Minutes of the Clay Township Regular Board Meeting Held Monday

Minutes of the Clay Township Regular Board Meeting Held Monday August 1, 2011 in the
Clay Township Meeting Hall, 4710 Pointe Tremble Road, Clay Township, Michigan
Supervisor Krueger opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance
PRESENT: Supervisor Tom Krueger, Clerk Lisa White, Treasurer Connie Turner, Trustee Tom
Fetter, Trustee Joanne Shirkey
ABSENT/EXCUSED: Trustee John Horvath
Motion by Turner, supported by Fetter, to pay the bills in the amount of $81,724.16. $7,748.03
is from fiscal year 2010/2011 and $73,976.13 is from the current 2011/2012 fiscal year.
AYES: Turner, White, Fetter, Shirkey, Krueger
ABSENT: Horvath
Motion by Shirkey, supported by Turner, to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted with the
reading of the notices and communications.
ABSENT: Horvath
Clerk White read notices regarding Senator Phil Pavlov holding office hours before our next
board meeting and the public hearings for Venice Rd Special Assessment, Goodrich Hwy
Special Assessment and Police and Fire Special Assessments that are being held at the August
15th meeting on Harsens Island.
Supervisor Krueger read thank you to the Fire Department letter.
1. Planning Commission Vacancies
Supervisor Krueger wants everyone to know we do have a couple of applications of interest. The
commission is a nine member board and is supposed to represent all areas of the township. We
have a high concentration of people from one area in the township and none from anywhere else.
We are asking anyone that may come from the back country, bird isles, the north end or
anywhere else please submit a letter of interest to the Clerk.
Lesley Cahill, 6636 Holland Rd.: Interested in the Board of Trustees vacancy. In the past has
been on ZBA, Planning and Dangerous Building Commissions. Plans on running in 2012 for
1. Trustee Vacancy
Supervisor Krueger: When we lost Jay DeBoyer I moved into the Supervisor spot and now we
have my vacant trustee spot to fill. We have some resumes of people who are interested and it is
the pleasure of the board to choose who they would like.
Trustee Fetter: The resumes were all quite impressive but thinks it is important to pick somebody
from the Mainland because the island is represented well.
Motion by Fetter, supported by Shirkey, to appoint Karen Straffon to Trustee position.
AYES: Fetter, Krueger, Shirkey, Turner, White
ABSENT: Horvath
Karen Straffon was sworn in by Clerk Lisa White for the remainder of the term ending
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2. Police Request to Purchase Vehicle
Chief Drake: Every year we budget for this. This will be a 2011 Ford Crown Victoria, probably
one of the last ones they are going to make. We normally pull all the equipment out of the old
cars and use it in the new one. I am requesting this purchase of the 2011 Crown Vic for the state
bid price of $20,849.00 which would come from line 207-700-977-00
Motion by Turner, supported by Shirkey, to approve the purchase of the 2011 Crown Vic Police
Vehicle for $20,849.00 to come out of line item 207-700-977-00
White: I was wondering if we looked into having the engines and transmission replaced
instead of purchasing a new car. Have read a lot about other municipalities doing this and saving
a lot of money. Maybe something to consider in the future.
Chief Drake: Don’t think it would be feasible. Our cars have over 100,000 miles and get pretty
beat up.
AYES: Fetter, Shirkey, Straffon, White, Krueger, Turner
ABSENT: Horvath
3. Police Briefing Re: Local Scam Alert
Chief Drake: I wanted to brief the board and the citizens about some scams that are occurring in
the area. We have the National Cyber Alert that is available on our website as well as the
Fraudulent Charitable Schemes Alert to help better inform the public. Over the last few months
we have had two citizens lose a substantial amount of money. In June a gentleman lost
approximately $2,600 when he received a call from a man in Jamaica that advised him he had
won one million dollars. The scammer used the name of “Billy Lawman”. He was able to coerce
the victim’s Discover card number out of him and the last 4 digits of his Social Security number.
The scammer talked the victim into sending two different payments via Western Union, totaling
$2,600. This money is not recoverable from Western Union or Jamaica. I am advising our
citizens not to send any money overseas. This ties law enforcements hands once the money
leaves the country. If something sounds too good to be true it probably is a scam. Talk to friends
and family and spread the word. In July, the same citizen was contacted and advised that he had
won 2.5 million dollars. These scammers will share information names, phone numbers, etc. and
another scammer will try to see if the same guy will fall for it again and in this case it worked.
