Part II. System Analysis and Design (Small and Medium-Scale Software Systems) Lecture Note 1: University College Dublin Faculty of Commerce, Department of Management Information Systems MIS3001 - Information Systems Development and Implementation. 2002/2003 click on Courses, then MIS3001 for Syllabus and powerpoint slides Objectives: This course aims at supplying future business professionals with an introduction to the initiation, acquisition and implementation of information systems (IS). It is recognised that information systems knowledge is essential for organisations to become and remain competitive by extending their markets, creating new products and services, and rethinking their business processes. We will discuss the following topics: The strategic and organisational roles of IS. The initiation of IS, in particular through reengineering business processes, implementing strategy and building infrastructure. Systems development and acquisition including life cycle models and methodologies of IS development, and alternative system building approaches. Organizational implementation of IS, in particular ways to manage change and to lead IS teams. The business value of IS including cost, benefits and risks of developing IS. The course will combine management, organisation and technical issues. Familiarity with the material covered in the course Introduction to Computers & Information Systems would be useful. Structure : The course requires written analysis and class discussion of the assigned textbook chapters and additional readings. Each student will complete one group project and one individual project. Deliverables : There are two projects, one is performed in a group, the other individually. Each project is worth 15%. The first project is based on the material covered in week 1 to 4. An outline for the group report should be submitted to me in week 3 and the full report in week 5. The second project is to be done individually and covers material from weeks 6 to 10. Students may choose one from two case studies. The individual project outline is to be submitted in week 8 and the report in week 11. Class Discussion – You are expected to have read and thought about the assigned reading for each class session before the class. You should be able to discuss the issues covered in the material during the class sessions. Please provide me with your name, email address, photo and short description of work experience (if any), so I’ll be able to remember who took part in class discussions. Written Examination – It will be relatively easy for students who read the chapters, complimentary readings and took part in class discussions. A sample exam will be provided early in the semester. Grade Structure Group project: case study 15% Individual project: case study 15% Participation in class discussion 10% Written examination 60% Textbook: Laudon K.C. and Laudon J.P., Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (7th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2002. The text book Web resources are at: Additional readings will be supplied to complement the textbook. Tentative Schedule : Week 1 2-3 4 5 6 Topic Strategic and organisational roles of information technology Information Systems in the Enterprise Type of systems Systems to support business functions ERP systems Information Systems, Organisations, Management and Strategy Managing Software Assets Initiation of projects Business plan, systems requirements 7-8 9 10 11 12 Assigned Reading L&L ch. 1 L&L ch. 2 L&L ch. 3 L&L ch. 6 L&L ch. 10.1, 10.2 BPR & TQM Systems Development Analysis, design, implementation Alternatives system building approaches Business value of systems Cost/benefit analysis Change Management and Implementation Managing risk System vulnerability Control and audit Ensuring system quality Ethical and Social impact of IS Power and politics in organizations Ethical analysis Moral dimensions of information systems L&L ch. 10.3, 10.4 L&L ch. 11.1 L&L ch. 11.2, 11.3 L&L ch. 14 L&L ch. 15 See *.ppt files in the directory /SysAna&Design/ Information Systems Development and ImplementationUCD Lecture Note 2 : Institute of Computer Science – UONBI Master of Science in Information Systems University of Nairobi Information Systems Analysis and Design ( Objectives : To appreciate the role of information systems in organizations To appreciate the information systems development process To appreciate the need for methodologies in systems development To appreciate and apply analysis and design tools To appreciate automated analysis and design tools Content : 1. Introduction: Systems Players IS Building Blocks IS Development 2. Systems Analysis Context of Systems Analysis o Systems Analysis Methods o Requirements Discovery o Data Modeling Process Modeling Feasibility