Uploaded by Travette Francis

Pregnancy Assessment & Delivery Reflection

The first video was about the physical assessment of the pregnant woman. The assessment consists of,
but not limited to, vital signs, weight and BMI calculation, pelvic exam, perineum exam, color of mucus
membrane, size of boney pelvis to determine if vaginal birth is possible, assessing the cervix for softness,
lab work for blood count and type, RH factor, rubella titers and STIs, blood glucose, urinalysis for
glucose, bacteria and protein, pap smear, and cultures for vaginal infections. Teaching is also done
during the physical assessment. This includes expected weight gain during pregnancy and diet and foods
to avoid during pregnancy. Also, future appointments for checkups are discussed.
After watching the video, I felt pity for pregnant women because they really go through a lot during
pregnancy. My initial reaction was “That’s a lot.” But after completing the video, and reading and
watching other videos, I understood why all of that must be done. I feel that I am better prepared to do
an assessment on a pregnant woman.
I would apply these techniques and concepts during practice by apply what was learned and to educate
my patients about each exam and why they are being done. Also, teaching them about diet and exercise
as well as other healthy habits and foods to prevent bacteria and infections that are harmful to the
fetus. I will also teach my pregnant patients to do Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles.
The Labor and delivery video is very informative. I am very impressed at the delivery techniques used by
the doctor and the nurse. The patient had a doula to provide physical and emotional support during
delivery. After watching the video, I applaud women that has gone through vaginal delivery. Even
though the video did not show the actual baby coming out, I was picturing it in my head. While picturing
it in my head, I tried to match what the doctor was saying to the patient with what it would look like.
After watching the video, I learned how to coach a patient during delivery and how to use relaxation
techniques to help the patient with a smooth delivery.
I would apply what I have learned from the video by making my patients as comfortable as possible
during labor by using the coaching and relaxation techniques to help make their delivery a memorable