All Saints' Clooney

“We will remember them”
Magazine Distributors
Please note that the 2013 FWO Envelopes will be
available to deliver with the December magazine on
Sunday 25th November.
We Shall Remember Them!
In September 1914 the poet and art critic Laurence Binyon sat on
the cliffs in North Cornwall and wrote his most famous poem which
he called ‘For The Fallen.’ Many of you will be familiar with that
poem and especially its fourth verse:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
This poem was written to honour the British soldiers who, even at
this early stage of the First World War, had been killed on the
Western Front. Over the years these words have been used at
Remembrance Services to commemorate the many Service men
and women who lost their lives in the service of their country.
Every evening, at 8pm, this verse is read at the Menin Gate in
Ypres, Belgium, as part of a daily Act of Remembrance.
As many of you may know I taught history for just over eight years
and have a particular interest in Twentieth Century history. Through
my studies of past events I have developed a deep appreciation for
Remembrance Day and I know that it is also special for many of
you. This year Remembrance Day is Sunday 11th November, which
happens to be the exact date that the First World War came to an
end. It is also interesting to note that our service begins at 11am
and the armistice which ended the war also came into effect at
11am. So as our service begins we can reflect on that exact
moment in time, 96 years ago, when the guns fell silent and the
Great War was over. I have been given the privilege of preaching
at the service that morning and I am really looking forward to it.
Let me encourage you to come along to church on 11th
November (either at 11am or for the Service of Remembrance
with the Royal British Legion at 6pm) as we remember those
who shall not grow old.
Peter Jones
Rector writes ……
Everywhere we turn now there are leaflets or television
adverts or internet sites that offer advice on every
conceivable subject. The “Best way” to do this and the “best
way” to do that! I recently came across the following -
An old farmers’ advice
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers and lawyers at a distance.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered…not yelled.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Don't judge people by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
If you think you're a person of some influence, try ordering
somebody else's dog around.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Scripture sets out for us the “best way” to live our lives. The summary offered by
Jesus himself is worth careful consideration.
Luke 10:27
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
strength and with all your mind’, and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.”
This is the foundation of our Christian journey with God and with each other. A
total and committed love for God and a genuine love of those we share our lives
As remembrance day
approaches we remember
the great love others had
for us during times of war a love for which they paid
the supreme sacrifice.
"When You Go Home,
Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Their Tomorrow,
We Gave Our Today"
Nov 1st
Nov 4th
Nov 11th
Nov 18th
Nov 25th
All Saints’ Day
4th Sunday before Advent
3rd Sunday before Advent
Remembrance Sunday
Service of Remembrance with the
Royal British Legion
2nd Sunday before Advent
Sunday before Advent
Special Preacher – Our Bishop
Tue 6th Nov @ 5.30pm
ASCA & Vestry Meeting White Horse Hotel
Wed 7th Nov @ 8.00pm
Womens’ Guild Meeting -Melrose
Special Speaker: Norman Taylor,
British Red Cross
Fri 9th Nov @ 7.00pm
New Mens Group ‘HIS’ - Melrose
Tue 13th Nov @ 7.30pm
ASCA Meeting – Melrose
Mon 19th Nov @ 7pm-8.15pm
Pastoral Care Team - Melrose
Tue 20th Nov @ 7.30pm
Select Vestry Meeting – Melrose
Sat 24th Nov @ 3.00pm
Trip to Odyssey- Belfast
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion
All Age
Holy Baptism
“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you
agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but
that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” 1 Corinthians 1:10
On Saturday 13th October Dianne and I
attended the wedding of our niece in a
lovely little Presbyterian church in East
Donegal. This was our third family wedding
in fifteen months and once again family and
friends travelled from far and near to b e part
of the celebration. Marriage is indeed a
celebration of love and commitment.
We found the couple’s sincerity and devotion so moving because the love they
share motivated them to make a lifelong commitment to one another, in front of
family, friends and more importantly God. As we read in 1st Corinthians, marriage
is a time of faith, hope and love, but especially love.
Christian marriage has always been a celebration. We see this when Jesus
turned the water into the finest wine at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Family and
friends had come together in community to celebrate and to share in the joy of the
At the wedding we attended it was evident that there is a very strong bond, not
only between the closest family members, but also the extended family circle,
friends and church members. People had made the effort to travel to Donegal, in
some cases from as far away as Australia, China and America. I am deeply
blessed to be part of a family where commitment and loyalty matter and where
diversity is not seen as a barrier.
