Course Title: Business Law Section I: General Information and Description Grade Level: 11-12 Credit: 1 Course Description: This course develops an understanding of legal rights and responsibilities in personal law and business law with applications applied to everyday roles as consumers, citizens, and workers. The student will have an understanding of the American legal system, courts/court procedures, criminal justice system, torts, and the civil justice system; oral and written contracts, sales contracts and warranties; consumer protection. Legal terminology is emphasized. Leadership development will be provided through FBLA. Section II: Content Alignment Technical Content Unit I (2 Weeks) Law for students and minors Assessmenthomework, case studies, terms and case test, portfolio Key terms-due process, truant, resaonable suspicion, minor, age of majority, disaffirm, juvenile deliquincy, juvenile court, emancipated minor, guardian, drivers license reckless driving, adoption, in loco parentis Unit II (3 weeks) Sources of law Ways laws affect individuals Constitutional rights and responsibilities Responsibilities of government American legal system Assessmenthomework, classwork, quizes, Learner Activities Students will create a scenario based on the need for a binding written agreement. Using a computer, students will create a fictitious, but valid, contract using proper form to show offer, acceptance, consideration, capacity and legality. Students will explain the roles of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Bureau of Consumer Protection Students will identify the federal and state consumer protection laws and describe how these laws affect them on a daily basis. Using various media resources (current video, magazine ads, etc.), students will show different deceptive persuasive advertising, format a letter to the Better Business Bureau (using the proper steps to file a complaint), filing a complaint on one aspect of deceptive persuasive advertising. Students will identify the rights and duties of employee/employer relationship, as well as independent contractor/client relationship using scenarios. Students will distinguish between real and personal property by identifying the physical and legal elements of real property, Skills Standards ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES SKILL STANDARDS AB – Demonstrate Effective Written Skills AB 001-Prepare correspondence AB 002-Compose written documents AB 003-Write copy to be keyed AB 004-Use correct terminology AB 005-Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar AB 006-Write with accuracy, brevity, and clarity AB 007-Detect all content, format, and type errors EA – Exhibit Workplace Skills EA 001-Demonstrate consistently punctual arrival EB - Understand Workforce Issues EB 003-Identify ethical characteristics and behaviors EB 004-Differentiate between good and poor business ethics EB 005-Match employee responsibilities to employer expectations EB 006-Define discrimination, harassment, and equity EB 007-Demonstrate nondiscriminatory behavior EB 008-Maintain confidentiality and sensitivity of company information Core Content for Assessment Reading (1.2) - Students make sense of the variety of materials they read. RD-10-1.0.1 - Students will interpret literal or non-literal meanings of words in a passage. DOK 2 RD-10-1.0.2 - Students will make predictions based on what is read. DOK 2 RD-10-1.0.3 Students will formulate questions to guide reading. RD-10-1.0.4 - Students will interpret the meaning of jargon, dialect or specialized vocabulary found in a passage. DOK 2 RD-10-2.0.1 - Students will paraphrase information in a passage. DOK 2 RD-10-2.0.2 - Students will identify essential information from a passage needed to accomplish a task. DOK 1 RD-10-2.0.3 - Students will apply the information contained in a passage to accomplish a task/procedure or to answer questions about a passage. DOK 2 RD-10-2.0.4 Students will follow the sequence of information from a passage. RD-10-2.0.5 - Students will interpret concrete or abstract terms using context from the passage. DOK 2 RD-10-2.0.6 - Students will explain the main ideas of a passage and identify the key ideas or information that support them. DOK 3 Academic Expectations 1.1 Accessing Sources of Information 1.2 Reading 1.3 Observing 1.4 Listening 1.11 Writing 1.12 Speaking 1.16 Using Electronic Technology 2.7 Number 2.8 Mathematical Procedures 2.14 Democratic Principle 2.15 Structure and Function of Political System 2.16 Structure and Function of Social System 2.17 Cultural Diversity 2.18 Structure and Function of Economic System 2.20 Historical Perspective 2.22 Convey a Point of View 2.29 Family Life and Parenting 2.30 Consumerism 2.32 Mental