Analysis and Problem Proposal 3. Systems Design Design Phases Different Design Strategies Design Towards Procuring a Commercial Systems Software Solution Structure Charts Structured Module Design Application Architecture and Modeling Database Design 4. System Implementation and Maintenance Implementation Testing System changeover Maintenance 5. Methodologies and Case Tools Software Engineering Paradigms Development Methods CASE Tools Trends in Methodologies and Automated Development Tools 6. Introduction to Formal Methods Why Formal Methods? Role of Specification Specification Activities Specification Quality Abstraction Formal Systems Formal Specification Tools and Languages Assessment : Continous Assessment (out of 50%) CAT – Second Week of March Practical Course work and assignments Research & Presentations Main (2hr.) Exam (Out of 50%) – 10 % – 30% – 10% Course Texts : a) Whitten, Bentley, Dittman, Systems Analysis & Design Methods, Fifth Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill [Main Text] b) Whitten, Bentley, Ho, Systems Analysis & Design Methods, Times/Mirror Mosby College Publishing. c) Yourdon, Edward: Modern Structured Analysis, Prentice-Hall 1989 d) Malcom, Eva - SSADM Version 4: A user’s guide, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Company Publishers. 1994. ISBN 0-07-707959-0 e) Jeffrey A., Hoffer, Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valachi: Modern Systems Analysis and Design – Second Edition,1999. Addison-Wesley Publishers ISBN 0-201-33841-6 f) Meilir Page-Jones: The Practical Guide to Structured Systems Design, Second Edition, 1988 Prentice Hall Publishers. ISBN 0-13-690769-5 g) Specification of Software Systems – V. S. Alagar and K. Periyasamy h) Online Resources : See files *.ppt in the directory /SysAna&Design/SysAna&Design UONBI Lecture Note 3 : ตำรำ “กำรวิเครำะห์ ระบบ CT 479 System Analysis and Design ” ห้ องอ่ำนตำรำ Homepage มหำวิทยำลัยรำมคำแหง - ข้อดี มีท้ งั การออกแบบระบบสารสนเทศสาหรับองค์กรธุ รกิจและองค์กรของรัฐบาล ตัวอย่ำง Notes : See ไฟล์ *.pdf ในไดเร็คทอรี SysAna&Design/การวิเคราะห์ระบบรามคาแหง มีกรณีตัวอย่ำง : อยู่ใน ภำคผนวกที่ 3 และวิชำ _CT 479(H) กำรวิเครำะห์ และออกแบบระบบ (คู่มือ ) : Lecture Note 4 : Purdue University มี Slides ประกอบหนังสื อ System Analysis and Design Methods แจกที่ กดคลิกที่ Instructor resources ตามด้วย Powerpoint masters with instructors Notes มีบทต่ ำงๆได้ แก่ : Chapter 1, The Modern Systems Analyst (71 หน้า) Chapter 2, Information Systems Building Blocks ( 51 หน้า) Chapter 3, Information System Development ( 120 หน้า ) Chapter 4, Systems Analysis (144 หน้า) Chapter 5, Data Modeling Chapter 6, Process Modeling Chapter 7, Network Modeling Chapter 8, Object Modeling Chapter 9, Systems Design and Construction Chapter 10, Application Architecture and Process Design Chapter 11, Database Design Chapter 12, Input Design and Prototyping Chapter 13, Output Design and Prototyping Chapter 14, User Interface Design and Prototyping Chapter 15, Software Design Chapter 16, Object-Oriented Design Chapter 17, Systems Implementation Chapter 18, Systems Support See files *.ppt ในไดเร็ คทอรี /SysAna&Design/SysAna&Design Purdue/ Lecture Note 5 : สไลด์ประกอบหนังสื อ Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design Joseph S. Valacich Joey F. George Jeffrey A. Hoffer Prentice-Hall Inc. กดคลิกที่ Student แล้วเลือกชื่อบท จะมีไฟล์ *.ppt ให้ download Chapter 1 The Systems Development Environment Chapter 2 Managing the Information Systems Project Chapter 3 Systems Planning and Selection Chapter 4 Determining System Requirements Chapter 5 Structuring System Requirements: Process Modeling Chapter 6 Structuring System Requirements: Conceptual Data Modeling Chapter 7 Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy Chapter 8 Designing the Human Interface Chapter 9 Designing Databases Chapter 10 Systems Implementation and Operation See ไฟล์ *.ppt ในไดเร็คทอรี /SysAna&Design/SysAna&DesignBook Valacich/ Lecture Note 6 : CS 4417 System Analysis, U of Limerick (UL), Ireland มี example projects Recommended Texts: P. Stevens and R. Pooley. Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components (Updated Edition). Addison-Wesley2000. Lectures will also be based on Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design by Bennett, McRobb, and Farmer, but I am not recommending that you purchase this text. Content : Lecture A Introduction and problems in software development Project specification handed out Lecture B Features of a good software system. Stevens and Pooley. Chapter 1. Lecture C Objects. Stevens and Pooley - chapter 2. A case study, and a brief overview of requirements engineering. Lecture D Stevens and Pooley, - chapter 3. Bennett et al., chapter 6. Lecture E Requirements: the use case model. Stevens and Pooley - chapters 7 and 