Basically I like the play very much. After I read the play, it causes

The Final Report of Western Literature 2
Topic: Hamlet (by William Shakespeare)
 Member list (Group 5)
Name Student no.
洪啟良 93110107
吳美玲 88110839
林涂貴美 88110117
黃志偉 93110427
E-mail address
Not Available
 Introduction to the author – William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born in the rural community of Stratford – upon –
Avon in Warwickshire on April 23, 1564. His father was John Shakespeare, a glover
and prominent in the town’s government. His mother was Mary Arden.
William Shakespeare attended the local grammar school, the King’s New
School. He did not attend university. The education he received at grammar school
was excellent, as evidenced by the numerous classical and literary references in his
In 1582, at 18, William Shakespeare married the 26 – year – old Anne
Hathaway. They had a daughter, Susanna, and twin sons, Hamnet and Judith.
Sometime between his marriage and writing Hamlet, Shakespeare and his wife moved
to London where he pursued a career as a playwright and actor.
In 1598 he was “principal comedian” for the troupe, and by 1603 he was
“principal tragedian.”
William Shakespeare was very successful and made quite a lot of money. He
invested this money in Stratford real estate and was able to purchase the second
largest house in Stratford, the New Place, for his parents in 1597.
William Shakespeare died in 1616, at the age of 67. He was buried in the
chancel of his church at Stratford.
William Shakespeare brought to the English stage such famous characters as
Falstaff and Prince Hal, Hamlet and Ophelia, Othello and Desdemena, and King Lear.
The influence of Shakespeare’s plays on the course of English literature is
matched only by the King James translation of the Bible.
Shakespeare’s name became a rallying cry in the campaigns for Romanticism,
and his influence contributed to the self-realization of the various national literatures
of Europe.
Ben Johnson said, “He was not of an age, but for all time!” John Dryden
signalized him as that writer who possessed “the most comprehensive soul.”
William Shakespeare wrote 10 Tragedies, 13 Comedies, 10 Histories, 5
Romances, 154 pieces of Sonnets, and five pieces of poems. He is really a
productive writer.
 Background of the Hamlet
In Shakespeare’s period, the late-Renaissance, there are four subjects –
melancholy, demonology, the nature of man, and death, - prevailing in the intellectual
society. When Hamlet was composed, the moral and intellectual assumptions and
attitudes were current. The opinions of Lavater, Primandaye, and Montaigne may
have also affected Shakespeare. Accordingly Shakespeare wrote Hamlet to deal with
the four subjects.
The unquiet spirit that haunts the play is the agent that sets the action in motion.
Hamlet’s melancholy is both the cause and the effect of a pervasive sense of evil that
is the key ambiance of the tragedy. Questions concerning the nature of man, and the
nature of death carry us to the heart of the play. About the nature of man, the
Renaissance views come together in such a passage as Hamlet’s speech beginning
“What a piece of work is man.” ( II, ii ) “And nothing is at a like goodness still,” says
Claudius at one of the mot impressive moments in the play ( IV, vii ).
Hamlet is agonizingly asking himself from the beginning of the play “Could you on
this fair mountain leave to feed,/ And batten on this moor.” ( III, iv )
 Summary of the plot/ story of the Hamlet
Hamlet starts with soldiers changing the guard outside of Elsinore castle in
Denmark. They claim to have seen the host of the Old King and ask young Hamlet to
see it. Hamlet came one night and saw the ghost, who told Hamlet that he was the Old
King, and that how he was murdered by Claudius, and asked Hamlet to revenge for
Hamlet’s father just died two months ago, and Hamlet doesn’t know how his
father really died. So Hamlet tries to find out the cause of his father’s death.
Hamlet pretends to be mad. At this time it happens that some players come to
the palace. Hamlet asks them to play a play called “The Mouth Trap” to see if
Claudius is the murderer of his father.
The play makes Claudius become so outraged that he stands up, thereby forcing
the play to end. He orders light to be shone on him and
stalks angrily out of the room. Hamlet is delighted by this and is convinced that the
ghost was telling the truth.
