Chapter 20: DNA Technology

Chapter 20: DNA Technology
Biotechnology: the use of living organisms for human benefit. Most recent
advances with molecular genetics.
I. Tools
(A) DNA Sequencing
(B) DNA Copying – done with PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction.
(C) Recombinant DNA – Restriction enzymes act as scissors; ligases
act like glue. Library of enzymes provided by bacteria. Vectors carry DNA to
recipients; they may be viruses or bacterial plasmids.
(D) DNA Comparisons done with electrophoresis: separation of
molecules based on size and charge. Also can be used to compare proteins,
RNA. DNA fingerprinting for criminology and paternity testing. Developed to
establish evolutionary relationships. Genetic engineering done with cutting and
II. Uses
(A) Transgenic Organisms
-1- bacteria producing pharmaceutical products like insulin.
-2- crops like golden rice with beta carotene to provide Vitamin A.
-3- other food improvements like beta carotene in pork.
(B) Gene Therapy
Introduction of healthy genes into individuals with defects. Requires suitable
vectors (often viruses). Some success for treatment of immune diseases and
cystic fibrosis.