Code of Professional Standards

Professional Standards for CRC Employees
Employees of the CRC can have a profound and lasting influence on the life chances of
offenders. Their knowledge, skill, judgement, creativity and commitment plays a vital role
in society.
Given the position of the Probation Service within the Criminal Justice system and society
it is essential that the public have confidence in our employees. This confidence is based
on our employees demonstrating the highest level of personal, professional and ethical
standards and conduct.
The professional standards reflect the expectations that the CRC and the public have of
how our employees should behave. It sets a framework which is easily understood and
enables everyone to know what type of conduct is right and what is wrong. It forms part of
the wider package of legislation, national standards, and employer’s policies and
procedures that employees of the CRC must meet. Employees of the CRC are
responsible for ensuring that their conduct does not fall below the standards set out in this
The CRC will endeavour to ensure that the standards of conduct expected of its own
employees are applied by other parties with whom the CRC works in Partnership or under
other contractual arrangements.
Where these standards are applied to a decision or hearing they will be applied in a
transparent, objective and proportionate manner. Regard will be given to the nature and
circumstances of an employees conduct including whether the actions or omissions were
The professional standards are intended to reflect existing good practice and it is
anticipated that employees will recognise in this document the shared standards to which
they already aspire.
Within the standards there are several references to reporting to management. This
should be taken to mean any available manager and not limited to the specific line
manager of an individual employee.
Cumbria and Lancashire CRC holds the following values:
 A commitment to placing the protection of the public and victims at the heart of our
A belief in the capacity of offenders to change
Integrity and respect for all individuals
A belief that we are all responsible and accountable for our actions and behaviour
A belief that our staff are our most valuable asset
A commitment to collaborating with partners to achieve results
The achievement of high quality in all that we do
 A commitment to developing the best local solutions to meet the diverse needs of our
A commitment to ensure that all aspects of service delivery are provided equitably with
respect for diversity
The Six Principles
Accountability – I am accountable for the quality of my work and take responsibility
for maintaining and improving my knowledge and skills.
Honesty and Integrity – I demonstrate honesty and act with integrity contributing to
public trust and confidence in the Probation Service
Authority, Respect and Courtesy – I do not abuse my authority and respect the
rights of all individuals.
Equality – I demonstrate respect for diversity and promote equality.
Confidentiality - I treat information with respect and access or disclose it only for a
legitimate Probation purpose.
Fitness for work - When attending for work I am fit to carry out my responsibilities.
I am accountable for the quality of my work and take responsibility for maintaining
and improving my knowledge and skills.
This includes:
Meeting professional standards of practice relevant to my role and the stage that I
have reached in my career and working in a lawful, safe and effective way.
Maintaining clear and accurate records as required by procedures.
Informing the CRC about any personal difficulties that might impact on my ability to
do my job safely and competently.
Seeking assistance from the CRC if I do not feel able or adequately prepared to
carry out any aspect of my work, or if I am unsure about how to proceed in a work
Working openly and co-operatively with colleagues and treating them with respect.
Recognising and respecting the roles and expertise of employees of other agencies
and working in partnership with them.
I reflect on my practice and use feedback from colleagues to help me recognise my
own development needs.
I actively seek out opportunities to maintain and improve my knowledge and skills
and contributing to the learning and development of others.
I use all equipment provided by the CRC to protect my own safety and that of
Honesty and Integrity
I demonstrate honesty, act with integrity, contributing to public CRC and confidence
in the Probation Service
This includes:
Being honest and trustworthy.
Communicating in an appropriate, open, accurate and straightforward way.
Being reliable and dependable.
Representing my professional status accurately and avoid taking advantage of my
professional position.
Maintaining high standards in my own behaviour that contribute to public trust and
confidence in the Probation Service.
Honouring work commitments, agreements and arrangements and when it is not
possible to do so explaining why.
Declaring issues that might create conflicts of interest and making sure that these do
not affect my judgement or practice.
Adhering to all polices and procedures relating to my employment with the CRC.
Informing the CRC where the practice of colleagues may be unsafe or adversely
affecting an offender.
I recognise the important role of the CRC in the local community and I behave in a way,
in work or outside work, which does not undermine CRC values or standards or would
be likely to discredit or undermine public confidence in the CRC. (Bringing discredit on
the CRC is when public confidence or the reputation of the CRC is damaged or could
be damaged by the actions of an employee or group of employees. In the interest of
fairness, consistency and reasonableness the test is not solely about the amount of
media coverage but having regard to all the circumstances).