Then his mother wants to see him in her private chamber. Hamlet plans to reveal
what he knows to his mother to see if she is part of the plot to kill his father.
Claudius, overcome with emotion, prays to heaven to forgive his sin. He admits
to committing the murder of his brother. Hamlet enters silently with his sword and is
about to kill Claudius when he realizes that Claudius is praying. So Hamlet stops
and decides to wait until he can kill Claudius when his “soul may be as damned and
black as hell.” ( III, iii )
Then Hamlet goes to see his mother, insulting her for having married Claudius
so soon after his father’s death. She gets scared and calls for help, causing
Polonius – hiding behind a curtain spying on them – to make a sound. Hamlet kills
him. After that Claudius orders Rosencrantz and Guildens to take Hamlet to
England to be killed by The England king. But Hamlet contrives to come back to
Ophelia has meantime gone mad at the death of his father, and soon after she is
drowned in the river.
Laertes comes back from France once he learns of his father’s death. He thinks
the murderer must be Claudius. But he is used by Claudius to kill Hamlet. In
Claudius plan, Hamlet and Laertes will fight in a fencing match. In the match,
Hamlet scores the first two hits. Gertrude, thrilled at how well her son is fighting,
takes the cup of poisoned wine (meant for Hamlet) from Claudius and drinks it to
celebrate Hamlet’s hits. Then Laertes slashes Hamlet with his poisoned foil, causing
Hamlet to bleed. Hamlet is infuriated, and in a confusion, Hamlet uses the poisoned
foil to slash Laertes, drawing blood. They stop fighting when they see Queen
Gertrude is lying on the ground. She tells Hamlet the drink is poisoned, and she dies.
Laertes tells Hamlet the secret of the fencing match. Hamlet even more furious than
before slashes Claudius with the poisoned foil. Then he takes the wine chalice and
forces the poisoned wine into Claudius’ mouth. Claudius, Gertrude, Laertes, and
Hamlet all die. Horatio tells the people what really happens and thus reveals the
 Answers to the topic questions
 Think about Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia. Does he love her? Does he stop
loving her? Did he ever love her? What evidence can you find in the play to
support your opinion?
Hamlet’s love to Ophelia has no doubt but revenge his father is more important than
everything at that time. Hamlet feel guilty if he cannot revenge his parent so he has to
put his lover aside first. However, he killed her father by accident, thus made Ophelia
committee suicide because she supposed the life is meaningless. Hamlet jumped to
her grave in sadness to show his regret and sorry to his lover.
I think Hamlet never loves her. Why? Shattered by his mother’s decision to
marry Claudius so soon after her husband’s death, Hamlet becomes cynical about
women in general, showing a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a
connection between female sexuality and moral corruption. This motif of misogyny,
or hatred of women, occurs sporadically throughout the play, but it is an important
inhibiting factor in Hamlet’s relationships with Ophelia and Gertrude. He urges
Ophelia to go to a nunnery rather than experience the corruptions of sexuality and
exclaims of Gertrude, “Frailty, thy name is woman”
Polonius hears Hamlet coming and he and Claudius quickly made Ophelia stand
in clear view while they hide themselves. Hamlet enters and gives his "To be or not to
be; that is the question" (3.1.58) speech. He stops when he sees Ophelia and goes over
to speak with her. Hamlet rudely tells her that he never loved her and orders her to go
to a nunnery. After he leaves, Claudius tells Polonius that Hamlet does not seem to be
mad because of Ophelia, but Polonius still believes that she is the real reason for his
melancholic madness.
That is; my answer is same to the classmate.
