March 27 2008

Excerpts from the Republican, Aurora Chancy
If there is interest I will continue to do this column, email or check
my website While there are lots of newsy items, social events,
etc, I am primarily looking for genealogical items.
Delphos Republican March 27 1908
The foundation for N O Swanson’s residence on First street has been laid out.
Geo. N Billings has been appointed administrator of the estate of James K Sullivan.
To rent, the rear room of the library building formerly occupied by the Rural Tel. Co.
Inquire Mrs Margaret Richards, Pres.
Dr Wiseman, the veterinarian has returned from post graduate courses in Kansas City and
will be permanently located here.
Rev CM Snyder has been in charge of the M E congregation for two years and the
members have requested he remain another year.
George Betts, Short Order Restaurant and Meals, has fresh oysters.
George Day has bought the Conde Restaurant on the west side of the square and Lew
Truex has been put in charge.
Carpenters are at work on the Methodist parsonage.
Workmen are placing the big water tank in the city park.
Dr GE Eye has bought a new Ford automobile. Hope he has better success with this one
than he did with the first experiment.
John Coffield, brother to Elias, died in Kansas City.
April 3 1908
Judge J W Barker died March 28 after a battle with cancer for about a year. Services were
at the Methodist church and burial at Delphos. He was born in Louisville KY Aug 4
1832. He located in Delphos in 1879. He married Nellie Taylor in Delphos Oct 20 1882.
They had 4 children, Arthur M, Mrs Edith Scheibler, Mrs Nellie Scheibler, and Reed,
who died by an accidental shooting two years ago. He served in the Civil War as Post
Veterinarian in Louisville. Since coming to Delphos he has been Justice of the Peace 18
consecutive years. In 1902 he was elected Probate Judge, and in 1906 he was elected to a
third term.
Mary E Basnett died at her home in Zion City Illinois March 26th. Her remains were
brought here for burial. Services were at the Methodist church. Interment was at Bethel
cemetery. Mary E Delaplain was born in Maryland Oct 29 1830. She married John M
Basnett near Bethel, West Virginia, April 11 1849. Shortly after the marriage they moved
to Illinois, then in 1876 came to Kansas. They had 5 boys and 1 girl, of whom 2 survive
her, OC Basnett of Ness City, Kansas and Mrs WC Davis, of Delphos. ( note: Velonia
Katherine married William Clark Davis 30 Oct 1867.)
LA Henry has been appointed Probate Judge. His salary will be half the receipts of the
Cal Besnett was here from Hays City to attend the funeral of his mother.
Elmer Davis has a broken nose from a stick of wood striking him in the face. Ben
Richards got his playing football.
Al Everley and OE Hardesty returned from a trip to Texas where Al bought a quarter
section of land.
Dr James’ new residence has been started, using cement blocks manufactured on site by
Eugene Raub.
Born to Mr & Mrs Ed Kiser, a girl, March 29th.
Yesterday was moving day. Scott Sage moved to the Basnett farm north of town, the
Plant family moved into the Sage’s house, F G Rollings moved to the farm, and NO
Swanson moved into the house vacated by Rollings.
April 10 1908
A baby girl was born to Mr & Mrs Harry Bourne, Sat April 4th.
Wm. Haley has bought the I H Brown property at the north end of Custer. The Browns
will move to Kansas City.
Stone masons have nearly completed work on the Dave Mortimer house west of town
which was heavily damaged by fire last year.
WC Davis is getting estimates on a stone or brick building on the southeast corner of the
square. The building will be occupied by the furniture store and will have a deck.
The case between the city of Delphos and Emma Correll has been decided in her favor. A
wooden porch was built on the rear of the Commercial Hotel building, of which she is the
owner, in violation of city ordinance. It was built without her permission unbeknown to
A baby girl was born to Mr & Mrs Jay Disney April 2nd. Ms Disney is very ill and little
hope is entertained for her recovery.
A baby girl was born to Mr & Mrs O McLaughlin, April 5th.
