Boyd County High School - Boyd County Public Schools

Boyd County High School
Boyd County Career and Technical Center
Medical Terminology
Instructor: Mrs. Deborah Salyers Rn, BSN
Boyd County Career and Technical Center
1- Boyd High School Dual Credit with KCTCS CLA 131-001
Prerequisites: None
Required Textbooks/Materials:
o Introduction to Medical Terminology, Ann Ehrlich & Carol L. Schroeder
o Graphic organizers to be passed out each week by teacher.
Required Material:
o Assigned textbooks
o Assigned graphic organizers
o Black and Blue ink pens, # 2 pencils, highlighters
o Binder, filler, paper, dividers
o Sharpie ® markers or the like in various colors
o Index cards and holder
o Journal Notebook
Course Description:
This course is an intense study of the medical language used in all health career major
areas. Students will learn correct pronunciation, spelling, and application rules. Medical
Terminology includes writing exercises, research and connection to medical science.
This course receives KCTCS college credit and will be based on college format.
Standards: As a student at the end of this course I can:
o Arrange word roots, prefixes and suffixed to form medical terms.
o Interpret terms relating to all major body systems
o Demonstrate the used of a medical dictionary
o Identify and sue common medical abbreviations
o Design medical terminology flash cards with terms
o Compare the use of medical terms in real life situations
o Chart using correct medical terminology and interpret charting material
Grading Scale:
80-90 %
70-79 %
60-69 %
Below 60 % Fail
KCTCS will not accept any grade below a 70% for this course. If a student falls
below 70% they forfeit the dual credit agreement.
Grades will be based on an average of the fowling but not limited to: written assignments
( open response, essay, research, graphic organizers)projects, tests, quizzes, in class
activities, participation, and homework. Grades will be calculated using points earned
divided by total points. There is no curve at the end of this semester.
Quizzes will cover word root/part and will be announced. Students who miss scheduled
quizzes for an excused absence, please contact Mrs. Salyers as soon as possible, you have
2 days to take the make up exam upon your return to school. You may email me to
the address at the top of this syllabus to schedule a makeup time or discuss this after your
class. Students with an excused absence, who can not take the missed quiz within 2 days
of the original quiz time, will receive a zero for that quiz. If the quiz is missed without an
excused absence, a zero will be recorded as the grade for that quiz. See student handbook
for descriptions of excused absences.
The exams are challenging, they are desined to test application, theoretical and
comprehension skills. Exams will be formatted as follows: multiple, choice, essay, and
open response, fill in the blank, true/false. Some exams will include some questions that
will require a written response; proper use of terminology notation and symbolism,
proper grammar will be required. If missing an exam is absolutely unavoidable the
instructor shold be contact and valid excuse present, unless satisfactory arrangements can
be mad ein advance. Exams are to be made up the first day the student is on campus
following the excused period. The final examination is comprehensive.
Homework will be assigned with each lecture. Each assignment includes reading the
appropriate section of the text as well as completing the assigned graphic organizer.
Reading assignments and homework are for the students benefit so it is your
responsibility to keep up with assigned work and to seek assistance when needed.
Homework will be collected and calculated into the grade.
Late assignment policy: if you should be absent on the due date you may turn in the
assignment the following day. However, assignments that are not submitted on the due
day without a legitimate excused absence will receive a zero.
Regular attendance and active participation is necessary for success in any nursing
course, therefore, this class has a mandatory attendance policy. To be eligible to pass this
class a student must attend 90% of the classes. Attending class means being in class on
time and remaining until class is dismissed.