From my tiny checking or investigation and watching in this question,Up to my
viewpoint; I think Hamlet did have ever love her the Ambassionary Daughter The
Oephelia,Really Hamlet was a Prince while Oephelia was a servant at least
accompanized with him for a long while,and he surely loved her because he was so
lonely and lonesome a guy in the emperor palace a like riskedful cliff court;certainly
he never stopped to love her with such an evidence to us is he often tried to get touch
with her and the only person the girl could help him to do or complete something
else.even his hatred ,anxiety,depression,suffering,bitterness,or somewhat special
mood to defeat him to a poor state or ruin him by some reason to be injured or
damaged and insulted anyway we could guess afterwards;so the clueI gathered would
support to me a we did hold or cite from their probably given environmentals he and
she should be together again and again,and then it occurred to them to happen the
firing of feeling or emotion to love each other wonderfully and undoubtedly
At the beginning of the play, as Hamlet has decided to pretend madness, he
pretends he does not love Ophelia anymore, he even rejects her and insults her. This,
of course, means that he has been in love with her before, has let her think that she
was loved. Her pain is then all the more intense. Why has he chosen to feign
indifference towards her, to reject her, to deny that he loves her? Why does he repeat
"To a nunnery, go". There were many other possible ways of feigning madness.
What is important at that stage in the play is that Hamlet doesn't know what he's going
to do yet. His meeting with Ophelia immediately follows his "to be or not to be"
monologue. So he knows that if he does something, if he acts, if he kills the King, he
will take serious risks and may die in the attempt. If he chooses not to act, he will lose
his self-esteem. Whatever happens, he will not be fit for marriage.
Another reason why he rejects her is that marriage itself has become abhorrent to him.
Because he has recently realised that his mother's second marriage is only a betrayal
of love and of everything that is noble in life. "I say, we will have no more
So, if at one point he believed in his love for Ophelia, he doesn't believe in
marriage anymore nor in Ophelia anymore, and most of all he doesn't believe in
himself sufficiently to fight his doubts and gloomy forebodings.
On the contrary, most probably, he loved her as much as he could but he couldn't love
much. He was much so preoccupied by his own problems, his difficulty to face life,
that he could not give much of himself to another person, be it the woman he loved. It
is indeed the dominating trait of weak people. They love themselves (but also hate
themselves) too much to be able to love others.
Among those at court was an old man famous for his experience and wisdom,
named Polonius. Polonius had a beautiful daughter, named Ophelia, whom Hamlet
had liked very much at one time.
Ophelia had been made unhappy by her lover’s strange behaviour, and when she
heard that her father had been killed by Hamlet, she went mad and drowned herself.
When Hamlet heard the news, crying that he loved Ophelia far more than a brother
 蔣昆霖
Hamlet and Ophelia are good friends and grow up together from childhood.
Hamlet really loves Ophelia. He never stops loving her.
They have loved each other from childhood. There are two evidences from the play to
prove it. First, In Act III, Scene I, Hamlet tells Ophelia five times to go to a nunnery.
At that time Denmark is in a confusing state. The government is corrupted. The king
usurps the Old King and kills him. Gertrude, the queen, is incestuous. Polonius is
foolish. Hamlet has decided to revenge for his father. So the safest place for Ophelia
to live is a nunnery. Otherwise she will become the tool of sinners. If Hamlet doesn’t
love Ophelia, why will he ask her to go to a nunnery? Second, in Act V, Scene I, when
Laertes grapples Hamlet in the grave pit and fight him. Hamlet tells Laertes “I loved
Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers / Could not with all their quantity of love / Make up
my sum. What wilt thou do for her?
 Analyze the use of comedy in Hamlet, paying particular attention to the
gravediggers, Osric, and Plonius. Does comedy serve merely to relieve the tension
of the tragedy, or do the comic scenes serve a more serious thematic purpose as
The arrangement of gravediggers, Osric, and Plonius played the role in the drama
to relieve the tension. Otherwise, the drama would be too serious to the audience.
Beside that, the gravediggers’ action with the skull also shows the road that everybody
has to go at the end of their life. It may tell something to whom who care about the
power, wealth, famousness in their life to reconsider their action to others.
Arrange the gravediggers, Osric and Polonius to play in the drama. It is serious
thematic purpose. The author would like to tell the audience how they had done their
plans and ended of their life. They just did care about their power, wealth and
famousness to decide what they could done or not.
