LAS CRUCES PUBLIC SCHOOLS 4th Grade Content Map Language Arts August/Sept October November December January February March April NM SBA Expectations (Summative) May Strand: Reading and Listening for Comprehension Standard: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. Instructional Practice/Resources: Vocabulary Writing Comprehension Integrated English Language Development Standards: Level 1 Entering Level 2 Emerging Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging Use meta-cognitive strategies to comprehend text and to clarify meaning of vocabulary (fix –up strategies) (year long). (Practice: Comprehension Strategies Into the Book and Behind the Lesson. Resources: / http://www.internet4cl, and . (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum pp. 61,69) ELD Bridging: Connect information from oral reading of grade level material to demonstrate comprehension strategies (e.g. , “Show me two sentences that go together.”) (Differentiated instruction) ELD Expanding: Comprehend written, spoken, and visual information. (Practice: Comprehension. . Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.61.) ELD Bridging: Evaluate materials needed to complete a task based on oral discourse. (Differentiated Instruction) ELD Expanding: Sequence resources needed using realia and oral directions. ELD Developing: Match resources needed to complete tasks, using realia and oral directions. ELD Emerging: Select resources to complete a task based on realia, oral directions and compound sentences. Read text aloud with fluency and comprehension. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://reading.ecb.o rg/) (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp4649,70-73) ELD Bridging: Apply strategies to adjust pace and expression while reading orally. (Differentiated instruction) ELD Expanding: Use self-monitoring and correcting, ELD Developing: Use punctuation cues to facilitate expression, ELD Emerging: Use context clues, ELD Entering: Sound out unfamiliar words) Visualize and recall story details including characterization and sequence. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://reading.ecb.o rg/) (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.56,64) Consider a situation from different characters’ perspectives. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://reading.ecb.o rg/) (Practice: Reread/consult other sources. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: Analyze author’s word choice and context. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resources: and http://www.nancyfetze (reading). Analyze characters, events, plots from different texts and cite supporting evidence. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (writing) (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.62,68) Respond to nonfiction using interpretive, critical and evaluative perspectives. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resources: and http://www.nancyfetze (reading and writing) (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the ELD Bridging: Synthesize information of two persons from grade level text to form opinions on people. (Differentiated Instruction) ELD Expanding: Using graphic organizers or TPR to Compare and Contrast. ELD Developing: Use graphic organizers or TPS to sort relevant information. Introduce how to use a variety of resources to gather information for reports. Research using multiple sources and evaluate the quality of information and ideas. ELD Bridging: Evaluate validity of information in grade level texts based on personal experiences. (Differentiated Instruction) ELD Expanding: Compare and Contrast with those in illustrated text. ELD Developing: Confirm predictions based on prior knowledge from illustrated text. ELD Emerging: Make predictions from illustrated text using prior knowledge ELD Entering: Identify words or phrases related to self using illustrated text or word/phrase Listen to, read, react to, and retell information. Locate and use a variety of resources to acquire information across the curriculum. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to comprehend written, spoken, and visual information. Acquire reading strategies. ELD Summative Expectations to be Assessed Distinguish between fact and opinion. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.internet4cl ) Non-verbal responses ELD Developing: Following directions ELD Emerging: Gesturing ELD Entering: Point to parts of parts of book (Year long) ELD Bridging: Apply analogies of events or characters in literature read aloud to students’ lives. (Differentiated instruction) ELD Expanding: Sequence pictures and pieces of evidence ELD Developing: Make prediction based on evidence ELD Emerging: Identify pictures and pieces of evidence associated with literature. ELD Entering: Match pictures to oral clues. (Year Long) Increase vocabulary through reading, listening, and interacting (year long). (Practice: Vocabulary strategies: Resources: /, http://www.internet4cl and http://www.nancyfetz ELD Entering: Identify materials needed to complete task using realia and oral commands. (Year Long) Use key words, indices, crossreferences and letters on volumes to find information. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.internet Adjust speed of reading to suit purpose and difficulty of material. (Practice: Comprehension: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 7073) Recognize, use, and understand grade level vocabulary (year long). (Practice: Vocabulary and word recognition strategies. Resource: (Practice: Vocabulary. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp5153). Compose summaries that are grammatically correct (year long). (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum pp. 90101). Identify the Use a variety of resources to acquire information across the curriculum. Identify and examine reasons for characters’ actions and motives. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.64,68) ELD Bridging: Orally explain differences between selfmotives and points of view and those of characters in literary works using graphic organizes and/or technology. (Differentiated instruction) ELD Expanding: Use graphic organizers or Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 68) Curriculum, pp 66). Cite evidence. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetze (reading and writing) (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 66,68). Identify the different characteristics of different genres over a period of time. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetze (reading). ELD Emerging: Use graphic organizers of TPR to sequence sketches or illustrations. ELD Entering: Find information in illustrated text using TPR Demonstrate deductive and inductive reasoning by drawing logical conclusions. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (reading) (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.65) Use multiple representations of information (charts, maps, photos) to find information. wall. ELD Bridging: Form or infer main ideas from details using grade level materials. ELD Bridging: Follow multiple linguistic complex oral directions that involve language of request (e.g. ‘before you wash your hands, please be so kind as to clean up the mess under your desk’). ELD Bridging: Synthesize information of two persons from grade level text to form opinions on people. ELD Bridging: Infer information from text. (Practice: Vocabulary: Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 44,45) Read a variety of texts including fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama (year long). (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetz Use word identification strategies. (Practice: Vocabulary strategies. Resources: http://www.internet4cl and (Practice: Vocabulary: Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 44,45) Identify key words and discover their relationships. (Practice: Vocabulary strategies. Resources: http://www.internet4cl and (Practice: Comprehension. . Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.66,67 difference between retelling and summarizing. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.internet (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp 66,67). technology to orally compare self with characters motives or point of view ELD Developing: Use graphic organizers or technology to orally compare self with character ELD Emerging: Orally compare self with familiar persons (e.g. friends, family, movie stars). ELD Entering: Orally describe self with words or gestures. (Year Long) Strand: Writing and Speaking for Expression Standard: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. Use strategies for spelling.(Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) (Practice: Vocabulary. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.44) Use simple sentences in writing and speaking. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetz (writing). Actively contribute to a discussion (year long). ELD Bridging: Offer specific information that supports ideas with peers. (Differentiated Instruction) ELD Expanding: Clarify information by restating and rephrasing ideas to peers of different ability levels. ELD Developing: Ask questions to obtain information to share with peers to a different ability level. ELD Emerging: Respond to questions from peers or teacher. Introduce root words, inflections, affixes, and syllable constructions. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: (Practice: Vocabulary. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.44) Demonstrate competence in how to convey information to a small group. (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Apply proper sentence structure, paragraph format, and grammatical conventions in daily writing. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (writing). (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Use planning strategies that generate topics and organize ideas. Correctly spell roots, inflections, affixes, and syllable constructions (year long). (Practice: Vocabulary. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.44) Use compound sentences in writing and speaking. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (writing). (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Identify adjectives, adverbs, verbs, irregular verbs. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (writing). Write a descriptive paragraph with a topic sentence, relevant details, and a concluding statement. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (writing). (Practice: Writing. Read aloud with fluency and comprehend gradelevel text. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://reading.ecb.o rg/) (Practice: Comprehension: Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 46) Convey information to a large group (year long). Use language to interview, solve problems and make decisions. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://reading.ecb.o rg/ and http://www2.schola me.jsp) (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 90101) Identify appositives, participial phrases and prepositional phrases. (Practice: Comprehension strategies. Resource: http://www.internet Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to identify titles of documents. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.internet4cl and http://www.nancyfetze Capitalize names of magazines, newspapers, works of art, musical compositions, organizations, proper nouns, and the first word in quotations when appropriate. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.internet4cl and http://www.nancyfetze Write an expository composition. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetze (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Compose multiple paragraphs with topic sentences, relevant details, logical progression of ideas, coherence, elaboration, and a concluding statement. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Focus revision on sequence of events and ideas, transitional words, sentence patterns. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Write an autobiography. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetze Present information and ideas clearly and concisely. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetze (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Write a cause and effect essay. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet and http://www.internet (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Make oral presentations, using technologies when appropriate, with an awareness of audience and purpose. (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Demonstrate competence in speaking to convey information. Apply grammatical and language conventions to communicate. Demonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process. EDL Summative Expectations to be Assessed ELD Bridging: Provide examples and reasons for use of specified conventions or mechanics. ELD Bridging: Produce grade level writing in a variety of genres. Write a persuasive essay. Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetze (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Speak in a manner that guides the listener to understand important ideas by using proper phrasing, pitch and modulation. (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) ELD Entering: Seek assistance from peers or teachers to gather information. (Year Long) (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (writing). (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Write narrative compositions. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (writing). (Practice: Writing. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) ELD Bridging: Produce grade level final drafts using the writing process independently. (Differentiated Instruction) ELD Expanding: Narrate a series of illustrated events incorporating the writing process with peer editing and revision. ELD Developing: Describe a series of illustrated events using guided writing and teacher feedback ELD Emerging: List /create illustrated events Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp.90101) Combine short, related sentences with appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.internet Use parentheses, commas in direct quotations, and apostrophes in the possessive case of nouns and in contractions. (Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.internet using short phrases and/or sentences. ELD Entering: (a) Respond to illustrated events using words and phrases, and (b) Produce personal words or phrase list. (Year Long) Strand: Literature and Media Standard: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. Identify beginning, middle and end of a story. Practice: Reading strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetz (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 66) ELD Bridging: Apply analogies of events or characters in literature read aloud to students’ lives. (Differentiated instruction) ELD Expanding: Sequence pictures and pieces of evidence ELD Developing: Make predictions based on evidence ELD Emerging: Identify pictures and pieces of evidence associated with literature. ELD Entering: Match pictures to oral clues. Compose fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama using self-selected and/or assigned topics and forms (year long). Practice: Writing strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet Identify and examine characters’ actions and motives. Practice: Reading strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 65,66,68) ELD Bridging: Orally explain differences between selfmotives and points of view and those of characters in literary works using graphic organizes and/or technology. (Differentiated instruction) ELD Expanding: Use graphic organizers or technology to orally compare self with characters motives Identify genres. Practice: Reading strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet and http://reading.ecb.o rg/) Describe the contextual differences of various forms of literature. (Practice: Reading strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfetze and Describe reasons an author would choose a particular genre. (Practice: Reading strategies. Resource: http://www.nancyfet ) Consider a situation or problem from different characters’ point of view. (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 68) ELD Bridging: Identify author’s purpose associated with fact or opinion in fiction or nonfiction from grade level text. (Differentiated Instruction) ELD Expanding: Differentiate between statements of fact and opinion. ELD Developing: Sort language associated with fact or opinion in illustrated text. ELD Emerging: Identify language associated with fact in illustrated paragraphs. Trace exploits of character types across literature and media depicting various cultures. (Practice: Comprehension. Resource: Echoing Across the Curriculum, pp. 65,66,68) Use language, literature, and media to gain and demonstrate awareness of cultures around the world. Identify and use the types of literature according to their purpose and function. ELD Summative Expectations to be Assessed ELD Bridging: Synthesize information of two persons from grade level text to form opinions on people. ELD Bridging: Evaluate validity of information in (Year Long) or point of view ELD Developing: Use graphic organizers or technology to orally compare self with character ELD Emerging: Orally compare self with familiar persons (e.g. friends, family, movie stars). ELD Entering: Orally describe self with words or gestures. (Year Long) ELD Entering: Match labels or identify facts from illustrations and phrases. grade level texts based on personal experiences.