April 17 1908
Mrs O Jay Disney funeral. Edna Gwendolyn Disney, died at her home 5 miles north west
of Delphos, Sunday April 12th. She was born in Glasco Aug 29 1888, the youngest
daughter of John W Jones. She was married Aug 28 1907. She is survived by her husband
and a girl baby about a week old. Pastor Snyder of the Methodist church conducted
services and she was intered at Delphos.
Mr & Mrs Fred Rockhold are the parents of a baby girl April 11th. Fred has a broken leg
from working a drag. A part of the machine broke and he fell into the teeth, the team ran
with him.
A petition is being circulated to make it a misdemeanor for any property owner to have
dandelions growing in their lawn.
April 24 1908
Mary Ellen Parks was born Muskingum county Ohio, Sept 17 1820 and died Delphos,
April 19 1908. She married Solomon Edwards Dec 4 1845. To this union were born 10
children, 5 survive her. Services at he Methodist church, interment at Delphos.
Joy N Blanchard was born at Whittingham, VT, Aug 17 1829, and died April 19th at
Delphos. Services were conducted by IOOF. He leaves a wife, two sons and one brother.
Thomas S Weaver, 42, Beloit, was shot and killed accidentally by his 19 year old son,
AJ. They were camping and the son snapped the trigger believing the gun to be empty,
killing the father instantly.
March 24 1933
Mr & Mrs Howard Meredith are the parents of a 8 pound baby boy born this week.
Marriage license was issued to William W Cassel of Beverly and Bessie I Stanley of
Minneapolis, Judge King performed the ceremony.
Will Brown, a long time resident at Mt Washington passed away at Wheaton KS and was
buried at the Christian Church northeast of here.
Who’s who at Delphos High School spotlights Margaret “Bud” Janet Casey. She is a
junior and plans to take up nursing when she graduates in 1934.
March 31 1933
A deal has been made between the K-T people, Otto Hoesli and Chas Klein. Otto will
take over Chas interests, while Jesse Rolph retains his end of the business. Chas. Klein
has been in charge of the service part of the station for 5 years.
The children of James H Garrison carried out a surprise birthday celebration for him. One
son, WH, was surprised in turn, when his son, Leonard, of Topeka, introduced his wife,
who he had married Aug 27 1932.
Reminder to keep your chickens and dogs confined.
Mr & Mrs Casper Smith are the parents of a girl, last Saturday evening. (retracted in the
next issue)
Mr & Mrs E N Davis, who have been spending the winter with their daughter, Mrs W W
Adams, in Arizona are stopping in Denver with the E E Davis family. (Blanche Davis
Adams died April 10 1933 Tempe AZ)
Who’s Who in Delphos High spotlights Max Rolph. He is taking vocational agriculture
courses. He will probably farm. He has letters in football, basketball, and track and is out
for tennis this year. He was elected co captain of next years football team.
April 7 1933
Mr & Mrs Eugene McCain are the parents of an 8 ½ pound boy born Wednesday
Pendleton Wells, better known as Pete or Bud, died Wednesday and was buried from Hall
Mr & Mrs Casper Smiths toddler was injured in an accident. She was injured when she
fell carrying a pair of scissors last Saturday.
Whos who in Delphos high School spotlights Verne Eberly. He is in band, orchestra and
glee club. He plans to take up chemical engineering.
April 14 1933
P & S Service station was held up Thursday evening. Just as Clyde Smith was closing up
a stranger drove up and ordered ten gallons of gas and 2 quarts of oil. Grant Kiser and
Leonard Young drove up and entered the station. The stranger followed them in and
pulled a gun and lined them up to rob them. Just then a crown was leaving the auditorium
and he left with only the gas and oil. The stolen car was found later in the southern part of
the state.
Blanche Davis Adams died Monday from pneumonia. She had been ill but was fairly
well when her parents left two weeks ago. She is survived by her parents, a sister, Bertha
Dildine, a brother Clyde Davis, a daughter, three sons and her husband.
Mr & Mrs D D Bergman, formerly of Delphos, now of Colby, have a daughter Lila Lee,
born April 7th.
Mr & Mrs Herman Bates , Bethel, are the parents of a baby girl born Wednesday
morning, Mary Helen.