The church should reflect many of the positive attributes found in our homes and
families. The word church means “the whole body of Christian believers.” The
church building is the common home of the people. It should be a place of great
warmth, comfort and peace, because it is the place where we gather to worship
God as members of his family. We come from different places and situations but
we all have a common purpose and a shared goal.
We as Christians could be able to enjoy meeting with
each other to share and celebrate the good news of the
Gospel which Christ makes available to the whole
world. We should be able to support and encourage
one other, especially when times are difficult. Our
Pastoral Care team do this on a weekly basis, but it is something all of us need to
engage in.
I wonder in All Saints’ do we feel part of a wonderful, loving and caring family in
which we fully play our part. “See how these Christians love one another” was a
comment made about the Christian community in the 3rd century, by those
outside the church. As people look at us today, can they say the same thing?
We have so much to celebrate.
28th Sept 2012 ~ Kaden Thomas Curry (In hospital)
Son of Tracy & Gavin
30th Sept 2012~ Bella Eileen Christina Anderson
Daughter of Alan & Tina
30th Sept 2012~ Isabella Maci Blackman
Daughter of Glenn & Zoe
30th Sept 2012 ~ Katie Eva McCombe
Daughter of Richard & Danielle
30th Sept 2012 ~ Charlotte Patterson
Daughter of Samantha Bell
‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord’
Fri 28th Sept 2012 ~Sarah Elizabeth (Jean) Logan
Sun 14th Oct 2012 ~Kaden Thomas Curry
Clooney Club
Clooney Club has started back with lots of new and familiar faces.
We will be continuing to work on our current programme based on the
weekly teachings in the Church.
The Christmas Party is on the Sunday 9th Dec
The Carol Service is on the Sunday 16th Dec
We will be closed from then and re-open
on Sunday 13th Jan 2013.
If you would like to volunteer to help one Sunday
every other month, kindly get in touch with the
parish office.
Thanks, Gillian Guy
Sunday 4th Nov
Marie Ewing
Sunday 11th Nov
Marie Ewing
Sunday 18st Nov
Mr G Hogg
Sunday 25th Nov
Hilda Sargent
Please contact Carol at the Parish Office on 7134 9348 and donate
flowers for church or if you need someone to arrange flowers for you
Christmas 2012 Webb Ivory Magazine
Last orders from the Webb Ivory Catalogue
Christmas 2012 will be sent on Sunday 11th November.
Please give your orders to the Church Wardens.
Thanks The Guys
Welcome Back …. Carol Grieve
We are delighted to have Carol Grieve back in the parish office covering
Sarah’s position as Office Manager as she is now off on maternity leave.
Carol has already been with All Saints for six months last year through the
Step Ahead Programme run by the Churches Training Company so has
great knowledge as to what goes on in the day to day running of the
To those of you who already know Carol I’m sure you will agree is a very
friendly person and always willing to help. Why not drop into the office at
6 Melrose Terrace if you’re passing by for a cup of tea and a chat with her.
Important Note - Financial Year End
We would like to remind all parishioners that our financial year ends on
31st December.
Your Vestry is appealing to everyone to return their envelopes or make
their annual contributions as soon as possible. The Vestry depends on
every parishioner making a meaningful commitment and contribution to
the life of our church.
We look forward to your response.
Beavers have been having a great time, we have be working
towards several badges by looking at the themes of harvest
and autumn. At the end of October they all went to St.
Columbs Park to use the climbing wall which was part of
their Adventure badge. Beavers are now at full capacity
which is great for us, but it does mean we have a waiting list
for the girls and boys who would like to join. If anyone would like to
volunteer please get in touch with Claire.
Over the past few weeks, Cubs and Scouts have been concentrating on
their badge work. We currently have 15 Cubs working towards achieving
their Chief Scout Silver Award – this is the highest award in Cubs and is
gained by completing six Challenge badges.
We are delighted to have Lisa Wyn as a new Scout leader. We now have
12 Scouts – ten boys and two girls.
We held the investiture of our new Beavers, Cubs and Scouts on Tuesday
2 October 2012.
All Saints Clooney are hosting the District Carol Service on Sunday 9
December 2012 at 4.00pm – everyone welcome.