8. Lecture F Analysis: conceptual class modelling, part (a). Stevens and Pooley - chapter 5. Lecture G Analysis: conceptual class modelling, part (b). Stevens and Pooley, chapter 6.. Lecture H Analysis: sequence diagrams. Stevens and Pooley - chapters 9 and 10. Lecture I Analysis: collaboration diagrams. Stevens and Pooley - chapters 9 and 10. Lecture J Analysis: state charts. Stevens and Pooley - chapters 11 and 12. Lecture K Analysis: state charts cont., and activity diagrams. Stevens and Pooley - chapters 11 and 12. Lecture L Operations Specification. Bennett et al., chapter 10. Lecture M Software Process Bennett et al, chapters 3 and 22. Pressman chapter 2. Unified Software Development Process Lecture N Architecture: Rational white paper - "4+1 View Model of Architecture" by P. Krutchen Lecture O Design: Overview. Bennett et al. - chapter 12. System Design Lecture P Bennett et al. - chapter 13 Javaworld: MVC meets Swng Lecture Q Object Design Bennett et al. - chapter 14 Lecture R Design Patterns Bennett et al. - chapter 15. Lecture S Package and Deployment Diagrams Pooley and Stevens - chapters 13 and 14. Lecture T Entity Relationship Diagram review ตัวอย่ำง Projects : John Brennan: ShareCell - Online Stock Trading System ( Kieran Lynam: Pool Shark ( Finbar McGurren: Distributed Instant Messaging (DIM) ( John Savage: OpenVR ( See fies *.pdf and *.zip in the directory /SysAna&Design/SysAna&Design UL/ Lecture Note 7 : CUHK SEG3430 Information Systems Design and Analysis Lectures : Lecture 1: Chapter 1 The Context of Systems Analysis and Decision Methods Lecture 2: Chapter 2 Information System Biulding Blocks Lecture 3: Chapter 3 Information Systems Development Lecture 4: Chapter 5 Systems Analysis Lecture 5: Chapter 7 Modeling System Requirements with Use Cases Lecture 6: Chapter 8 Data Modeling and Analysis Lecture 7: Dataflow Diagrams Lecture 7: Use of Dataflow Diagram Lecture 8: Data Dictionary Lecture 9: Process Specification Lecture 10: Entity-Relationship Diagrams Lecture 11: State-Transition Diagrams Lecture 12: Integration of Modeling Tools Lecture 13: The Structure Chart Lecture 14: Coupling Lecture 15: Cohesion Lecture 16: Additional Design Guidelines Lecture 17: Deriving the Structure Charts Lecture 18: Chapter 6 Requirements Discovery Lecture 19: Chapter 10 Feasibility Analysis And The System Proposal See files *.ppt in the directory /SysAna&Design/CUHK/ Lecture Note 8 : Whitten Book Notes : Chapter 1: PLAYERS IN THE SYSTEMS GAME What are information systems, and who are the stakeholders in the information systems game? What role will you play in the development and use of information systems? Who are information systems users? How is the definition changing in a remote computing and Internet-centric world? What is a systems analyst, and why are these individuals the key players in the development and implementation of information systems? Where do systems analysts work? What are systems analysis and design? What modern business and technology trends are affecting information systems development? What are the career prospects for systems analysts? If you want to pursue a career as a systems analyst, what knowledge and skills do you need? (The complete set of knowledge and skills is beyond the scope of any single book.) Chapter 2 - Information System Building Blocks Describe the difference between data and information. Define the product called an information system, and describe the role of information technology in information systems. Differentiate between front- and back-office information systems. Describe five classes of information system applications (transaction processing, management information, decision support, expert, and office automation systems) and how they interoperate. Describe the role of information systems architecture in systems development. Name six groups of stakeholders in information systems development. Name three focuses for information systems. Describe four perspectives of the DATA focus for an information system. Describe four perspectives of the PROCESS focus for an information system. Describe four perspectives of the INTERFACE focus for an information system. Describe the role of a computer network as it relates to DATA, PROCESSES, and INTERFACES. Chapter 3 - Information Systems Development Describe the motivation for a systems development process in terms of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for quality management. Differentiate between the system life cycle and a system development methodology. Describe eight basic principles of systems development. Define problems, opportunities, and directives—the triggers for systems development projects. Describe the PIECES framework for categorizing problems, opportunities, and directives. Describe the traditional, basic