MATERIAL FOR GREEN BOOK (From document: tcons_rd_10May04) Author: Massimiliano Ciccone Date: 18 May 04 1 TIME-CONSTRAINED COMMUNICATION CLASSES Different applications have different timing constraints for data transfer that, ideally, TCONS should be able to satisfy. The following are classes of time-constrained communication for applications: Bounded Latency: a transfer has to be completed before a given instant in time, but when exactly the task is performed during the time interval between now and the deadline is not important for the quality of the final result. For example, a command from an AOCS central unit must reach an actuator within 50 micro-seconds at the most. The Bounded Latency class is specified by the following parameters: o End-to-end deadline (D sec). Zero execution time: the data transfer must be performed in a time period that is zero in the ideal case. For example, digital control theory assumes that taking a measurement, calculating the control action, and sending it out to a peripheral device all take place instantaneously. Slotted: the data transfer must get a fixed amount of ‘service’ per time slot. For example, in the TCONS context, ‘service’ can be expressed in terms of ‘network bandwidth’ or/and ‘maximum allowable data rate’ required during a specific time slot. The Slotted class of service is specified by means of a number of parameters: ?? (TBD) MORE CLASSES ? (TBD) 1.1 HARD VS. SOFT REAL-TIME There is a distinction to be made between “soft real-time” and “hard real-time”. Such distinction is often (implicitly and mistakenly) related to the time scales involved in the system: Soft real-time tasks must typically be scheduled with (coarser than) milli-seconds accuracy, and Hard real-time tasks with micro-seconds accuracy. Even though this implicit assumption can be acceptable, there is a more appropriate one to be applied for a spacecraft onboard communication: Soft real-time indicates that not meeting the specified timing constraints does not have disastrous consequences for the related user-level activity or hosting system, while it is a disaster in case of Hard real-time. Most of the communications onboard a spacecraft have hard real-time characteristics. The TCONS network protocol should support real-time communication by ……?? (TBD). 1.2 LATENCY The latency (or tardiness) of a task (i.e. data transfer) is the difference between the instant of time on which the task should have started (or finished) and the instant of time on which it actually did or, in different contexts, the time between the generation of an event, and its perception. Latencies in the execution of software tasks are due to several factors: The timing properties of processor, bus, memory (on-chip cache, off-chip RAM and ROM) and peripheral devices, The scheduling properties of the OS, The pre-emptiveness of its kernel, The load on the system (i.e., the number of tasks that want to be scheduled concurrently) The context-switch time. This latter is the time the processor needs to save the data of the currently running task (e.g., registers, stack, and instruction pointer), and to replace it with the local data of the newly scheduled task. Few of these factors are constant over time, and the statistical distribution of the latencies in the subsequent scheduling of tasks is called the jitter. 1.2.1 SOFTWARE VS COMMUNICATION LATENCY The performances of the TCONS communication stack are determined by both the efficiency of the communication modules composing the stack (e.g. service algorithm, protocols, network management services etc.) and the promptness of the TCONS hosting system (hardware and OS) in processing and executing software tasks involved in end-to-end real-time communication. In the remainder of this document we will refer to the former as Communication Latency and to the latter as Software Latency. Although both of these can influence real-time data transfer by introducing indeterminism into the timing behaviour of the TCONS stack, they do so to different degrees. The exact magnitude of software latency changes very strongly between different hardware and different OS. In the SOIS context of onboard communications, we assume that hardware as well as RTOS (e.g. RTEMS or VxWorks) capable of guaranteeing hard-realtime performances will be used, therefore reducing software latency to the minimum. Hence, in the TCONS communication network, the progress of SOIS real-time user-level activities and their ability to meet end-to-end deadlines relies more heavily on the efficiency and correctness of the modules implementing the TCONS communication stack (e.g. scheduling policy employed by the communication medium for packets travelling the network) rather than on the real-time capabilities of the hardware and the OS composing the hosting system. 2 QUALITY OF SERVICE The QoS is an indication of the properties of a communication between two end systems. QoS refers to a set of TCONS QoS parameters that characterize the network traffic. QoS requirements are assessed to determine if they can possibly be met. If, for example, the level of service requested cannot be provided, the user can be asked if a certain level of degradation is acceptable before proceeding further. 