and Emotional Wellness 2.36 Career Path 2.37 Employability Skills 3.6 Ethical Values 4.1 Interpersonal Skills 4.2 Productive Team Skills 4.4 Rights and Responsibilities case studies, term and case test Key terms-law, civil law, criminal law, legal rights, legal duties, justice, scofflaw, civil disobedience, citizenship, naturalization, expatriation, allegiance, pricniple of equity, precedent, specific performance, injunction, constitution, statute, statute law, mediator, arbitrator, court, jurisdiction, litigation, constitutionality, judicial review, general jurisdiction, limited jurisdiction, trial court, appellate court, small claims court, plaintiff, defendant, grand jury, judgment, verdict, certiorari Unit III ( 2 weeks) Crimes that affect business Tort liability Negligence Assessmenthomework, shoplifting project, group negligence prevention project,case studies, term and case test Key terms- crime, felony misdemeanor, white collar crime, describing the major tests used to distinguish real and personal property, and classifying items as real or personal. Students will explain the rights and duties of a marriage contract, including premarital agreements Students will distinguish how divorce differs from annulment, the common grounds for divorce and how child custody is handled in a divorce Students will discuss the rights and duties of the landlord and tenant Students will describe the process of buying a house, the various types of mortgages and common types of deeds in use Students will define the principal kinds of insurance including life, health, property and automobile insurance Students will explain why an orderly distribution of a decedent’s estate is necessary. Students will discuss the benefits of making a will and describe how a valid will is made. Students will explain the stages in the evolution of law by describing differences between common law and pristine law and law courts and equity courts. Students will explain how constitutional, statutory, case and administrative laws are created. Students will explain the importance and function of commercial paper. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of “negotiability” and distinguish it from “assignability.” Students will identify and explain the essential elements of a negotiable instrument. OA – Perform Administrative Support Functions OA 019-Access/utilize information OB Demonstrate Communication and Telecommunication Skills OB 001-Prepare and deliver oral presentations FINANCIAL SERVICES SKILL STANDARDS AB – Demonstrate Listening, Oral, and Written Communication Skills. AB 001-Demonstrate listening skills AB 002-Follow oral/written instructions AB 003-Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar AC – Use Problem-Solving Techniques AC 001-Identify problems AC 003-Use ideas and procedures to communicate, reason, and solve problems AC 004-Apply a system of problem solving and implement solutions AF - Discuss Financial Service Careers AF 003-Identify training needs for positions AF 004-Recognize organizational structure EA – Understand Interpersonal Relationships EA 001-Match employee responsibilities to employer expectations EA 002-Define discrimination, harassment, and equity EA 003-Exhibit non-discriminatory behavior EA 004-Maintain confidentiality and sensitivity of company information RD-10-2.0.7 - Students will make inferences, draw conclusions or make generalizations based on evidence from a passage. DOK 3 RD-10-3.0.1 - Students will explain or analyze how a conflict in a passage is resolved. DOK 3 RD-10-3.0.2 - Students will identify or explain an author’s purpose in a passage. DOK 2 RD-10-3.0.3 - Students will explain an author’s position based on evidence in a passage. DOK 2 RD-10-3.0.4 - Students will accept or reject an argument, giving supporting evidence from the passage. DOK 3 RD-10-3.0.5 - Students will analyze an argument giving supporting evidence from the passage. DOK 3 RD-10-3.0.6 - Students will analyze the relationship between a speaker’s or character’s motivation and behavior in a passage, as revealed by the dilemmas. DOK 3 RD-10-3.0.7 - Students will analyze or evaluate the use of supporting details as they relate to the author’s message. DOK 3 RD-10-3.0.8 - Students will analyze or evaluate the use of persuasive or propaganda techniques within a passage. DOK 3 RD-10-3.0.9 - Students will explain the appropriateness of the author’s content for an intended audience. DOK 3 Transactive Writing WR-HS-3.5.3 In Transactive Writing, Students will adhere to standard guidelines for grammar and grammar. Students will apply precise word choice. Students will incorporate the specialized vocabulary of the discipline/content appropriate to the purpose 4.6 Open Mind to Alternative