Capstone Design Project Proposal Form

Format of Proposals for Capstone Design Projects
This proposal form is to be submitted by the students after consultation with
their industry sponsors. The proposal is to be 1-2 pages including Title
In order to fulfill the requirements of capstone class, projects must allow the
design teams to have ample opportunity to create alternative solutions and
make decisions based on objective information. For example, modifying an
existing device to use different fasteners or bearings are not acceptable.
Please indicate the following in your proposal:
1. Title page: Project Title, Company name, Contact Engineer, Team
2. Brief description of what the device should do. Include the main
performance requirements and constraints.
3. What is the design team expected to delivered on June 2013?
4. A short assessment of the opportunities this project provides in:
 Synthesizing many solutions (design activity)
 decision-making supported by objective methods (analysis
activity). Mention types of analyses that might result from this
 Design validation (prototyping and other validation activity).
Design Activity - Creative exploration of alternative designs and methods
for synthesizing the product. The design concepts must be
at a level that is acceptably complex.
Analysis Activity - Application of the analysis methods developed in some
previous engineering or science classes in support of design
Validation Activity- Verify (by prototype building and testing) the full
product or some aspects of the design.