2.1 FLOW-BASED VS CLASS-BASED QOS Flow-based algorithms can guarantee good QoS to the user by reserving (a priori) network resources along the route to each single flow of packets between two end systems. This approach has some drawbacks: o it requires an advanced set up for establishing each network flow, involving a complex, time and bandwidth consuming router-to-router exchange of information o Each router needs to maintain an internal per-flow state. This increases the vulnerability of the network system by making router crashes more disastrous and difficult to recover. Moreover, it requires a considerable amount of memory and processing time for being implemented. o Once resources are reserved for a specific flow, the allocated bandwidth cannot be diverted to other flows even if unused In contrast, a class-based approach can be used. In this case the routers composing the TCONS network can offer ‘differentiated services’ based on predefined service classes. Each packet travelling the network carries its own QoS (or Type of Service) field, with router implementing forwarding rules on a per-packet basis instead of on a per-flow basis. The advantages of such approach are: o does not require any advanced connection set up at the network-level (while still possible at transport level), o no resource reservation, o no complex time-consuming end-to-end negotiation for each flow o more efficient use of available bandwidth o more secure, scalable and easy to implement The important difference here is that packets related to different end-to-end communications are merged at each router and treated the same way if they belong to the same class of service. In class-based services, each router can still allocate bandwidth to each class of service in a weighted manner based on some previous traffic estimation. For example, if an onboard system estimates that 60% of the traffic on a specific link will be real-time and that 40% regular, it can allocate 70% of the bandwidth to real-time traffic and the rest to regular traffic. Doing so would guarantee more bandwidth than is needed to real-time traffic (over provisioning). Moreover, all the traffic belonging to a specific class of service can be prioritized according to specific parameters. For example, all real-time packets can be assigned a “requested velocity” parameter as the result of a calculation based on available real-time QoS parameters. Such requested velocity is re-calculated at each router along the end-to-end path in order to dynamically speed up packets with more stringent time constraints than others (see section 3.6.6). 2.2 QOS SPECIFICATION QoS specification is different at each SOIS layer and determines the configuration of QoS mechanisms for that particular layer. QoS parameters are used to describe the speed, reliability and shape of a particular data flow, e.g., throughput, transit delay, error rate and flow control. This section describes a set of QoS parameters that can be used in order to specify SOIS Application level’s requirements in terms of both the desired and the minimum acceptable QoS when establishing a connection-oriented communication. These parameters will then be used during a negotiation between the source end system, the destination end system and the TCONS stack, with convergence, where possible, on a QoS which all can support. The agreed QoS will then be applied to all the packets sent over such a connection. QoS specification encompasses requirements for: performance - expected performance characteristics needed to establish resource commitments, synchronization - characterizes the degree of synchronization required between related services, events, or information flows, level of service - specifies the degree of resource commitment required to maintain performance guarantees, QoS management - the degree of QoS adaptation that can be tolerated and scaling actions to be taken in the event the contracted QoS cannot be met. 2.3 QOS PARAMETERS 2.3.1 FAILURE CONSEQUENCE LEVEL (FCL) FCL is a QoS parameter related to connection-oriented TCONS transport services; it is assigned by the user at a per-connection basis and is used to determine priority of packets. This parameter identifies 4 categories of consequences (for an application) of failing the data transfer (e.g. dropped or deadline missed). The categories are: Catastrophic Hazardous-Severe Major Minor No-effect MORE APPLICATION QOS PARAMETERS? (TBD) 2.4 QOS ENFORCEMENT 2.4.1 SCHEDULING POLICY A key component of real-time communication architectures is the packets scheduling policy which determines the order in which incoming packets at a node are forwarded to an outgoing link. In existing networks, packets are typically forwarded in FCFS (First Come First Served) order. FCFS scheduling does not work well in real-time networks where packets have different end-toend deadlines constraints. Instead, competing packets should be prioritized based on their ‘local’ urgency. In the context of real-time networks, packet scheduling should be deadline-aware. Deadline-aware means