That is; my answers is same to the classmate.
It as well showed us a very frank impression or truth is there was no reason or
suspicion to know why the grave digger like Osric was merely the servant to work for
the dispatching from their major to finish something or odds,moreover,after
Polonius’s death by being killed Hamlet’s sword a terrible violent wrong sin he did
make,and should be sentenced to the jurk and condemned for his conduct to be
considered as the crude or cruel mistake,and he should be obliged to the consequence
and result he must acceive later on.and no substitutional physics displace of his
rependedness or remorcefulness,and Polonius’s burial was so unmasked a thing by
Osric to make tomb and bury his majesty his crimie or tightedness;so the
controversory recorrection is no longer to give him some chance or opportunity to get
through with his future device or vision he could prevail or undertake them
conversely;and it always defeat and fail his broken fateand destiny lifelong.the
comedic dreams he could not come true on condition that he was the absolute future
leader or governor helpfully,his inner increasing compressure was additionally
acculumated up to equalize or balance those danger or risk and threat or disgusting
and let him no returned area or extensive air;then he would be collapsed and plated
down.although he could only decrease somewhat pressure from his insight or mind to
such danger action to relieve or release his possible repiarment he could give or
compensate for his family especially the court’s struggle and the more
uncovered mars or demars was still by criticization from the audience or his
people;thus I think comedic functionals is shortly and merely experienced to us its
effects and no pleasured resudials to him.and no purposely effective requiring reback
to me why he should beforehand consider of his mingled feelings in this court
straightly,the cervix of his servious action maybe always a never returned fault or
error to others and no the tragedy is not alike to those comedic presentaion
at the same time to recorrectify his survivals except of the jurk. Of course,he could
live a lucky and happy or comfortable nobler life even if was in the court with no
those special motionals and extra facing or notion and crazy imagination I thought the
perfect life ia waited for his useful gotten sailing in the dangerous sea or make him in
a very unstable atmosphere or escape from the limited edge or boundary he could try
to leave or stay there,so since his sentenced crime he made he at all once a complete
wise or cleverable fellow to reanalyze his resolution from some people’s proposals or
his protesting to such a sudden or accidental occasion he must think of how to live or
where to reset and calm down his complicated feeling or motif and senseiveness
around the castle embedded,he could not change his trouble or anxiety and definite
foolness;there is no methods of saving him to a safe territory whether he has become a
criminal accurredly.his choice alternatively against his wrongedness but no longer his
rightedness or plainness and confidentially pay his thanksgivings to the outside his
people despite of his birth from the emporial family he live in the court was so out of
the question he why or where to do a problem was originally a linkage to his how to
run over.the comedic or tragedic stories from the author he mamnufactorized is
waitred for our exploration and explanation needless of their detail or comparative
reprimanding properlyand it I did applause to them thematically collected or it is estimated no equality or balance at any rate.
The language of Hamlet is cleverly and specifically designed in the guise of
Shakespeare’s dark humor. In regards to all uses of comedy and wit, the language of
this play is meant to be pleasing to the audience but not to the characters. This
concept is essential in understanding what place comedy has in a tragedy such as
Hamlet. Hamlet’s very use and style of language, especially the use of the pun, the
dialogue with the minor character Polonius, and the graveyard scene (gravediggers)
reveals intentions and plans through the mode of comic relief.
The wicked King was still determined to kill his nephew, so he thought of
another plan. He decided to make Laertes even more angry agaist the man who had
killed his father. He arranged for a mach between Hamlet and Laertes. The King
persuaded him to use a sharp-pointed sword and to put poison on it, so that Hamlet
would almost certainly be killed. Hamlet thought that it was to be just a friendly mach
and he accepted.
The use of comedy in Hamlet – the gravediggers, Osric, and Polonius – serves to
postpone the imminent catastrophe of the play, not only to serve to relieve the tension
of the tragedy. The narration of grave diggers covers 187 lines. The narration of Osric
covers 100 lines. The narration of Polonius covers more than 200 lines. All of their
words and actions are quite absurd and nonsense. They are used to postpone the
catastrophe of the play.
