Dissertations and Capstone Projects Bibliography


August 2011

Dissertations and Capstone Projects: A Selected Bibliography

Mick Healey

HE Consultant and Researcher, Emeritus Professor University of Gloucestershire mhealey@glos.ac.uk


These references have been compiled as part of a National Teaching Fellowship Project on

‘Rethinking dissertations and final year projects: Creative honours and capstone projects’ based at the University of Gloucestershire.

It is one of a series of bibliographies that were begun in 2005:

1 Active learning and learning styles: a selected bibliography

2 Discipline based approaches to supporting learning and teaching: a selected bibliography

3 Linking research and teaching: a selected bibliography

4 Pedagogic research and development: a selected bibliography

5 The scholarship of teaching and learning: a selected bibliography

6 The scholarship of engagement: a selected bibliography

7 Dissertations and capstone projects: a selected bibliography

For the latest version see: http://www.mickhealey.co.uk/resources

An Invitation: Readers are encouraged to send details of their own favourite references for adding to the list to me at: mhealey@glos.ac.uk

. Thanks. van Acker, E., Bailey, J., Farrelly, B. and Hibbins, R. (2009a). Capstone Course Audit . Griffith

Business School: Brisbane.

Allan, C. (2011) Exploring the experience of ten Australian Honours students, Higher Education

Research & Development , 30(4), 421-433

Aller, B.M., Lyth, D.M. and Mallak, L.A. (2008) Capstone project team formation: mingling increases performance and motivation, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovation Education , 6,


Bailey, J., Oliver, D. and Townsend, K. (2006) Students’ experiences of a capstone course in industrial relations, in Pocock, B., Provis, C. and Willis, E. (eds) 21 st

Century Work: High Road or Low Road? Proceedings of the 20 th

Conference of the Association of Industrial Relations

Academics of Australia and New Zealand (Non-refereed), Adelaide, February.

Bailey, J. Oliver, D. and Townsend, K. (2007). Transition to Practitioner: Redesigning a third year course for undergraduate business students, Journal of Management and Organization , 13(1),


Baxter Magolda, M (2009) Educating for self-authorship: learning partnerships to achieve complex outcomes, in Kreber, C ed. Teaching and learning within and beyond disciplinary boundaries .

Oxford: Routledge, pp.143-156.

Booth, C and Harrington, J (2003) Research methods modules and undergraduate business research: an investigation , International Journal of Management Education 3(3), 9-31.

Bolden, R, Connor, H, Duquemin, A, Hirsh, W and Petrov, G (2009) Employer engagement with higher education: defining, sustaining and supporting higher skills provision . A Higher Skills

Research Report for HERDA South West and HEFCE. Exeter: HERDA SW www.herdasw.ac.uk/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=5gdqUPFt3mA%3dandtabid=208

Bolender, J P and Hunter A J (2009) The Uganda Project: a cross-disciplinary student-faculty research and service project to develop a sustainable community-development program, CUR

Quarterly Focus on the Web 30(2). http://www.cur.org/quarterly/dec09/uganda.pdf

Brackin, M.P. and Gibson, J.D. (2005) Capstone design projects with industry: Emphasizing teaming and management tools, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference

Proceedings , pp1477-1484.


August 2011

Brandon, D., Pruett, J. and Wade, J. (2002) Experiences in development and implementing a capstone course in information technology management. Journal of Information Technology

Education , 1(2), 91-102.

Bruhn, R. and Camp, J. (2004) Capstone course creates useful business products and corporateready students, SIGCSE Bulletin (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education) , 36, 87-92.

Buswell, J (2007). Managing Student Dissertations: Alternatives to the Dissertation.

Conference organised by the HEA Subject Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and

Tourism. Presented at Leeds, April 19

th .

Catchings, B.(2004) Capstones and quality: The culminating experience as assessment,

Assessment Update , 16(1), 6-7.