that a packet’s priority should someway relate to its time constraint class (see section 1.2.1 above): The shorter the deadline, the higher the packet priority. Determinism can also be affected by the “stochastic” nature of the inevitable scheduling “jitter”. The major problem is that, ideally, the TCONS scheduler would need complete ‘anticipated’ knowledge about how long each data transfer is going to take in the near future and the exact moment it will take place (i.e. pre-defined Isochronous time-slotted schedule tables). The ‘dynamic’ retrieval of such information is practically impossible, and even when it is available, calculation of the optimal scheduling plan is a search problem with high complexity, and hence high cost in time, which is inadmissible for real-time transmission. Therefore, in order to devise the optimal scheduler algorithm able to satisfy all the abovementioned classes of time constraints, it is important to implement a packet’s Priority Allocation Mechanism at the TCONS Network layer that accurately reflects the timeliness required by data generated at the TCONS Transport layer. Within TCONS, this timelines-to-priority mapping is performed through the use of pre-defined isochronous time-slotted schedule tables allocating, a priori, a specific amount of ‘service’ to specific end-to-end connections at each node in the network. 2.4.2 PRIORITY ALLOCATION TCONS is a packet-switched network. Each real-time packet travelling the onboard network is characterized by its required QoS, which is defined by a number of parameters that every node in the network shall be able to access, manage and process. In order to manage real-time network-level traffic flows in the most accurate and efficient manner TCONS must ensure time-constrained end-to-end delivery of data by appropriately prioritizing the transmission of contending packets based on their requested QoS. Static Priority The priority of a packet is fixed at each hop in the network; a fixed priority is initially computed and assigned at the sender of each packet and it is not changed during the packet lifetime. This computation is based on the following factors: Urgency Criticality MORE TBD Dynamic Priority The network layer dynamically re-calculates the required priority of a packet upon its arrival at each intermediate node; taking into account the following parameters: Initial priority assigned by the sender (Pi) MORE TBD For each packet travelling the network, the requested priority (Pr) is set to: Pr = TBD (1) The required priority of a packet will be adjusted based on its actual progress along the end-to-end path. A packet’s requested priority increases by re-applying equation (1) at intermediate nodes if its last point-to-point progress towards the destination results slower than its previous progress (e.g. due to a hot region). On the other hand, the requested priority decreases if it progress faster than required. This is so this packet can give way to other more urgent packets. Note that although clock synchronization simplifies its implementation, Dynamic Priority can be implemented without clock synchronization. To do this, each packet contains a field as its elapsed time counter. Each node increases the counter by the time the packet stays in it plus the transmission and propagation time. 2.4.3 PRIORITY QUEUES Along an end-to-end connection path, at every node on the TCONS network each packet is assigned a priority based on its required QoS and, if there are other packets waiting to be served, it is queued at the network layer according to its priority. Several options are available for implementing priority queues. One approach is to insert all packets into a single queue ordered by priority. When the queue us full, higher priority incoming packets overwrite lower priority ones. The benefit of this solution is that it accurately reflects the overall order of required QoS, and allows all packets to share the same buffer regardless of their priority. This approach, however, requires implementing a data structure whose insertion time, in the worst case, grows logarithmically in the number of packets stored. In order to bind the queue insertion overhead, another approach is to maintain multiple FIFO queues each corresponding to a fixed priority level. Each priority corresponds to a specific level of QoS. A packet’s required QoS is first mapped to a priority level, and then inserted into the FIFO queue that corresponds to that priority. This approach is more efficient because no ordering needs to be performed for every incoming packet. The per-packet insertion time overhead is logarithmic only in the number of priority levels used, not the number of stored packets. Subnet-Dependent Convergence layer prioritization Local prioritization at each individual node is not sufficient in the SOIS communication because packets from different nodes can compete against each other for a shared data link communication channel. To enforce packet priorities, MAC protocols should provide distributed prioritization on packets from different nodes. 