 Suicide is an important theme in Hamlet. Discuss how the play threats the idea of
suicide morally, religiously, and aesthetically, with particular attention to Hamlet’s
two important statements about suicide: “O, that this too too solid flesh would
melt”soliloquy (Act I, Scene ii) and the “To be, or not to be” soliloquy (Act III,
Scene I). Why does Hamlet believe that, although capable of suicide, most human
beings choose to live, despite the cruelty, pain, and injustice of the world?
 洪啟良
Suicide is the only way when people want to kill themselves instead by sick, old,
or accident. In the religious’ point of view, suicide is a crime because only God can
decide the end of life. People can decide everything except birth and death that
belongs to the God’s job. Not only westerner believe that, Chinese also. In Taiwan
people dead because of accident and suicide will be put into “枉死城” instead of to
“西方極樂世界” where normally accept people who dead from sick and old. This
concept is a rare common sense between the two cultures.
His most logical and powerful examination of the theme of the moral
legitimacy of suicide in an unbearably painful world, it touches on several of the other
important themes of the play. Hamlet poses the problem of whether to commit suicide
as a logical question: “To be, or not to be,” that is, to live or not to live. He then
weighs the moral ramifications of living and dying. Is it nobler to suffer life, “ he
slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” passively or to actively seek to end one’s
suffering? He compares death to sleep and thinks of the end to suffering, pain, and
uncertainty it might bring, “ he heartache, and the thousand natural shocks / That flesh
is heir to.” Based on this metaphor, he decides that suicide is a desirable course of
action, “a consummation / Devoutly to be wished.” But, as the religious word
“devoutly” signifies, there is more to the question, namely, what will happen in the
afterlife. Hamlet immediately realizes as much, and he reconfigures his metaphor of
sleep to include the possibility of dreaming; he says that the dreams that may come in
the sleep of death are daunting, that they “must give us pause.”
In this way, this speech connects many of the play’s main themes, including the
idea of suicide and death, the difficulty of knowing the truth in a spiritually
ambiguous universe, and the connection between thought and action. In addition to its
crucial thematic content, this speech is important for what it reveals about the quality
of Hamlet’s mind. His deeply passionate nature is complemented by a relentlessly
logical intellect, which works furiously to find a solution to his misery. He has turned
to religion and found it inadequate to help him either kill himself or resolve to kill
Claudius. Here, he turns to a logical philosophical inquiry and finds it equally
suicide seems like a desirable alternative to life in a painful world, but Hamlet
feels that the option of suicide is closed to him because it is forbidden by religion.
Hamlet then goes on to describe the causes of his pain, specifically his intense disgust
at his mother’s marriage to Claudius. He describes the haste of their marriage, noting
that the shoes his mother wore to his father’s funeral were not worn out before her
marriage to Claudius. He compares Claudius to his father (his father was “so excellent
a king” while Claudius is a bestial “satyr”). As he runs through his description of their
marriage, he touches upon the important motifs of misogyny, crying, “Frailty, thy
name is woman”; incest, commenting that his mother moved “ with such dexterity to
incestuous sheets”; and the ominous omen the marriage represents for Denmark, that
“ it is not nor it cannot come to good.” Each of these motifs recurs throughout the
That is; my answers is same to the classmate.
