3rd grade science test Study Guide

3rd grade science test Study Guide
Chapters 11-12: Matter and Energy
Test Date: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016
Bring this completed study guide to class on Wednesday for our review day!
Vocabulary to look up:
Physical property
Chemical change
Fossil fuel
Concepts to remember:
 Remember that matter can exist in 3 different states: solid, liquid, and gas. We
can describe different types of matter by its physical properties. What would be
3 physical properties of a brick? _________________, _________________,
 Matter can be changed in 2 different ways- physically and chemically. When
matter goes through a physical change, it just changes what it looks like. When
matter goes through a chemical change, a new substance will be formed, and the
matter can not be changed back to the way it was before the change. Give an
example of a physical change: __________________________________
and a chemical change: _______________________________________
 Remember that mass measures the amount of matter packed inside of an object.
What tool do we use to measure the mass of an object?
 Remember that we use energy to change matter. We rely on our main energy
source, the sun, to give us heat and light energy to keep us warm and to help
plants make food to grow. We can use heat energy to melt an ice cube and cook
food. We use light energy to see. We can also get energy from burning fuels.
 Some fuels are nonrenewable, such as coal and natural gas, which means they
will never be replaced or renewed within our lifetime. Some fuels, such as wood
from trees and wind, are renewable- meaning they can be replaced within a
human lifetime.
 In order to maintain and keep these resources in stock, we must conserve them
and use them wisely. One way to conserve our energy sources is to walk or ride
a bike instead of driving a car. Name 2 more ways to conserve energy resources:
 Energy can be classified into 2 major types: potential energy and kinetic energy.
Potential energy is stored energy that an object has when it is sitting still.
Kinetic energy is the energy an object has as it is moving. Energy can change
forms from potential to kinetic and back again. It can also be transferred from
one type to another. For example, when our hands are cold we can rub them
together using mechanical energy from our muscles. This creates friction which
turns that mechanical energy into heat energy, making our hands warm.
 Since energy is not made of matter, we can not measure its mass or volume. But,
we can measure the amount of energy being used. For example, we can measure
heat energy using a thermometer, or wind energy using an anemometer.