Obituary for Pendleton Wells. Born in Missouri Sept 6 1860, he died April 5 1933. He
married Maria Scott 1884. She died May 15 1924. They had one daughter, Rea, who died
at the age of 14. At his marriage he took and raised his three year old brother, Arthur, and
provided a home for his sister, Nettie Harris, for a number of years. He is also survived
by a sister, Lucy Igel.
April 21 1933
Ross Hauck, Oak Hill, passed away Thursday last week. He was about 45 and died of
heart failure.
Who’s Who in DHS, Aileen Larzalere is taking general business and plans to attend
business college. She has letters in basketball, played violin, was a member of Girls
Reserve, DHE and is going out for the girls tennis team.
Who’s Who in DHS, Donald Vossman, glee club, band, orchestra, basketball and track,
4H, and FFA.
Bernice B Hurtig is appointed guardian of Quentin Hurtig, minor heir of Emir J Hurtig.
Obituary of Blanche Adams. Born April 18 1887, Delphos, to Dora Hawkins and Elmer
N Davis, she departed this life April 10 1933. Married to William W Adams Oct 1 1907.
Central Christian Church, Phoenix. Greenwood Memorial Park, Phoenix AZ.
April 28 1933
VE Niquette, died Monday in Wichita. Mr Niquette was a brother in law of Mrs E N
Davis, and his wife (Stella) fell and was injured recently at the home of Bertha Dildine.
He was a mayor of Salina 1913-1915 and will be buried in Salina.
Marriage license issued to Lawrence Nightengale and Virginia Blondefield of this
vicinity, married at Culver.
Who’s Who in DHS, June Mulinax, glee club, basketball. Mixed chorus, pianist.
March 27 1958
To celebrate Good Friday, I request that all business remain closed from 12 to 3 pm. Ray
Everley, Mayor.
Obituary for Harold Edwin Liby, Glasco, Saturday, age 50. His widow is the former
Reva Felt. Services Glasco Methodist, internment Glasco Cemetery.
Obituary for Mary Blochlinger,. Services St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Miltonvale,
burial St Peters Cemetery, Meredith.
Mr & Mrs Kenny Marsh announce the arrival of a son, Charles Kevin, March 22.
A son, Patrick Joseph, was born March 17th to Mr & Mrs Bob McCullough of Denver.
Mrs McCullough is the former Mary Clare Hally and Bob is the son of Mrs Jess McKain.
Kids photos: Marvin, 6, and Judy, 3, Smith; Paul Haley, 10; Mary Jo Berber, 3 ½; John
Michael Griffin, 3 ½; Judy Breen, 6.
Also photos of the grandchildren of Mr & Mrs Alfred Tasker: Roxanne, 2, Pamela, 4 and
Donald, 8, Tasker; Stephanie Anderson, 3 mo; Debra Kay Nightingale, 10 months;
Birthday Club, Dan Smith March 29th.
Obituary Harriett C Stauffer. Died March 4th at her home in Spokane, WA. She was a
daughter of pioneer settlers Joseph and Fanny Zuker, born on a farm 2 ½ miles north of
Minneapolis, April 13 1869. She married John Stauffer and they moved to Minneapolis
for a short time, then moved to Delphos where they raised their children.
Mr & Mrs Harold Dalrymple are the parents of a daughter, Ruth Ann, born March 12th.
April 3 1958
John Nace and the FFA boys erected street signs and hauled trash for Delphos residents.
CL Cain is adding more grain bins erected.
Kids photos: Marilyn Marler, 8; Victoria Lee ,3, and Daniel Wayne, 2, Montague; Glenda
Sue, 9, Joe Leon, 7, Ardella, 5, and Steven ,4, Christ; Ann Elizabeth (microfilm not
readable) Yowell; Kip Curtis Huffman, 2; Renda Renae Steinbrock, 1; Denise Shaffer, 4;
Larry Lewis Haas, 13 months; Ronald Ray, 2, ? (film bad).
Class of ’23 plan 35th reunion.
April 10 1958
Lester Talley has drawn up plans for the new nursing home.
More plans for the ’23 reunion were made. Committee was Hazel Rolph, Jennie Dewey,
Neva Stratton, Leslie Tennyson Roscoe Bourne, and Ray Halberstadt. There is a list of all
the members of the class and known residences.
