SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (BIT) COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2014 1/27/2014 – 4/26/2014 Course Number/Name: IT1010 - Introduction to Computers Section Number: 143 Class Day(s): Prerequisite: Corequisite: Instructor: T, TH Class Time: 4:00 PM – 6:20 PM Smith Brasher Hall Course 3 0200 Credits: RDG 0950 or appropriate placement scores Recommended prerequisite: 25 wpm keyboarding skill) Nat Tully Email: Online Learning: CNM Phone/Voice Mail: 224-4000, ext. 50416 Office Hour(s): T, Th 8:30PM – 9:30PM Class Location: CRN: 82776 Office Location: 0200 Texts & Supplies Required Text Bundle: CNM Bundle: INTRO TO COMPUTERS PKG CNMCC, ISBN#: 9781256830245 (Bundle Includes: Visualizing Technology 2nd ed. (1) and Skills for Success Office Vol.1 (1), Skills for Success Windows 7 Getting Started (1), and MyITLab Cardboard Access code w/e-texts). o If you choose to buy used books, remember, you must also purchase a new access code (about $100 at the bookstore). You must have the MyITLab Access Code for this course. o The CNM Bundle is the best financial deal for this course if you prefer printed textbooks. The CNM Bundle cost is approximately $140. o The MyITLab Access Code ($100) includes eTexts, but NOT printed textbooks. MyITLab Registration: ONLY use the Cardboard Access Code when registering for your MyITLab student account. Do not use codes located inside the hardback textbooks. Instructions for how to register for My IT Lab are included in your Blackboard class. Required Software to work off-campus: ONLY Microsoft Office 2013 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access) can be used for this course. Software can be purchased directly from the CNM bookstore. ONLY Microsoft Windows can be used for this course. Mac users must have Bootcamp or Parallels to install Microsoft Windows and Office 2013. Supplies: USB Storage Device and Folder/Notebook Page 1 of 9 Course Description Introduces fundamental computer literacy, which includes hardware and software topics, with lecture and hands-on instruction. Computer applications include operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases and the basics of using networked computers (e.g., email and the Internet). Student Learning Outcomes Students completing this course will: 1. Describe basic information technology terminology. 2. Identify and use hardware components of IT systems. 3. Describe and apply concepts of file management. 4. Describe the basic concepts of application and operating systems software. 5. Describe the basic concepts of information management, databases, and database management systems. 6. Identify and explain important ethical, security, and privacy issues in information systems. 7. Use Internet search engines for research. 8. Describe and use IT systems for communications (e.g., word processing, presentation software, email, etc.). 9. Create and use spreadsheets. 10. Use databases and other Internet research tools (MyCNM, library databases, browsers). Attendance/Tardy/Withdrawal/Drop Policies Any student who is absent more than fifteen percent of the total class hours may be dropped from the class. Absences do not relieve a student from course assignments. To avoid interrupting or distracting the class, students are expected to be prompt for each class. Class will begin promptly at the time scheduled. Students who arrive to class late will be marked tardy. Three tardies will equal 1 absence. Audit students, per CNM policy, are not required to turn in work, but are required to attend and participate in the class. For distance learning students, merely logging into Blackboard does not constitute participation. Two weeks of non-participation will be considered non-attendance and you may be dropped from the course. It is the student’s responsibility to drop/withdraw from the course in order to avoid a grade of “F.” Deadlines and the last day to drop this course can be found at During inclement weather, be sure to check the CNM homepage or call 224-4SNO to see if school is cancelled or delayed. In the event CNM is on a delayed schedule, classes meeting prior to the announced start time will not meet. Classes scheduled to meet for 45 minutes or more after the announced start time or starting at or after the announced start time will meet. In the event CNM closes during the last week of the class, the final grades for students may be calculated based on all work assessed up to that point in the course. For students whose final assessment results could influence their grade in the class, an alternative time for an additional class session may be arranged. Page 2 of 9 Grading The following scale is used to assign course grades: