Issues Relating to Cadastral Infrastructure
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[There are two attachments to this report - Attachment A - Action Plan and Attachment B Project for 1996/97]
Issues Relating to Cadastral Infrastructure
1. Introduction
The Working Group met in Sydney on 1-2 October 1996 and the meeting was chaired by Mr Tony
2. Status Reports
A number of status reports were tabled by members from the following countries:
Australia *
Brunei Darussalam
New Zealand *
Sri Lanka
( * several reports were submitted by these countries)
Presentations were made by several countries.
A presentation was made by Prof Ian Williamson on the joint United Nations and FIG Interregional
Meeting of Experts on the Cadastre held in Bogor, Indonesia on 18-22 March 1996.
3. Working Group Objectives
The committee considered and discussed its Title and Role and recommends to the Permanent
Committee they be amended to reflect the wider role of the cadastre embracing survey, mapping
and registration.
Recommended title of Working Group:
'Issues relating to Cadastral Infrastructure.'
Recommended wording of the role of the Working Group:
"To assist the Executive Board and Permanent Committee to determine principles and options for
the development of jurisdictional cadastral infrastructure and cadastral management systems."
A general discussion took place on the Terms of Reference of the Working Group status reports,
issues arising and the Bogor Declaration. Accordingly The working group resolved to adopt the
Bogor declaration and its recommendations as a framework for the further development of its
work programme.
4. Action plan
Attachment A lists the action plan for the next 12 months.
5. Project for this year:
The Working Group considered the following should constitute the project for 1996/97:
To compile a format for each jurisdiction to report on the following:
Status of Cadastral Systems
Reforms and Modernisation Issues
Key Agencies and Contacts
Attachment B lists suggested headings that were agreed. It was agreed that a sample report be
prepared as a guideline to the type of information sought.
6. Recommendations
The following recommendations are made to the Permanent Committee, that it:
approve the change of title and role for the Working Group as proposed in this report.
prepare a statement to the UN on the importance of making use of the combined services which
can be provided by the public, academic and private sectors.
support the principle that when Permanent Committee meetings are being held, visits to local
technical organisations be arranged.
accept the work plan prepared by the WG on Cadastral Infrastructure.
Attachment A
Action Plan for Working Group 2
Set up communications channels
Distribute forms to collect status reports and identify issues facing jurisdictions.
Note that Prof Don Grant is preparing a paper for FIG Commission 7 on privatisation and cost
recovery of spatial data for presentation at the Commission 7 workshop in Penang in May next
year. Agreed:
that this provided a very useful forum for the Working Group to progress its action plan in this
to arrange for information relating to cadastral aspects of this study be forwarded to the
chairman for referral to Prof Grant for inclusion in his report.
Identify future actions arising from the Bogor Declaration and "issue reports" such as:
- promotion and recognition of the need for cadastral mapping and/or DCDB
- preparation of a set of general principles which apply to cadastral reform
- preparation of model guide lines for cadastral standards
It was noted that there will be several cadastral workshops and conferences over the next few
years which will provide valuable opportunities to progress the work of the WG. These are
- UN Regional Cartographic Conference Bangkok Feb 97
- FIG Commission 7 Penang May 97
- PC Meeting 1998
- FIG Commission 7 New Zealand1999
Prof Williamson also advised of proposals for FIG Commission 7 to hold a meeting on behalf of
the UN in Australia 1999 about the same time as the New Zealand meeting.
Attachment B
Project for 1996/97 of Working Group 2
A. Status of Cadastral Systems Report
A brief summary of the status of various components within member countries.
Land Tenure Systems/Type of Cadastre and Rights in land
Supporting Legislation and administrative orders for survey, registration and valuation
Role of Government - National/State/Local
Role of the Private/Commercial Sector
Record systems (paper based and computer), brief description and estimate of size
Computerised spatial data systems eg Digital Cadastral Database(DCDB)
Accuracies, specifications and data exchange standards
Accreditation of Surveyors and other contributors to the system
B. Reforms and Modernisation Issues
A brief summary of major reforms and issues to be addressed.
Vision, Mission and strategy for development
Costs and benefits
Addressing user needs and community needs
Current and proposed developments
Data quality
Data conversion - paper to computer
Maintenance of the survey systems and records
Data access and pricing
References to existing or proposed reports, issues papers or related documentation
C. Key Agencies and Contacts
Details of key agencies contact persons for future reference
Name of Agency responsible for Cadastral Administration
Name of key contact person and title (or responsibilities)
(Alternate name if necessary)
- Address
- Phone
- Fax
- Email