phases of systems development. For each phase, describe its purpose, inputs, and outputs. Describe cross life cycle activities that overlap all system development phases. Describe four basic alternative "routes" through the basic phases of systems development. Describe how routes may be combined or customized for different projects. Differentiate between computer-aided systems engineering (CASE), application development environments (ADEs), and process and project management technology as automated tools for systems development. Chapter 4 - Project Management Define the terms project and project management, and differentiate between project and process management. Describe the causes of failed information systems and technology projects. Describe the basic competencies required of project managers. Describe the basic functions of project management. Differentiate between PERT and Gantt charts as project management tools. Describe the role of project management software as it relates to project management tools. Describe eight activities in project management. Define joint project planning and its role in project management. Define scope and a write a statement of work to document scope. Use a work breakdown structure to decompose a project into tasks. Estimate tasks’ durations, and specify intertask dependencies on a PERT chart. Assign resources to a project and produce a project schedule with a Gantt chart. Assign people to tasks and direct the team effort. Use critical path analysis to adjust schedule and resource allocations in response to schedule and budget deviations. Manage user expectations of a project and adjust project scope. Chapter 5 - Systems Analysis Define systems analysis and relate the term to the preliminary investigation, problem analysis, requirements analysis, and decision analysis phases of the systems development methodology. Describe a number of systems analysis approaches for solving business system problems. Describe the preliminary investigation, problem analysis, requirements analysis, and decision analysis phases in terms of your information system building blocks. Describe the preliminary investigation, problem analysis, requirements analysis, and decision analysis phases in terms of purpose, participants, inputs, outputs, techniques, and steps. Identify those chapters and modules in this textbook that can help you learn specific systems analysis tools and techniques. Chapter 6 - Requirements Discovery Define system requirements and differentiate between functional and nonfunctional requirements. Understand the activity of problem analysis and be able to create an Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram to aid in problem solving. Understand the concept of requirements management. Identify seven fact-finding techniques and characterize the advantages and disadvantages of each. Understand six guidelines for effective listening. Understand what body language and proxemics are and why a systems analyst should care. Characterize the typical participants in a JRP session and describe their roles. Complete the planning process for a JRP session, including selecting and equipping the location, selecting the participants, and preparing an agenda. Describe several benefits of using JRP as a fact-finding technique. Describe a fact-finding strategy that will make the most of your time with end-users. Describe various techniques to document and analyze requirements. Understand use cases and be able to document them. Chapter 7 - Data Modeling and Analysis Define systems modeling and differentiate between logical and physical system models. Define data modeling and explain its benefits. Recognize and understand the basic concepts and constructs of a data model. Read and interpret an entity relationship data model. Explain when data models are constructed during a project and where the models are stored. Discover entities and relationships. Construct an entity relationship context diagram. Discover or invent keys for entities and construct a key-based diagram. Construct a fully attributed entity relationship diagram and describe all data structures and attributes to the repository or encyclopedia. Normalize a logical data model to remove impurities that can make a database unstable, inflexible, and nonscalable. Describe a useful tool for mapping data requirements to business operating locations. Chapter 8 - Process Modeling Define systems modeling and differentiate between logical and physical system models. Define process modeling and explain its benefits. Recognize and understand the basic concepts and constructs of a process model. Read and interpret a data flow diagram. Explain when to construct process models and where to store them. Construct a context diagram to illustrate a system’s