Course: Requirements Points Attendance/Participation BlackBoard SFS assignments, VT quizzes, CNM Tools assignments, and MyITLab Grader Projects (35 assignments @ 10 points each-dropping the 3 lowest assignments) BlackBoard SFS Quizzes (Word, Excel, PPT) (3 quizzes @ 50 points each) BlackBoard File Management Final Exam MyITLab Exams (Word, Excel, PPT, Concepts Final Theory Exam) (5 exams @ 100 points each) Total Points Grade 910-1000 A 810-909 B 710-809 C 610-709 D Below 610 F 30 320 150 500 1000 Note: A final grade of “D” or “F” is not acceptable for this course if it is required for graduation or as a prerequisite for other courses. A final grade of “D” or “F” requires repeating this course. MyITLab: If you do not have full (not temporary) access to MyITLab by Week 4, you may be dropped from the course. You cannot pass this course without a full, persistent account in MyITLab. Late/Make-up/Re-take Policies Word/Excel/PPT/File Management/Concepts Final Exams: NO EXAMS WILL BE DROPPED. Only one late exam for each student will be allowed during the term. Word/Excel/PPT Exams: A missed exam may be made up within one week (6 calendar days) of the missed exam. I t is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to make up the exam. The make‐up exam wi ll be assessed a penalty of 10 points. File Management Exam: The File Management Exam will be due on Tuesday of the last week. If missed, a student will have 48 hours to submit it (with a penalty of 10 points). Concepts Final Theory Exam: This exam will not be accepted late. No late assignments/quizzes will be accepted unless arrangements have been made with the instructor. One assignment/quiz will be dropped at the end of the term. Course Codes & Policies Course Communication: The official email system for CNM students is an email service provided by Google, which is accessible in myCNM. All official email communication to students, originating from CNM, will be sent to a student’s assigned CNM email account (provided by Google). By becoming a student at CNM, students agree to follow the technology use policies, which can be found at Behavior: As a member of this classroom, students are responsible for understanding and adhering to the CNM codes and policies that govern and prescribe acceptable student behavior. The Student Code of Conduct codes and policies of this course can be found at: Page 3 of 9 If a student behaves in a manner that is disruptive to the educational process or violates any other provisions of the Code of Conduct, this behavior will (generally) first be addressed by the instructor. If the behavior continues, or escalates, this behavior will be reported to the Dean of Students for appropriate disciplinary action. If a student demonstrates behavior that is a violation of the Code of Conduct, CNM instructors may require the student to leave the classroom. Should this occur, the incident will be reported to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action. An incident can be reported to the Dean of Students for distance learning students who violate the following netiquette policy. Distance Learning Netiquette Policy: How we communicate with each other is very important in this course. The Netiquette rules described below are to be followed to provide a supportive learning environment. All students are expected to Show respect for the instructor and for other students in the class Respect the privacy of other students Express differences of opinion in a polite and rational way Maintain an environment of constructive criticism when commenting on the work of other students Avoid bringing up irrelevant topics when involved in group discussions or other collaborative activities Use plain text when creating an e-mail or Discussion board message If an instructor feels that a student is violating any of the above guidelines, the student will be contacted to discuss the situation in person. If you, as a student, feel that another student is behaving inappropriately, please send a private e-mail message to your instructor explaining the situation as soon as possible. E-Mail Etiquette Policy: Always include your full name and section number in the e-mail Make the subject line meaningful. For example, Word Assignment Chapter 3 question Use correct grammar and spelling Don’t type your message in all-uppercase Use words instead of abbreviations Avoid public “flames” – messages sent in anger Type your reply at the top of the e-mail Above all else, remember that electronic mail is about communication with other people. When you compose an email message, read it over before sending it and ask yourself what your reaction would be if you received it. Any time spent on making our e-mail