CBI (2009) Future fit: preparing graduates for the world of work . London: CBI and Universities UK, www.highereducation.cbi.org.uk/uploaded/HRE_091_Future%20Fit%20AW.pdf

Derounian, J. (2009) Shall we dance? The importance of staff-student relationships to the pursuit of undergraduate dissertations, Active Learning (forthcoming)

Dougherty, J. and Parfitt, K. (2009) Framework for teaching engineering capstone design courses with emphasis on application of Internet-based technologies, Journal of Architectural

Engineering , 15, 4-9.

Dunlap, J. (2005) Problem-based learning and self-efficacy: How a capstone course prepares students for a profession. Educational Technology, Research and Development , 53(1), 65-85.

Dutson, A.J., Todd, R.H., Magleby, S.P., and Sorenson, C.D. (1997) A review of literature on teaching engineering design through project-oriented capstone courses, Journal of Engineering

Education , 86, 17-28.

Elliott, D., Meisel, J. and Richards, W. (1998) The senior project: using the literature of distinguished economists, Journal of Economic Education, 29, 312-320.

Freire, P (1998) Pedagogy of freedom: ethic, democracy and civic courage . Lanham MD: Rowan and Littlefield

Garde-Hansen, J and Calvert, B (2007) Developing a research culture in the undergraduate curriculum, Active Learning in Higher Education 8(2), 105-116

Gardner, J. van der Veer, C. and Associates (1998). The Senior Year Experience: Facilitating integration, reflection, closure and transition . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Giacalone, R., Jurkiewicz and Knouse, S. (2003) A capstone project in business ethics: building an ethics training program, Journal of Management E ducation, 7(5), 590-607.

Gilinsky, A. and Robison, R. (2007) A proposed design for the business capstone course with emphasis on improving students’ information competency, Journal of Management Education ,

32(4), 400-419.

Greenbank, P. and Penketh, C. (2009) Student autonomy and reflections on researching and writing the undergraduate dissertation, Journal of Further and Higher Education , 33, 463 –472.

Greenbank,P., Penketh, C., Schofield, M. and Turjansky T. (2008) The Undergraduate

Dissertation: ‘most likely you go your way and I’ll go mine’, The International Journal for Quality and Standards Issue 3, Paper 22, pp. 1-24 www.bsieducation.org/

Greenwood, T (2007) Using external live projects with final year undergraduates, Practitioner

Research in Higher Education 1, 25-27

Gresty, K (2009) Enhancing final year projects: a stakeholder perspective . Final report to

BioSciences Subject Centre

Gunn, V (2010) Enhancing research-teaching linkages as a way to improve the development of employability attributes, Discussion Paper , QAA Scotland Quality Enhancement Themes

Conference, 2-3 March, Edinburgh www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/documents/G21C/V_Gunn.pdf


August 2011

Hand, L and Clewes, D (2000) Marking the difference: an investigation of the criteria used for assessing undergraduate dissertations in a business school, Assessment and Evaluation in

Higher Education 25, 5-21

Harrison, M E and Whalley, W B (2006) Combining student independent learning and peer advice to improve the quality of undergraduate dissertations, Planet 16, 15-18

Hauhart, R. and Grahe, J. (2010) The Undergraduate Capstone Course in the Social Sciences:

Results from a regional survey, Teaching Sociology , 38(1), 4-17.

Healey, M (2005a) Linking research and teaching to benefit student learning, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 29(2), 183-201

Healey, M (2005b) Linking research and teaching exploring disciplinary spaces and the role of inquiry-based learning, in Barnett, R ed Reshaping the university: new relationships between research, scholarship and teaching, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, 67-78

Healey, M (2010b) Making Creative-Hops through developing creative honours projects: a proposal, paper presented at SRHE Student Experience Network Conference on Rethinking the dissertation: the role of undergraduate research in higher education , UCLAN, Preston, 9

June 2010

Healey, M and Jenkins, A (2006) Strengthening the teaching-research linkage in undergraduate courses and programmes, in Kreber, C ed. Exploring research-based teaching, New Directions in Teaching and Learning, San Francisco: Jossey Bass/Wiley, 45-55