interfaces with its environment. Identify use cases, external and temporal business events for a system. Perform event partitioning and organize events in a functional decomposition diagram. Draw event diagrams and then merge those event diagrams into system diagrams. Draw primitive data flow diagrams, and describe the elementary data flows and processes in terms of data structures and procedural logic (Structured English and decision tables), respectively. Document the distribution of processes to locations. Synchronize data and process models using a CRUD matrix. Chapter 9 - Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal Identify feasibility checkpoints in the systems life cycle. Identify alternative system solutions. Define and describe four types of feasibility and their respective criteria. Perform various cost-benefit analyses using time-adjusted costs and benefits. Write suitable system proposal reports for different audiences. Plan for a formal presentation to system owners and users. Chapter 10 - Systems Design Describe the design phase in terms of your information building blocks. Identify and differentiate between several systems design strategies. Describe the design phase tasks in terms of a computer-based solution for an in-house development project. Describe the design phase in terms of a computer-based solution involving procurement of a commercial systems software solution. Chapter 11 - Application Architecture and Modeling Define an information system’s architecture in terms of Data, Processes, and Interfaces– the building blocks of all information systems. Consistent with modern trends, these building blocks will be distributed across a network. Differentiate between logical and physical data flow diagrams, and explain how physical data flow diagrams are used to model an information system’s architecture. Describe both centralized and distributed computing alternatives for information system design, including various client/server and Internetbased computing options. Describe database and data distribution alternatives for information system design. Describe user and system interface alternatives for information system design. Describe various software development environments for information system design. Describe strategies for developing or determining the architecture of an information system. Draw physical data flow diagrams for an information system’s architecture and processes. Chapter 12 - Database Design Compare and contrast conventional files and modern, relational databases. Define and give examples of fields, records, files, and databases. Describe a modern data architecture that includes files, operational databases, data warehouses, personal databases, and work group databases. Compare the roles of systems analyst, data administrator, and database administrators as they relate to databases. Describe the architecture of a database management system. Describe how a relational database implements entities, attributes, and relationships from a logical data model. Transform a logical data model into a physical, relational database schema. Generate SQL code to create the database structures in a schema. Chapter 13 - Output Design and Prototyping Distinguish between internal, external, and turnaround outputs. Differentiate between detailed, summary, and exception reports. Identify several output implementation methods. Differentiate among tabular, zoned, and graphic formats for presenting information. Distinguish among area, bar, column, pie, line, radar, donut, and scatter charts and their uses. Describe several general principles that are important to output design. Design and prototype computer outputs. Chapter 14 - Input Design and Prototyping Define the appropriate format and media for a computer input. Explain the difference between data capture, data entry, and data input. Identify and describe several automatic data collection technologies. Apply human factors to the design of computer inputs. Design internal controls for computer inputs. Select proper screen-based controls for input attributes that are to appear on a GUI input screen. Design a Web-based input interface. Chapter 15 - User Interface Design Distinguish between different types of computer users and design considerations for each. Identify several important human engineering factors and guidelines and incorporate them into a design of a user interface. Integrate output and input design into an overall user interface that establishes the dialogue between users and computer. Understand the role of operating systems, Web browsers, and other technologies for user interface design. Apply appropriate user interface strategies to an information system. Use a state transition diagram to plan and coordinate a user interface for an