Perspectives 5.1 Critical Thinking 5.4 Decision Making 5.5 Problem Solving 6.1 Applying Multiple Perspectives 6.2 Developing New Knowledge 6.3 Expanding Existing Knowledge vitimless crime, larceny, rovvery, burglary, arson, embezzlement, forgery, false pretenses, bribery, extortion, conspiracy, criminal mischief, arraignment, indictment, alibi, immunity, plea bargain, probation, parole, pardon, tort, assault, battery, defamation, wrongful death, false imprisonment, false arrest, trepass,invasion of privacy, nuisance, conversion, fraud negligence, malpractice, malicious prosecution, vicarious liability, compensatory damages, punitive damages, contributory negligence, comparative negligence Unit IV (2 week) Deceptive advertising Consumer protection Consumer help groups Federal legislation Assessmenthomework, label project, internet research, case studies, term and Students will describe the different types of negotiable instruments and different types of endorsements. Students will explain the contractual relationship between the bank and its customers. Students will identify the various forms of credit and the procedure for borrowing money Students will describe the federal laws that affect credit, the unauthorized use of credit cards Students will identify the differences between bankruptcy chapters Students will describe stoppayment orders. Students will describe the legal effect of forgeries and material alterations. Students will differentiate among classes of contracts, such as bilateral and unilateral, express and implied, and oral and written. Students will explain how offer and acceptance can create contractual rights and duties. Students will list the ways a contract can be discharged. Students will describe the breach of contract and the remedies available when a contract is breached. Students will recognize the difference between express and implied warranties. Students will indicate ways that warranties may be excluded. Students will determine when and by who implied warranties are made. Students will discuss the basic attributes of the sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Students will determine which one form of organization may be best in a particular situation. EA 005-Identify possible actions that may lead to customer dissatisfaction EA 006-Identify the relationship between customer satisfaction and company success EA 007-Interpret, clarify, and follow directions EA 008-Communicate with internal and external customer EB – Exhibit Work Ethic EB 001-Implement responsibility of job position including exhibiting dependability and meeting organizationally defined expectations. EB 002-Assume responsibility for productivity, decisions, and actions EB 003-Display enthusiasm and confidence about work and learning tasks EB 004-Dress appropriately and maintain personal hygiene EB 005-Act in a polite and respectful way toward co-workers EB 006-Complete tasks in an accurate and timely manner EB 007-Adhere to established company rules, regulations, and policies EB 008-Accept constructive criticism EB 009-Work with minimal supervision EB 010-Identify and practice good ethical behavior EB 011-Differentiate between good and poor business ethics EB 012-Explain the importance of a business reputation EB 013-Exhibit ability to handle stress OF – Practice Safety and Security Procedures OF 005-Understand the importance of audits and regulations and audience. Math MA-HS-1.3.1 - Students will solve real-world and mathematical problems to specified accuracy levels by simplifying expressions with real numbers involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, absolute value, integer exponents, roots (square, cube) and factorials. DOK 2 Social Studies SS-HS-1.1.3 - Students will evaluate how the U.S. government's response to contemporary issues and societal problems (e.g., education, welfare system, health insurance, childcare, crime) reflects the needs, wants and demands of its citizens (e.g., individuals, political action committees, special interest groups, political parties). SS-HS-1.2.1 - Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the "common good" (e.g., Congress legislates on behalf of the people; the President represents the people as a nation; the Supreme Court acts on behalf of the people as a whole when it interprets the Constitution). DOK 3 SS-HS-1.2.2 - Students will interpret the principles of limited government (e.g., rule of law, federalism, checks and balances, majority rule, protection of minority rights, separation of powers) and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the "common good.” DOK 3 SS-HS-1.3.3 - Students will evaluate the impact citizens have on the functioning of a democratic government by assuming