Cora King, of Meredith, passed away in Abilene.
Mrs Richard Haley had a Stanley party Monday afternoon.
Charles Barnes is redecorating and repairing the Masonic Hall.
Picture of FFA member Douglas Hoesli, who is putting a house number on the home of
John Nace, eventually they will put numbers on all the homes in Delphos.
April 17 1958
The KT station on the south west corner is nearing completion. The site for the new Coop
land is practically ready. The partition has been removed in the fire station and the
meeting room will be redecorated.
John Oliver Pinney, passed away. July 3 1876 – April 11 1958. He was married to Ada
Ernbarger Feb 5 1902. Children were Hazel Rolph, Christie Gerton, and Eli Pinney.
Mr & Mrs Trevor West, St Louis MO, have a daughter Jessica Ann, born April 12. Mrs
West was JoAnn Paul. Grandparents are Mr & Mrs Harold Paul, great grandmother is
Nellie Schrandt.
Birthday club lists April birthdays for Joe Courtney, April 7, and Myrtle Hockett, April
East of Delphos, Mrs Crum stayed with her daughter, Mrs Clifford Chancy from Friday
to Sunday.
Jennie Srna bought the Elizabeth Haley property, at 1st and Michigan. (next week there is
a correction – the property was purchased by Mr & Mrs Frank Srna of Lincoln. Mrs Srna
is a sister of Mrs Mildred Srna of Delphos. )
Feasel Drug Store has aspirin, bottle of 100 for 27 cents. Haley’s food market has
bananas 2 pounds for 29 cents.
Lowell Parrish has signed a letter of intent at University of Wichita. He is the son of
Harry C Parrish.
Marjorie Cain, Pearl Virgason, Fern Davis, Elsie Griggs and Winifred Gile attended
attended Spring meeting of the Solomon Presbyterial in Junction City.
April 24 1958
Dale and Geneva Brown have completed a course in hardware retailing.
Barbara Ann Adkins and Joseph Robert Davis were married.
Local auto crash injures 3. The accident at 2nd and Oak st occurred when cars driven by
Mrs Elbert Annis and Jerry Campbell, Minneapolis, collided. The injured were Mrs
Annis, Campbell and Miss Roberta Spence, Glasco. Bradley Annis was not hurt.
Nancy Mae Kinnear, 6, who was injured in the accident that claimed the lives of her
parents and sister, April 6th, has been taken by relatives in Colorado. Her brothers, Morris
and Larry Don, have been taken to Nebraska.
Guy Gardner, formerly of Delphos, died Monday at Republic KS.
Mr & Mrs Orl Lee Brown, Miltonvale, had a son Lale LaVerne, joining Lee Ann, 3 and
Lynn, 2. Mrs Brown was Patricia Rolph, daughter of Paul Rolph.
A son, Guy Allen, was born March 23 to Mr & Mrs Ray Dean Reafsnyder, Garden Grove
CA. His mother was Oma Joan Schlehuber.
DHS honor role included Tim Rundus, Ilene Hart, Elaine Thurston, Theodessa Barnes,
Larry Butcher, Faith Rundus, Anne Gile, Marvin Hawkins, Stan Mamoth, Sue Barnes,
Darlene Dewey, Evelyn Jilka, Colene Smith, and Deanna Smith. Honorable mention
included Kathleen butcher, Gary Chancy, Bob Hoffhines, Marjorie Irvine, Bob Klein,
Virginia Nightingale, De Ann Parrish, Rodney Ballard, Sharon Chancy, Nancy Newell,
Tony Riley, and Roger Smith.
Mrs George Wrench, Beloit, was killed in a car crash. She was the aunt of Mrs Otis
Stelter of Delphos.
March 31 1983
Mr & Mrs Kip C Huffman, Salina, have a daughter, Marcia Renee, born March 21.
Grandparents are Mr & Mrs Richard Adams and Delma Dean Huffman.
Mr & Mrs LaVerne Ballou announce the engagement of their daughter, Judy, to Jayme
Gladys Butterfield celebrated her 85th birthday.
James T Butler, Pratt, died. He was a farmer in Glasco before he retired.
