Baldrige Communication Strategy The Baldrige Performance

Baldrige Communication Strategy
The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program is unveiling a new communications strategy that
will be of value to all state and other programs that use or adopt the Criteria for Performance
Excellence, as well as all examiners, U.S. organizations, and other Baldrige stakeholders who
know the importance of the Baldrige framework and performance excellence.
The attached talking points contain the evidence that those who use the Baldrige Criteria are
making a difference; award recipients and other applicants to the Baldrige program and
Baldrige-based programs, as well as the U.S. economy as a whole, are reaping the benefits.
Following is the communications strategy, encompassed within two themes:
The Baldrige Program is Transitioning to a Sustainable, Enterprise Model
Look for announcement of transition Web page coming soon.
The Baldrige Program and Baldrige-Based Programs Create Great Value for Your
Organization and the Whole U.S. Economy
Go to (Microsoft Word)
for evidence of the following talking points.
1. Baldrige Award winners create more jobs.
2. Baldrige hospitals save more lives and are stronger financially.
3. Baldrige small businesses demonstrate increasing sales, profits, and market share.
4. Baldrige manufacturers’ revenues improved 48% annually, on average.
5. Baldrige education organizations effectively improve reading and mathematics
proficiency and graduation rates.
6. The Baldrige Program’s benefit-to-cost ratio is 820-to-1.
Please pass along these talking points and use them yourselves to promote your own Baldrigebased program and your own Baldrige activities, and to strengthen your own Baldrige support.