clearer is time well-spent, so take the time to do it well. Academic Dishonesty: Students in this course and in all college classes are expected to complete their course work in accordance with a high level of honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty on the part of a student, such as cheating on a test or aiding other students’ cheating, plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration will be subject to academic sanctions. For more detailed information about academic dishonesty and how such incidents will be handled by your instructors and by the Institute, read the Codes & Policies section of the CNM Catalog at The Dean of Students will be notified of any instances of academic dishonesty. The following link outlines the CNM Policy Statement on Academic Dishonesty: MyITLab includes an integrity violation report to detect the submission of another student’s files. DO NOT attempt to cheat in this course. It is your responsibility to make sure no one else has access to your files – if someone else submits your file, you will both be guilty of academic dishonesty. Both students will receive a zero on the assignment and will be reported to the Dean of Students as a warning. The following is a link to the Dean of Students Academic Policy Incident Form Page 4 of 9 Emergency Procedures: An emergency is any state requiring immediate action to prevent dire consequences, usually immediate threat to life, limb or property. To report an emergency, call 911 from any CNM phone. If a CNM phone is not available, call 224-3001 from a cell or pay phone. Emergency evacuation procedures are as follows: 1. Leave the building 2. Take ID, keys, medications 3. Take other personally critical items 4. Assist those in need 5. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS 6. Report to closest assembly point marked with Remain at assembly point until given the “all clear” from authorized personnel 7. There are NO exceptions to the order to evacuate. 8. Do not leave campus without checking in at the emergency assembly point Electronic Devices in Class: All electronic devices must be turned off or switched to silent or vibrate mode. During class, all pagers and cell phones are to be placed in your backpack or purse and not on the table or desk. Electronic entertainment devices are to be turned off and head phones removed. If electronic devices are used in class, they may not be used for non-class activities. Smoking on Campus The use of tobacco products, including the use of chewing tobacco and e-cigarettes, is now limited to designated smoking areas and banned from all other areas at all CNM campuses and locations. Designated smoking areas have been identified at all CNM locations. PaperCut: PaperCut is an element of the sustainability effort at CNM. Its purpose is to reduce paper usage. Each student has an online account with an allotment of 150 pages (300 if double-sided) of free printer pages per term. If this allotment runs out, additional pages may be purchased by the student. For more information, go to the PaperCut website: Student Resources/Advisement/Graduation CNM Information Technology Services (ITS): For technical support on all CNM computers, printers, email, passwords, networks, myCNM, you may contact ITS at 224-HELP or For all inquiries regarding BlackBoard, contact the Embanet 24 hour help desk at For technical support with MyITLab, go to Page 5 of 9 Disability Resources: The Disability Resource Center is a department that can provide students with documented disabilities the accommodations they might need. It is also a department that can help students who think they might have a disability. Students needing accommodation in an academic setting must contact Disability Resource Center at 224-3259 or at Students should provide their documentation to the instructor on the first day of class. Per DRC policies, requests for accommodations must be made to the instructor at least 5 days in advance of requested accommodation. Veteran Services: We appreciate the services provided by our armed forces and want to make sure eligible students are aware of their benefits and the services that are available. Information about these benefits and services can be accessed at Assistance Centers for Education (ACE): These are locations available to students for tutoring, to work on homework assignments, class projects, and for one-on-one assistance. Additional information is available at the ACE Website at The School of Business & Information Technology (BIT) school advisor is located at Main Campus in Smith Brasher Hall, Room 103, (505-224-3811). The BIT advisor specializes in the programs offered through BIT and is available to assist you