information system. Describe how prototyping can be used to design a user interface. Chapter 16 - Systems Construction and Implementation Explain the purpose of the construction and implementation phases of the systems life cycle. Describe the systems construction and implementation phases in terms of your information building blocks. Describe the systems construction and implementation phases in terms of major tasks, roles, inputs, and outputs. Explain several application program and system tests. Identify several system conversion strategies. Identify those chapters in this textbook that can help you actually perform the tasks of systems construction and implementation. Although some of the techniques of systems construction and implementation are introduced in this chapter, it is not the intent of this chapter to teach the techniques. This chapter teaches only the process of construction and implementation. Chapter 17 - Systems Operations and Support Define systems operations and support. Describe the relative roles of a repository, program library, and database in systems operations and support. Differentiate between maintenance, recovery, technical support, and enhancement as system support activities. Describe the tasks required to maintain programs in response to bugs. Describe the role of benchmarking in system maintenance. Describe the systems analyst’s role in system recovery. Describe forms of technical support provided by a systems analyst for the user community. Describe the tasks that should be and may be performed in system enhancement and the relationship between the enhancement and original systems development process. Describe the role of reengineering in system enhancement. Describe three types of reengineering. See files *.ppt /SysAna&Design/Whittenbook/ Lecture Note 9 : CIS 330: Applied Database Systems Cornell Objectives : This course introduces database systems with a focus on how to use them in practice. The course will give an overview of the capabilities of modern database systems, and how to build database-backed applications. Topics covered include the relational model, SQL, transactions, database design and tuning, three-tier architectures, web data management with XML, service-oriented architectures, data mining, and data warehousing. The course will include hands-on exercises using a commercial database system and a student-selected web-database project. Lectures : Date Material Tentative Homework Assignments 1/27 Introduction and overview Introduction to database systems, introduction 1/29 to three-tier architectures. (Chapter 1 in the textbook.) 2/03 Tomcat installation, due 2/9/2003. The Entity-Relationship model, the relational model. (Chapter 2 in the textbook.) 2/05 Relational Model, mapping ER to relational JavaScript Assignment, due 2/13/2003. model, keys. (Chapter 3 in the textbook.) Guest lecture by Niki Trigoni Technologies at the three tiers: 2/10 HTML, HTTP, Forms, Stylesheets, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, cookies (Chapter 7 in the textbook.) 2/12 Relational algebra. (Chapter 4 in the textbook.) Query Processor in Java, due 2/20/2004, 23:59pm. 2/17 SQL. (Chapter 5 in the textbook.) SQL Server Installation, due 2/20/2004, 23:59pm. ER Modeling, due 2/26/2004. 2/19 SQL Continued. (Chapter 5 in the textbook.) Relational Algebra assignment, due 3/2/2004. Servlet Assignment, due 3/1/2004. 2/24 SQL, stored procedures, SQL programming interfaces. (Chapter 6 in the textbook.) Database security: Security principles, standard 2/26 access control. (Parts of Chapter 21 in the textbook.) 3/02 Normalization. (Chapter 19 in the textbook.) 3/04 SQL Assignment, due 3/11/2004. Normalization (Contd.). Normalization, due 3/16/2004. This is a guest lecture by Mirek Riedewald. Top-N Queries, due 3/16/2004. Introduction to storage and indexing, 3/09 introduction to query evaluation. (Chapters 8 and 12 in the textbook.) Introduction to query evaluation (contd.), introduction to transactions. (Chapter 12 and 16 3/11 in the textbook.) Guest lecture by Niki Trigoni. 3/16 3/18 Evening midterm exam, no class. 3/30 Database tuning. (Chapter 20 in the textbook.) Shopping Cart: Servlets with Sessions, due 4/9/2004. Tuning Wizard, due 4/9/2004. 4/01 Data Warehousing (Chapter 23 in the textbook.) 4/06 4/08 Introduction to semi-structured data. XML and XML DTDs. An introduction to Enterprise Java Beans. Guest lecture by 4/13 Scott Selikoff. Supplier database integration assignment, due 4/27/2004. Continuation of Enterprise Java Beans. In-class demo. Discussion of the Supplier Assignment. 4/15 XPath and XSLT. 4/20 Introduction to Data Mining. 4/22 Introduction to Data Mining. (Continued.) Using Enterprise JavaBeans, due 5/6/2004. 4/27 XML Schema, XQuery. XPath, XSLT, XQuery Assignment, due 5/6/2004. 