Please join us for

Please join us for …
Senior Presentations 2006
Each single presentation is ten minutes in length followed by a five-minute question and answer period. Please feel free to ask questions.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
3:00 p.m.
Rice Room
Multi-Purpose Room
Anna Engelsted/Julia Engelsted (Mr. Stein)
Biomimicry: The Imitation of Nature
Brendan Jones (Mr. Gal)
Cinema’s Greatest Sensei: Akira Kurusawa’s
Influence on the World of Film
Richard Malo (Mr. Teutsch)
Fueling a Diesel Vehicle from
Grease and/or Vegetable Oil
Boris Svirchuk/Jesse Vaughn (Mr. Teutsch)
Alternative Sources of Energy
Nathaniel Erskine (Mr. Mathieu)
Can We Have Some Time Alone?
Lack of Constitutional “Right to Privacy”
3:20 p.m.
3:40 p.m.
Julia Berman (Ms Jersild)
HELP: History and Art in Evans and
Lange Photographs
4:00 p.m.
Roseann Gammal (Mrs.Puccio)
Honoring Thieves and Murderers: The
Romanticism of Pirates in Our Culture
Morenike Fajana (Mrs. Carlson)
The History and Relevance of Forensic Science
Matthew Stepanski (Mrs. Kelly)
Fear and Loathing in the Mind of
Hunter S. Thompson
4:20 p.m.
Suela John/Kristiana Papa(Mrs. Vanderspek)
Into the Minds of Ruthless Dictators
Adrienne Marois/Erin O’Connor (Ms. Telenson)
The Harry Potter Phenomenon: How One
Wizard Bewitched the World
Thomas Magnuson (Mr. White)
John Wooden: The Teaching of a Legend
Mohamed Adam (Mr.Sheldon)
The Impact of Mohammed Ali on
the World
Kristi Shea (Mr. Belanger)
Say Hello to My Little Friend:
How the Media Shapes the Mind of Your
5:00 p.m.
Shannon McAuliffe (Mrs. Carlson)
Give My Regards: The Effect of Broadway on
the Culture of New York City
Julia Karpicz (Mr. Trocchio)
How Does the Black Maculine Identity
Change in Different Social Arenas
Samuel Ostrow (Mr. Belanger)
WHIP,OPS, and Youth: The New
Face of Baseball
5:20 p.m.
Callie Lekas (Ms. LeBlanc)
A Losing Record: Women’s Fight
Against Sport’s Masculinity
Anastasia Exarchos/Curtis Reid (Mrs. Lellios)
College Students: Adjusting to the Transition
Andrew Becker (Mrs. Pearson)
Don’t Stem the Cells: The Importance
of Continuing Stem Cell Research
Siobhan Finicane (Mrs. Lord)
New Perspectives on the Clever and Magical
Animals of Yore
Timothy McKone (Ms. LeBlanc)
Young to Young Gunner: The
Fundamentals of Shooting a Basketball
Lam Lieu (Mrs. Puccio)
What Happened to Courtship?
Lucy Crowley (Mrs. Fuste)
Impressionism: The Life and Work of
Pierre-August Renoir
Olivia Mercadante (Mrs. Pearson)
How Do You Like Your Eggs?
Ethical Concerns of Gamete Donating
Please join us for…
Senior Presentations 2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Rice Room
Multi-Purpose Room
3:00 p.m.
Morgan Cichon (Mrs. Fuller)
Teenage Driving: Is Later Better?
Brett Hershman (Mr. O’Brien)
See the Ball, Be the Ball: The Theories of
Golf Psychology
Myles Dunigna/Brendan Conuel (Mr. Dec)
Unidentified Flying Objects and
Extraterrestrial Beings
3:20 p.m.
Benjamin Lund (Mrs Fuller)
Mugged by Coffee: Caffeine’s Influence
on American Culture
Meredith Crawford (Mr .Sheldon)
Marilyn Monroe: How She Reshaped American
View of Feminity
3:40 p.m.
Mally Anderson (Mr. Gal)
The American Dream in the 1920’s
Comparing the Great Gatsby to the Big Sleep
Emily Lawrence (Mr. Trocchio)
Eco Friendly Houses
Jared Ellison (Ms. Jersild)
Experimental Music and Atonality
4:00 p.m.
Ingrid Guha (Mr. M. Enlow)
What Is the Color of Z? Exploring
Synesthetic Perceptions
Lindsey Madison (Mr. Sheldon)
Bird Flu: Paranoia or Pandemic?
William Chilton (Mrs. Hench)
The Loch Ness Monster as
Cultural Icon
4:20 p.m.
David Crowley (Mrs .Lellios)
The Underground Culture of Worcester
Elizabeth Eypper(Mr. Kondek)
The Pharmaceutical Industry: Swindlers of
the American Healthcare System
Vanessa Theoharis(Mrs. Hench)
One Singular Sensation: How a
Chorus Line Revitalized Broadway
4:40 p.m.
Laura Honig/Monique Remillard (Mr. McMillan)
The Effect of Winning aan Olympic Medal
On Underdeveloped Nations
Elizabeth Gardner/Elizabeth Nigro(Ms. Day)
The Land of Inopportunity: The Myth
About America
Bradley Nicholson (Mr. White)
Don’t Rush: College Can Wait
5:00 p.m.
5:20 p.m.
Murat Arslanoglu (Mr. Gal)
The European Union and Turkey
Isabel Fay/Monica Picard (Mrs. Gerhardt)
Miss Marathon
Jacob Lemay (Mr. Matthieu)
How to Make Your Own Indian Dugout
Baird Bream (Mr. McMillan)
Shrinking Markets, Shrinking Hopes:
disparities Between Capitalistic Theories
and Practices in Modern America
5:40 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Henry Chase (Mr. Griffith)
The Information Superduper Highway
Emily Mukai/Rebecca Slatkin (Mrs. Hosey)
The Influence of the Internet on Society
6:20 p.m.
6:40 p.m.
Matthew Glick (Mr. Griffith)
Susan Flanagan/Stephanie Ganias(Mr. R. Enlow)
The Beat Generation
Timothy Harrington (Mrs. Lord)
Arbitrary Age Limits Controlling Our Lives
Estelle Hirsh/Kelsey McDonough
(Mrs. Kelly)
Ralph Lauren: Style and American