responsibilities (e.g., seeking and assuming leadership positions, case test Key termsadulterated, bait and switch, caveat emptor, caveat venditor, cease and desist order, class action suit, consent order, consumer, false and misleading advertising, loss leader, lottery, misbranding, restitution, affirmative action, building code, business, collective bargaining, corporation, embargo, eminent domain, monopoly, partnership, preemption, public utility, sanction, sole proprietorship, subsidy, tariff, zoning law Unit V (1.5 week) Essentials of a contract Characteristics of a contract Assessmenthomewrok, case studies, contract developmnent exercise, terms and cases test Key termscontract, consideration, competent parties, breach of contract, bilateral contract, unilateral contract, valid contract, void Students will explain the risks of utilizing each form of business organization. Students will explain how a partnership is formed and identify the different types of partnerships. Students will determine ways in which a partnership can be terminated and what happens when this occurs. Students will identify different types of corporations and how they are formed. Students will explain the duties of a corporate officer, how a corporation is financed and the procedure for terminating corporations. Students will describe the rights of a shareholder. Students will research and analyze career opportunities in the legal profession using various medias (Internet, personal interview, employment agencies, etc.) Students will develop an employment portfolio with a resume, letter of application, etc Students will be able to distinguish between crimes and torts Students will explain the difference between minor and adult laws, including marriage laws Students may demonstrate knowledge through a mock trial Students will identify the effects of unethical and illegal practices on a business and on consumers Students will listen to guest speakers to learn of real-life experiences and application of business and law in the workplace. Students may develop a journal of legal and ethical technical concepts experienced and/or learned Students may develop a law dictionary defining legal voting) and duties (e.g., serving as jurors, paying taxes, complying with local, state and federal laws, serving in the armed forces). DOK 3 SS-HS-3.2.2 - Students will describe economic institutions such as corporations, labor unions, banks, stock markets, cooperatives and partnerships. SS-HS-3.3.4 - Students will explain how laws and government mandates (e.g., anti-trust legislation, tariff policy, regulatory policy) have been adopted to maintain competition in the United States and in the global marketplace. SS-HS-3.4.1 - Students will analyze the changing relationships among business, labor and government (e.g., unions, anti-trust laws, tariff policy, price controls, subsidies, tax incentives) and how each has affected production, distribution and consumption in the United States or the world. DOK 3 SS-HS-5.1.1 - Students will use a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources, data, artifacts) to analyze perceptions and perspectives (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, nationality, age, economic status, religion, politics, geographic factors) of people and historical events in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and United States History (Reconstruction to present). DOK 3 Practical Living/Vocational Studies PL-HS-4.1.02 -Students will identify and explain how job and career opportunities vary at the local, state, and national levels and how components of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) (e.g., interest inventories, personality test, community service, résumé, awards/recognition) can be a valuable resource for career contract, voidable contract, unenforceable contract, express contract, implied contract, executory contract, executed contract, offer, acceptance, rejection, counteroffer, revoke, option, qualified acceptance, legal detriment, forbearance, nominal consideration, composition of creditors, past consideration, pledge, ratification, licensing statute, gambling agreement, casual gambler, professional gambler, usury, lobbying Unit VI (1.5 week) Discharge of contracts Assignment and delegation of contractual rights and duties Assessmenthomework, case studies, terms and case test Key terms-statute of frauds, contract of guaranty, executor, real property, memorandum, parol evidence, parol terms/concepts from published articles (newspapers, magazines) research, selection, and preparation. PL-HS-4.1.05 -Students will analyze and evaluate a variety of resources (e.g., Internet, print materials, guest speakers, mentors) that could be used to determine