4/29 Web services: SOAP UDDI, WSDL 5/04 Web services (continued) 5/06 Three-tier security. Outlook See files *.pdf in the directory /SysAna&Design/CornellAppliedDatabase มี Case Tool “ DeZign for Databases V3” ดังรายละเอียด Fact Sheet Visual data modeling "DeZign for Databases" is an easy-to-use; repository-based data modeling tool that help you design databases for desktop and client/server applications. "DeZign for Databases" uses entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) to graphically design databases. In your diagram you can visually make a design using entities, relationships and text blocks. Entity symbols are used to define database table structures, including details about columns (attributes), primary keys, null, unique, foreign keys, domains, check constraints, .... Relationships are drawn between entities and can include a name, abbreviation, description and the cardinalities (zero, one, many, ...). You can create identifying and non-identifying relationships. The diagram editor user interface fully supports drag-and-drop of entities, relationships and text-blocks. Moving an entity automatically results in a redrawing of your relationship lines. "DeZign for Databases" will display model information at various levels. These display modes can be used at various stages of model development or can be used to convey model information in abstract or in varying depths of detail. You can display an entity with all attributes, keys only or no attributes but only the entity name. You can use indicators for key attributes. Another display option is to show the data types next to the attribute name. "DeZign for Databases" supports the logical and physical data-level from a single specification achieved by using automatic foreign key migration at design-time. A modification to a property of a relationship or to a primary key will automatically affect foreign keys. ER-Modeling "DeZign for Databases" supports the ER-modeling techniques. Some advanced features like N:M-relationships (many-to-many relationships) and sub categories (inheritance) are also supported. "DeZign for Databases" will take care of the translation of the ER-Diagram (your database design) to the physical database (your physical tables or your SQL schema). The help files contain detailed documentation on database modeling. Domains A domain defines a standard data structure (user defined type) that you can apply to multiple data items (attributes). When you modify a domain you globally update the attributes associated with the domain. This makes it easier to standardize data characteristics and modify your model consistently when you need to make changes. Check parameters specify more precisely what values to allow for a domain or a data item. In "DeZign for databases", check parameters define standard parameters, such as accepted values. Schema/database generation "DeZign for Databases" can generate database schemas directly from your ER-Diagram. These schemas include the "CREATE TABLE"-statements and details about table structures, primary and foreign keys and domains. You've got full control over the schema-output. Depending on your schema-settings, "DeZign" will generate primary keys, foreign keys, check constraints, unique constraints, at column-level, table-level or in alter table statements. Depending on the target-database, domains will be generated as "check"-constraints or as "CREATE DOMAIN"/"CREATE DATATYPE" statements. For non SQL databases like MS Access, DBISAM, Advantage, Paradox and FoxPro, the physical database files will be generated directly. A SQL schema with the SQL-code to drop your tables will also be generated. You can easily switch to a new target DBMS and generate a database based on your data model for that new target DBMS. Version control With the version-control system you can always return to an older version of your diagram. "DeZign for Databases" automatically saves older versions of your diagram when you save your project to disc. You can make an older version the current version in the version-control screen. You can for example (re) generate your "older" SQL-schemas. Another advantage of this feature is the reporting possibilities of changes made to the datamodel. Reports Several reports with different levels of detail can be generated. Descriptions and other relevant information will be exported to html-files or text-files. Optionally the diagram can be inserted as a picture or as a html-imagemap. The diagram itself can be printed or exported to a bitmap, gif-image or windows metafile. Supported databases The following databases are supported: Oracle InterBase IBM DB2 MySQL MaxDB dBase Paradox MS SQL Server MS Access SQLAnywhere Sybase Informix Pervasive Advantage DB DBISAM 3 and 4 FoxPro CA Clipper PostgreSQL