in planning your schedule, evaluating your program of studies and completing graduation audits/checklists at The Achievement Coach (505-224-3811) is available to all BIT students. Follow the link for BIT achievement coach information: BIT ACHEIVEMENT COACH The Achievement Coach's main job is to help students find the answers to questions concerning classes and issues involving college and life. The Achievement Coach helps with the following: program and course information, campus and community supports, balancing school, family and work, life changes and obstacles, and graduation information. More information for all programs and achievement coaches can be found at Graduation: At CNM, students can graduate with an Associate Degree or a Certificate of Completion. Students must apply for graduation to receive a certificate or degree from CNM. More information located at Tentative Class Schedule Syllabus & Class Schedule: The syllabus and class schedule are subject to change by the instructor. Changes will be made with as much advance notice as possible. Important dates, deadlines, and the last day to drop this course can be found at and includes holidays. Page 6 of 9 This schedule is subject to change. Changes will be communicated to students as soon as possible. Week Date 1/28 1 1/30 TUESDAY / THURSDAY (12 Weeks) Module 1 Class Activities: ___ Welcome and Introductions ___ Review Syllabus and Schedule ___ Verify access to CNM computer account/Documents ___ Discuss the CNM network drive, the “I” drive ___ Discuss MyCNM ___ Discuss MyCNM Email, Attachments, and Netiquette ___ Introduce Blackboard Website: Note: From this point, VT = Visualizing Technology textbook Note: From this point, SFS = Skills for Success textbook Class Activities: ___ In MyITLab: Create MyITLab account. ___ In MyITLab: Complete Pre-assessment: Theory (20 minutes) ___ Discuss VT Chapter 1: What is a Computer? (pp. 2 – 37) Module 2 2/4 2 2/6 Class Activities: ___ Discuss File Management (folders/subfolders/zipping folders/network drives) ___ Discuss Skills for Success with Windows 7: Getting Started (pp. 2 – 25) ___ Discuss Class Activities: ___ Discuss VT Chapter 2: Application Software (pp. 44 – 81) Module 3 2/11 Class Activities: ___ Discuss SFS Word Chapter 1: Create Letters and Memos 2/13 Class Activity: ___ Discuss VT Chapter 3: File Management (pp. 90 – 129) ___ Review CNM Library Database 3 Module 4 2/18 Class Activities: ___ Discuss SFS Word Chapter 2: Create Business Reports ___ Discuss comparison of MLA and APA styles (resources in Blackboard) 2/20 Class Activities: ___ Discuss VT Chapter 4: Hardware (pp. 136 – 182) 4 Module 5 2/25 Class Activities: ___ Discuss SFS Word Chapter 3: Create Flyers 2/27 Class Activities: ___ Discuss VT Chapter 5: System Software (pp. 190 – 217) ___ Discuss VT Chapter 7: The Internet (pp. 270 – 303) ___ Review for Word Exam 5 Page 7 of 9 Module 6 3/4 Class Activities: ___ In MyITLab: Complete and submit Word Exam (Note: This exam must be completed in class!) 3/6 Class Activity: ___ Discuss SFS Excel Chapter 1: Create Workbooks with Excel 2013 ___ Discuss VT Chapter 8: Communicating and Sharing: The Social Web (pp. 312 – 347) 6 Module 7 3/11 Class Activities: ___ Discuss SFS Excel Chapter 2: Insert Summary Functions and Create Charts 3/13 Class Activities: ___ Discuss VT Chapter 10: Security and Privacy (pp. 402 – 439) 7 SPRING BREAK HOLIDAY - MARCH 17 – 23 3/25 8 3/27 4/1 9 4/3 4/8 10 4/10 4/15 Module 8 Class Activities: ___ Discuss SFS Excel Chapter 3: Manage Multiple Worksheets Class Activities: ___ Discuss VT Chapter 11: Databases (pp. 448 – 487) ___ Review for Excel Exam Module 9 Class Activities: ___ In MyITLab: Complete and submit Excel Exam (Note: This exam must be completed in class!) Class Activity: ___ Discuss SFS PowerPoint Chapter 1: Getting Started with PowerPoint 2013 ___ Discuss CNM Registration Database (My Portfolio) ___ Discuss CNM Job Connection Services Database Module 10 Class Activity: ___ Discuss SFS PowerPoint Chapter 2: Format a Presentation Class Activities: ___ Discuss SFS Integrated Project 8: Copy and Paste Between Office Programs ___ Review for PowerPoint Exam Module 11 Class Activity: ___ Review for File Management Final Exam ___ Review for Theory Final Exam 11 4/17 Class Activity: ___ In MyITLab: Complete and submit PowerPoint Exam (Must be Completed in Class) Module 12 Page 8 of 9 4/22 12 4/24 Class Activity: ___ In Blackboard: Complete and submit File Management Exam (Must be Completed in Class) Class Activity: ___ In MyITLab: Complete Theory Final Exam (Must be Completed in Class) (50 multiple-choice questions, no notes, no book, 60-minute time limit) (Note: This exam must be completed in class!) Page 9 of 9