From the author’s two agreemental sentences why to suicide is no sin and
should be religiously acknowledged again if it would be or must be done after one’s
waking his death and wish no promise and opportunity to resurvive and save or come
to his sense anyway;in this work we understand a truth is life is treasured and
priceless a thing on account of his never relieving and rescuring even though he must
repend it after his suicide and no chance to return or always say goodby to his others
relatives or friends and the main idea he owned maybe a dangerous deed
in a very short trying or foolishly lost his life or perish his wicked fate for no
resecuring affairs to remind.The work Hamlet is the William Shahespeare’s great
work consisted in its lifelong teaching for us in the sentences we are reading over
with no plainness or simplification just take it as our treasured experience when we
lost our mind or desire or endeavours and try to do nothing its indication maybe the
excellent guide for my leaving singular mistakenedness or foolishly make some crime
to be sentenced in the jurk or court,thus the most useful original human being’s
characters is depended upon their true or imprudence care but not what the odds or
jobs they have done or as to lead a glorious future we must learn its faith
but not self-suicide ,we should undertake some practical enactedness but not to
despite others,on such a base,it’s a splendid requirement to accomplish your attention
while no longer losing its inner controlling active deserved of our
attention to chastise something priceless but not to interrupt others’ missibles;it is
illegally ruled even if the prince the Hamlet was not the birth of his family a quite best
nobler outcoming his spring maybe a comfortable or lucky and happy one compared
with those lower family with no anything to attatin their subjective or objective goals
at any my impression, the comedics or tragedies merely are our fundamental
explanation or interprenation,whereas we often neglect them with no contended
concentrated close coagulated notion as our wise and useful mood to prevail or
continue what happened to us inspite of those events should give us its bumpings
sternly;up to date the great literatural works with its deep effects to moderate us its
real belief or confession none with the less we must face it as a poorish present to
others or its play an important act to us conclusive of all the derivative works their
true meaning it indeed expelled to a endial,and then we have no reason to say we are
only with a depressed consideration not an arrogance and prejudice,in this class this
group I think its contents are so abundant to me abound in those internect from the
retrieved computer we could take or copy and read over again and again.the critical
connected curve-noded from the works’ resolution to us is quite a problem to gain its
referenced answers and at last I often find some weakness or cowardard but no strong
fellows abided by so many vivid or active recalling stories to return and remind them
to a safe or sound resetting.
The question of his own death plagues Hamlet as well, as he repeatedly
contemplates whether or not suicide is a morally legitimate action in an unbearably
painful world. Hamlet’s grief and misery is such that he frequently longs for death to
end his suffering, but he fears that if he commits suicide, he will be consigned to
eternal suffering in hell because of the Christian religion’s prohibition of suicide. In
his famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy (III), Hamlet philosophically concludes that
no one would choose to endure the pain of life if he or she were not afraid of what
will come after death, and that it is this fear which causes complex moral
considerations to interfere with the capacity for action.
Hamlet slowly began to wonder whether Claudius had caused his father to be killed in
order that he himself night become King, and whether his mother had known all about it-and
this last thought drove him nearly mad. “O, that this too too solid flesh would melt” he
But Hamlet was always thinking of the command of his fathers ghost to revenge his
vruel murder, and he continued to wonder how he could plan the revenge. Though he hated
his uncle, he naturally did not wish to kill another human being. “To he, or not to be” makes
Hamlet hesitating.
To commit suicide is not permitted by religion at that time. If one commits
suicide, one shall not be buried with religious rites, and must be buried outside of
Man’s reason is noble, his faculties are infinite, his action is expressive and
admirable, how like an angel in appearance he is, how like a god he is. Man cannot
commit suicide.
Hamlet’s grief and misery is so great that he frequently longs for death to end his
sufferings, but he fears that if he commits suicide, he will be consigned to eternal
suffering in hell owing to the Christian religion’s prohibition of suicide. In his
famous “To be or not to be” ( III, i ) and “O that this too too solid flesh would melt”
( I, ii ) soliloquies, Hamlet concluded that no one would choose to endure the pain of
life if he or she were not afraid of what will come after death, and that it is this fear
which causes complex moral considerations to interfere with the capacity for action.
 Individual response to the works
 洪啟良
Hamlet was correct at first for his not belief of the ghost’s speaking. In our
Chinese drama, ghost always speaks the truth. Some clueless cases were solved by
ghost’s speaking even nowadays in Taiwan. However, The confession and the
evidence are the most important to solve the case at the end. It is why Hamlet has to
plot the drama – Mousetrap for his uncle. But this act also invited the murder plot
from the angry king.
