Lorain County Community College Division of Arts and Humanities Intermediate Spanish I (SPNH 251) Instructora: Señora Julie Kinnear Clase: lunes a viernes de 9:35 a.m. a 10:25 a.m. Correo electrónico: jkinnear@sheffield.k12.oh.us Teléfono: 949-4220, ext. 1920 Horas de oficina: lunes a viernes de 7:50 a.m. a 8:40 a.m. Libros de texto y otras materiales para la clase: 1. ¡Continuemos!, Jarvis, Lebredo, Mena-Ayllón 2. Diccionario Español/Ingles 3. Un cuaderno (spiral notebook for written book activities) 4. 3-ring binder with 5 tabs for each chapter 5. Online workbook/activities (http://ilrn.heinle.com) Libros de referencia / Reference Books (optional) 1. 501 Spanish Verbs, Devney and Richmond 2. English Grammar/or Students of Spanish, Spinelli 3. Spanish Verb Tenses, Barren’s Objetivos: Spanish 251 is an intermediate Spanish class designed to help you build upon your previous knowledge of Spanish language and cultures while refining your linguistic skills. You will continue to develop your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through readings, articles, grammar review and studying works of art and literary selections. You will expand your Spanish vocabulary, refine your grasp of Spanish syntax (language structure), and combine this knowledge with critical thinking skills to better understand and perform in both written and spoken Spanish. Also, by using a culturally focused, contextbased language program, you will continue to learn about the Spanish-speaking world in a global context. Student Outcomes: A successful student in this course will be able to do the following in Spanish: 1. Diagnose situations to make appropriate communication choices in a variety of social situations. 2. Read and/or listen and summarize and rephrase. 3. Compose letters, paragraphs, questions and dialogs at intermediate-mid level Spanish (ACTFL). 4. Communicate original ideas both orally and in writing at intermediate-mid level Spanish (ACTFL). 5. Use knowledge of social conventions and cultural values to communicate effectively. 6. Read and answer questions on stories and articles about social, cultural, literary and historical topics. Asistencia/Attendance: Attendance is mandatory because learning and speaking Spanish can only happen through regular contact with and practice of the language. You are expected to arrive on time for class and remain in class until dismissed. Every absence beyond three (3) will affect your grade. You are responsible for getting and making up any work if you are absent. Asignaciones / Homework: Homework is essential for improving and maintaining learned language skills. The majority of your homework assignments will come from the book/lab workbook and online student activities. http://hlc.quia.com/books/ course code CEERM336 However, other assignments such as in-class activities, projects, compositions, presentations and/or reports and even quizzes may be assigned. Homework assignments are due on the date announced. Assignments turned in one day late will receive 1/2 credit. Assignments turned in more than one day late will not receive credit. All compositions and typed assignments must be double-spaced with a standard size 12 font and 1 inch margins. Compositions will be graded on grammatical accuracy as well as content quality. Please refer to the following guidelines: SOCTV Sentido – does is make sense Ortografía – spelling Concordancia – agreement Tiempo – tense of verb Vocabulario Participación: In-class participation is essential. You are expected to be prepared for and participate in class on a daily basis. Testing: You will have five (5) tests in this course. Each test will cover one (1) chapter from the textbook. Notas / Grade: Chapter Exams (5) Chapter Projects/Compositions Homework(online)/Quizzes/Class performance 50% 25% 25% A = 90%+ B = 80%+ C = 70%+ D = 60%+ F = 59% - Extra credit: At the discretion of the instructor, possible extra credit points may be earned by completing online activities before each chapter exam. Students will be notified in class when this opportunity is available to them. **Special Notes** 1) PSEO Students and Disability Accommodations for Lorain County Community College Coursework Students with an IEP or 504 may qualify for reasonable accommodations for their college level course as a PSEO student. Other disabilities may qualify the student for accommodations as well such as diagnosed psychiatric, motor, chronic medical, attentional issues, etc. The student will need to contact the instructor regarding the necessary steps that must be taken if he or she wishes to have accommodations set in place