Healey, M and Jenkins, A (2009) Developing undergraduate research and inquiry . York: HE

Academy www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/resources/publications/DevelopingUndergradu ate_Final.pdf

Hemmings, S (2001) The place of the dissertation in learning to research, in Humphrey, R and

Middleton, C (eds) Learning to research: resources for learning and teaching in sociology and social policy. Sheffield, SSP2000/ Teaching and Learning Network for Sociology and Social


Holdsworth, A., Watty, K. and Davies, M. (2009) Capstone experience report. Faculty of

Economics and Commerce, University of Melbourne. http://tlu.fbe.unimelb.edu.au/papers/academic_resources/Capstone.pdf

Holdsworth, A., Watty, K. and Davies, M. (2009) Developing Capstone Experiences, Centre for the

Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne.

Hovorka, A.J. (2009 ) A capstone curse of ‘geographic ideas’, Journal of Geography , 108, 252-258.

Huber, M T, Brown, C, Hutchings, P, Gale, R, Miller, R and Breen, M (eds) (2007) Integrative

Learning: Opportunities to Connect.

Public Report of the Integrative Learning Project sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and The Carnegie

Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Stanford, CA www.carnegiefoundation.org/elibrary/integrativelearning

Huggins, R, Jenkins, A, Colley, H, and Price, M (2005) Realising teaching and research links in course redesign for delivery in semesters: mission statement rhetoric, mission impossible, or mission accomplished? Brookes E-Journal of Learning and Teaching , 1(2) www.brookes.ac.uk/publications/bejlt/volume1issue2/perspective/hugginsetal_05.pdf

INTERCHANGE (nd) Research knowledge exchange between university and community www.liv.ac.uk/sspsw/interchange/

James, P. (1998) Progressive development of deep learning skills through undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations, Educational Studies , 24, 95-105.

Jenkins, A and Healey, M (2005) Institutional strategies to link teaching and research.

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Higher Education Academy. www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources.asp?process=full_recordandsection=genericandid=585

Jenkins, A and Healey, M (2007) Critiquing excellence: undergraduate research for all students, in

Skelton A ed International perspectives on teaching excellence in higher education London:

Routledge, pp.117-132


August 2011

Jenkins, A and Healey, M (2010) Undergraduate research and international initiatives to link teaching and research, CUR Quarterly 30(2)

Jenkins, A, Healey, M and Zetter, R (2007) Linking teaching and research in departments and disciplines York: HE Academy www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/research/teaching

Jenkins, M, Hills, M, Gravestock, P and El-Hakim, Y (2009) CogenT project: baseline report JISC www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/institutionalinnovation/workforcedev/cogentbase linereport.pdf

Kachra, A. and Schniez, K. (2008). The capstone strategy course: what might real integration look like? Journal of Management Education , 32(4), 476-508.

Keegan, R (2000) What ‘form’ transforms? A constructivist-developmental approach to transformational learning, in Mezirow, J (ed) Learning as transformation: critical perspectives on a theory in progress. pp.35-69. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Kerka, S. (2001) Capstone Experiences in Career and Technical Education. Clearinghouse on

Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Practice Application Brief No. 16, 3-4.

Leidig, P.M., Ferguson, R. and Leidig, J. (2006) The use of community-based non-profit organizations in information systems capstone projects, Working Group Reports on ITiCSE on

Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 11th Annual Joint Conference

Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education, pp.148-152.

Luck, M (2008) Student research projects: guidance on practice in the Biosciences , Teaching

Bioscience Enhancing Learning Series, Leeds: HE Academy Centre for Bioscience www.bioscience.heacademy.ac.uk/ftp/TeachingGuides/studentresearch/studentresearch_web.


MacKeogh, K. (2006) Supervising undergraduate research using online and peer supervision . In:

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December 2006, Bratislava. TU Bratislava. Accessible at http://doras.dcu.ie/82/ Accessed 1

July 2010.

McEwen, E.E. (1994) Integrated capstone design experience, Journal of Professional Issues in

Engineering Education and Practice , 120, 212-220.

