HRM/Syllabus SEM/KU KHAZAR UNIVERSITY School of Economics and Management Human Resource Management Instructor: Raziya Isayeva E-mail: Term: Spring, 2014 Lecture hours: Monday 18:30 – 21:00 COURSE DESCRIPTION - This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of human resource management. Such areas as recruitment, selection, orientation, professional development, compensation, benefits administration, related tax laws, labor relations, international HRM, human resource information system design and utilization, and future implications for human resource management. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Define and utilize the fundamental concepts of strategic management and the resulting implications for the management of human resources. 2. Articulate what is and is not appropriate practice in the recruitment, selection, and retention practices of employers. 3. Describe the general components of compensation packages, how they are designed and what their potential organizational uses are. (Ex. Contribution to employer competitiveness in the labor market). 4. Explain the basic laws impacting upon the management of human resources and how a manager adheres to their tenets. 5. Demonstrate ability to analyze elements of, and take appropriate action in complex human relations problems. 6. Design an effective performance assessment program that includes the elements of consistency and fairness while encouraging employee development and satisfaction, and, if need be, that documents performance for discipline or termination. 7. Distinguish between equal employment opportunity and affirmative action, sexual attraction and sexual harassment, quotas and goals. 8. Discuss the impact of health care issues in the employment setting: explain how programs such as health wellness, employee assistance (EAP) function, and how they can assist managers and employees develop a more productive work environment. 9. Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of cultural diversity and demographics on an organization’s ability to manage its human resources. 10. Compare international human resource management approaches. 11. Communicate effectively in both internal and external settings. Raziya Isayeva Page 1 of 6 HRM/Syllabus SEM/KU COURSE MATERIAL 1. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Pearson New International Edition, 3rd Edition, Author: Gary Dessler 2. Human Resource Management, Thirteenth Edition, Robert L. Mathis, John H. Jackson COURSE REQUIREMENTS To accomplish the course objectives, students will be involved in a variety of learning experiences. The course format will emphasize mini-lectures, discussion of reading assignments, in- and out-of-class exercises, video clips, and case analyses. You will be expected to take a high level of responsibility for your own learning, as well as that of others. It has been my experience that the best classes have been those where students actively participated, contributed their experiences related to the topics discussed, and applied the course concepts to solving problems of interest to them. My goal is to create a learning environment that strikes a balance between my presentation of material and student involvement in discussion, projects, videos, cases, and in- and out-of-class exercises. Readings and assignments should be prepared in advance of the date designated for a particular topic since the lectures are designed to build upon the reading assignment. Hence, much more will be gained from the lectures (i.e., you will learn more and perform better on the quizzes) if you are well prepared on the subject matter prior to class. I also plan to provide you with opportunities to apply the material in class -- you must therefore have read/prepared the assignment prior to class to gain very much from these experiences and to avoid hampering your performance. Missing three or more classes will result in no course credit. Class participation can positively affect your final grade. COURSE GRADING Your final grade in this course will be based on the following requirements and weights: Midterm Exam – Final Exam Quizzes Team Project and Presentations Written Assignment Participation - 30 35 10 10 10 5 Midterm and Final Exam One midterm and one final exam are scheduled in this course. All exams will be given according to the attached course schedule. Quizzes Each class will begin with a quiz on the material covered last week. The quizzes are a substantial part of your semester grade. There are no make-up or late quizzes. Raziya Isayeva Page 2 of 6 HRM/Syllabus SEM/KU Team Project The individual team project will be an audit of an HR function, service, tool, or data exchange across organizations. The audit must address three major issues. First, a review of the function, how it achieves the strategic goals of the organizations analyzed, the fit between the organization's strategy and an HR subfunction (i.e., staffing, training & development, performance management, or compensation) should be analyzed. Second, a critique of the HR subfunction in light of strengths of and weaknesses should be provided. You will need to identify and describe the criteria for your assessment. Finally, propose recommendations for change based on weaknesses in the HR subfunction. These recommendations should detail how you will implement these changes and have managers and employees accept these changes. Through the collection of materials, phone and/or in-person interviews your team will conduct a human resource audit. The project will result in a multi-page report. More information on the team HR assignment will be discussed on week IV. The teams will be formed before Week V. Team Member Contributions Team member contributions will be evaluated by all team members and adjustments, if necessary, will be made to the project grade. Also, a team may fire a member on or before Week VII . To fire a team member the following must occur: 1. the team must have a consensus that action be taken 2. a verbal warning or a written warning note must be given 3. if improvement is less than optimal, formal notice of the firing must be given, preferably in person, followed by an e-mail to the team member with a copy to the instructor. If you are fired you can: a. join another team, if allowed by that team, b. withdraw from the class, or c. complete the assignment