LOWER SCHOOL LIBRARY December 2008 379 English titles / 12 Portuguese titles 031 WOR - The world almanac for kids 2008 [Book] Author: [editor, C. Alan Joyce]. 292.08 BUR - Pandora [Book] Author: Burleigh, Robert. 292.08 DAU - Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire's book of Greek myths. [Book] Author: D'Aulaire, Ingri, 1904-1980. 292.08 DEM - King Midas : the golden touch [Book] Author: Demi. 305.899 BAR - The aboriginal peoples of Australia [Book] Author: Bartlett, Anne. 307 BAS - Uno's garden [Book] Author: Base, Graeme. 307 KAL - What is a community? : from A to Z [Book] Author: Kalman, Bobbie, 1947363.25 LAN - Crime & detection [Book] Author: Lane, Brian. 363.2565 WEB - Do you read me? : famous cases solved by handwriting analysis! [Book] Author: Webber, Diane, 1968391.5 SWA - Hairdo! : what we do and did to our hair [Book] Author: Swain, Ruth Freeman. 398.2 YOU - The lost horse : a Chinese folktale [Book] Author: Young, Ed. 398.21 CHI - The princess and the pea : in miniature : after the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen [Book] Author: Child, Lauren. 398.21 DAU - D'Aulaires' book of trolls [Book] Author: D'Aulaire, Ingri, 1904-1980. 398.21 JEF - The Nutcracker [Book] Author: Jeffers, Susan. 398.21 SAN - Cendrillon : a Caribbean Cinderella [Book] Author: San Souci, Robert D. 398.245 DAU - The two cars [Book] Author: D'Aulaire, Ingri, 1904-1980. 398.245 HEN - The boy who cried wolf [Book] Author: Hennessy, B. G (Barbara G.) 398.245 MON - The bird who cleans the world : and other Mayan fables [Book] Author: Montejo, Victor, 1952398.26 DEP - The legend of the Indian paintbrush [Book] Author: De Paola, Tomie. 421.1 TRU - Eats, shoots & leaves : why, commas really do make a difference! [Book] Author: Truss, Lynne. 428 SCH - The boy who loved words [Book] Author: Schotter, Roni. 428.1 GWY - A chocolate moose for dinner [Book] Author: Gwynne, Fred. 428.1 GWY - The king who rained [Book] Author: Gwynne, Fred. 510 PAP - The adventures of Penrose : the mathematical cat [Book] Author: Pappas, Theoni. 510 PAP - Fractals, googols, and other mathematical tales [Book] Author: Pappas, Theoni. 513 LOP - A place for Zero : a math adventure [Book] Author: LoPresti, Angeline Sparagna. 513.2 CAL - Multiplying menace : the revenge of Rumpelstiltskin : a math adventure [Book] Author: Calvert, Pam, 1966513.213 MUR - Divide and ride [Book] Author: Murphy, Stuart J., 1942516 MUR - Captain Invincible and the space shapes [Book] Author: Murphy, Stuart J., 1942516.15 BUR - Spaghetti and meatballs for all! : a mathematical story [Book] Author: Burns, Marilyn, 1941516.22 ELL - What's your angle, Pythagoras? : a math adventure [Book] Author: Ellis, Julie, 1961519.287 MUR - Betcha! [Book] Author: Murphy, Stuart J., 1942523.4 OLI - Exploring the planets in our solar system [Book] Author: Olien, Rebecca. 523.46 SIM - Saturn [Book] Author: Simon, Seymour. 525.5 GIB - The reasons for seasons [Book] Author: Gibbons, Gail. 525.5 LIN - Our seasons [Book] Author: Lin, Grace. 548 FAU - Crystals [Book] Author: Faulkner, Rebecca. 548 SYM - Crystal & gem [Book] Author: Symes, R. F. 551.46 DIP - The ocean deep [Book] Author: Dipper, Frances, 1951551.48 RYA - World of water [Book] Author: Ryan, William T., 1970551.5113 SAY - Stars beneath your bed : the surprising story of dust [Book] Author: Sayre, April Pulley. 