Converting Tips

Converting Tips
Converting Mileage to Gas to Money
To convert miles to money follow these steps:
1. Add miles for the day’s drive.
2. Divide the miles by 30, as most cars will get about 30 miles to the gallon.
(This will tell you how many gallons of gas you used that day.)
3. Multiply the number of gallons of gas by $2.25.
($2.25 is an average price for gas in California.)
Hotel Value Chart
Restaurant Value Chart
Restaurant Ratings
No. of people
No. of people
Hotel Ratings
Use the charts above to figure out how much money you will need to spend for lodging
(hotels) and food. Here are a few tips and guidelines to help you figure this out:
Figure out how many people will be in your traveling group. You must have at least
one other person with you. You may also plan your trip as if you have a family of 5.
You must plan on purchasing at least 3 meals a day while on your trip. (Sorry, for this
trip you may not carry food with you as a picnic.)
You must also spend every night of your trip in a hotel, however fancy it may be.
The ratings at the top of the charts give you an idea of how fancy the hotels and
restaurants are.
A hotel with a rating of (◊) would be comparable to a Motel 6.
A hotel with a rating of (◊◊◊◊◊) would be comparable to the Ritz Carlton.
A restaurant with a rating of (◊) would be comparable to McDonald’s.
A restaurant with a rating of (◊◊◊◊◊) would be comparable to the restaurant at the
Ritz Carlton.
Figuring Driving Time
Driving time is the amount of time you spent driving during the day. You can figure this out
by dividing the miles traveled by 60. (This is assuming that you will be driving an average of
60 miles per hour.) Remember to convert the quotient (this decimal number) into hours and
minutes! Estimated driving times can also be calculated using Google Maps.
Daily Budget Planning
To figure out how much money you can plan to spend each day, divide $4,000 by the number
of days you are traveling. Use this number as you are working on your travel logs. Some days
you may go over your budget, but try to compensate by going under your daily budget on
other days. You don’t have to spend all $4000, but you can’t spend more than that.