on your own. On the other hand, as a team member you may quit, but the same consequences apply as if you were fired. Written Assignment Choose an emerging topic from the list provided by instructor. Topics must be reserved by week 4. Thoroughly research the topic using primary (newspapers, interviews, news magazines, electronic media) and secondary sources (commentaries, research journals, books). Prepare a bibliography of recommended readings (e.g., journal articles or books). Written Assignment should be submitted by week XIV. No less than 1500 words. Participation The majority of mangers’ time is spent in conversations and discussions. Because of this, Raziya Isayeva Page 3 of 6 HRM/Syllabus SEM/KU substantive contribution to class discussions will be given high priority. Behaviors that will have a positive impact on my evaluation of your class participation include: Supportive listening skills are demonstrated (e.g., following the discussion, understanding the questions that fellow students or I ask) and responses are not person oriented or invalidating. Interaction with other class members in discussions. Comments are specific, owned, and relevant to the discussion. Comments are conjunctive (i.e., follow from the comments of others). Comments add to understanding of the problem or topic. Contributor distinguishes the source of the comment (e.g., based on facts, opinions, theory). Contributor demonstrates willingness to test new ideas as opposed to all safe ideas (e.g., repetition of facts from readings without analysis or conclusions). My expectations for your performance are high. An absolute rather than a comparative approach will be used (you will understand why my reasons while taking the class) for grading. POLICY Attendance As this course focuses on communication, its success rests mainly in student participation and discussion. Therefore, attendance is critical. Excessive unexcused absences (more than four) will result in student’s withdrawal from the class. To this end, regular attendance records will be kept. Those having legitimate reasons for absence (illness, family bereavement etc) are required to inform the instructor. Tardiness/other disruptions As punctuality is critical in a professional environment, the students are expected to be in time for classes. Tardiness is disruptive to the class and sends a message of lack of concern for the other’s time. If a student is late to the class for more than ten (10) minutes, s/he is NOT allowed to enter and disturb the class. Preparation for class The structure of this course makes your individual study and preparation outside the class extremely important. The lecture material will focus on the major points, so the students are encouraged to make notes during the lectures, which will guide them while preparing for the classes. As the lectures will be an amalgam of the best from various textbooks, journal and newspaper articles, Internet materials, and own experience, the students will be provided with handouts. After the lecture, you should study your notes and handouts to be prepared for class discussions, case studies, and simulations. Make-up Exams Raziya Isayeva Page 4 of 6 HRM/Syllabus SEM/KU As the Quiz measures the students' current preparation for the class, Make-Ups are not permitted. If you miss the final with a valid excuse, you must make it up at a later date arranged and agreed with the dean. If you do not have a valid excuse for missing an exam, it will count as a zero. In order to be excused from the exam, the student must contact the instructor and the dean well before the exam. Excuses will not be granted for social activities. The exams will all be cumulative. You will have open-ended questions, multiple choice questions, essay questions. Most of the questions on each exam will be taken from the material covered since the last exam, but some will come from the earlier material. In general, the coverage will reflect the amount of time spent in class on the different topics. You are not allowed to use textbooks, handouts and any other material during the exams. For the exams you will be allowed to bring an A4 sheet of paper which you can use for your notes. Assignments Those students who desire to accomplish assignments are required to turn them in on their due dates. All out-of-class assignments must be typed. No hand written submissions will be accepted. Withdrawal (pass/fail) This course strictly follows grading policy of the School of Economics and Management. Thus, a student is normally expected to achieve a mark of at least 60% to pass. In case of failure, he/she will be referred or required to repeat the course the following term or year. For referral, the student will be required to take examination scheduled by instructor. Cheating/plagiarism Cheating or other plagiarism during the Quizzes, Mid-term, Final Examinations and assignments will lead to paper cancellation. In this case, the student will automatically get zero (0), without any considerations. Professional behavior guidelines The students shall behave in the way to create favorable academic and professional environment during the class hours. Unauthorized discussions and unethical behavior are strictly prohibited. What instructor considers important for successful completion of the course For successful completion of the course, the students shall take an active part during the class time, analyzing case studies and participating in further discussions, prepare assignments and presentations. Raziya Isayeva Page 5 of 6 HRM/Syllabus SEM/KU COURSE SCHEDULE Week Chapter I Syllabus - Focus of class, objectives, grading policies etc. Due Ch. 1 – Introduction/HRM in Organizations II Ch. 2 – Strategic HR Management and Planning III Ch. 4 - Workers, Jobs, and Job Analysis Quiz 1 IV Ch. 5,– HR Planning and Retention Quiz 2 V Ch. 6 - Recruiting and Labor Markets Quiz 3 VI Ch. 7 - Selecting Human Resources Quiz 4 VII Mid-term Exam VIII Ch. 8 – Training human Resources IX Ch. 9 – Talent Management Quiz 5 X Ch.10 – Performance Management and Appraisal Quiz 6 XI Ch. 11 – Total Rewards and Compensation Quiz 7 XII Team Project Team Project XIII Ch. 12 – Incentive Plans and Executive Compensation Quiz 8 XIV Ch.13 – Managing Employee Benefits Quiz 9 XV Ch. 16 – Employee Rights and Responsibilities Quiz 10 XVII Final Examination Raziya Isayeva Page 6 of 6