Maxine Airhart, died in Oklahoma. She was born near Glasco to George and Mattie
Nowells. She was buried at Glasco cemetery.
April 7 1983
Lamoine Baldock’s tractor was stripped.
Lloyd F Liby funeral here Saturday. Feb 24 1916 – March 31 1983,
Frank D Comfort, Minneapolis, was buried at Bennington.
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Nightingale (photo) celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
She is Virginia Blondefield.
Yolonda Gehrke celebrated her birthday March 30. Grandma and Grandpa Gehrke and
Grandma Marie Fleshman were present.
A Community shower is being held for Trina Henderson who will marry Loren Gawith.
Virginia Righter celebrated her birthday April 1st. Mr & Mrs Carroll Righter were guests
of Mrs Dana Hauck and Michelle at Show Biz in Salina.
April 14 1983
Robin Paige, daughter of Mr & Mrs Robert Paige, Delphos, was awarded a scholarship at
Central College.
Delphos Cemetery celebrates its 100th year. It was chartered at the Union Hall April 24
1883. geo W Strickler was authorized to buy land for the cemetery. He bought 4 acres at
$10.00 an acre. Lots were $5 and opening and closing a grave was $2.50. Lot owners
paid $1 a year per lot. 2 acres were added in 1898 at a cost of $100. 2 were added in 1912
at a cost of $200. and the west side, 5 acres in 1965 were bought for $1130. An iron fence
was installed in 1911. In 1956 the board voted to install a more modern entry at a cost of
$1600 with Alfred Tasker doing the work.
The first cemetery was located west of town on the B M Halderson farm.
Frances A Thiessen, Denver, funeral was held here, burial at Milo, Barnard. She was a
sister of Darlene Meredith.
The Delphos Women’s Club received a thank you from Sara Sanford, winner of the quilt.
Sara will soon be Mrs Danny Weber.
Mr & Mrs Louis Banasky , Houston, moved into their new home, formerly owned by
Dora Colton at 3rd and Custer. The Jerry Johnsons moved from this home to their new
home on the 400 block of North Custer last week.
Article titled Early Days in Delphos by Dorothy Bourne ran. The opera house was
dismantled in 1936 and rebuilt by the Bohemian people. 1938, Delphos sold its theatre
Mayor Bob Klein, Dewayne Kiser and the Jaycees have refinished the floor of the City
April 21 1983
Wilson Davis and Tom McGavran will be happy to accept your donation for the Diabetes
and Sight programs. The Lions are collecting cans and bottles and trash to recycle. They
picked up a discarded muffler on the road out of town.
Miss Bessie Hogg, Salina, funeral Thursday, burial at Hall Cemetery. Miss Hogg was
born Nov 17 1907 at Delphos.
C William Daugherty, of Simpson, funeral held. Sister in law is Mimmie pounds of
Delphos. Burial at Highland, Jamestown.
Guy Edwood Ayers, step father of Gerald Sechrist, Ada, died.
Lion president Wilson Davis says that the bill for the light on 81 at the 5 mile corner has
been paid by G & G Trucking and the Bank of Delphos will pay it next year.
Annual Antene reunion held. 79 relatives attended the 34th reunion in Minneapolis. John
and Emma Antene had 12 children, 5 still remain and attended the reunion.
Eula Nace had a birthday April 7th.
April 28 1983
A new flag pole was erected at the monument to the Unknown soldier at the cemetery.
Carroll and Jennie Somers donated the flag and the material to set the pole. The board
donated the pole, Harlan Pilcher and the Somers did the work.
Sunday afternoon Tom Meredith, Marvin Smith and Denzel Brown swept and washed the
City Square. Recent snowy, rainy weather left a lot of mud on the streets around town.
One fire truck made a run to Don Haley’s to put out a fire in Jo’s truck. She had gone to
the mailbox and the truck backfired and caught on fire while at the end of the driveway.
Delphos Fire Dept Dance April 30th.
Craig Mortimer broke his ankle.
The Delphos Community Youth Group is having a Box Social. Girls and Women will
prepare boxes which boys and men will bid on. Then the one who buys a box will eat
with the one who prepared it. If there are more girls and women present then some men
will buy more than one box.