Associate Professor Ghazali Desa
Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering
Skudai, Johor.
The studies on conceptualizing CCS for Peninsular Malaysia by Ahmad Fauzi
Nordin (2001) and Abd. Majid Kadir and Ghazali Desa (2001) have characterized the
system as having: (1) a Common National Coordinate System with GDM2000 as the
geodetic datum and Geocentric Cassini and RSO as the projection system, (2) a
Cadastral Control Infrastructure that is based on a higher geodetic order with adequate
density, (3) a complete and layered Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) designed
according to appropriate data modeling technique with a unique parcel identifier, (4) a
unique single set of survey accurate Coordinates, and (5) the Cadastral Survey Practice
that employs least square adjustment technique and based on the “whole-to-part” survey
concept (Figure 1.0). Based on these characteristics, the implementation of the CCS for
Peninsular Malaysia will definitely affects the current practice of cadastral surveying to a
certain extent. Evidently, it would to a varying extent, impact upon government
departments and agencies, private and public companies, and member of the public.
Introducing CCS involves planning, executing, administering and organizing as
well as other organizational and institutionally related matters. The implementation of
CCS will incur expenses that would have to be adequately financed and it appears that
ultimately it is the people who are to be involved in the implementation and who
contribute to the system that will determine the success of the system. It is their
capability and commitment that will see the project and envisaged system through any
eventualities. Consequently, apart from having adequate manpower to execute the tasks
at hand, training or re-training to develop them towards higher levels of competence is
apparently imperative. Hence, aspects of education and training will subsequently need
to be looked into. It is also obvious that equipments, apart from materials will be needed
to perform works related to the implementation. They range from those needed for the
surveying tasks such as GPS, electronic total stations, and computers and their
peripherals for computerized processing, plotting and data basing. Materials will also be
required for the monumentation of control marks such as cement, sand, brass plates,
pipes and nails.
The implementation of CCS involves two main issues i.e. the technical and
institutional. However, this paper focuses on the institutional issues of the
implementation by specifically looking at the social and economic aspects. On the social
aspects, this paper provides some detail discussion on the effects of the changes that
will be brought about by the CCS implementation. The discussions on the social impact
will be based on a framework described in Figure 2.0 in which the elements of CCS will
definitely introduce changes. What are the impact of these changes onto government
departments and agencies, private and public companies, and member of the public?
On the other hand, discussion on the economic impact will be based mainly on the
institutionally related matters.
Evidence of
Based on
Highest Geodetic
Survey Concept
Single Set of
Survey Accurate
Least Square
Figure 1.0: The Conceptual Model of CCS for Peninsular Malaysia
Figure 2.0 shows the framework to aid discussion on the various social impacts
that will obviously arise from the CCS implementation. Of importance are the changes
that will be brought about and their impacts on government department and agencies,
public and private companies, and the public.
Figure 2.0: Framework for Discussing the Social Impact of
CCS Implementation
The Elements of CCS
The main components of the CCS (Figure 3.0) that are considered fundamental
to the cadastral reformation are (1) the common national geodetic framework - the
GDM2000, (2) the cadastral control infrastructure (CCI), (3) the cadastral survey
practice, (4) coordinates and (5) the DCDB.
Cadastral Control
Infrastructure (CCI)
Cadastral Survey
Figure 3.0: Elements of CCS
Abd. Majid Kadir et. el. (1999) recommended that the proposed CCS model is to
be based upon a common coordinate reference system and preferably hinged on a
geocentric datum. The rational for the recommended change of datum and to employ a
common projection system are:
Recommendations from international organizations (they includes the
International Association of Geodesy (IAG), International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), and the
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)) to adopt the geocentric coordinate
system. The UN Regional Cartographic Conference for the Asia-Pacific made a
resolution in May 1994, calling for all countries in the region to use a geocentric
datum for surveying and mapping.
The realization that the datum between the Peninsular and East Malaysia needs
to be unified and the use of a geocentric datum offers a good opportunity to do
The need to define the existing primary GPS network for Peninsular Malaysia to
be within the International Terrestrial Frame (ITRF) system, in order to improve
and maintain the national geodetic reference system.
Cadastral Control Infrastructure
Control network is an essential component of the CCS implementation model. It
is common knowledge that land surveying has its own methodologies based on certain
principles and one of the main principles is the principle of control or “working from the
whole to the part”. Under this principle, (1) a network of primary points is established
throughout an area; (2) these then interspersed with secondary points, and (3)
subsequently these may be further broken down to lower order control points. Individual
surveys can then be connected to the control points in the vicinity and this will help
ensure error accumulation to be solely confined to that area of survey.
Cadastral Survey Practice
Another vital component of the CCS model is the ground survey. The most
significant change to the current practice is the adjustment technique particularly for the
required task of re-coordinating parcel corners. In regards to the task of re-coordinating
surveyed parcel corners, the results of the Melaka and Melaka-Johor pilot studies have
shown that the least square adjustment technique is most suitable technique. It is
statistically superior and more practical to be applied in the adjustment of a large
cadastral fabric (Abd. Majid Kadir,1999). The currently utilized technique for
adjusting cadastral survey traverses is the well-known Bowditch method. The reason for
this choice is the presumption that linear measurements have a far greater share in the
final errors than the angular, in the cadastral surveying practice of Peninsular Malaysia
(Ahmad Fauzi Nordin, 2001).
The concepts of coordinates and boundaries with regard to the law and practices
of cadastral surveying in the Peninsular Malaysia have been much deliberated. But, it
needs to be clearly understood that one of the important aims of CCS is to create a
unique and unambiguous mathematical position for parcel corners. With the
establishment of proper survey controls and the use of proper equipments and
methodologies, this should be achievable. And that coordinates produced from the
system should then be justifiably accepted as reliable evidence of boundary positions.
