Is Big Brother Watching You?

Is BIG BROTHER watching you?
A study in the possibility of the infringement of privacy in your society – Is it possible in the land of the free?
After watching the clip of the ability of the fictional Pizza Palace at,
we can see the technology of the telescreen in 1984 has great potential and is readily available today.
Your task today is to consider how you are being tracked. You may express your findings in a variety of
A formal expository essay would include a discussion that compares
technological elements in society today used to track you to those used in
1984. Discussion would consider the purposes, methods, and impacts in
each society. This essay should fall in the range between 600-1000
A pictorial map which places a map in the background,
and tracks your life for 24-48 hours whichever would
more efficiently express the tracking of several entities).
Consider where every camera, possible scanner, or piece
of technology is used in your life. Every text… yes every
text message is a moment that you are traced! Put each moment with an image on your map.
Document the moment with a sentence description, time notation, and company name of your
A pictorial timeline which traces your life for one 24-48 hour period of time. Similar to the
map, this must note every trace of your existence that is traceable. Where and when is
your life recorded for others to watch? Capture it all and note it along a timeline with an
image, sentence description, time notation, and who you think is watching you.
This assignment is worth 50 points and is due on the second meeting of ours after introduction to
the assignment. Your creativity, accuracy, and ability to be thorough will be graded.
Consider some possible ways your existence is recorded every day: __________________________