At that time, murder seems very popular and the quick way in the royal family
to grab power. So the people in power must be very careful in their daily life. Security
protection seems very weak in the royal court of the Denmark, so the king murdered
by their family member easily. I would like to suggest them to enhance the security
method first so it would not happen again and again.
The prince of Norway – Fortinbras seems very smart and qualified as a king
than the Hamlet and his uncle. He pretended to attack Poland instead of Denmark by
asking to march through Denmark safely. By doing this, he can attack Denmark easily
and revenge his father also. He is the only guy not so stupid in this drama even he
played a not important part in the play.
 吳美玲
Hamlet" is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the
futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest
semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today,
"Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by
imperfect people in an imperfect
 林涂貴美
That is; This is a family of scandal, the Hamlet uncle killed his brothers, although
Hamlet wants revenge, but his mother have been marry with his uncle, how to do
disposed is stalled, there are abandon or revenge he is vaver in purposes, some people
say he is morally weak, some people say he is an enough action, but from different
angles he worth sympathy, his mental state cover limit of vex, instead the scandal of a
event often wagging cause people to talked.
 黃志偉
Sensationally,The bidged tool I retrieved from the computer and referenced
related works conclusive of Shakespeare’s Hamlet stories or other several
interpretated books their summary and abstract are so abundant and richer for my
reading and absorb those property,experience,sermon,morals,mingled feeling;and to
gather somewhat extraordinary enquiring answers to its outlet or puzzle and possible
retentation or strategies anyway.but one truth is up to date we are forgetting its real
directed indication and still make some errors or incredulous unrecorrectified
mistakes and search for no remaining methods to complete or resolute our simple and
turgors for overtowing too long and no returning strategies to save or reaccure those
problems within what happened to us merely impulsive force or compressure,and
repeatedly come back to a original endpoint interestingly.the Hamlet is a comedic also
a tragedic drama;at least I did congress to its infated device with no definite ways to
run away or leave off its perplexed environmentals is at the same time foolishly and
ignorantly,after all they often walk the same route to be sentenced or ruined again
wrongedly and depressively,the reflection from my impression or disgusting is slowly
to recover and rescue your impurity component or character or worse mood for the
purpose of remedying your soul and spirit to a very sound or safe and silent world its
welbeing and the God’s ideas or subjective or orders and its substitutionary chorus
instance consequence.when scanning those stories I should pay my special attention to
watch the entire works contents so as to lead a perfect lifelong rest or start gloriously
easily.the more abstacle the less we must bravely conquer those struggle and the
Hamlet’s possible recalling or reminding,and there is no short cut to help one himself
accsuredly.those commitments I know full of the direction or orientation to surpass
over.finally this writing could comparatively form my simple ideas to past memorial
enveloped.then Hamlet in the court was quite a danger or risk surrounding for his
living or development to show in the acts and screens their expressing pretended to us
its changes its processing its obsolute competetion without asking their failure or
success estimatedly;of course,Hamlet is a English Literature as my effective sudden
drugs and the doctor to emancipate their disease and suffering or anxiety or infate or
ruin ,since no one with the God’s Almighty powerful ability to come across our last
disappointment .Literaural functionals is helpful to me during the periods of my
losing or abolishing state even though I am witted to face them actively by emotionals
or wisdomedfulness like the role Hamlet the future King and the Prince he should
undertake those accidentals or incidentals as somewhat contests or examinations until
his mind or mood stayed in the reasonable stable requirement he always imaginated or
how to calm down his inner coagulated branched distraction for some insisted.
 周益誠
It is reasonable to wonder what Shakespeare had in mind while writing Hamlet.
After all, Shakespeare wasn't a philosopher or historian, or even a literary critic. He
was a playwright. He didn't leave us critical essays examining his work. It is left to us
to examine his work and decide for ourselves what Shakespeare was thinking.