for an LCCC college course. Or, the student may visit Lorain County Community College’s Office for Special Needs website at www.lorainccc.edu for an overview of the registration process. On the front page of the college’s website click on the link entitled ‘Office for Special Needs Services’ under the heading of Resources). The process for registration will be outlined and all forms are available for printing. If you prefer, you may call the Disability Support Office directly to receive information on establishing your accommodations for your course at 440-366-4058. Please be aware that because you are taking a college level course and receiving college credit the accommodations may not look exactly the same as those you receive in high school, but every effort will be made to ensure you have fair access as outlined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Additionally, tutoring is available through the Individualized Learning Support Center (in the Learning Resources Center on LCCC’s campus) for those students needing extra help. All students enrolled in this class can receive two hours per week of free tutoring services. 2) Cheating will not be tolerated. Anyone found cheating (or plagiarizing) will receive a zero (0) on the assignment/test in question. This policy will apply to both persons involved (the receiver and the giver). This policy also applies to the use of online translators. Students are encouraged to use an online dictionary such as www.wordreference.com when completing assignments and not an online translator. If you have a disability that requires special arrangements, please notify the instructor as soon as possible. This information will be kept confidential. Additionally, tutoring is available through the Individualized Learning Support Center (in the Learning Resources Center on LCCC’s campus) for those students needing extra help. All students enrolled in this class can receive two hours per week of free tutoring services. Cheating will not be tolerated. Anyone found cheating (or plagiarizing) will receive a zero (0) on the assignment/test in question. This policy will apply to both persons involved (the receiver and the giver). This policy also applies to the use of online translators. Students are encouraged to use an online dictionary such as www.wordreference.com when completing assignments and not an online translator. Semana Capítulo (*Aug. 21-23) (Aug. 26-30) (*Sept. 3-6) (Sept. 9-13) 1 Introduction to course / Review, Start Chapter 1 Temas para comunicación: Historia y sistemas de gobierno Viñetas culturales: La Guerra Civil Española / El rey Juan Carlos Estructuras: El presente, el presente progresivo, la a personal, objetos indirectos y directos, reflexivos Video: Poema XXIX de Proverbios y Cantares (Antonio Machado) Lectura periodística: “España hoy” Rincón literario: Poema VII de Versos sencillos (José Martí) 5 (Sept. 16-20) 6 (*Sept. 23-27) 7 (Sept. 30-Oct. 4) 2 Temas para comunicación: Política y economía Viñetas culturales: El río Bravo / La Tierra del Fuego Estructuras: Ser/estar, adjetivos y pronombres posesivos, artículos definidos y indefinidos, pretérito y imperfecto Video: Las fronteras transculturales Lectura periodística: “Las mujeres latinoamericanas hacen historia” Rincón literario: Introducción al estudio de la contradicciones (Bertalicia Peralta) 8 (Oct. 7-11) 9* (*Oct. 14-17) 10 (Oct. 21-25) 3 Temas para comunicación: Diferentes sistemas de educación Viñetas culturales: El subsidio de las escuelas privadas en Bogotá / La Universidad de Salamanca Estructuras: pretérito vs. imperfecto, pronombres relativos, expresiones de tiempo con hacer Video: Presentaciones Lectura periodística: “Fuga de cerebros” Rincón literario: ¡Y va de exámenes! (Pedro Antonio de Alarcón) 11 (Oct. 28-31, Nov. 1) 12 (*Nov. 4-8) 13 (Nov. 11-15) 4 Temas para comunicación: Fiestas, ferias y supersticiones Viñetas culturales: Las Posadas / El Día de los Muertos Estructuras: Comparativos, por vs. para, subjuntivo Video: Las Navidades Lectura periodística: “Celebran los Sanfermines en Pamplona” Rincón literario: Día de reyes (María Teresa Babín) 1 2 3 4 14 (Nov. 18-22) (*Nov. 25-26) 15 (Dec. 2-6) 16 (Dec. 9-13) 17 (Dec. 16-20) 18 (Jan. 6-10) 5 Temas para comunicación: Puestos y entrevistas de trabajo Viñetas culturales: Los tratados de libre comercio / La ventaja de ser bilingüe Estructuras: el imperativo, subjuntivo Video: Carreras en español Lectura periodística: “Google también apuesta por el mercado hispano” Rincón literario: Apocalipsis (Marco Denevi) Skits (summary of chapters 1-5) Review for final exam on Thursday, Jan. 9