McGrann, R., Mackiewicz, G., Walsh, J., Williams, K., Griffin, J., Hobbs, Y., and Crocker, M. (2005)

Capstone design: Sculpture and structure, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition,

Conference Proceedings , pp.1485-1491.

MacVaugh, J (2009) Problem Based Learning, in Stibbe, A (ed) Handbook of Sustainability


Dartington: Green Books ( www.sustainability-literacy.org


Maleki, R.A. (2009) Business and industry project-based capstone courses: a reflection on the performance of student teams, Industry and Higher Education , 23, 103-110.

Mashiter, C (2009) Engaging students in applied research through a community sports development consultancy project resources.glos.ac.uk/ceal/resources/casestudiesactivelearning/undergraduate/casestudy9.cfm

Mezirow, J (1991) Transformative dimensions of adult learning.

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Millwood, R, Powell, S and Tindal, I (2007) Undergraduate student researchers – the Ultraversity model for work based learning. Educational Cybernetics: Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed).

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Moore, R. (2004). ‘The capstone course’, in Christ, W. G. (ed.). (2004) Assessing Media

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Oldfather, P. (1995) Songs ‘come back to most of them’: students’ experiences as researchers,

Theory into Practice , 34, 131-137.

Pahl, O. (2008) Case study 8: The Vertical Project, Glasgow Caledonian University, In: Black, F.M. and MacKenzie, J. [Eds] Quality Enhancement Themes: The First Year Experience , Glasgow:

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, pp. 43-45.


August 2011

Pathirage, C., Haigh, R., Amaratunga, D. and Baldry, D. (2007) Enhancing the quality and consistency of undergraduate dissertation assessment. Quality Assurance in Education , 15,


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Pathirage, C, Haigh, R, Amaratunga, D, Baldry, D and Green, C (2004) Improving dissertation assessment, paper presented at conference on Education in a changing environment , Salford

University, Sept 13-14

Payne, S., Whitfield, J.M. and Flynn, J. (2002) Assessing the Business Capstone Course Through a Method Based on the SOTL and the Stakeholder Process, Journal of Education for Business ,

78(2), 69-74.

Price, M and Feehily, J (2004) A view from the bridge: tensions between practical and theoretical perspectives in vocational programme development, Brookes eJournal of Learning and

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Redmond, M. (1998). Outcomes Assessment and the Capstone Course in Communication. The

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Rowley, J. and Slack, F. (2004) What is the future for undergraduate dissertations? Education and

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Shadforth, T and Harvey, B (2004) The undergraduate dissertation: subject-centred or studentcentred, Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods , 2(2), 145-152.

Sill, D, Harward, B M and Cooper, I (2009) The disorienting dilemma: the senior capstone as a transformative experience , Liberal Education 95(3), 50-55 www.aacu.org/liberaleducation/lesu09/documents/LE-SU09_Sill.pdf

Stibbe, A (2007a) Awareness into action: linking teaching with research in ecolinguistics. Case study published on-line by the HE Academy English Subject Centre

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Stibbe, A (2009b) Communication and media studies: curricula responding to a changing world

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Tariq, V, Stefani, L, Butcher, A and Heylings, D (1998) Developing a new approach to the assessment of project work, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education , 23(3), 221-240

Todd, M, Bannister, P and Clegg S (2004) Independent inquiry and the undergraduate dissertation: perceptions and experiences of final-year social science students, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 29(3), 335-355

Turner, N, Wuetherick, B and Healey, M (2008) International perspectives on student perceptions of research: the role of academic development in implementing research-based teaching and learning in higher education, International Journal for Academic Development 13(3), 161-173


August 2011

Wallen, M.R. and Pandit, A.S. (2009) Encouraging undergraduate engineering students towards civic engagement, European Journal of Engineering Education , 34, 141-148.

Willison, J. and O'Regan, K. (2007) Commonly known, commonly not known, totally unknown: a framework for students becoming researchers, Higher Education Research and Development ,

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