DRAFT PUSD Common Core Lesson Plan Template Teacher(s): Unit of Instruction / Theme: Lesson Title: Date: Content Standard(s): CC Literacy Standard(s): (For 6-12 only) ELD Standard(s): Grade Level/Course: Duration: Lesson Foundations Learning Objective(s)/Language Objective(s): Assessment(s): Describe each assessment in detail and include its purpose in helping you monitor students’ progress towards specific learning objective(s). Clear Link Essential Question: College and Career Readiness Skills (check all that apply) Demonstrating independence Responding to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline Building strong content knowledge Comprehending as well as critiquing Using technology & digital media strategically and capably Demonstrating understanding of other perspectives and cultures Proving point of view with evidence Teaching and Learning As you plan and write your lesson, use the following guiding questions to support the implementation of the skills, 4Cs, and rigor. How are the identified Common Core and Readiness Skills embedded in the lesson? Which of the FOUR C’s will be engaged during this lesson? (check all that apply) Communication Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking How is academic RIGOR demonstrated in this lesson through the DOK? Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level(s): (check all that apply) Level 1: Recall Level 2: Skill/Concept Level 3: Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Adapted: jcash2013 & Claremont Graduate University Date Revised: February 18, 2014 Lesson Opener (Sharing objective(s) and Engaging/Motivating Students): Describe in detail how you will communicate learning objective(s). How will you purposefully engage students so they are either excited to learn “x” or feeling like “x” is important, worthwhile, and/or relevant? How will you access prior knowledge? How will you teach vocabulary (if applicable)? How will you check for understanding? Time Allocation What Teacher Does What Students Do Differentiation RTI (Benchmark, Strategic, Intensive) ELD (Emerging, Expanding, Bridging) Objective Sharing: Engaging/Motivating Students: Instruction and Practice: Describe in detail your instructional approach (direct, discovery, inquiry, etc.). What will you do to present the content so it is comprehensible and purposefully designed to help students meet the learning objective(s)? What will you do for guided practice? What will you do for independent practice? Furthermore, how will you promote and monitor student engagement and check for understanding at all levels of instruction? How will you check for understanding? What questions will you ask to check for understanding? Time Allocation What Teacher Does What Students Do Differentiation RTI (Benchmark, Strategic, Intensive) ELD (Emerging, Expanding, Bridging) Instruction: Guided Practice: Independent Practice: Closure: Describe in detail how you will know if lesson objective(s) are met? How will students reflect on their learning? How will you connect learning to real world experience? Time Differentiation What Teacher Does What Students Do RTI (Benchmark, Strategic, Intensive) Allocation ELD (Emerging, Expanding, Bridging) Identify vocabulary that will need to be introduced or reviewed: Tier 1 Words: Tier 2 Words: Tier 3 Words: Materials and resources needed for lesson: Adapted: jcash2013 & Claremont Graduate University Date Revised: February 18, 2014