MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY FREE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE WESTERN MARYLAND AND BOARD ROOM January 19, 2010 Present: Art Callaham, President Board Absent: James Pierne’ Ellie Doub Kathleen Poole Harry Reynolds Dr. Steve Robison John Schnebly Tom Statton George Stone Staff Present: Mary C. Baykan Kathleen O’Connell Charlotte Seibert Joseph Thompson Janlee Viands The meeting was called to order by the President at 1:05 p.m. Minutes It was moved by Mr. Robison, seconded by Ms. Doub and unanimously carried to accept the November 10, 2009 minutes corrected on page for to read “UMS Hagerstown”, not “UMCP”. Director’s Report Ms. Baykan reported that the Library, Board of Education and Chamber of commerce are partnering on a “Civility” project. A major launch is scheduled in February with a Chamber Eggs and Issues program featuring guest speaker and author Dr. Forney. Break-out sessions will follow. Tony Dahbura of Hub Labels is printing the informational packets for the program. A Union that predominately represents food handlers and grocery store clerks is pushing a bill in the Legislature to unionize library workers across the state. The Union is conducting the campaign. If successful, it will cost each employee approx. $550 per year. Each system will be required to vote on Union participation and only the number of votes received will count. Administration recognizes that the employees have the right of unionization, but this union is approaching the process by forcing legislation rather than having employees contact the union indicating interest. Maryland Library Day in Annapolis is scheduled for February 10. The day will begin with a briefing and breakfast at 8 a.m. followed by visits to the delegations. The Senate and House will declare Library Day in Annapolis. That evening three will be a reception in the Senate President’s Reception Room from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Board members are invited. Mr. Callaham added that the Community Coalition is going to Annapolis on Feb. 17. He also asked that members contact their delegates and the County Commissioners about union representation. Assistant Director Report Ms. O’Connell reported that the weeding project is in full swing. This will significantly reduce all outdated materials prior to the move. She also noted that Janlee Viands is spearheading the move. Associate Director, WMRL, Report Database use – Mango Languages is a new database now available to the public. The Regional is looking at usage of databases prior to renewing. The Regional has a new Staff Development Coordinator – Julie Zamonstny. Circulation of rotating collections indicates an annual projection of significant increases of DVD and Audio. Financial Statement The December 31, 2009 Financial Statement was reviewed. It was moved by Mr. Statton, seconded by Ms. Poole and unanimously carried to accept the statement and file for audit. Old Business Building Committee – Mr. Reynolds reported that the drawings are 50% complete. The Cost estimates are currently at $21million and the committee is looking at ways to reduce costs. The foundation design is not complete at this point. 2 State Prevailing Wages which involves an additional $2.5million included in the cost estimate and may be eliminated. The guidelines states that if the State contributes less than 50% to the overall project, State Prevailing Wages would not factor into the project. If over 50%, the project must use State Prevailing Wages. It is too early to predict as there are too many variables in play. Mr. Stone added that the ruling is based on Estimate, not Bid. He is dealing with this very issue on a current job his company is working on. Mr. Callaham inquired if there is a procedure to request a waiver. This could be a negotiating point. Mr. Reynolds suggested bidding the project with State Prevailing Wage and Nonprevailing Wages to identify the figure. Massey site has been purchased by the County for this project. The site plan was presented to the City. Temporary Location of Main Library – Only back office staff/services can be located at Phoenix Color. Currently the building is being cleaned , location for shelving staked out, and department locations identified. No staff will be in the warehouse portion of the facility. The Public portions of the library include three needs: (1) BISFA, (2) Downtown, (3) Suburban. The City of Hagerstown with CHIEF are purchasing the CVS building located adjacent to the U of Md. Plaza. This could serve as the downtown branch and since it is close to the Barbara Ingram School, can serve as the BISFA library as well. There is a concern whether the building could be ready by the time Central must move. It is proposed to use only 2,000 sq. ft. of the building however a restroom would have to be moved. The City has committed to fit-out costs of the building. The library is trying to negotiate free rent during its stay. The building probably will not be ready until August. It is recommended that there be an ad campaign to say the Library is moving to this location. Jan Viands joined the meeting in progress. Taking into consideration the users of library services at Central, the CVS cannot serve the bulk of the community. It will satisfy the BISFA and downtown needs only. Bowman Corporation has offered a store front by Food Lion on North Pointe Drive. The facility would be 4,000 sq. ft. @ $8 / sq. ft. = $35,000 per year rent. This can be paid out of the Operating Budget. 