Beginning of Year Ideas

Beginning of Year Ideas
After my procedures I lecture some more:
I give a tour of the library. My fiction books are placed according to
grade level, mostly. I LEVELED THEM.
We have easy reader, picture book (not graded), 2+, 3+ and fiction
I talk about good books that I have read this summer or just good books
for them. I also talk about ways to find a good book---one grade only every year.
I used to use the info. from a Judy Freeman book. Some of the ways are good/bad/ugly.
How about…
Kindergarten Rocks
Mouse paint
Mouse count
Kindergarten ABC
Countdown to Kindergarten
The alphabet mystery (I do this about the third or fourth week with
them) and its companion The Alphabet adventure
First Grade
First Grade Stinks
Mrs. Watson wants your teeth
Second Grade
Get Ready for 2nd Grade Amber Brown
Stella Louella and the runaway library book-Ernst
Library Lil
The Library Lion
I don't read with them, I make them practice using the catalog. We have
a new system this year (We started July 14) so they need to get used to
the different look.
Stories! There are many great library "stories" out there for all levels. Last year was my
first full-time year in the library. Luckily we have eleven elementary schools all K-5 and
our librarians love to share; Draw a map of the library, but don't fill it in - have the
students fill it in as they walk quietly around and identify the sections in the library; have
books out from each section and have groups of students put them in order: The Library
Dragon, The Library Lion, Excuse Me but That's My Book, Toni Buzzeo's books are
great; also there are some songs out there to teach about libraries - kids love it when you
sing with them... hope this helps some... I haven't started planning for this next year. I'm
hoping to do more projects this year.
Week 1- Introduced myself to each class as they came in.
KINDERGARTEN is on a staggered enrollment to get them accustomed to school, so
they come around in small groups and meet all the "specials" teachers. I shook hands or
gave hugs and introduced myself and took their pictures (so I could try and learn their
names quickly).
FIRST - Read "The Library Dragon" along with the story puppet.
SECOND- Read "The Librarian from the Black Lagoon."
THIRD- Read "Library Lil."
FOURTH & FIFTH - These kids have actually had a different librarian every year at this
school, so they know how to meet someone new. I tried to think of a way to get them
"hooked" right away and show that I really did want to know what their interests were,
etc. I made a big display of books that have been made into movies and then chose a few
to discuss how the movie and book were similar and different - Spiderwick, Prince
Caspian, Kit Kittredge, Lemony Snicket... The kids who had already finished the books
were really eager to point out discrepancies between the story lines and that got the kids
who had only seen the movies curious. By the end of the week, nearly every book I had
displayed was checked out and some had waiting lists.
Week 2KINDERGARTEN - Read "D.W.'s Library Card" and talked about book care and
library procedures.
FIRST & SECOND - Read "Check It Out!" by Gail Gibbons, then used the television
synched to the computer to demonstrate how to use the online catalog, and from there
how to find them on the shelves.
THIRD/FOURTH/FIFTH - Also did a brief review of the catalog with the
TV/computer, but then used a Powerpoint to go into more detail of how
the library is organized.
Since the movie tie-ins had been so popular the week before, I made a new display of "If
you liked ..., then you might like..." using nonfiction books on pirates, mummies, Ancient
China, archaeology, etc. Example: "If you liked Pirates of the Caribbean, then you might
enjoy these books on pirates." I had books related to "The Mummy" movies, Indiana
Jones, Tomb Raider, Pirates of the Caribbean, Journey to the Center of the Earth. Then I
used those topics as my examples for the online catalog demo. Again - every book on
display was checked out and had a waiting list.
As the weeks went by I continued the displays with a different theme each week
presidents for the September elections, bats and spiders near Halloween, nutrition and
cook books during National School Lunch Week ... Whatever I pulled out was always
checked out. The lessons moved on to different topics and skills they needed or that the
teachers requested, but I think taking the time those first few weeks to show
that I did know a little about life outside the library (like the popular movies of the
summer) helped them see me as someone that might be able to recommend things they
would like.
The teachers appreciated that I tied in what I was doing to what was going on in their
classrooms. When it was time for the Science Fair – I went over how to research a topic
and how to make a bibliography list. When it was time for dress-up book reports, I made
sure I had plenty of biographies to choose from and also nonfiction books that had
illustrations of the clothing of different time periods, so the kids could get an idea of what
to wear. When second grade did their habitat reports I showed the kids how to use the
table of contents and index to find where the plants and animals of the area were listed.
Probably the same things you did. :-)
Book care or and library rules, I use Mr Wiggles and What happened to
Marions book. Library dragon for intro to rules. There are plenty of
great books to choose from.
Here are some books that are fun to use during the first library lesson:
The Bee Tree--Patricia Polacco A great story about the value of reading.
I end this story by giving everyone a toothpick dipped in honey, or a
piece of honeycomb.
Miss Smith's Incredible Storybook--Michael Garland. Reading makes you
part of a new world. This is always a favorite. I never have enough
copies available for check-out after the reading.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation--Mark Teague It has a surprise at the
end. In the middle of the book ask, do you believe Wallace is telling
the truth? Then ask again at the end of the story.
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers--Mordecai Gerstein A good lead in
to the concept of doing your best, becoming what you want to be.
Beatrice's Goat--Page McBrier. The importance of school and doing your
best in school.
I always begin the year with books about the library. I would use books like the The
Library Dragon, Library Lil etc and that way I could incorporate lessons on book care etc
with literature.
I like to start with books that have talking points on them such as I took My Frog to the
Library, the Library Dragon, IQ Goes to the Library, Beverly Billingsly Borrows a Book.
There are many titles, check your collection. With the older kids, I play a game to review.
I call it the sponge game. I draw a sponge bob face on a large sponge, dampen it, and
draw numbers on the chalk board. Each table group is asked a question, and if correct
they throw the sponge at the board. I have lots of behavior rules incorporated, and I'll
send them if you think you might try it.
One of my favorite back to school stories that I use with Kinder/First is I Took My Frog
to the Library by Eric Kimmel. I use puppets and hold up as I recite each page.
I took my frog to the library....jumped on circulation desk.
Hen................laid egg next to card catalog
Have a great beginning. I am at a year-round school and today was our
kids' first day back. Very few crying "parents".
The Librarian From the Black Lagoon
Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Anything
Stella Luella's Runaway Book
Library Dragon
are all good read alouds for the first days of classes
I also go over my expectations and procedures (Harry Wong's advice for
the first day) and take new pics for my circ system ( I load my own so I
don't have to wait for the CD of student pictures we get in November )