advantages and disadvantages (e.g., preparation, salary, benefits, demands of job, location, work environment) of various occupations. PL-HS-4.2.01 - Students will identify individual work habits/ethics (e.g., individual/team responsibilities, willingness to learn, integrity, respect, confidentiality, self-discipline, problem-solving, punctuality, communication skills) and explain their importance in the workplace. DOK 2 PL-HS-4.2.02 - Students will describe team skills (e.g., setting goals, listening, following directions, questioning, communicating, problem-solving, dividing work, conflict resolution, mediation) and evaluate the role of team skills in today’s workplace. DOK 3 evidence rule, assignment, delegation, full performance, discharged, substantial performance, tender of performance, legal tender, rescind, waiver, novation, accord, satisfaction, alteration, statute of limitations, insolvent, liquidated damages, substitution, fraud, material fact, duress, undue influence, mistake Unit VII (2 weeks) Sales Contracts Warranties Assessmentshomework, case studies, warranty development Key terms- sale, goods, merchant, nonmerchant, unconscionable agreement, present sale, identified goods, contract to sell, future goods, FOB shipping point, FOB destination, sale or approval, sale or return, bulk transfer, COD, warranty, express warranty, full warranty, limited warranty, implied warranty, merchantible goods, disclaimer of warranty, product liablity, strict liability Unit VIII (2 weeks) Rights and duties of employee, employer and independent contractor Creation of a business, rights, limitations & responsibilities Key terms-casual worker, vocational rehabilitation, general agent, special agent, fiduciary relationship, agency by estoppel, agent, apparent authority, express authority, gratuitous agent, implied authority, power of attorney, undisclosed principal, scope of authority Unit VI (1 week) Purchasing power – borrowing money & buying on credit Negotiable instruments Assessmenthomework, credit research Key terms-credit, debt, debtor, creditor, secured debt, security interest, lien, pledge, pawnbroker, mechanic’s lien, artisan’s lien, tax lien, primary liaablity, secondary liability, unsecured debt, garnishment, consumer loan, finance charge, credit rating, regular charge account, revolving credit, line of credit, secured transaction, collateral, perfected security interest, financing statement, constructive notice, intangible property, termination statement, security agreeement Unit V (1 week) Insurance Insurance protection Key termsinsurance, indemnification, policy, face balue, premium, beneficiary, deductible, insurable interest, particicpating policies, insurance agent, insurance broker, binder,coinsurance, exclusions, replacement cost, liability insurance Career opportunities in legal professions Ethics and law Section III: Assessment Methods of assessment such as daily grades, homework grades, group projects, multiple choice questions, open response items with rubrics, simulation games; tests/quizzes and transactive portfolio pieces may be used. Section IV: SCANS All SCANS (workplace skills) organized as competencies, C1-20 and foundation skills, F1-17 are utilized. Section V: Supporting Materials i.e. culminating and enhancement activities, resources, technology, and equipment 1. Resources: Textbook and manual, activity packs, test bank Application software for word processing, databases, spreadsheets, and presentations Administrative Support Skill Standards document Financial Services Skill Standards document 2. Suggested Technology/Equipment: Computers, disks, TV with lead line to computer, scanner, digital camera, cd burner, LCD projector, screen, Smartboard, Internet access, color laser printer. 3. National Standards, National Business Education Association Notes: (Notes are included for clarification of this example and may not be necessary in development of other courses/units.) 1. The Career and Technical Education Program of Studies Implementation Manual was the source for the suggested prerequisite, course description, technical content, and learner activities. 2. The broad categories of occupational, employability and academic skill standards are listed along with specific skill standards for one of the occupational standards O-A. In actual development, specific skill standards within each category as shown in the Kentucky Administrative Support Services Skill Standards and Kentucky Financial Skill Standards document should be utilized. 3. Codes listed in the core content column represent specific content statements as shown in the Core Content for Assessment document. 4. Academic expectations are listed in numerical order, not necessarily as utilized.