If you are interested in becoming a leader or volunteering on a weekly
basis, on a couple of evenings each month or whenever you can, please
contact Carol in the Parish Office.
Getting Colder
As winter approaches we have once again been
brought into the shelter of the Rectory Yard. Back with
our two friends Goldie the dog and Rocky the cat.
The government has issued lots of advice for winter – here is one of their
pieces of advice Dress warmly
 wearing plenty of thin layers, rather than one thick one
 putting on a coat, hat, scarf, gloves and warm shoes or boots
when you go outside
 wearing clothes made of wool, cotton or fleecy synthetic fibres
 wearing bed socks and thermal underwear at night
Does anyone know where we could find some thermal underwear for a
pair of female rabbits?!
Honeycomb and Kate
Calling All Men!
In the October Magazine I mentioned a
men’s group being established. Following
some further discussion I am pleased to
announce that the first meeting of this new
HIS (the new name for the men’s group)
will take place on Friday 9th November at
On the night men from the parish, and indeed the local community can
compare their intellect, fitness and razor sharp reflexes with the ultimate
man – 007 himself! If you’re interested in seeing if you could be the next
James Bond then meet at Melrose at 7pm.
We kick off with from the chippy - then we can let the real comparisons
begin as we head off to watch ‘Skyfall’ – the new James Bond movie at
the cinema.So come along for a night full of action and adventure – and a
bag of Donaghy’s Chips. I look forward to seeing you there!
Peter Jones
ASCA’s inaugural Health & Wellbeing event went down a treat with
participants on 8th October.
Following a warm and meaningful elderly & housebound service in the
church, over 30 people gathered in Clooney Hall for a special “spoiling”
session. Participants enjoyed gentle armchair massage, courtesy of the
British Red Cross. Whilst others heartily laughed during -- what turned out
to be – quite a competitive game of “curling” provided by “JP” from Derry
City Council’s Sports Development Team.
The hour of laughing, rubbing, and competing climaxed in a delicious
healthy soup lunch, followed by tasty rice pudding, and refreshing teas
and coffees – and more laughing and smiles! Thanks goes to all who
helped make this a special day particularly, Derry City Council, the British
Red Cross, and Clooney Hall.
Check out our photos on Facebook:
My name is Matthew Hinds, I am 24 years old, I am from the Waterside
area of Londonderry. My home church called Cornerstone City Church I
have been a member of this church now for 5 years. I have been involved
in youth work since the age of 16, doing different kinds of volunteering
with different churches and charities around the city. I realized from a
young age that I was passionate about helping young people develop
themselves socially and spiritually. In 2005 I spent the summer working for
an orphanage called Adullam house in Alabama, USA. During this
summer experience I realized my passion for helping young people no
matter what their situation is. This mission trip helped me also realize
Gods love for everyone no matter what their skin colour, social situation or
even religion.
Last year I started my journey as a full time youth worker when I began a
degree in youth and community work with practical theology, and was
placed in the Killroot parish in the Diocese of Connor, as their youth
worker for 6 months and sadly was unable to continue in this placement
due to health reasons. However God has blessed me in many ways as I
searched for a new placement, after a few months search I was put in
touch with this wonderful church and now as you have welcomed me into
your parish I am very excited for what the future has in store for myself as
I help Claire with the youth but also what God is going to do in the lives of
these wonderful young people.
Saturday nights are continuing on in Melrose from 7-9pm for anyone who
is of secondary school age. On the 20th October we held a free pizza night
for all the young people to get to know Matt who is our new CYN student
with us. He’s fitting in and getting on well with all the young people.
On Saturday 24th November we will be having a trip to see the Belfast
Giants play in the Odyssey for anyone who is interested in going. Please
let Claire know if you would like to go.
Our Sunday nights are back in full swing for anyone who is 4th year and
above. We started back with food and games at the beginning of October
and now we are working through a series to learn more about God using
the Psalms. Each Sunday night we have food, games and a Bible session
in the middle. If anyone is interested in finding out more we meet in
Melrose on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 7-9pm.
To book please fill in the form
below and return with money to
Claire Hinchliff at 6 Melrose
Terrace before 12th November