As a matter of fact, the CCS environment will not introduce additional risk in the use of
coordinates compared to the use of survey measurements under existing practice.
Furthermore, the employment of coordinates for the said purpose is apparently scientific
and useful to many land information purposes.
The concept of coordinates that has been discussed by Ahmad Fauzi Nordin
(2001) in regard to the cadastral system in the Peninsular Malaysia is indeed
comprehensive. But to facilitate work conducted in the CCS environment, there is a need
to form additional principles to help erase any misconceptions or diverging views. These
would not be conducive in the workings of the system. The relevant principles are as
Coordinate is just another alternative means of expressing survey data. It is
simply another indicator to the likely position of the boundary and may change
from time to times as a result of subsequent surveys.
Differences in coordinate values for the same point between surveys are
acceptable, if within tolerance. They reflect the accuracy of measurements
between surveys, control accuracy as well as the possible differences in
evidence, if marks are slightly moved from its original position. As a matter of
fact, they are synonymous with differences between angles or distances.
As in the case with bearings and distances, coordinates of parcel corners from
an earlier survey are not fixed. They may be overridden by a different set of
coordinates that resulted from a subsequent survey, provided that the differences
are within acceptable tolerances.
The use of coordinates in the CCS environment does not necessitate substantial
changes to current survey principles or the legal aspects of boundary definition.
Nonetheless, it also seems important to consider the aspect of coordinate accuracy in
term of the criteria to be used in its determination. This means that the relative accuracy
criteria as practiced can continue to be used in the early stages of CCS implementation.
During this phase, positional criteria should then be utilized to augment existing criteria,
particularly for the control surveys.
The DCDB is an essential component of the CCS. In the case of Peninsular
Malaysia, it connotes the digital or computer-based map of all surveyed parcels, as well
as the survey database containing survey accurate data such as parcel dimensions and
coordinates of boundary points residing in the CDMS and CALS systems. In retrospect,
it is clear that computerized systems had been established by DSMM beginning with
CALS in Johor and Pahang and subsequently with the Mini-CALS in the other states but
these systems were eventually being upgraded. With those systems, new cadastral
surveys conducted by DSMM (already providing raw survey data in digital form) have
been electronically processed using the available facilities of the system. The processing
eventually led to the output of finalized cadastral survey data in the form of bearing and
distance records in the DCDB, besides the generated coordinates. Clearly, this will
serves as one of the sources of database populating.
Changes Due to CCS Adoption
The implementation of CCS in the Peninsular Malaysia will definitely affects the
current practice of cadastral surveying to a certain extent for example the adoption of
GDM2000 will result in major changes due to the resultant large displacements to
existing coordinate information. This departure of systems will clearly necessitate
changes to be made as will to existing practices. Without a proper control infrastructure,
it is obvious that CCS would not be implemented. Certainly it has to be initially put into
place to provide the basic framework to underpin CCS. The introduction of CCS will
have consequence too on the information to be depicted on CPs prepared under the
new system. Nevertheless, the modification to existing practice appears minimal. With
regard to the changes due to the implementation of CCS, Figure 4.0 provides the
sequence of changes that will take place.
Change of Geodetic Datum
Change of Projection
Computational Procedures
The Concept of
The Change of
Survey Procedures
The Change on
Title Plan
Figure 4.0: Changes Due to CCS Implementation
Geodetic Datum Change
Three-dimensional coordinates of points are given in terms of latitudes,
longitudes and heights. The latitudes and longitudes are defined by projecting points
from the earth’s surface to a so-called reference ellipsoid. The position, orientation, size
and shape of this ellipsoid are those that constitute a classical geodetic datum. Local
datums are define implicitly by adopting coordinates for one or more points in a region
and are only used in practice within that region. Points on the boundary between two or
more regions will have two or more sets of coordinates, one in each local datum. The
main classical advantage of adopting a local datum is that the ellipsoid can be closely
fitted to the geoid in that region.
Global datums have their centre at the centre of mass of the earth – something
that is easy to define in words but was difficult to define in practice until the recent
development of space-based measuring system. Their associated ellipsoids may not fit
a particular region well and might lead to significant corrections having to be made when
processing surveying data. Their advantage are that can provide seamless positioning
across the world and they can directly to the modern space based positioning systems
that are nowadays being used for so many purpose.
The Malaysian Revised Triangulation (MRT) is local datum used for mapping
purposes in Peninsular Malaysia. The datum is a unification of PERAK, ASA and
Repsold Systems and computed using data collected mainly in the period 1948-1966
using the Modified Everest ellipsoid. It consists of about 1200 stations plus a number of
standard traverses and has an inter-station accuracy of about 13-15 ppm. Coordinates
in this system are known as MRT 48 coordinates and being projected using RSO and
Cassini Soldner projection for mapping and cadastral purposes, respectively. MRT 48
coordinates represent a unified datum, albeit distorted for the whole Peninsular
Malaysia. MRT 66 later superseded MRT 48 coordinates.