The man was advised to go to Walmart and purchase some “Green Dot” cards, which are
preloaded credit cards. He then scratched off the foil on the back of the card to reveal the
authorization number and gave it to the scammers who then proceeded to take all the money off
the card. He purchased 4 cards that totaled $1,050 and the criminals got it all. We are working
with the Fraud Dept at Walmart but that money is gone. Another resident in Clay Township
received a phone call from a Mitch Goldberg with the Goldberg Law Firm in Mexico City. Mr.
Goldberg advised the citizen that his granddaughter had been involved in a serious car crash in
Mexico and she was arrested for drunk driving. He told him his granddaughter needed bond
money to get out of jail. The scammer also said there was a gag order but he would represent him
for a certain amount of money, but he could not discuss the case with anyone including family,
friends, or police or his granddaughter could be subject to a six month Mexican jail sentence.
The man has a granddaughter that is old enough where she could travel to Mexico. The man sent
$7,499.99 via Western Union to Mexico City. We have no way to recover that money. The next
day he receives another call from the scammer saying that there were victims with some injuries
requiring medical treatment and he needed an additional $5,000, which the man sent. Later he
received another call and refused to send more money and thought it might be a scam. The man
finally called his family and found out his granddaughter was safe at home, asleep in her room.
I’m advising our citizens not to fall for these scams. These scams have been around for a while
and people have lost their life savings. Before you do anything you can call the police
department and we will advise you about the scams going on. Some scammers will disguise
themselves as a charitable organization and send things in the mail. Be very cautious and if you
have any questions contact the police. Don’t trust your mail, the internet, don’t give out your
personal information. These criminals use these to their advantage.
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4. Fire Department Request for Heating/Cooling System
Supervisor Krueger: The cooling system at the Mainland station died about two weeks ago and
the furnace is so old it can’t handle a new cooling unit.
Clerk White: Chief DuPage isn’t available to be here but he did get three quotes. The quotes are
comparable but the first quote has a slightly bigger unit with 115,000 BTU’s but they are all
willing to run some additional ductwork
Supervisor Krueger: I’m familiar with two of these heating/cooling companies but not the third
one, Schimanski.
Clerk White: They are in Ira Twp and they are the only ones that could come out when the
cooling system broke initially. They tried to repair it temporarily for training night for us and
they let us know we needed a new system.
Treasurer Turner: White has a ten year warranty and the others are five years.
Trustee Fetter: Does Marracco have a guarantee?
Clerk White: Parts five years, service two years
Supervisor Krueger: Marracco’s price is kind of high at $5,200
Supervisor Krueger: White is local, his unit’s bigger and his warranty is better.
Motion by Shirkey, supported by Fetter, that we accept the estimate of $4,100.00 from White
Heating and Cooling to install an air conditioning and heating unit at the Mainland Fire Station
ABSENT: Horvath
5. Assessor Request for MTA Webinar
Supervisor Krueger: This is the information Joanne Shirkey gave Barb Schutt and she is
requesting $75.00 for a webinar for her and the assistant assessor, Robin Martin.
Trustee Shirkey: This was put in our packets a while back. I personally have looked at one of
these webinars online, on demand. Jay DeBoyer and I watched one on the laptop about fire
departments. It was nice just to sit and watch it at your convenience and not have to drive
somewhere or spend the money on lunch. You can watch it whenever you want to on the
computer. The one DeBoyer and I watched we sat in the board room and played it on the laptop
and displayed it up on the projector screen on the wall.
Motion by Shirkey, supported by Turner, to approve the Special Assessment procedures webinar
for Barb Schutt and anyone else that wants to watch it for the cost of $75.00
ABSENT: Horvath
6. Assessor Request for Course through Michigan Assessors Association
Supervisor Krueger: We have a request for Assistant Assessor Robin Martin for a personal
property class and for Assessor Barb Schutt a property tax exemptions and authorities course in
Traverse City. Barb did win a scholarship for $150.00 so the charge for the class itself will not be
incurred. Just the $225.00 for lodging. That brings the total cost for both of these to $425.00. I
personally feel education is good and important and benefits everybody.
Trustee Fetter: Does that include the $50.00 testing for the class?
Supervisor Krueger: Yes, it does.
Clerk White: It’s been over six years for the Robin, Assistant Assessor and over ten years for
Assessor Barb Schutt since they have taken any classes.
Motion by Turner, supported by Shirkey, that we allow the Assessors to attend the MAA
Continuing Education classes for $425.00
Trustee Straffon: It’s $425.00 plus the mileage.