NexusDB Firebird An open structure is used. This means that you can easily add support for a new, not standard supported target DBMS. Reverse engineering (importing existing databases) Import functionality is provided by add-ons called "ImportER Scripts" , "ImportER Tables","ImportER Access", "ImportER DBISAM" and "ImportER MySQL". "ImportER Scripts" offers the ability to import SQL files containing DDL statements for tables and domains (user defined data types) into the database design tool "DeZign for databases". You can read more about "ImportER Scripts" here. "ImportER Tables" offers the ability to import paradox and dBase databases You can read more about "ImportER Tables" here. "ImportER Access" offers the ability to import MS Access databases. You can read more about "ImportER Access" here. "ImportER MySQL" offers the ability to import MySQL databases directly. You can read more about "ImportER MySQL" here. "ImportER DBISAM" offers the ability to import DBISAM V3 and V4 databases. You can read more about "ImportER DBISAM" here. System requirements "DeZign for Databases" is available as a 32-bit application. The product is available for Windows 95 or later, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. "DeZign for Databases" requires a minimum of 16MB RAM and will run on a 486 processor. Disk space requirements is 6 MB. Lecture Note 10 : Information Modelling, CS263 Surrey Prerequisites: CS183: Systems Analysis and Design Objectives : What the module is about: This module is about learning some of the theory behind databases and database management systems, and how to use them to build solutions for practical problems. In the module we learn some theory about databases and how to develop them. We also learn to use programming tools (SQL) to build databases. The course introduces the fundamental principles of information modelling for database design and discusses a number of implementation issues, ranging from classical database models, through interfaces for relational databases, threats to database systems and the principles of recovery, security, integrity and concurrency. The process of database design is treated as a modelling process involving a number of levels of abstraction. Entity relationship Analysis is the principal technique for modelling at a conceptual level, and the resulting model is then transformed into one of the classical logical data models, Hierarchic, Network or Relational. The features of the corresponding data manipulation languages are discussed, and the SQL standard for relational databases is investigated by practical work using ORACLE. Aims To examine the development of databases and database management systems. To critically investigate database analysis and development methods To provide an opportunity to use and to critically appraise database development software Objectives/Learning Outcomes: To furnish students with the fundamental skills required to design, implement and query a large-scale database, and to give them an overview of basic operational concerns. On completion of this unit, students will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the key principles involved in database application development. Demonstrate competence in using a software tool for developing database applications. Analyse practical problems and design databases suitable for these problem domains. Content The context of database management: The database environment Database development process Database analysis The Entity-Relationship model Database design Logical database design and the relational model Implementation SQL Client-server architectures Object oriented databases Web databases Data administration Role of data administrators, security, recovery, concurrency The Data Protection Act Lectures : Lecture 1: The Database Environment Lecture 2: Database Development Process Lecture 3: The Entity-Relationship Model Lecture 4: Enhanced E-R Model and Business Rules Lecture 5: Logical Database Design and the Relational Model (part 1) Lecture 6: Logical Database Design and the Relational Model (part 2) Lecture 7: Advanced SQL (part 1) Lecture 8: Advanced SQL (part 2) and SQL in practice Lecture 9: ER Models Lecture 10: Transforming an ER Model into a Relational Schema Lecture 11: Relational Algebra - Basic Operations Lecture 12: The Client/Server Database Environment Lecture 13: Web Databases Lecture 14: Databases and Decision Support Systems Lecture 15: Data and Database Administration Lecture 16: Parallel and Distributed Databases Lecture 17: Object-Oriented Database Systems (part 1) Lecture 18: Object (and Object-Relational) Database Systems (part two) Lecture 19: Query Optimisation Lecture 20: Revision on Normalisation See files *.ppt in the directory /SysAna&Design/InfoModellingSurrey