In order to fully support GPS activities and a modern positioning infrastructure,
several space-based surveys (initially based on Transit Doppler and now on GPS) have
been employed in Peninsular Malaysia. These include the establishment of a
permanent GPS tracking network (Malaysia Active GPS Station/MASS) of about eight
stations over the whole Peninsular. MASS network is considered as Zero Order GPS
Network. Primary GPS Network for Peninsular Malaysia established in 1995 (PGGN 95)
comprised of 238 evenly distributed points (approximately at 30 km spacing) over
Peninsular Malaysia. The existing reference frame particularly the PGGN 95 must be
continually evaluated to provide reliable accuracy required for GPS applications. The
implementation of CCS requires high accuracy GPS geodetic network for the control of
cadastral network. Hence the existing PGGN 95 was further evaluated and
A high accuracy and consistent three-dimensional geocentric coordinates for the
eight (8) MASS stations of Peninsular Malaysia has been established within the
framework of IGS stations. Thus, the MASS network is now based on the International
Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 at epoch 2 January 2000, which is recognized by the
International Association of Geodesy (IAG). The new PGGN (PGGN2000) is also based
on the ITRF2000, which is the latest and has best fits the shape of the Earth with its
center coinciding with the Earth’s center of mass. The absolute accuracy of the MASS
coordinates is at 1-2 cm level.
Geodetic datum provides the fundamental basis for
location. Irrespective of whether the coordinates of a point are
latitude and longitude (geographical coordinates) or easting
projection coordinates), they are clearly an intrinsic function of
defining geographical
expressed in terms of
and northing (grid /
the underlying datum.
This means that if the change to a geocentric datum will result in a large shift or
displacement of the coordinates, even though its physical location remains the same.
However, there will be some implications in moving to a global (GDM2000)
datum with new projection for computational procedures. This change may get affected
as follow:
The cost of moving all current data to a global system
The inconvenience of having to transform data whenever spatial analysis
activities take place.
The utilization of mixed data sets based on the old datum and the new one would
clearly result in erroneous analyses and wrong conclusions.
Change of Projection Computational Procedures
In the Peninsular Malaysia, two map projection systems are associated with the
geodetic datums: the Cassini-Soldner and the Rectified Skew Orthomorphic (RSO).
Cassini-Soldner projection system is classified as cylindrical, tangential, transversal,
equidistant and semi geometrical. There is no distortion in area and shape along the
central meridian. Distortion increases with distance from the central meridian. This map
projection system is used for cadastral surveys and is the basis for the Standard
Cadastral Sheets in each state of the peninsular. There are ten (10) state Cassinicoordinate systems in the peninsular with their respective origins. The latitude and
longitude of the origins are not referred to a single triangulation system but to three
different triangulation systems, namely, PERAK, ASA and MRT Systems. The
coordinates (N, E) of the origin are also referred to different datums. Each State is being
considered as an independent plane surface and earth's curvature is ignored.
On the other hand, RSO projection system is an orthomorphic (conformal) with
constant minimum scale error along a great circle passing obliquely through the area
and with scale increasing with distance from this great circle. The RSO coordinate
system formed the National Reference Grid, which constitutes the basic grid system for
the mapping process of Peninsular Malaysia (Abd. Majid Kadir et al, 1998). A
triangulation station at Kertau, Pahang was being selected as an origin for RSO. Both
Cassini-Soldner and RSO projection system in Peninsular Malaysia are referenced to
local geodetic datum defined by the Modified Everest ellipsoid.
With the introduction of accurate satellite based navigation systems and notably
the rapid expansion in the use of GPS, there have been increasingly strong reasons for
Peninsular Malaysia to change to a new datum to provide a GPS compatible coordinate
system. The introduction of GDM2000 by DSMM, the change to a geocentric datum will
result in a large shift or displacement of the coordinates. The magnitude is approximately
200m in the northeasterly direction, between coordinates of points on the existing MRT
compared with coordinates of the same points on the GDM2000. In terms of projection
coordinates, the difference should also be of roughly the same magnitude.
Pertaining to the above matter, coordinates that would be produced in the new
system in future will clearly be a non-issue, as it should already be aligned to the
GDM2000. The impact then would apparently be on the coordinates already produced
in the existing system as well as those that are to be continuously produced until the
commencement of the new system. It is obvious that these coordinates (that are
currently residing in the calculation volumes and also displayed on CPs) will have to be
revised to the new system to enable it to be continually utilized.
In retrospect, the change in coordinate values would not only be the result of the
change in datum and projection system but also the effect of the re-coordination
exercise that would need to be carried out to readjust all coordinates of parcel corners to
the cadastral control network.
Concepts Of Coordinates / Boundaries
Boundaries of parcels can be defined by physical demarcation on the ground or
by a mathematical description usually based on a coordinate system. The accuracy and
consequently the cost of a cadastral survey are dependent on the accuracy needed for
boundary descriptions. The accuracy should reflect factors such as the value of the
land, the risk and cost of land disputes and the information needs of the users of the
Cadastre (Ian Williamson and Gary Hunter, 1996).
In Peninsular Malaysia, boundaries are demarcated using authorized boundary
marks at all turning points of the boundary. The straight lines joining those marks then
define the boundary limits. The adoption of this concept of boundary definition has been
so deeply entrenched that it has become to be accepted as an established norm or even
for that matter, culture. However, there have been and are currently arguments which
they are not rigorously adjusted and therefore would not normally be expected to close
exactly around one or a group of lots. In practice the build-up of angular error is limited
by requirement for regular sun azimuths to be observed and bearing adjustments are
made to distribute misclosures between observe sun azimuths. Corrections for
convergence are made to observed sun azimuths. Distances on the other hand are not
adjusted or corrected at all. Coordinates do not form part of the cadastre and ownership
is defined in terms of these bearing and distance. The area of each lot is also quoted.