In the main plot of Hamlet, Hamlet's father has been murdered. Hamlet swears
revenge, but feign's madness and delays. In the subplot, the chamberlain, Polonius, is
murdered by Hamlet. Polonius's son, Laertes, swears revenge, while his daughter,
Ophelia, goes mad. We see Hamlet's vow mirrored in that of Laertes and his actions
mirrored in those of Ophelia. The mirror is cracked. Hamlet's reflection is splintered.
We see one part of him, his revenge motive, in Laertes' action, and we see his
pretended madness in Ophelia's piteous condition.
More than this, Hamlet's image is dimmed compared to those of his counterparts.
Hamlet speaks of revenge, but procrastinates; Laertes instantly raises and army and
attacks the kingdom, but he must be satisfied over his father's murder. Hamlet only
acts mad; Ophelia's madness is too real.
By reflection we see Polonius's family, all members destroyed through involvement
with Hamlet. We see them together, too, only once, early in the play, as Laertes is
preparing to set sail. Ophelia is guiltless. Laertes is guilty only of seeking revenge for
his father's murder. Polonius is guilty of being a busybody, a dangerous involvement
in Hamlet's tragedy. The longer Hamlet procrastinates, the more bodies pile up, and
the more the question of his procrastination takes on importance.
Finally, what I learnt from the story that is never doing something bad.
Never do something which against the conscience, otherwise something bad will
happen around you.
 羅吉淞
If I only had 24 hours to live, I would have two important things to accomplish.
The first thing would be to express my gratitude and appreciation to those I love. The
second thing would be to have one more look at my beloved family members and
However, between the match with Laertes, Hamlet was cut by Laertes and
wounded. The Prince realized the King’s wicked plan to kill him and, understanding
that he only had a few minutes of life left in which to revenge his father, turned aginst
the King and killed him with the poisoned sword. Then, be fell down dead. So came
the end of the brave and noble Prince of Denmark who would have made a splendid
king. It’s too late! If Hamlet only had 24 hours to live, he would have two important
things to complish.
 蔣昆霖
Basically I like the play very much. After I read the play, it causes
me think about a lot. First, is the ghost really Old Hamlet’s ghost? There are no
evidences to prove that it is surely to be Old Hamlet’s .
But young Hamlet tried to prove it only by testing if Claudius is the murderer of
Old Hamlet. This is too dangerous if he fails. Why won’t Hamlet discuss with the
ghost how to prove that the ghost is really Old Hamlet? Second, does Ophelia commit
suicide or die accidentally? This is very important. At that time religion forbids
committing suicide. If one commits suicide, one can’t be buried with religious rites,
and should be buried outside of the church. It is shameful and infamous to the dead.
Ophelia is a good and innocent girl. The play shouldn’t have treated her in this way.
Next, What’s Hamlet’s character? Hamlet’s character is tantalizing difficult to
interpret. The German poet John Wolfgang von Goethe described Hamlet as a poet, a
sensitive man who is too weak to deal with the political pressures of Denmark.
Sigmund Freud viewed Hamlet in terms of an Oedipus complex. Hamlet is enigmatic.
He behaves roughly and impulsively. He is extremely melancholy. Moreover,
Hamlet’s pretense of “antic disposition” shows us that a great man, a courtier, a man
noted for generosity and acuteness of mind can have the reality of his intellect
clouded by assuming the appearance of madness. Finally, can Hamlet be the king of
Denmark with such character of his? He behaves rashly and impulsively. He is
extremely melancholy and discontented with the state of affairs in Denmark and in his
own family. He spends relatively little time thinking about the treats to Denmark’s
national security from without or the treats to its stability from within. It is better that
he dies after the fencing match. If he rules Denmark, I am afraid that Denmark will be
as corrupted as or worse than before.
e. The Stories of Shakespeare’s Plays. (Translator:梁實秋)
Hamlet 2nd edition
W. W. Norton & Company New York, London
The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces – the Western Tradition 7th edition
W. W. Norton & Company New York, London
k. The Riverside Shakespeare – the Complete Works 2nd edition Houghton Mifflin
Company Boston, New York