3 Mr. Callaham noted that both the County and the City have been quite vocal in keeping a presence downtown. The issue may be that it may start out temporary but may become permanent. Ms. Baykan noted that there has been an indication that Martins’ in the North End may help with the moving costs to the North End Branch as it would bring more business into their area. Mr. Callaham noted that the Board of Education is currently in negotiations with Susquehanna Bank to acquire their building across the street from the CVS. Indications are that the Board of Education may be backing away. Mr. Callaham noted that Susquehanna will consider giving the building to a non-profit entity. In that event, the City and County have agreed to forego property taxes. Volvo is interested in the 3rd and 4th floor residential units to be converted to dorm style housing for Volvo interns in study. The right side of the building could be considered for library use. With these elements in mind, he asked that the Board consider purchasing the building using the Endowment. He asks that comments be sent to him concerning this proposal. Ms. Baykan clarified that it is the consensus of the Board to retain a downtown presence but proceed with a contract with Bowman Corp. for the North Pointe Branch. Mr. Schnebly reiterated that it is to be made clear that the North Pointe Branch is a temporary branch, especially when addressing the County. It was moved by Mr. Reynolds to accept the temporary North Pointe Branch, not to exceed date of new library opening, and maintain a downtown presence. Ms. Doub seconded. The majority voted to approve, Ms. Poole opposed. The Administration Office is to schedule Mr. Callaham to speak before the City and the Board of County Commissioners to inform them about the move decisions. He is also to inquire whether a County Commuter Bus route could be planned to serve North Pointe. Moving the Library – There is sufficient funding in Account 4003.1 Undesignated Funds to finance the move. Bids were reviewed by Jan Viands. After discussion, it was moved by Ms. Poole, seconded by Mr. Schnebly and unanimously voted to contract Hoffberger Moving Services of Baltimore at $92,696.00 for Phase I, 60,096.00 for Phase II (return). Ms. Viands excused herself from the meeting at 2:30 p.m. 4 Marshfield Promotions and Marketing Allotment, 2010 – It was the consensus of the Board to use the above allotment for advertising relocating the library. New Business Proposed Operating Budget, FY 2011 The proposed budget reflects the effects of the move with the loss of fines income. The City of Hagerstown announced that they were looking to cut library support from their FY 2011 budget however a letter has been sent requesting reconsideration for full funding. The State of Maryland is flat lined until notified in writing otherwise. Mr. Reynolds requested that Central Heat and Electric be renamed to Temporary Branch Heat and Electric. Salaries are flat lined for the second year. There is one new position included in the budget, a Development Grant Writer at $50,000 per year. One staff persons’ hours are being increased, the Delivery Driver, from 20 to 30 hours per week. This is because there will be at least 2 new branches to cover on his daily route. It was moved by Mr. Schnebly, seconded by Mr. Robison and unanimously carried to accept the proposed FY 2011 Operating Budget and submit to the County. Mr. Callaham commented that he finds the format of the budget clear and easy to understand. He complimented the Administration Office for their work. Bonus Payments to Staff for FY 2010 In the FY 2010 Operating Budget, the Board flat lined salaries to offset the proposed State cuts. The State has now announced that no more cuts are expected during this fiscal year. It is requested that staff be granted a 1-time 1% payment which will cost an estimated $23,000. The funding is currently in the Budget. After discussion, it was moved by Ms. Doub, seconded by Mr. Reynolds and unanimously carried to award a 1time 1% payment to staff members at or near the end of the fiscal year. Nominating Committee – Three are three Board positions expiring in January, 2010. First, Mr. Statton is not eligible for renewal. The Board thanked him for his 12 years of services to the citizens of the County. Mr. Statton thanked the Board and thanked Ms. Baykan. He found his time on the Board of Trustees to be fulfilling. 5 The Nominating Committee then placed in nomination the names of Harry Reynolds – renewal for a second 6 year term, Art Callaham – renewal for a second 6 year term, and Greg Snook to fill the vacancy left with Mr. Statton’s retirement. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Schnebly, seconded by Mr. Stone and unanimously carried to elect the recommended slate. As Mr. Statton held the position of Vice-President on the Board, it was moved by Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Ms. Doub and unanimously carried to appoint Kathleen Poole as Vice-President until the term expires in 2011. Award of Contracts – Worker’s Compensation Insurance – after discussion it was moved by Mr. Schnebly, seconded by Mr. Reynolds and unanimously carried to accept the bid of J. E. Cochran Insurance to provide Workers Compensation Insurance for 2010, 1022 and 2012. Audit Services – after discussion it was moved by Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Statton and unanimously carried to accept the bid of Smith Elliott Kearns and Co. to provide audit services for FY 2010, 2011 and 2012. Accounting Services – after discussion, it was asked that the Administration Office ask the 2 firms bidding on the contract to explore how to modernize and simplify the accounting procedures currently utilized. It was also suggested to talk to the Auditor about streamlining recommendations. This is tabled until the March meeting. Strategic Plan – Ms. Baykan reviewed the timeline of the current Strategic Plan that expires in FY 2010. In light of the move and how it will affect services, she asks that the plan be extended for one year. It was moved by Ms. Poole, seconded by Ms. Doub and unanimously carried. Thomas Kennedy Plaque – The Library has been approached by the B’nai Abram Synagogue requesting permission to temporarily house the plaque honoring Thomas Kennedy that currently hangs in the Western Maryland Room. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Stone, seconded by Mr. Reynolds and unanimously carried to grant a long term loan of the plaque to the Synagogue during the time Central is temporarily displaced. 6 Board Member’s Comments Mr. Callaham inquired if the Library is participating in the sesquitennial of the Civil War. Mr. Thompson thought the inter-County organization is doing something along with the library. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, MARY C. BAYKAN Secretary 7