Coordinates under CCS are produced from a fresh survey that is properly tied
and adjusted to the cadastral control infrastructure. The use of coordinates for cadastral
surveying under CCS does not appear to necessitate substantial changes to current
survey principles or legal aspects of boundary definition. Nonetheless, it may entail
unease to practitioners if perceived as creating inconveniences to them. In order to
provide a better understanding and allay apprehension, it may be appropriate to form
and explain suitable principles, particularly that concerning the said measure. Amongst
principles that appear relevant include the following:
Coordinates is just another form of expressing survey data, albeit more useful
under the CCS working environment.
Differences in coordinate values for the same point between surveys are
synonymous with differences between angles or distances, and are acceptable
if within tolerance.
Coordinates of parcel corners are dynamic. As with bearings and distances,
coordinates values from earlier surveys may be overridden by newly surveyed
coordinates values, again if within tolerance.
The use of coordinates in the refixation of parcel boundaries can be based on
the currently practiced doctrine of unchangeableness or permanence of
Change Of Survey Procedures
The existing method of survey and error distribution is not a truly whole to part
method. In practice error are accumulated from one survey to another and from one
control point to another. The move to a CCS will definitely involve some changes to the
present flow of work procedures. The changes of survey procedures due to the CCS
implementation are:
Making connections to control marks of CCI during the field surveys of cadastral
parcels - it is already clear that the tie will allow the work to be aligned to the new
coordinate system i.e., GDM2000. Apart from that, it could be utilized to establish
the datum for the new surveys; this would be practical if a dense cadastral
control infrastructure can be provided. Otherwise, the use of existing marks
proved in position may be adequate to provide the datum for the work
(considering that those marks have already been re-coordinated based on the
new GDM2000 reference frame.
Utilization of revised survey accuracy criteria, whereby positional accuracy
should already replace its relative mode. Existing philosophy on accuracy, apart
from prevailing tolerance considerations can be continually adopted, although it
may be stated in a different form, which is more appropriate to be utilized with
Calculation of adjusted coordinates for every parcel corner. For this purpose,
least square adjustment techniques will be put to use in conducting the
These will of course change the work routine of both the government surveyors
and licensed surveyors.
Change On Title Plan
The current practice of describing parcel boundaries involves the process of
converting cadastral survey data into graphical information. It commences with the
preparation of the survey plan that would subsequently be submitted for authentication
by the survey authority, after approval of which would consequently be termed as the
Certified Plan (CP). This plan then becomes the root document relating to the creation
of the land parcel boundaries and specific provision had been made as regards to its
role and status in the National Land Code, 1965 (NLC). Evidently, the said statute gave
much significance to the CP in the sense that a piece of land would not be considered to
have been surveyed if the plan is not authorized or approved. Furthermore, the
document is considered by the statute as conclusive evidence of the boundaries,
boundary marks and area of land shown on it.
The CP is currently prepared in a standard or common format that permits the
presentation of useful information on the face of the plan. The information includes the
parcel number, boundary dimensions, area, boundary marks, coordinates of the two
most extreme parcel corner points, and the abuttals of adjoining parcels. The proposed
move to adopt GDM2000, geocentric Cassini-Soldner and geocentric RSO projection
systems for CCS will obviously have consequences in regard to depicted information on
existing CPs. Considering the significance of this legal document and its information
contents, appropriate actions in addressing the impact of the said change will have to be
made. In considering the available alternatives, it appears that the approach that causes
minimum disruption to existing practices seem most well suited. In this regard, the
strategy deemed appropriate is basically the retention of all records of bearing, distance
and area in its existing form- with the exception of coordinate. Apparently, coordinate
information will have to be overhauled to suit the implemented system.
This option should be well received since it will not impinge on the interest of
land-owner, neither will it adversely affect the system nor parties having interest in it.
Furthermore, coordinates may be meaningless to the landowners themselves; after all,
the numerals will still change as a result of other exercises such as the revision of
coordinates, or for that matter due to the ordinary variation in accuracies. Other options
seem to be too far fetched. They do not appear to carry much benefit if weighed against
the likely apprehension to landowners as well as the inconveniences and additional
expenditures to the concerned authorities.
As mentioned, exception has however to be made to the coordinate information.
It is quite apparent that it would be inevitable for the said information to be altered, so as
to be in conformity with the new system, and in order to avoid a muddled situation as
well as confusion to users, once CCS is implemented.
The Implications
It is obvious that the implementation of CCS will affect numerous parties that
have dealings with land matters and spatial information. Evidently, it would to a varying
extent, impact upon government departments and agencies, private and public
companies, and member of the public.
The Government Surveyors
Government surveyors in the Peninsular Malaysia are mainly from the DSMM. It
is already clear the DSMM as a whole would be involved in the CCS implementation.
The implementation will obviously incur substantial expenditures. The main cost
elements appear to be that for the establishment of the control network and its
maintenance, the control infrastructure for the proper operations of CCS, the survey
connection from parcel fabric to the control network, the resurveys and probably some of
the balance work of converting analogue surveyed data to its digital form.
DSMM is already hard pressed in discharging its current obligations. In order to
expedite project execution and completion, it may then be cogent for a portion of the
implementation tasks to be contracted out to the private sector. Even so, there still
appear to be some other related tasks that would have to be handled by DSMM and
considering that they have been afflicted by manpower shortage, a boost up of their
workforce appears necessary.
Equipments, apart from materials will obviously be needed to perform tasks
related to the implementation. Considering that computer systems are adequately in
place and electronic total station is wholly in use in all DSMM’s, it appears that there
need not be a massive procurement exercise except for replacement and spares, and
probably some upgrading works. Notably though, there seems to be a need for a
substantial purchase of GPS equipments, by DSMM and some by private sector
surveying firm.