I immediately report any action including questioning, arrest, charge, caution or
conviction that is taken against me in relation to any offence or conditions imposed by a
court or a warning given under other police powers.
I display a positive image of the Probation Service in the standard of my appearance
which is appropriate to my operational role.
I will seek to ensure that CRC resources are protected from abuse, fraud or corruption.
I will ensure I do not accept gifts or inducements and I will disclose immediately details
of threats or offers of bribes made to me by an offender (or any person connected with
an offender) supervised by the CRC.
Authority, Respect and Courtesy
I do not abuse my authority and respect the rights of all individuals.
I act with self control and tolerance treating offenders, victims, members of the
public and colleagues with respect and courtesy.
I always use appropriate language and behaviour in my dealing with offenders,
victims, colleagues and the public. I do not use language or behave in a way which
I know or ought to know is likely to cause offence.
I recognise and use responsibly the authority that comes from my work within the
I will immediately advise the CRC if I form a relationship with an offender who is or
has been under the supervision of Cumbria and Lancashire CRC or any other CRC.
I do not store, display or distribute pictures, slogans, jokes or any other media that I
know or ought to know is offensive or likely to cause offence.
I always use the CRC’s resources appropriately and responsibly in accordance with
the NOMS E-mail and Internet policy or other policies governing use of resources.
If I am aware, on a personal level (family, extended family or friends) of anyone who
is involved with the CRC as an offender I will disclose this immediately.
If I form emotional relationships with colleagues (either within or outside the CRC)
where there is a potential conflict of interest, I will declare this immediately and
conduct the relationship in an appropriate manner when on CRC premises.
I will maintain professional boundaries between myself and the offenders under my
supervision at all times.
Equality and Diversity
I demonstrate respect for diversity and promote equality.
This includes:
I promote equal opportunities for offenders.
I have a responsibility to promote equality and diversity and by my actions set a
positive example.
I respect diversity and different cultures and values.
I do not condone any unlawful or unjustifiable discrimination by offenders, victims,
partners, agencies or colleagues.
I do not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of sex, race, colour, language,
religion or belief, political or other opinion, national or social origin, disability, age,
sexual orientation, gender identity or other status.
I accept the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination and actively promote equality
of opportunity and good relations between people of different groups.
I respect the rights of offenders whilst seeking to ensure that their behaviour does
not harm themselves or other people.
I do not disclose personal or political viewpoints which may conflict with the core
values of the CRC.
I treat everyone with respect and ensure my behaviour does not constitute bullying
and harassment.
I recognise and value diversity by ensuring inclusiveness, equality and fairness in
my treatment of all people and in the discharge of my duties.
I treat information with respect and access or disclose it only for a legitimate
Probation purpose
I adhere to the principles of the Data Protection Act.
The CRC shares information with other agencies and the public within operating
protocols, as part of its wider business. I never access or disclose information that I
know, or ought to know is not for legitimate probation purposes.
I am careful when taking information away from the CRC’s premises, taking only
what is needed and I follow the required signing out procedures.
I report any losses of information immediately.
I resist any attempts by a third party to gain information, including requests from
friends, family and the media.
I clearly explain CRC policies about confidentiality to service users and partner
I do not disclose information given to me or acquired by me in my role in confidence
without the consent of a line manager or unless required by law to do so.
I follow the principles of protective marking.
Fitness for work
When attending for work I am fit to carry out my responsibilities
I comply with employees Health and Safety responsibilities.
I do not make myself unfit or impaired for work as a result of drinking alcohol or
misusing substances.
If I am absent from work due to sickness I do not engage in any activities that I
know, or should know, will adversely impact on my return to the workplace.
I report to my line manger at the earliest opportunity any health concerns that may
have an adverse impact on my ability to effectively perform my duties.
If I am absent from work I liaise with my line manager, human resources and
Occupational Health in managing my absence.
I understand that there are other procedures which also govern my employment
with the CRC these include but are not limited to:
Disciplinary Procedure
Grievance Procedure
Capability Procedure
Financial Regulations
Sickness Absence Procedure
Email and Internet Procedure