Human Anatomy & Physiology II Syllabus BIOL 1612L Georgia Perimeter College—Newton Campus Fall 2009, Mon 5:30- pm, Room 3320 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: Dr. Annette M. Parrott 1N2421 15 minutes prior to and after class 770-278-1263 (Science Department before 5pm) Course Information: Prerequisites: Completion of BIOL 1611 and BIOL 1611L each with a "C" or better. Co-requisite: BIOL 1612 Lab. Text: Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, ninth edition by Elaine N. Marieb and Susan J. Mitchell ISBN:978-0-321-54031-7 Course Description: This is a laboratory covering microscopic survey of animal cells and tissues with emphasis on metabolism and the digestive system, cardiovascular system, respiratory, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems. Co-requisites: BIOL1612 Course Objectives: As a result of completing this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify and determine spatial relationships of anatomical structures being studied in BIOL 1612 through the use of practical examples provided by animal dissection, models and microscope slides, and explain the function of certain aspects of the muscular and nervous systems. Video, laser disks and computer demonstrations may be used to reinforce this. 2. Perform physiological experiments, gather and interpret data, and draw conclusions based on those data. 3. Write a coherent description of the methods, results, and conclusions of the experiment and their findings. 4. Demonstrate laboratory skills and techniques to include - reading and following directions, performing experiments and recording data. GPC BIO1612L Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 1 Course Schedule: This schedule is tentative; it may change according to the needs of the students, instructor, or because of unforeseeable events. Readings in the textbook should be used to prepare yourself for upcoming lectures/discussions or to reinforce subjects already covered in classes or laboratories. Week of Topics Exercise 8/17 Introduction: Syllabus; Lab Safety Contract Anatomy of the Digestive System – Slides/Models Digestive System cont’d CAT DISSECTION Chemical Breakdown of Foodstuffs: Enzymatic Action Metabolism LABOR DAY – NO LABS Heart Anatomy and Conduction System of the Heart – electrocardiography Anatomy of Blood Vessels Anatomy of Blood Vessels cont’d CAT DISSECTION LAB PRACTICAL MIDPOINT 10/12 - LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW WITH A “W” Blood Human Cardiovascular Physiology Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System CAT DISSECTION Anatomy of the Urinary System CAT DISSECTION Urinalysis KIDNEY DISSECTION Endocrine System Anatomy of the Reproductive System 38 8/24 8/31 9/7 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/30 GPC BIO1612L Anatomy of the Reproductive System cont’d CAT DISSECTION Physiology of Reproduction: Gametogenesis, the menstrual cycle and human sexual response CAT DISSECTION LAB PRACTICAL 38 Quiz Report Due 38 38 39A/39B 39A/39B 30 30 39A/39B 32 32 32 30 32 29 33A 36 & 37A-3A 29 33A 36 & 37A-3A 40 40 41A 41A 27 42 27 42 29 33A 36 & 37A-3A 40 42 42 41A 27 43 & 44 43 & 44 42 Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 43 & 44 2 Required Supplies: Students will be expected to have and use the following items for class activities: Textbook: Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, ninth edition by Elaine N. Marieb and Susan J. Mitchell ISBN:978-0-321-54031-7 #2 pencils and erasers for taking exams Scantrons for exams. NOTE: If a student does not come prepared with the answer sheet and pencil, they will not be allowed to take the test. They will also lose time in the testing period until they are in possession of the required test items. One large 3-ringed binder (approximately 2” wide) complete with ruled binder paper for storing all notes, handouts and articles given out in class. Lab Coat, pack of index cards, colored pencils, gloves Attendance Policy: Laboratory classes are meant to be experiential hands on-learning experiences. Attendance is required. Students that miss more than 1 class meetings will be either withdrawn (if 2 absences occur before the withdrawal date) from the class or awarded an “F” as the final grade (if either or both of the 2 absences occur after the withdrawal date). Grading & Evaluation: The grade you earn will be determined by your performance on quizzes, practical exams, lab reports, drawings and skill checks. Each of these components is described below. Lab Practical Exams: A midterm and final lab practical exam will be administered according to the dates given above and in your laboratory schedule. A practical exam is a timed free-response exam. The laboratory will be set up with approximately 25 stations. At each station you will find a card containing one to three questions and a specimen (model, microscope, or activity). You will read the question, examine the specimen and write your response on your answer sheet. You will have 1 minute to read and answer the question; you will then be asked to move to the next station. There are 50 questions on