3 EXPECTED SERVICE CAPABILITIES (TO BE REVIEWED) This section defines a generic pool of services and, for each one, the minimum set of capabilities and features expected in case they must be provided by TCONS. 3.1 CONNECTION-ORIENTED SERVICE A connection-oriented service is defined as one where one or both end-points keep state information about the connection e.g. waiting for acknowledge at the sending end or missing datagrams at the receive end. Keeping this state information about the connection binds the two end-points together until the connection is terminated. It provides a guaranteed service where the arrival of information sent to a destination is ensured, with no parts of the information missing or in the wrong order. A Guaranteed, Connection-Oriented Service is responsible for: End-to-end connection Connection flow control Sending Data Units Receiving Data Units Order preservation Error recovery and reporting Connection QoS 3.2 CONNECTIONLESS SERVICE A non-guaranteed, connectionless service delivers information on a best effort basis without ensuring the arrival or order of arrival of the information. It has no facilities for error detection or correction. It has only one phase, called data transfer. Each invocation of a service primitive is independent of all other invocations, requiring all address information to be completely contained within the service primitive. A Non-Guaranteed, Connectionless Service is responsible for: Sending Data Units Receiving Data Units Error statistics Connectionless QoS 3.3 ASYNCHRONOUS SERVICE In asynchronous service, there are no timing relationships between the transfer of service data units supplied by the service user and the transmission of Transfer Frames generated by the service provider. The user may request data transfer at any time it desires, but there may be restrictions imposed by the provider on the data generation rate. In this service (figure 2-3), each service data unit from a sending user is placed in a queue, the contents of which are sent to a receiving user in the order in which they were presented. Although transmission errors may prevent delivery of some data units, the service provider attempts to transfer all data units provided by the user exactly once. The timing of data transfer is determined by the provider in accordance with mission-specific rules, and may depend on the traffic at the time of transfer. The key feature of this service is that all of the service data units from the sending user are transferred, and transferred only once. Figure 2-3: Asynchronous Service Model 3.4 SYNCHRONOUS SERVICE In synchronous service, the transfer of Service Data Units (SDUs) is synchronized with the release of Network packets. The transfer timing may be periodic or aperiodic. In this service, each SDU from a sending user is placed in a buffer that can hold only one service data unit; the content of the buffer is sent to a receiving user at the time when a Transfer Frame is transmitted. The transmission timing of Transfer Frames is determined by the service provider according to mission-specific rules (usually known to the user). The key feature of this service, which is essentially time-division multiplexing, is that the timing of data transfer is driven by the transfer mechanism, not by individual service requests from the user. Thus a particular SDU from a user might be sent once, several times (if the ‘new’ value is not placed in the buffer soon enough), or not at all (if one value is replaced by a second before the service provider can send it). Figure 2-4: Synchronous Service Model 3.4.1 PERIODIC SERVICE Periodic service is a special case of synchronous service in which service data units are transferred at a constant rate. Periodic transfer from service interface to service interface is provided with a specified maximum delay and a specified maximum jitter at the service interface. For periodic services, all service data units are sent only once if the user supplies service data units at the same rate as the rate at which the service provider transfers them. 3.5 ISOCHRONOUS SERVICE The word Isochronous comes from the Greek words ISO = same and Cronos = time, thus it literally means ‘same time’. In an Isochronous service, the transfer of Service Data Units (SDUs) by a user is synchronized with the reception of SDU at the other end-point of the connection. The transfer timing may be periodic or aperiodic. 4 IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 GENERAL In the context of a specific mission, many considerations can affect the way that TCONS services will be requested and solicited. For example: a) Mission analysis; b) System requirements management…); (reliable/unreliable transfers, autonomy, transfer initiative c) Spacecraft orbit and visibility (Low Earth Orbit [LEO], Geosynchronous Earth Orbit [GEO], Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit [GTO], Deep Space, …); d) Onboard data handling capabilities; e) Operational requirements (pass management, ground station availability, …); f) . . . . Such considerations may lead to the selection of specific classes or subsets of the TCONS (e.g., reliable or unreliable modes of data transmission). (TO BE CONTINUED…)