SILICON VALLEY UNIVERSITY - SPRING 2012 BA 553: BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT Course Assignment: Creating a Business Process Management Guide This assignment is to be undertaken by individual students, not project teams. The purpose of the course assignment is for students to develop a Business Process Management (BPM) Guide. This guide, along with the project report for this course, will provide a resource for use by students in managing processes in their daily work. Request The assignment involves gathering information from the course into a BPM Guide, and gathering additional information to improve the guide for your use. The guide should be organized with tabs (or in folders, if electronic) for the various aspects of business process management, in some fashion that makes sense to you. The guide will also include the following items: a. Information and articles gathered by the student on the various topics behind each tab b. A write up on your teamwork experience: this involves collecting the results of team tools, evaluating them and any trends throughout the project, and writing about what you learned from the experience c. Application of business process management tools and techniques to a particular company (the BPM plan from your team project). This will be graded as part of the course project, but a copy should be included in your BPM Guide for your future use The instructor will review your BPM guides periodically throughout the course. Feedback on the guide will be provided as requested. January 8, 2012 1 BA563-02