SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY IS 340-55: INTRO TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS SPRING 2011 SYLLABUS AND COURSE SCHEDULE IS 340-55: TTH 2:00-3:15 PM, ST 325 FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION Dr. Chandra S. Amaravadi Stipes 431J, Office Hours: 8:15-10:15 am, TWTH Ph: 309-298-2034 Email: Website TEXTBOOK: “Principles of Information Systems”by Ralph Stair and George Reynolds, (9th Edition) from Course Technology is recommended as a supplementary book. This is a book written by two well known authors that is currently in its 9h edition. The book provides excellent coverage for: Hardware, Software, Databases, Internet, Enterprise Systems and Management Support Systems. As such, the book will not be followed closely; but you still need to read the book regularly to develop thought, vocabulary as well as a general understanding of the topic being covered. Please note again that the book is supplementary. COURSE DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES Catalog Description: “A survey of information systems and their role in organizations. Coverage includes: types of information systems, their application in organizations, the underlying technologies and their contribution to organizational strategy.” The objectives of this course are to develop a comprehensive understanding of what information systems are, their technical foundations, their utilization in business (where are they used?) and their development (process by which information systems are developed?). COURSE EVALUATION: Allocation of course grade is as follows: Evaluation Two midterms Final Assignments Pop quizzes (4-3) x 10 pts Participation Total # of points 200 pts 100 pts 100 pts (tentative) 30 pts 40 pts 470 pts Course grades will be evaluated on a straight scale depending on the percentage of points earned. Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Percentage >95% 90-94.9% >85% and < 89.9% 83-84.9% 80-82.9% >75% and < 79.9% 73-74.9% 70-72.9% >65% and < 69.9% 63-64.9% 60-62.9% <60% Examinations: There are three major examinations: two mid terms and a final all of which will be challenging. These will consist of a combination of True/False questions and multiple choice questions and will be based on class discussions of course topics. The final examination will be comprehensive. The examinations will be based on class discussions. The questions will be very specific. In the information systems area, there is a substantial difference between a “bit” and a “byte” and a “file” and a “field.” It is essential to learn the differences between such concepts to be considered “information literate.” Additionally, information systems is an applied field; concepts learned in one situation need to be applied in another. Mastery of basic concepts (e.g. a router) is therefore essential to applying them and to earn a good grade. You are also advised to take good notes. Pop Quizzes: There will be four quizzes out of which one will be dropped; There will be a mixture of different types of questions: T/F, multiple choice, fill-in-blank, match the following, short-answer. Some quizzes may be made entirely of short answer questions. Quizzes will be based on class discussion of topics covered since the last quiz or exam (whichever was the last to be administered). The quizzes will be very specific. Missed Examinations and Quizzes: Examinations and quizzes must be taken when scheduled. An absence will mean a zero for the examination/quiz. There will not be any make ups. Exceptions will be made in extreme situations where the instructor has been notified and his permission sought prior to the exam/quiz. Participation: Communication is essential for business majors, for whom the course is primarily intended. Participation can be both assigned and unassigned. Unassigned participation consists of answering questions, raising issues, relating course topics to current events etc. Quality is more important than frequency, however, please make sure you participate at least twice every class. Assigned participation could involve research, presentation, spot quizzes etc. Participation will be evaluated based on contribution to the class discussion (“security,” “privacy,” just being a warm body in class, or asking for clarifications will not count!!!). Your participation will be evaluated at the end of the semester and will be awarded points accordingly. Engaging in disruptive activities will result in reduction of one letter grade in participation (i.e. “B” instead of “A”). Assignments: There will be both take-home and in-class assignments. There is no credit/grade for in-class assignments. Nowadays many companies require you to solve problems. Therefore, assignments are not simply steps that you complete, but require you to apply concepts learned in the class and overcome the challenges placed for you. You must be an active participant while carrying out the task. The