The implementation of CCS requires emphasis on education and training as
well as re-training for members of the DSMM. Appropriate training programs would
have to be prepared and efforts will have to be made to ensure that they meet the
requirements of the different groups of learners. More importantly, the scope should
cover aspects considered adequate to enable a satisfactory understanding of the system
to be established as well as other auxiliary matters to be introduced. Forms of training
needed include seminar, workshops, in-house training and specialized short courses.
The Licensed Land Surveyors
The Licensed Land Surveyors (LSS) have been playing a very active role in the
conduct of cadastral surveys in Peninsular Malaysia especially over the last few
decades. They have contributed considerably towards the formation of the cadastral
parcels fabric in the Peninsular. Pertaining to cadastral surveys conducted by the LLS, it
has been an entrenched practice for their lodge work to be subjected to rigorous
examination by DSMM. This practice has incessantly continued though technological
advances have made surveying easier and more precise.
Land Administrators
The concept of CCS as has been proposed at the earlier stage does not include
the “coordination” in between the land related agencies. However, in taking a wide view
of the needed institutional relationships and arrangements for the betterment of a
component of the system it would be farcical to ignore perusing at arguably the most
important link in the context of the Peninsular Malaysia’s cadastral system viz., the link in
between the Land Office and DSMM. Certainly an unkempt state of relationship in
between the two organizations would have its repercussions on the efficiency of the
CCS as well.
One significant outcome of the Bogor Meeting and subsequently highlighted
through the Bogor Declaration is the recognition of the need for re-engineering of
systems. Seen in a broad perspective, re-engineering of system is also relevant to the
implementation of CCS. Certainly the objective of improving the cadastral survey system
through a coordinated cadastre should also look at the wider perspective of
endeavouring to improve the total cadastral system to better serve the need of the user,
land owner as well as the government. In particular, it should look into the cadastral
processes ( of land transfer, subdivision and adjudication ) to identify the bottlenecks in
efficiencies and duplication, as was recommended through the Bogor Declaration.
Land Owners and Other Professional
The use of coordinates for cadastral surveying under CCS does not appear to
necessitate substantial changes to current survey principles or legal aspects of boundary
definition. An issue that has also been linked to the CCS is the assigning of legal
significance to coordinates. In the context of Peninsular Malaysia, this issue is not as
complicated as that of Common Law countries. This appears to be so as the latter’s
system seem to be deeply attached to the principle of hierarchy of evidence. On the
other hand, in the case of Peninsular Malaysia, there appear to be some measure of
legal significance already accorded to measurements in the system. This is by virtue of
the fact that the CP is recognized under the law as being conclusive evidence of the
boundaries of land, and that the said document embodied measured dimensions of land
parcels. It is a non-issue if legal significance were to be given as well to coordinates.
Introducing CCS clearly involves planning, executing, administering and
organizing as well as other organizational and institutionally related matters. The
implementation of CCS will incur expenses that would have to be adequately financed
and thus included in the budgeting of the implementer organization, i.e. the DSMM.
Since the project is apparently a government responsibility, financing should thus be
appropriately sourced from the government by DSMM and arrangements will have to be
made for this purpose.
The Main Costs for CCS Implementation
It is quite obvious that the implementation of CCS will involve a significant
amount of expenses. The immediate and major costs appear to be for those that are
related to the technical aspects of implementation. In addition, there would be other
costs such as for training, publicity and the conduct of outreach programs. On top of
that, costs for the start-ups that certainly include manpower and equipment as well,
would also be followed by continued or recurring operational and maintenance costs.
The main costs that are to be met with pertaining to CCS implementation for the
Peninsular Malaysia may be summarized as in the Figure 5.0.
Setting-Up of
Control Infrastructure
Connection of Parcel
Corners To Control
Development of State
Digital Cadastral
DCDB Re-coordination
With Survey Accurate
Figure 5.0: Major Costs of Implementing CCS for Peninsular Malaysia
Costs for Setting up of Cadastral Control Infrastructure (CCI)
There are four main phases involved in the setting up of Cadastral Control
Infrastructure (CCI): reconnaissance, monumentation, GPS field observation, and GPS
processing and adjustment. Figure 6.0 shows the flow chart of task for the setting up of
the CCI.
Planning and designing of CCI network of adequate density. The purpose of
this task is to consider on the required density of cadastral control in order to
bring the coordinates of all previously surveyed parcel corners into the new
system as well as for the purpose of supporting the subsequent operations of the
system itself. Taking into account aspects of accessibility, ease of location and
maximizing risk of disturbances, the most suitable positioning of control points
need to be worked out. Other considerations are the incorporation of the existing
standard traverses, and their coordinates to be re-aligned to the new system.
Monumentation is clearly important for the control stations. The control stations
need to be monumented with stable and readily identifiable survey marks. In
addition, appropriate documentation need to be performed to ensure their ready
recovery and maintenance as well as effective dissemination to users.
GPS survey over the monumented control points to determine its position.
Processing and production of geocentric Cassini/RSO coordinates of all points
forming the infrastructure. The transformed bearings and distances in the RSO
need to be utilized to conduct the least square adjustment.