Treasurer Turner: She will take the township car
ABSENT: Horvath
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7. Phragmite Advisory Board Request for Equipment Purchase
Supervisor Krueger: They are requesting we purchase on their behalf $2481.92 of equipment that
they use in their spraying. We have budgeted $5,000 for their use in line item 101-700-967.02.
This purchase would fall within that category.
Treasurer Turner: There’s no shipping price.
Clerk White: They weren’t able to get a shipping price until it was ordered.
Trustee Shirkey: Where is this place Rittenhouse?
Clerk White: I don’t know, this is what the Phragmite board gave to me. This is where they want
to order it from.
Trustee Straffon: The page with the adjustable spray gun on it says the shipping is $15.82. It
would just be the equipment from Rittenhouse that needs a shipping price.
Trustee Fetter: There are two different websites.
Trustee Straffon: On the Rittenhouse website page it says to get your shipping rates, click here.
Clerk White: I don’t think it’s a big issue; they have up to $5,000 and are only spending $2481.
Supervisor Krueger: There is enough in the account for whatever they incur.
Motion by Shirkey, supported by Straffon, to approve the request from the Phragmite Advisory
Board to purchase the requested equipment for $2,481.92 plus shipping.
ABSENT: Horvath
8. Compost Trailer Purchase
Supervisor Krueger: We have been talking about these for a long time. These are 20,000 lb.
goose neck trailers that would be used at the recycling yard. The purchase price for two of these
is estimated to be recovered in savings in the first year. The lowest bidder is Van Paemel
Equipment Company at $12,895.00. There is no tax. Not sure how the plates will work. I believe
it’s a municipal trailer plate.
Clerk White: It’s a minimal cost for a municipal trailer plate. The fire department has a few.
Trustee Shirkey: I was commissioned by Jay DeBoyer to look into all of this and these quotes are
all apples to apples. The Van Paemel Company in Armada, I did call him and confirm that the
quote was still good because we got it back a month or so ago.
Motion by Shirkey, supported by Fetter, to purchase two compost trailers from Van Paemel
Equipment, with a cost of $12, 895.00 each plus the plate cost. If we pick them up we will save
shipping costs.
Trustee Fetter: Total cost will be $25,790.00 plus plates.
Clerk White: Is it 4 to 6 weeks to take delivery?
Trustee Shirkey: Yes, 4 to 6 weeks from when you place the order.
Treasurer Turner: I spoke to Jon DeBoyer and he did say they will have to fix their trucks in
order to pull these because it’s like a fifth wheel set up.
Trustee Shirkey: They would only need to fix up one truck with a goose neck apparatus.
Clerk White: What budget line is this purchase coming out of, water or garbage fund?
Treasurer Turner: Probably garbage fund.
Supervisor Krueger: We budgeted for it. I think it’s in garbage.
AYES: Fetter, White, Shirkey, Straffon, Krueger, Turner
ABSENT: Horvath
L. Cahill, 6636 Holland Rd.: Inquired about grass ordinance and open board positions,
commented on septic issues with neighbor
A.Bryson, 1682 N. Channel Dr: Re: Supervisor appointment, commented on email scams and
computer virus, DDA, website
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Trustee Shirkey: Re: MTA Worker’s Comp Fund. Important for officials to contact them and
urge them to continue trying to establish the fund.
Supervisor Krueger: MTA is trying to establish a self-insured fund for township municipalities
that could mean substantial savings.
Trustee Shirkey: Re: updating MTA with new board members, next meeting is on Harsens Island
with Phil Pavlov.
Supervisor Krueger: Pavlov interested in meeting with any boards or members of the community
on the mainland prior to the meeting on the island. Re: mix up with July 13th SCC Metro
Planning Commission meeting. Board minutes reflect the approved date was July 20th @ 4pm.
Trustee Straffon: Thank you for board appointment. Need signs for water park re: dogs and
Clerk White: Signs were included in cost of water park. Will check with DDA.
Chief Drake: Re: vicious dogs and leashes in the park. Cars unloading in the park is dangerous.
Supervisor Krueger: Re: signage in the park, will talk to DDA.
DDA Rep Bryson: Need pavilion reservations posted.
Trustee Shirkey: Baby changing station in the bathroom now in the park.
Motion by Turner, supported by Shirkey, to adjourn at 8:33p.m.
ABSENT: Horvath
Lisa M. White
Clay Township Clerk
Prepared by Lisa M. White