Sharing Jesus in the Workplace

Sharing Jesus in the Workplace
Terry Messenger
Untapped Potential
I believe that in the coming years the best place for evangelism is going to be in the workplace. It
is in the workplace that more Seventh-day Adventists come into contact with secular
people more than anywhere else. But many opportunities are lost because the outreach
possibilities of the workplace are either misused or go unnoticed.
Jon Paulien, “Present Truth In The Real World.” p.167
Touching Lives
“I believe that the workplace is the primary arena in which the kingdom of God can
actually touch our lives and the lives of those we work with.” David Oliver “Love
Work Live Life” p.12
Where the Action Is
We are being called on to look for common ground with non-Christians when,
in the workplace, we already share it.
We are being exhorted to build bridges when, in the workplace, the bridges
are already built and have been crossed.
We are exhorted to go and develop relationships with people but, in the
workplace, the relationships already exist.
We are encouraged to go out and fish in pools and puddles when we are sitting
on a lake full of fish!
The workplace is one place where Christians are forced to meet non-Christians. The one
place where Christian and non-Christian have to relate to one another. That’s why it
is critical for evangelism. Mark Greene
Work: Prison or Destiny?
Three questions:
What do you think about work?
What does God think about it?
What does the Bible teach about it?
Two questions:
Is work a hindrance to faith, or the one place in reality where I can most fully express
my Christianity?
Is work minimising my opportunities to serve God or is it a wonderful challenging,
fulfilling and God-given environment?
True or false?
“I could be more pleasing to God, more effective as a person, and more
valuable as an individual, if I were working more in the church, or for the
Secular work a calling?
The impact on Christians of effectively robbing their work of spiritual and
ministry value is to produce a sense of guilt. The working Christian comes
home at the end of a 50 hour week and thinks that they haven’t done any
Biblical examples
Abraham - landowner
Moses - shepherd
Joseph - administrator
David - shepherd
Amos - farmer
Nehemiah - architect
Elisha - farmer
Paul - tentmaker
Priscilla and Aquilla - tentmakers
Lydia - seamstress
Jesus and Work
- Jesus – a carpenter
- Called disciples when at work
- Ministered to people at work
Used workplace illustrations
Much of what Jesus learned about life came from his own work experience
No sacred/secular divide
Motives for Working:
I work primarily to provide for myself and my family
I work to earn enough to do my real work for God
I work to support others in the church
I work as a means to financial prosperity
I am working as a stop-gap until I sense God’s calling on my life
I work because I am created to do just that
I work here because this is where God has called and led me to
I work here because it is the best place for me to put to work the gifts, skills
and talents that God has given me.
Which are the best motives?
Ten Christian values every workplace needs
1. Love
2. Encouragement
3. Forgiveness
4. Balance
5. Accountability
6. Excellence
7. Communication
8. Promise-keeping
9. Stewardship
10. Integrity
“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour
mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them,
ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’”
MH 143
Sometimes work colleagues may seek to “pile on the pressure” when they know
we are Christians – to see if we will “crack.” If we do they will assume our
religion is useless. But if we remain calm they will be led to believe that Christ
does make a difference and this may lead them to desire such a life. THEY
- This can improve productivity
- Helps win a soul to Christ
-Unleashes creativity because we are free to fail
Colleagues need to see this balance:
Work hard
God first in life
Interest in colleagues lives
Family important
Top-down accountability (Col 4:1) – if you are a manager of people don’t be
afraid to ask those under you to assess your performance openly and honestly.
Bottom-up accountability (Col 3:22) – don’t only work hard when the boss is
Excellence = working in your workplace the way Christ would work. This
builds credibility among your co-workers and this enables you to share Christ
with integrity.
Pastor C H Spurgeon once asked a young girl, who served as a domestic in one of his
families…what evidence she could give of becoming a Christian, and she meekly
answered, “I now sweep under the mats.”
“I used to memorize certain questions to ask people in my witnessing activities. But I
kept worrying about how to put them in the right order and at the right time. After I
got myself mixed up and embarrassed enough times, I changed my approach. I decided
not to have any prepared questions anymore, but just to attentively listen and
simply allow the other person to tell me what sort of questions to ask.” P.G.
Saaman. “Christ’s Way of Reaching People.” P.48
This includes finishing work at the proper deadline and arriving at work on
Some people want Christians to break promises to prove that Christ makes no
difference in their lives.
3 golden rules:
a. Promise only that which is consistent with God’s Word and will
b. Promise only that which is in the best interest of the recipient
c. Promise only that which you know you can deliver!
The workplace is the obvious mission field. God placed you there for a
purpose. People you interact with in life are not there by chance.
This is doing what’s right regardless of the circumstances.
We are not out to make converts – that belongs to God. Our colleagues must
know for sure that we will remain friends even if they do not attend our church
or get baptized.
Six Steps To Implant Christ In The Workplace
1. Prayer
2. Evaluation of Needs
3. Evaluation of Workforce
4. Marshall Resources
5. Discipling a colleague
6. Take Your Stand
List co-workers and pray for them individually being sensitive to their needs
and concerns.
Through prayer God changes us and equips us for HIS tasks.
Evaluate the Needs
Take time to study your workplace. Note how co-workers interact with each
other in conversation, memos, quality of work.
Listen for felt needs e.g. marriage problems; financial difficulties etc…
Evaluate the Workforce
In order to be aware of the needs of our co-workers, we must understand the
condition of their hearts. This will enable us to know how receptive to the
gospel they will be, and how we need to adapt our message.
Marshall Resources
Evaluate how to communicate:
screen saver
put article in company newsletter
display Christian literature in break room
use break-times for devotions – others may notice – or get acquainted with someone
Mentor or be a coach for someone at work. If we are managers or supervisors
many doors could be open to us
Take Your Stand
Many make the decision not to evangelise at work because it is inappropriate.
Is it appropriate for a person to lose eternal life?
Many don’t witness because they are afraid they don’t have enough
knowledge. Would you fail to rescue someone drowning because you haven’t
done the life-saver course?
Obey the boss?
1. Pray for wisdom
2. Do not lose cool
3. Respect boss’s position
4. Recognise boss’s limited frame of
5. Make reasonable request
6. Suggest deadline for resolution
Purpose and Reason
“Our fractured world and our work colleagues, with their fractured
relationships and fractured dreams, need mending. Could it be that for such a
time as this God has placed you in your workplace?” David Oliver