The development of the Cadastral Control Infrastructure Layer in the NDCDB
Designing CCI
GPS Surveys
Geocentric Cassini/RSO
Coordinates of Control
Points & Site Identification
CCI Layer
Figure 6.0: The Flow Chart of Activities for the Task of Setting-Up Cadastral
Control Infrastructure
The Costs for Connecting Parcel Corners to fit the control points of CCI
This task is to geo-reference all parcel corners to fit the control points of CCI. For
the tie-up, there are clearly two aspects to be addressed i.e. the determination of the
parcel corners and the survey connection from the control marks to these corners. Prior
to making the survey connection, it is obvious that the physical location of the corners
will have to be proven to be in its original position. In other words, the definition of the
corner at the time of connection has to be certain or unambiguous. It is obviously
important to choose parcel corners that are reliable. A preferable choice would be the
ones that are located in safe places, away from disturbances. In regards to the survey
connection, it is apparently necessary that the concerned survey work have to be of
adequate density to meet the set standards (Abd. Majid Kadir,2002). In short, the
main aspects of this task are:
Identifying the block of cadastral parcels to be re-coordinated
Selecting the points of the block that would be connected to CCI
Connection survey of CCI to the selected parcels corners
DCDB Re-coordination with Survey Accurate Database
The re-coordination task is to transform existing Cassini coordinate into those
that are based on the new geocentric datum as well as the RSO, apart from adjusting
them to the control network. The aspects of the task that will be involved in the
upgrade and update process are:
Formation of the cadastral network (large) for adjustment works
Least square adjustment of the network and analyzing adjustment results
Subsequent systematic built-up of the blocks and networks and their
respective adjustments
Adjustment and re-coordination of boundary points in the DCDB
Finalizing the completed RSO coordinates in the DCDB based on the
geocentric datum
Performing data integrity checks
Posting to next level or layer as update in DCDB, together with the tagging or
coding of data to indicate accuracy status
The objective of the re-survey is to coordinate previous parcel surveys that do
not yield coordinates as its final outcome, apart from improving the accuracy of low
grade and defectives ones. These defective surveys are identified through the least
square adjustment process that has to be performed to transfer existing coordinates into
the new system as well as through the digital conversion exercise (Automatic Database
Conversion System) to populate the DCDB.
Equipments and Materials
It is obvious that equipment, apart from material will be needed to perform works
related to the implementation. They range from those needed for the surveying tasks
such as GPS, electronic total stations, clearing tools, vehicles and their ancillaries to
computers and their peripherals for computerized processing, plotting and data basing.
Materials will also be required and of note are those needed for the monumentation of
control marks such as cement, sand, brass plates, pipes and nails.
In regards to GPS surveying equipment, it is clear that quite a substantial
addition to current ones may be needed to carry out the control surveys, irrespective of
whether they are to be carried out by DSMM or private surveying firms. Assuming that
they are to be undertaken by DSMM, it appears appropriate for the task to be performed
by the State Survey Department for logistical reasons and expediency. In such a case,
the latter will have to be supplied with adequate number of the said equipment and their
paraphernalia, apart from the provision of training that would certainly be required by
those that will be carrying out the task.
Electronic Total Stations would certainly be the choice equipment not only for
cadastral surveying under CCS but also under the current system, for reasons that are
already clear. As a result of the implementation of the “field-to-finish” concept by DSMM,
all State Survey Departments should already be entirely using this equipment. Thus, it
appears that there need not be massive procurement of the equipment for the project,
albeit normal replacements for faulty ones and spares may be needed.
Human Resource
It appears that ultimately it is the people who are to be involved in the
implementation and who contribute to the system that will determine the success of the
system. It is their capability and commitment that will see the project and envisaged
system through any eventualities. Consequently, apart from having adequate manpower
to execute the task at hand, training or retraining to develop them towards higher levels
of competence is apparently imperative.
It is quite apparent that the introduction of CCS should be strongly supported by
education and training programs. As the key-player in the survey industry, the DSMM
should take up the lead role in this area and consequently provide support to the
industry through providing direct advice, training and technical publications to facilitate
the overall development of the system. The identification of those that would be involved
in the actual implementation of CCS and those that will support as well as be affected by
it have been made. The differing levels of cognitive needs on CCS will have to be
assessed and this will depend on whether the target groups have a direct role in the
implementation or only as eventual users of the system.
The move to implement CCS can be traced to the related initiatives made by
DSMM. The reasons given for the intended change are basically to solve the drawbacks
of the present cadastral survey system and to take advantage of the fully coordinated
cadastral survey system. Irrespective of those reasons, there are however other benefits
such as (1) efficient management of the Country’s resources, (2) the practice of
Cadastral Surveying, and (3) supporting of the Government Policies.
Management of the Country’s resources
One of the primary justifications for CCS implementation appears to come from
the need to enhance the cadastral survey system to ensure the fulfillment of its important
role in LIS/GIS. More specifically, it can be utilized to support the DCDB for use both
outside of the cadastral area as well as within it. Apparently, it would not justify the
expenses of the costly implementation if the CCS is solely for the purpose of improving
the integrity of the current system. It does not appear to be justified either if the cadastre
is intended to continue its current role of serving the limited scope of land conveyancing.
Though that be the case, within the cadastral area it is clear that the CCS backed DCDB
will certainly contribute to more efficient cadastral processes.
Associated with the aforementioned matter, the role and significance of LIS/GIS
in the improved efficiency of managing man-made, physical and natural resources has
been widely acknowledged. In this context, it is quite apparent that the envisaged CCS
will, for example, enable cadastral data to be used in conjunction with other data types
such as utilities, land use, topography, geology, soil types, population demography and
coastal zones to solve general or specific spatial problems.
It may be argued that some of the fundamental spatial datasets may not directly
need CCS, but it is evident that the system will contribute towards the development of
nation’s spatial data infrastructure, specifically MaGDI (Malaysian Geospatial Data
Infrastructure). This infrastructure is of essence as it is obvious that concerned datasets
must be on the same datum and projection system for them to be integrated and for
spatial analysis to be performed.
