(be) Part: Motivations for In-Company Trip

The relationship of travel motivation and the value of setting
attributes on beach
Shu-Hui Chou
Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism at Providence University,
Taichung, Taiwan.
Mei-Hui Wu
Doctoral Student, Graduate Institute of International
Administration, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yi-Ching Chen
Graduate Student, Department of Tourism at Providence University,
Taichung, Taiwan.
The largest industries combined are traveling and tourism (WTO, 2009). One of
its main recreation activities is beach recreation market (Houston, 2002). Taiwan is an
island around the ocean and has abundant in nature resources. Therefore, it easy
access that provides variety for beach recreation. Surfing is one of the favorite
recreation activities for domestic tourists. Most people that recreate have the tendency
and preference forward activities that are positive relational. Water beach recreation is
the "big" demand for beach.
Motivations for travelers are an easier way to meet our tourist demands. The
antecedent researches indicate the travel behavior has two-sided factors including (1)
push motivation the deeply desire of human and (2) pull motivation the attractive of
travel destination (Crompton, 1979; Dann, 1981; Uysal & Jurowski, 1994).
Jogaratnam (2006) suggested the push and pull motivation theory is the first step to
define the influence factor of travel decision and the deep need and desire from the
person internaly. Roman, Recio, and Martin (2000) indicated that market separate
would be an easier way to understand a variety of travel motivation and demand from
the nowaday tourists. However, this research find separate into two groups in Taiwan
and: (1) Surfer which is the growing tourism market. (2) Families, the traditional
tourism market.
Research has failed to discuss beach recreation activities and for these reason it
value is lost in motivating traveling. Recently, the conscious of ecotourism has raised
more and more people’s hope to balance the ecotourism when recreating. Barmwell
and Lane (2008) also indicated that the relationship between tourism and environment
were important to be sustainable for tourist market, it must build in a balance
relationship and its so, the first step could be to development market and protect the
beach environment so as to market tourism.
It is important to obtain a sustainable beach. The goal should be to market such
group that can manage and the setting attributes toward developing the environment
to increase the revisiting of tourists and improve the quality of tourism.
In Taiwan, there is no research that separates the users of the beaches. Research
of Taiwan’s ocean ignores the value of setting attributes. They are unable to develop
and promote coast tourism effectively and mark up the suitable beaches for water
activities by separate users to market directly. Hence, the research would use the
beach rating checklist to know the weight of choosing beaches from different tourism
markets (surfers and families) on surfing beaches. The priority preference based on
the weight and programming the strategy management of beach by the level of
preference from different tourism markets and the main factors of influence is
choosing beaches.
Travel motivation
In the tourist territory research, motivation seems an important research topic
(Cathy & Songshan, 2008). Those scholars define the motivation as an internal drive
based on an unsatisfied demand. It would drive the people to be more active to fulfill
their needs (Schiffman & Kanuk, 1978). The psychologists thought that motivation
was a nervous situation arisen from demands. When the situation becomes too strong,
it would make the people become more active and less uncomfortable. This particular
goal is the people’s choice and their behavior to achieve an objective were the
integrated effect, resulted from the individual cognition process and their pass
learning experience. It is explain that one of the main factors of decidable behavior is
Travel information resources
In the leisure recreation market, tourists always have to search the information.
When they go out for traveling, they would search the information about destination
and facilities. The purpose is to increasing the quality of travel and reducing the risk
from the tour (McIntosh & Goeldner,1990). Therefore, the demand of travel not only
have a concept of service chain (Lovelock & Wright, 1999) but also has a concept of
circle purchasing (Woodside & McDonald, 1994). It is indicated the information
resource become an uninterrupted process until the end of travel. According to the
2008 statistic of tourists bureau travel in domestic. The highest way of travel
information resources is word-mouth promotion. It always gets a 52.7% turn around.
Setting attributes
The process of travel destination decision is related by the self evaluation of
setting attributes and the perceive value efficacy. Phillips and Jones (2006)
emphasized the importance of coast management and Kozak (2001) which emphasize
the necessity in understand travel motivation, because it would help in design a
promotion of travel destination and combine the travel motivation and setting
attributes closely suitable from travel motivation and setting attributes by separating
into two groups. According to the literature review of recreation, many scholars
classify the setting attributes based on research purpose or research participants. This
is called physical, social, business and facilities.
Research design
Part one:explored the travel motivation of tourists on the surfing beach.
In the research of tourism and separate market, a general hypothesis is a travel
behavior that differs from variety to travel motivations (Bansal & Eiselt, 2004; Kozak,
2002; Lau & McKercher, 2004; McKercher & Wong, 2004). Therefore, this research
has a two-part questionnaire design. First, items design for beach activities through
depth interview from surfers and to families on surf beaches. Review the literature of
travel motivation there were not specific items for beaches.
Part two:link to travel information resources and setting attributes.
The part two of this research is a combination of travel motivation literature
review and the items for beach travel motivations through depth interview from
surfers and families to development a quantified questionnaire. Measuring the push
motivation dimension is reference to Kim et al. (2006) and Oh et al. (1995).
Data collection
This research used a structured questionnaire in order do to a face to face
questionnaire survey. The sampling methods used a purposive sampling method to
select the surfers and families in the range of beaches in YiLan WuShi Harbour and
JinShan SaJew bay。Upon completion the formal questionnaire is expected to be
release in YiLan WuShi Harbour and JinShan SaJew bay. The two hundred and fifty
questionnaires were sent out to staff face to face manner in order to reduce the
expected recovery of the invalid questionnaires.
Expected Contribution: Practical contribution
Providing the managers conducting the beach resource consistency with the
needs of tourists is to enhance the preference of tourists to re-visit through in-depth
the travel motivation and segmentation market. So leisure activity provides tourists
the best recreational activities for them to enjoy. Therefore, its emphasis is on
environmental attributes, planning and maintenance through the value of setting
attributes for the tourists. In addition not only does it satisfy the demand recreation
activities but also achieve the goal of sustainable development eco-tourism.
Separating the tourism market into two different groups based on the group
characteristics, it can caters to the different ethnic groups in tourism market. This
gives the tourist the opportunity to make suggestions that are suitable for water
recreation activities of the beach environment.
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