Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Subject: Small Business Management
Academic Year
Topic 1. The basics of Entrepreneurship
1.1 The Entrepreneur
1.2 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
1.3 The entrepreneurial profile
1.4 The Benefits of Entrepreneurship
1.5 The Potential Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
1.6 Forces driving the entrepreneurial trend in the global economy
1.7 The cultural diversity of entrepreneurship
1.8 Deadly mistakes of entrepreneurship
1.9 How to avoid the pitfalls
Topic 2. Ways for starting a Business
2.1 Buying an existing business
2.2 The steps in acquiring a business
2.3 Franchising
2.4 The business start-up
Topic 3. Forms of Business Ownership
3.1. Issues to be considered when evaluating the forms of ownership
3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of different forms of ownership
3.3. The Role of SMSEs in the Romanian Economy
Topic 4. Inside the entrepreneurial mind: from ideas to reality
4.1. Creativity – a necessity for survival
4.2. Suggestions to stimulate the employees` creativity
4.3. Barriers to Creativity
4.4. Enhancing individual creativity
Topic 5. Building a business plan
5.1. Building a competitive advantage
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.
5.2. The strategic management process
5.3. Crafting a winning business plan
Topic 6. Location as a source of competitive advantage
6.1. Location as a source of competitive advantage
6.2.Location criteria for retail and service businesses
6.3. Location option for retail and service businesses
6.4.The location decision for manufacturers
6.5.Layout: maximizing revenues, increasing efficiency or reducing costs
Topic 7. E-commerce and the entrepreneur
7.1. Benefits of selling on the web
7.2. Factors to consider before launching into e-commerce
7.3. Strategies for e-success
Topic 8. Entrepreneurial Marketing
7.1. Small business and marketing issues
7.2. Marketing defined
7.3. The marketing mix
7.4.The impact of the Internet on entrepreneurial marketing
Topic 9. Global aspects of Entrepreneurship
9.1. Why go global?
9.2. Barriers to international trade
9.3. Strategies for going global
Topic 10. Social Entrepreneurship
10.1. Social entrepreneurship concepts
10.2. Lessons for social entrepreneurs
10.3.The start-up phase for a Social Enterprise
10.4. Fair Trade
1. Barringer, B., Ireland, D., 2010, Entrepreneurship. Successfully launching new ventures,
Third edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
2. Morse, E., Mitchell, R., 2006, Cases in entrepreneurship. The venture creation process,
Sage Publications, USA.
3. Scarborough, N, 2011, Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management,
Sixth edition, Pearson-Prentice Hall, New Jersey
4. Scarborough N., Wilson D., Zimmerer, T., 2009, Effective Small Business Management,
Ninth edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey
5. Stokes D., Wilson N., 2006, Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, C&C
Offset Printing Co, LTD, China
6.Zimmerer, T., Scarborough, N., Wilson, D., 2008, Essentials of entrepreneurship and
small business management, Fifth edition, Pearson-Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Head of Department
Professor Răzvan Nistor
Associate Professor Cătălina Crișan
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.