Scavenger Hunt Template - Northside Middle School

The Progressive Era
Use the hyperlinks to find the answers to the questions.
1. Explain the significance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company
fire? (Hint: what laws were enacted because of the fire?) (This is
a scrolling text box.)
2. Who were the Progressives? What was their goal? (This is a
scrolling text box.)
3. Journalists who exposed problems such as corruption and poor
living and working conditions were known as?
4. Which muckraker photographed the horrible living conditions
in the cities?
5. Lincoln Steffens targeted which urban problem during the late
19th Century in his book The Shame of the Cities?
6. Which of the following are considered Progressive presidents?
(you can have more than one answer).
Woodrow Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt
William McKinley
William Howard Taft
7. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, which exposed unsanitary
conditions in the meatpacking industry, led to the passage of
which two laws to protect consumers?
8. Which of the following is known as the “Trust buster”?
Woodrow Wilson
William Howard Taft
Theodore Roosevelt
William McKinley
9. President Theodore Roosevelt’s action in the Coal Strike of
1902 set a precedent for future government involvement in
society and business and was a reversal of previous presidential
actions. Explain how his actions differed from previous
presidents and why it was important. (This is a scrolling text box.)
10. Summarize the idea or concept behind the Social Gospel. How
was it a reflection of the Progressive Movement. (This is a
scrolling text box.)
11. Which one of the following amendments attempted to
legislate morality by banning alcohol?
16th Amendment
17th Amendment
18th Amendment
19th Amendment
12. Who was a leader in the settlement house movement and
founder of Hull House in Chicago?
13. Which law was used by President Theodore Roosevelt to bust
up Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust?
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Volstead Act
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Patriot Act
14. Which of the following allowed the electorate (citizens) to
introduce legislation to become laws?
17th Amendment
15. Who was Carrie Nation? What role did she play in the
temperance movement? (This is a scrolling text box.)
Created by: Jeff Probert, Northside High School
North Carolina Standard Course of Study Goals and Objectives:
Competency The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890 – 1914)
Goal 7
- The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social
reforms of the Progressive Period.
7.01 Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism.
7.02 Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic
and political gains in the Progressive Period.