process that you go through to solve an assignment is very important. The end results are only an indication of this. Start assignments immediately after class, do not wait till the last minute, especially for information systems assignments. Assignments will be made available to you on the course web site and must be completed by the due date. It is your responsibility to hand them to the instructor in class on the due date. There are 4-5 assignments which will be challenging. Assign1 – Information systems in organizations. Assign2 – Information systems software. Assign3 – Development of corporate web site. Assign4 – Introduction to database management . Assign5 – Information systems development. Your Responsibilites: 1. Regular class attendance and appropriate class room behavior is expected. No eating & drinking in the class. 2. You are expected to obtain all class material from the course web site. This includes lecture notes (powerpoints) that are made available as a convenience to you, as well as assignments and other handouts. Material will be made available to you on the web site before the date the material is scheduled to be discussed in class (as per the syllabus). 3. You are also expected to periodically log into the web site to check for announcements etc. 4. Although attendance is not taken, it is not a bad idea to inform the professor if you are unable to attend class. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to obtain notes from a classmate and to keep abreast of class developments. 5. You are expected to review presentation material prior to class and participate in class discussions. At the very minimum, you are expected to be familiar with the material that has already been covered. 6. Homework assignments must be completed on time and handed to the instructor in class on the due date. You are advised to start assignments as soon as they are given out so that you can complete them on time. Homework assignments need to be completed on plain white sheets as already mentioned. Slipshod work will be rejected. DISRUPTIVE ACTIVITIES Talking to other students, eating, playing with devices, sleeping (if you have a medical condition, please notify instructor by the first week of classes) are considered disruptive activities and are in VIOLATION OF UNIVERSITY POLICIES. Please be aware that through your activity you may be preventing other students from learning. Sitting in the class room is a privilege that cannot be misused. The consequences of engaging in a disruptive activity can include one or more of the following: a) being asked to leave the class room, b) forfeiting the points for a quiz or class participation activity assigned for that day, c) reduction in participation grade by one letter grade d) confiscation of device till the end of the semester, if a device were involved in the disruptive activity. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the proper accommodation(s), you must obtain documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Support Services and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at 298-2512 for additional services. COURSE SCHEDULE/SPRING 2011 Meeting Date Topic/Agenda 1. 1/18 Course Administration & Overview. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1/20 1/25 1/27 2/01 2/03 Ch 1-2 Ch 1-2 Ch 3 Ch 3 Ch 3 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 2/08 2/10 2/15 2/17 2/22 Introduction to IS in Organizations. Introduction to IS in Organizations, Assign1 available Introduction to Hardware. Introduction to Hardware. Introduction to Hardware, Software, Assign1 due, Assign2 available. Introduction to Software. Introduction to Software. Introduction to Software. The Internet and e-commerce, Ass#2 due. The Internet and e-commerce 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2/24 3/01 3/03 3/08 3/10 3/15 3/17 3/22 3/24 Ch 8 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 3/29 3/31 4/05 4/07 4/12 4/14 The Internet and e-commerce First Midterm. Introduction to Database Management, Assign3 available. Introduction to Database Management. Introduction to Database Management, Spring Break. Spring Break. Introduction to Database Management, Introduction to Database Management, Ass#3 due, Ass#4 available Introduction to Database Management. Introduction to Database Management. Artificial Intelligence in Business. Artificial Intelligence in Business. Artificial Intelligence in Business. Second Midterm. 27. 4/19 Disc.* 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 32. 4/21 4/26 4/28 5/03 5/05 5/10 Information Systems Development, Ass#4 due, Assign5 available. Information Systems Development. Information Systems Development. Information Systems Development. Information Systems Development, Assign5 due. Buffer zone Final Exam at 3:00 PM Note: Disc.* Refers to class discussion. Reading Ch 4 Ch 4 Ch 4 Ch 8 Ch 8 Ch 5 Ch 5 Ch 5 Ch 5 Ch 5 Ch 5 Ch 5 Disc.* Disc.* Disc.* Disc.* Disc.* Disc.* Disc.*