Facilitates DCDB Updates
One of the conceivable benefits of introducing CCS is the facilitating of work
performed in the digital environment. In fact this aspect could be a significant
contributing factor in ensuring the eventual success of the CCS. Also, it is quite apparent
that the introduction of CCS partly comes from the need to support the digital cadastral
database (DCDB) upgrades and updates. In upgrading, an appropriate number of
connections from a coordinated cadastral control network to selected parcels corners
have to be made through field surveys. A rigorous least squares adjustment of observed
data as well as existing surveyed data residing in the DCDB can then be undertaken.
This will then create the required single set of homogenous, survey accurate CCS
coordinates for the boundary points. With reference to this survey accurate DCDB, Abd
Majid A. Kadir , Sharum Ses and Abdullah Hisham Omar, (2002) has developed a
technique called “ Automated Database Conversion System” for the purpose of
upgrading and updating the current DCDB. Figure 8.0 shows the flow chart of
upgrading and updating DCDB.
: Cadastral Control Database
SDCDB : State Digital Cadastral Database
Figure 8.0: Automated Database Conversion System (ADCS) Prototype
Integration with other Spatial Datasets
The control network is anticipated to be a crucial component of the drawn-up
CCS conceptual model. In a wider perspective, the significance of the control network
can be attributed to its role in providing a reference system for locating spatial data and
one that can be used for the accurate mapping of all land survey information.
Advantageously, the accuracy of the coordinate references can be readily updated and
that the system can also be adaptable to the latest survey techniques. Apart from that,
the control systems itself can lead to a simple method for the restoration of boundaries
and the checking of surveys.
The aforementioned approach is contradictory to the coordinates only concept- a
concept that had been closely associated with the coordinated cadastre. The
abandonment of boundary marks and the absolute use of coordinates to govern
boundary positions are extremities of the concept which may not be suitable for the local
circumstances. Nevertheless, hybrids of the concept can be judiciously applied in the
case of land subdivisions for properly planned housing developments.
Benefits to the Cadastral Survey System
Other benefits that could accrue from the CCS implementation include the
improvements that could be attained in the efficiency of cadastral surveying. This aspect
had been described in numerous write-up such by Nisbet (1992), Smith, L. (1992), Carr
(1990), Smith, G.L. (1988) and DOL (1986). Some of those that would be pertinent to the
Peninsular Malaysia situation include the following:
It would provide a means of assigning mathematical values (coordinates) of
absolute position to parcel corners. Those coordinates in turn will provide clear
identification of the boundary corner’s position, facilitating calculations for the
purposes of re-fixing or re-establishing boundary corners.
It would enable different surveys to be directly compared, and the closing of as
well as the checking of work, facilitated. The direct inter-relation of one cadastral
survey to another will also be possible with those surveys being linked into a
common geodetic reference system. The use of common referencing will
markedly facilitate the integration of all other types of survey data (e.g. cadastral,
engineering, topographical etc.)
The system would provide a uniform scale and orientation for surveys, apart from
enabling the reduction of error propagation and the control of accuracy.
The system is oriented to new technologies where computerized processing,
plotting and position determination are increasingly coordinate-based. It is also
common knowledge that coordinates provide the most efficient means of
transferring data between for instance, electronic total stations, computers,
plotters and GPS.
Common Geodetic Reference System
A unified coordinate system with referenced to the universally adopted datum is
required to accommodate the present and future interest in the acquisition of digital data
related to cadastral and topographic mapping information. Kadir, (2002) highlight
the importance of providing a homogeneous geodetic infrastructure as the basis for
integration of spatial data for sustainable development. The increasing use of GPS for
various applications, such as providing spatial information for GIS/LIS applications,
further highlight the shortcomings in existing local datum. The easy transfer of spatial
data is crucial for both economic development and for the construction of all kinds of
Control Network Availability
In a wider perspective, the significance of the control network can be attributed to
its role in providing a reference system for locating spatial data and one that can be used
for the accurate mapping of all land survey information. Advantageously, the accuracy of
the coordinate references can be readily updated and that the system can also be
adaptable to the latest survey techniques. Apart from that, the control systems itself can
lead to a simple method for the restoration of boundaries and the checking of surveys.
Series of control networks available to support CCS implementation (Figure 9.0):
Tertiary: 5, 2.5, 0.5 &
0.1 – 0.4km Spacing
First Order: 238 stations
Zero Order: 8 Stations
Figure 9.0: Control Network
MASS (Malaysian Active GPS) Stations form the first level of geodetic control
definition, which are fundamental to the definition of the datum. They will form
the zero order or fiducial geodetic network. The absolute accuracy of MASS
stations is at least 2cm at 95% confidence interval (Abdul Kadir Taib,
PGGN (Primary Geodetic GPS Network) Stations, consisting of 238 stations
spaced roughly 30km apart throughout the whole of the Peninsular, will form the
second level of datum definition and control. This network had been determined
with an absolute accuracy at few centimeter level and a relative accuracy of 1-2
ppm for the horizontal component (Teng,, 2003)
CCI (Cadastral Control Infrastructure), consisting of the cadastral control
networks of various station spacings, according to requirements. Based on the
outcome of the repeatedly mentioned pilot studies, they should be at levels of
roughly every 5km and 2.5km for semi-urban areas as well as the suggested 0.5
km for urban areas (CCS Report of Module B). It appears apt to include existing
standard traverse marks as well, in the whole infrastructure. In such a case the
spacing for certain areas covered by the standard traverse network may be in
the order of 0.1 to 0.4 km.
