommendations
After meeting with Prof. Archibald and surveying the collection, I feel confident that the
library can support this course. I believe that the library has more than adequate
materials to assist potential students, including numerous books on the Alice
programming language, materials on basic computer literacy, numerous library
databases, and texts intended for non-computer majors. There may be need for
additional materials for future versions of Alice.
Date 11.30.2012
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Computer Systems Technology Department Meeting
November 16, 2012 11:00 am
Present: Archibald, Cabo, Duong, Elhadary, Graham, Guidone, Holley, H. Li, , Liu, Pinto,
Shahidullah, Simmons, Shen
Excused: Bellehsen, Braneky, Hristova, X. Li, Milonas, Moody, Oudjehane, Sabbah
On leave: Viglina
Call to order at 11:08 a.m.
1. Minutes of 09/28/2012 department meeting were approved.
2. Chair’s report
a. Early registration starts on November 19th. Faculty should make sure to use the
prerequisite waiver form that only requires the last 4 digits of student’s SSN,
rather than their full SSN. There is no need to specify section numbers on the
form, the course code is sufficient.
b. Some faculty members are still struggling after Hurricane Sandy. The college
offers counseling and assistance for students who have been affected by the
3. Committees
a. Curriculum (Prof. Cabo)
i. Pathways implementation: During the department meeting on 09/16/2012
changes to the curriculum were discussed and voted on. The following
amendment was accepted unanimously: CST4801 will be dropped from
the curriculum, as it has been moved as CST2801 to the Associate level.
ii. New course: CST1000, Foundations of Computing, has been developed as
a general education course for the college. It will be used as an elective in
the Scientific World category of the Pathway core. An outline for the
course was presented and passed unanimously.
4. Program review: The deadline for submitting the review to the Provost office is
05/31/2013. A tentative timeline was handed out. January 15 is a firm deadline for all
committees to submit their drafts.
5. Tentative meeting schedule
a. Friday 12/14, 10am.
Meeting adjourned 1:00 pm.
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CST 1000 Foundation of Computing
Section AIV: New Courses
AIV.1. Computer Systems Technology
Course Number: CST 1000
Title: Foundation of Computing
Hours: 3 Class Hours, 0 Lab Hours
Credits: 3 Credits
Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics.
Course Description: This introductory course for non-computer systems majors highlights the
use of computers in problem solving and enhances critical thinking skills. Students learn
fundamental computer principles and study how technology influences our learning,
communication, and social interactions.
Rationale: To provide an elective within the Pathway/Scientific World group for non-computer
systems majors to achieve fluency in Information Technology. This will add to the variety of
topics in the Scientific World category.
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