each practical. You MUST know the content of the course. This is not a multiple choice exam. The midterm will cover all of the activities from the first day of class till midterm. The final will only include material covered after midterm. The midterm and final practical exams individually are each worth 35% of your grade. Together they represent 70% of your grade. Written Lab Reports: Your lab book includes lab reports at the end of each activity. These must be completed and submitted according to the schedule attached. Late lab reports will not be accepted. Lab reports are to be your own work. They are not intended to be a group activity. Neatness does count. Your average grade on your written lab reports will constitute 10% of your grade. Skill Checks: During each laboratory period you will be asked to complete certain activities and to show your instructor the results of your work. These skill checks demonstrate that you mastered either the skill or the concept explored during the lab. GPC BIO1612L Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 3 Skill checks activities will be written on the board. When you have completed that activity you will show your results to your instructor. You do not receive credit for the skill check until the instructor has checked you off. During each laboratory period you will be asked to make certain lab drawings. The following should be included in each of your drawings: 1. Identify slide a. organ/organ system b. tissue c. type of cell (if applicable) 2. Identify preparation i.e. cross section, stained, view, etc. 3. Identify Magnification 4. Label the internal structure(s) or components of the structure Drawings should be neat, accurate and in color (pencils are preferable to markers as they do not bleed through the page). Please label “Lab #: skill check” and “Lab #: Drawings” on the head of your paper and submit before you leave the lab. Your scores on skill checks and drawings constitute 10 % of your grade. Quizzes: Quizzes will be administered during the semester according to the schedule provided. Quizzes will cover the material from the previous week’s lab. Quizzes will have between 10 and 20 questions. Questions will be either multiple choice, diagram identification, fill in the blank, short answer or true and false. You must be present to take the quiz. No make-ups will be given. Quizzes are typically given during the first 10 minutes of class. If you are late to class and the quizzes have all been submitted you may not take the quiz. Your average quiz score will constitute 10 % of your grade. Attendance: Students that do not attend class cannot take the quiz and do not receive skill check or lab drawing points. Attendance is required. Students that miss 2 class meetings will be either withdrawn (if 2 absences occur before the withdrawal date) from the class or awarded an “F” as the final grade (if any or all of the 2 absences occur after the withdrawal date). Students that miss the either the midterm or final practical exam with a verifiable excuse and have a passing grade on other lab work will receive a grade of incomplete. Students that miss both exams will be awarded the grade of ‘F’. Your performance will be evaluated using the following criteria: Grade summary: Lab Practical 1 Written Lab Reports Lab Drawings and Skill Checks Quizzes Lab Practical 2 GPC BIO1612L 35% 10% 10% 10% 35% Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 4 Grades will be assigned according to the following scale. Percent Grade 90-100 A 80- 89 B 70- 79 C 60- 69 D < 60 F Policy on Cheating & Plagiarism: Cheating includes any attempt to defraud, deceive or mislead the instructor in arriving at an honest grade assessment. Cheating includes, but is NOT limited to: A. On a test or quiz: looking at or copying from another student's work allowing another student to copy your work exchange of written or oral communication using notes or unauthorized "crib sheets" opening a textbook obtaining unauthorized copies of the test or test questions B. On out-of-class assignments (including poster presentations): copying from another student copying from a printed source or website without proper citation (plagiarism), having another person do your work allowing another student to use your work as his/her own. C. Providing false documentation in order to be allowed to make up a missed test or assignment or to document an excused absence. Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves presenting as one's own the ideas or work of another. Plagiarism includes copying of another student's written work, and/or the use of an author's ideas, not just quoted words, without citation. A first offense violation of the cheating policy will result in a grade of zero (0) for that examination, quiz, or assignment, and will be reported officially to the Campus Dean. A second offense will result in a failing ("F") grade for the course, and a formal allegation of cheating will be presented to the Campus Dean of Students. The Dean and/or College Court may impose further penalties including expulsion from the College. The process for appealing an allegation of cheating/plagiarism is found in Georgia Perimeter College Student Handbook. [Note: Students whose first language is not English may use a translating dictionary (e.g. Spanish-English) at the instructor's table with the PRIOR APPROVAL of the instructor.] GPC BIO1612L Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 5 Withdrawals and Incompletes: A student who decides to withdraw without penalty (take a grade of "W") must do so before the midpoint of the half-semester term. A student who withdraws after the midpoint will be assigned a "withdrew failing" ("WF") grade. It is the STUDENT'S responsibility to complete and submit the withdrawal form (available in the Registrar's office) on time. A grade of "W" (withdrawal) CAN NOT be given by the instructor. Withdrawal ("W") and incomplete ("I") grades will be used only in accordance with Georgia Perimeter College policy. A student who officially withdraws for any reason before the midpoint of the term will receive a grade of "W." A student who withdraws after the midpoint but before the eighth week will receive a "WF" unless approved as a hardship withdrawal by the Science Department Head, Division Dean, or Campus Administrative Dean. Hardship withdrawals are not allowed to avoid an unsatisfactory grade and are not possible after the end of the term. Documentation of hardship must be presented. It is the STUDENT'S responsibility to complete withdrawal forms (available in the Registrar's office). Students are encouraged, but not required, to discuss withdrawal with the instructor. A grade of INCOMPLETE is assigned only when the student is unable to complete some part the course for NON-ACADEMIC reasons beyond his/her control. Work in the course must be satisfactory (passing) to that point. An incomplete must be completed during the following semester or will convert to an "F." A formal petition for the incomplete, with documentation, must be filed with the Science Department. Classroom Behavior: Building maintenance necessarily prohibits food or drink in carpeted areas. Please finish them outside. Cell phones must be turned off or set to "vibrate" during class; students expecting emergency calls should set the phone to "vibrate" and sit near the door to minimize class disruption. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a collegial manner. A student who disrupts class activities will be asked to leave the lecture room and will receive a zero for any activities performed during that participation session. A student who is continuously disruptive will be reported to the department chairperson and/or the Dean of Student Affairs for possible disciplinary action. GPC BIO1612L Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 6 Snow Days & Bad Weather: If school is closed due to bad weather or other events, the students should expect to take the exam the next following class day as well turn in any work due at that time. Please monitor local radio or television stations to see if Georgia Perimeter College’s Newton Campus will be closed, or contact the school at: 770-278-1200 to verify closings or delayed openings. Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: If you are a student who is disabled as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and require assistance or support services, please seek assistance through the Center for Disability Services ( A CDS counselor will coordinate those services. Equal Opportunity Statement: No person shall, on the basis of age, race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or disability, be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of Georgia Perimeter College. Affirmative Action Statement: Georgia Perimeter College adheres to affirmative action policies designed to promote diversity and equal opportunity for all faculty and students. GPC BIO1612L Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 7 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Syllabus BIOL 1612L Georgia Perimeter College—Newton Campus Name: ________________________________________________________ GPS Student I.D. Number: ____________________________________________ I have been given, have read and do understand the course syllabus for Biology 1612 (Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture). I agree to abide by the guidelines and rules of the course as presented in the course syllabus. Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________________ How may I contact you? (email, home or work phone, cell phone): Phone: ________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ If needed, may I leave a message at your contact number(s) or email? YES What is your major? NO ______________________________________________ What are your career goals? _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ How do you plan to excel in this course? __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What talents do you have that you can contribute to this class? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ GPC BIO1612L Dr. Parrott The content of this syllabus is tentative and subject to modification when necessary 8