Chapter 10 Assignment - Video "Life's Greatest Miracle"

Cara Vogele
November 14, 2010
Chapter 10 Assignment – Video “Life’s Greatest Miracle”
In the beginning of the video “Life’s Greatest Miracle” it shows people at the beach and
skinny women and men with large muscles saying we work so hard to be attractive to the
opposite sex so that we can become pregnant. I thought it was ironic that they made it a point
that we do what we can to become attractive only for women to distort their bodies by getting
pregnant. The video also says that the urge to procreate is a fundamental part of life. That just
makes me think even more that the gay and lesbian way of life is not the way god intended it,
and in my opinion it’s wrong. The very thing our bodies were meant to do gay and lesbian
couples cannot do. The reproduction process, as shown in this video, is not a simple process that
should be replicated in a lab somewhere so that two people who where not meant to have a baby
together can. Our bodies were made to go through this process, the sperm from a man fertilizing
the eggs of a woman. Homosexual relationships, in my opinion, go against nature. That opinion I
have was just magnified after watching this video, and actually visualizing the detailed process
our bodies were made to do.
I really enjoyed watching this video because I am pregnant and it gave me a better idea of
what was going on in my body. I thought this video really added to the reproductive part of this
class that we learned about. The worksheet we had just gave a very basic outline of what was
going on during reproduction. Even reading more on the website and spending more time there
didn’t paint as clear of a picture as this video did. The video gave a very graphic picture of the
reproduction processīŠ
I also really enjoyed this movie because I am going into the nursing program here at
SLCC and most of the information in this video was not a complete foreign language to me.
Some of the parts in this video verified my understandings of some of the concepts I am learning
in my physiology class, which was very cool and made me feel better having that clearer picture.
However, I still didn’t quite understand everything that was being discussed in the video. But
watching it gave me a kind of jumping off point to start asking questions to learn more about it
as I go further on my journey to learning about the body. I really enjoyed watching it!