The B2B Programme in [B2B Country*] Project Phase – Annex xx Plan for Training and Technical Assistance for the project between [** local company, city/country] & [**Danish company, city/country] [date] Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1 2. THE PROJECT AND THE NEED FOR TRAINING ........................................................................ 1 2.1 THE OBJECTIVES OF THE CO-OPERATION PROJECT......................................................................................................... 1 2.2 THE OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE TRAINING PLAN ....................................................................................................... 1 2.3 PRELIMINARY TRAINING NEEDS ASSESSMENT.................................................................................................................. 1 2.4 PARTNER COMPETENCE ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................ 2 3. TRAINING PLAN ................................................................................................................................ 2 3.1 TRAINING STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 THE SCOPE OF THE TRAINING PLAN................................................................................................................................... 3 3.3 THE PROPOSED TRAINING ORGANISATION ...................................................................................................................... 4 3.4 EVALUATION PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................................. 4 4. BUDGET & TIME SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................... 4 4.1 BUDGET AND ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 4 4.2 TIME SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 RELATED APPENDICES APPENDIX 1.B APPENDIX 1.C APPENDIX 1.D APPENDIX 1.E [OVERVIEW OF ACTIVITIES AND TRAINING] [TRAINING BUDGET] [TIME SCHEDULE] [TEMPLATE FOR DETAILED PLANNING OF TRAINING COURSE] 1. INTRODUCTION The enclosed plan for training and technical assistance has been prepared as part of the B2B project between [local company] (hereafter: XXX) and [Danish company] (hereafter YYY). The purpose of the training and technical assistance is to ensure that the business objectives of the B2B project between the parties can be achieved. Furthermore, the training plan is part of the application to the B2B Programme in [B2B Country] 2. THE PROJECT AND THE NEED FOR TRAINING 2.1 The objectives of the co-operation project The main objectives of the B2B project are: 2.2 The overall objectives of the training plan The overall objective of the training plan is to support the implementation of the B2B project and ensure the overall business objectives. The training objectives can be expressed as follows: The training plan has been designed to ensure that the primary training objectives can be achieved within a period of [**] months. 2.3 Preliminary training needs assessment A preliminary training needs assessment has been undertaken as part of [the study/pilot project/project preparation]. Based on the results of this assessment a training plan has been drafted focusing on the general needs of [the local 1 company]. [Describe the general needs of the company] Based on the general assessment the following training needs are foreseen: Management Middle management Technicians/operators Administrative/other support staff 2.4 Partner competence assessment [Describe the Danish company’s competencies and capacity as regards planning and implementing a training programme] [Describe the local company’s competencies, training needs and capacity to absorb training] 3. TRAINING PLAN The plan for training and technical assistance should be seen as an integrated part of the project. The objectives of the business venture cannot be obtained and sustained without the successful implementation of the training programme. 3.1 Training strategy [Briefly describe the overall training strategy e.g. short-term/long-term; formal/informal course; class course/on-the-job training; in B2B country/Denmark, done by Danish partners’ employees/external consultants/local institutions etc; expatriate/short-term adviser.] The training programme can – for planning purposes - be divided into the following phases: 2 Phase 1 [**describe the main contents of the phase and where it will take place] Phase 2 . [**describe the main contents of the phase and where it will take place] Phase 3 [**describe the main contents of the phase and where it will take place] Phase 4 [**describe the main contents of the phase and where it will take place] Phase 5 [**describe the main contents of the phase and where it will take place] Phase 6 [**describe the main contents of the phase and where it will take place] 3.2 The scope of the training plan An overview of the training areas to be covered including location, provider and duration of training activities is presented in appendix 1.B. The training programme has a flexible design, so that it may be adjusted to reflect the development of the business. For each of the suggested formal training courses, a more detailed training plan will be developed in the project phase, addressing the following issues: Specific work tasks to be addressed Target groups/participants Trainers Duration Training objectives Main subjects Validation criteria [The later detailing of training activities will use the B2B training module template] 3 3.3 The proposed training organisation The training organisation will consist of the following people: [**] will be responsible for the project administration as well as reporting to the B2B Programme in [* name of B2B Country]. [**] will be responsible for [describe other activities] 3.4 Evaluation procedures Evaluation procedures will be designed for each individual training activity. Selected success criteria and milestones will be flexible, so that they can be adjusted to the continuous development in the business organisation as well as the development of the individual employees. [**] will be responsible for the implementation of an evaluation system, consisting of the following parts: Validation of formal training Performance evaluation of on-the-job training Performance evaluation of the individual employees 4. 4.1 BUDGET & TIME SCHEDULE Budget and assumptions A detailed budget is enclosed in Appendix 1.C. The total cost of training and technical assistance has been estimated at [DKK **], of which Danida is expected to cover 90% equalling [DKK **]. The remaining [10%] will be covered by the partners in the following manner: [Danish partner] [DKK *] [Local partner] [DKK *] The budget is based on the following general assumptions: Wages: One year has been calculated as 1655 working hours, one month as 21 working days, and one working day as 7,4 hours in Denmark and 8 hours in [**B2B 4 country]. Fees: Auditing fees have been set at [max. DKK 5,400] for each audited statement to the B2B Programme. All other expenses, including fees for Danish consultants, have been calculated according to the principles and regulations of Danidas’ Short-term consultancy rules. Expenses: International airfares will be made on economy class. The cost of travel insurance has been included in the cost of international airfares. The cost of insurance for longer periods of stay is calculated to be DKK ***/month. Standard tourist hotels will be used during shorter periods of training, e.g. [**]. Daily allowances have been calculated at [**] in [*B2B Country] and DKK [**] in Denmark in connection with the shorter training courses. [Expenses for communication have been included]. The exchange rate [**XXX (local currency unit)]/DKK has been calculated at [***] 4.2 Time schedule A detailed time schedule has been included in appendix 1.D. The training Programme is anticipated to start in [*month, year]. 5