Efficiency in Survey
It is common knowledge that land surveying has its own methodologies based on
certain principles and one of the main principles is the principle of control or "working
from the whole to the part". Under this principle, a network of primary points is
established throughout an area; these being then interspersed with secondary points,
which subsequently may be further broken down to lower order control points. Individual
surveys can then be connected to the control points in the vicinity and this will help
ensure error accumulation to be solely confined to that area of survey.
Use of Coordinates Based Survey Equipments
The country's move towards CCS itself has been partly induced by the availability
of new technologies, including measuring equipments that are more advanced and
increasingly coordinate-based (Abd Majid A. Kadir and Shahrum Ses, 1999). In relation
to the said system, the most applicable and useful surveying tool- in the immediate termapparently includes GPS.
Due to legal uncertainties, GPS has not been previously utilised in surveys for
title. However, there certainly will be a change to this situation, as its usage has currently
been made possible by a recent directive and issuance of a guideline from the DSSM’s
office in 1999 (DGSM Circular No. 6/1999). This means that surveyors in both the
private and public sectors can now legitimately use GPS for cadastral surveying and
consequently, it appears reasonable to expect an increased use of the technology in the
near future, particularly in the conducive environment of CCS (Abd Majid A. Kadir and
Ghazali Desa, 2001). The currently ongoing project on the development of RTK network
for Peninsular Malaysia will further enhance the use of GPS for cadastral surveying.
With the CCS that will be based on the GDM2000 geocentric datum, GPS will
obviously have a significant role to play. The technology will be extensively and gainfully
utilized in the task of densifying cadastral control network, in which the network is
fundamental to the effectuation and operations of the CCS. In addition, the important
task of connecting existing as well as new cadastral surveys to the control network may
to a certain extent, warrant the use of GPS. In this case GPS receivers could be placed
over control points and as these points may, in certain circumstances, be at some
distance away from the survey, this could save field time.
Apart from the above, GPS would most certainly be applicable for surveys of the
perimeter and the inside of large land developments. In a broader context, GPS can also
be readily utilised under the CCS environment, for other positioning tasks. Such works
can be carried out without the need to undergo transformation processes, as is currently
the case, since there will be direct correlation between measured and mapped positions
under the said environment.
In spite of the above, and although GPS can be expected to make inroads with
the implementation of CCS, there are currently certain limitations to its usage. Urban
areas with the many high-rise buildings, in particular, may not be that conducive, as the
need to obtain uninterrupted lines of sight to the satellites will to a certain extent restrict
its employment. Apart from that, the current state of GPS technology does not as yet
appear to be at a stage where it will entirely supersede other survey equipments that are
currently in use. This is apparently the case for Peninsular Malaysia as, amongst the
constraints of GPS include the fact that GPS could not occupy or find a pre-determined
position precisely (Noordin, 1993); whereas this capability is obviously very much
needed, since in practice boundary points may at times be pre-computed before being
fixed on the ground.
In summation, it is clear that GPS has various roles to play in the establishment
of CCS as well as in cadastral surveying under the CCS environment- obviously, its use
will be highly facilitated under the said system. More specifically, it can be utilized to
obtain centimeter accuracy, and in particular can provide easy connection of cadastral
surveys to the control infrastructure, apart from the work of establishing the infrastructure
Aligning to and Supporting to the Government Policies.
National Science and Technology Policy
This policy aspires to transform Malaysia into a scientific and progressive society
whereby not only will the people make full use of current technology but also contribute
to the development of science and technology of the future. The inevitable use of
modern survey, positioning and computer technologies in the CCS endeavor is already
obvious. Through the rigors and experience of implementing the system, it can be to a
certain extent, be expected to contribute to the development of knowledge and expertise
in the concerned field of science and technology.
National Development of Policy and the National Industry Policy
These policies on national development also lay emphasis on science and
technology as an important framework in the socio-economic planning and development
of the nation. It also accentuates the importance of ensuring environmental protection to
ensure sustainable development for the country, and in this particular context, the role
and contribution that could be expected of CCS is already obvious. The development of
human resources is also given emphasis, in which case the processes of CCS
implementation would in some ways certainly provide some form of contribution as well.
National Improvement in Productive Capacity Policy and the Policy on
Increased Productivity and Quality of the Public Sector
These policies stressed on the improvement of current systems as well as the
use of enabling and suitable technologies – these aspects are evidently very much the
aim of the proposed CCS implementation.
The move to implement CCS can be traced to the related initiatives made by
DSMM. The reasons given for the intended change are basically to solve the drawbacks
of the present cadastral survey system and to take advantage of the fully coordinated
cadastral survey system. Irrespective of those reasons, there are however other benefits
such as (1) efficient management of the Country’s resources, (2) the practice of
Cadastral Surveying, and (3) supporting of the Government Policies.
The main components of the CCS that are considered fundamental to the
cadastral reformation are (1) the common national geodetic framework - the GDM2000,
(2) the cadastral control infrastructure (CCI), (3) the cadastral survey practice, (4)
coordinates and (5) the DCDB. The implementation of CCS in the Peninsular Malaysia
with the above components will definitely affects the current practice of cadastral
surveying to a certain extent. It is obvious that the implementation of CCS will affect
numerous parties that have dealings with land matters and spatial information. Evidently,
it would to a varying extent, impact upon government departments and agencies, private
and public companies, and member of the public.
It is quite obvious that the implementation of CCS will involve a significant
amount of expenses. The immediate and major costs appear to be for those that are
related to the technical aspects of implementation. In addition, there would be other
costs such as for training, publicity and the conduct of outreach programs. On top of
that, costs for the start-ups that certainly include manpower and equipment as well,
would also be followed by continued or recurring operational and maintenance costs.
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