553.632 KUR - The story of salt [Book] Author: Kurlansky, Mark. 553.7 ARA - World of water : essential to life [Book] Author: Arato, Rona. 553.7 STR - One well : the story of water on Earth [Book] Author: Strauss, Rochelle, 1967581.498 KUD - What do roots do? [Book] Author: Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 591.909 HAT - Owen & Mzee : the language of friendship [Book] Author: Hatkoff, Isabella. 593.93 COL - Starfish [Book] Author: Coldiron, Deborah. 598.2 BUR - Bird [Book] Author: Burnie, David. 599.53 MAR - Killer whales [Book] Author: Markle, Sandra. 599.8 RED - Gorilla, monkey & ape [Book] Author: Redmond, Ian. 599.82 MCD - Monkeys [Book] Author: McDaniel, Melissa. 608 TAY - I wonder why zips have teeth : and other questions about inventions [Book] Author: Parker, Steve. 612 COL - The magic school bus inside the human body [Book] Author: Cole, Joanna. 623.82 LIN - Amazing boats [Book] Author: Lincoln, Margarette. 624 PAR - I wonder why tunnels are round : and other questions about building [Book] Author: Parker, Steve. 629.133 ROY - Planes [Book] Author: Royston, Angela. 629.222 SUT - Car [Book] Author: Sutton, Richard (Richard Charles Blyth) 629.224 BIN - DK Big book of trucks [Book] Author: Bingham, Caroline, 1962629.228 PIE - Formula one race cars [Book] Author: Piehl, Janet. 629.892 BRI - Robot [Book] Author: Bridgman, Roger Francis,1940636.7 CLU - Dog [Book] Author: Clutton-Brock, Juliet. 636.7 JEN - Dogs and Cats [Book] Author: Jenkins, Steve, 1952636.707 DEN - Puppy care : a guide to loving and nurturing your pet [Book] Author: Dennis-Bryan, Kim. 636.707 SJO - Puppies [Book] Author: Sjonger, Rebecca. 636.707 TAG - Dogs and their puppies [Book] Author: Tagliaferro, Linda. 636.71 VON - Barron's illustrated guide to 140 dog breeds [Book] Author: Von der Leyen, Katharina. 641.53 SCH - Healthy snacks [Book] Author: Schuh, Mari C., 1975646.724 DEG - Taking care of my hair [Book] Author: DeGezelle, Terri, 1955741.2 AME - Drawing with Lee Ames : from the bestselling, award-winning creator of the Draw 50 series, a proven step-by-step guide to the fundamentals of drawing [Book] Author: Ames, Lee J. 741.5 HOL - Babymouse : queen of the world! / [1]. [Book] Author: Holm, Jennifer L. 743.8 AME - Draw 50 monsters, creeps, superheroes, demons, dragons, nerds, dirts, ghouls, giants, vampires, zombies, and other curiosa... [Book] Author: Ames, Lee J. 743.89 AME - Draw 50 vehicles : selections from Draw 50 boats, ships, trucks, and trains, and Draw 50 airplanes, aircraft, and spacecraft [Book] Author: Ames, Lee J. 793.735 HAL - Snakey riddles [Book] Author: Hall, Katy. 793.735 WIC - I spy Christmas : a book of picture riddles [Book] Author: Wick, Walter. 793.735 WIC - I spy extreme challenger! : a book of picture riddles [Book] Author: Wick, Walter. 793.735 WIC - I spy fantasy : a book of picture riddles [Book] Author: Wick, Walter. 793.8 WYL - Magic secrets [Book] Author: Wyler, Rose. 796.334 HOR - Soccer [Book] Author: Hornby, Hugh. 796.72 HER - R is for race : a stock car alphabet [Book] Author: Herzog, Brad. 808.1 DON - Haiku : Asian arts & crafts for creative kids [Book] Author: Donegan, Patricia. 811 CHA - Don't step on the sky : a handful of haiku [Book] Author: Chaikin, Miriam. 811 PRE - Behold the bold umbrellaphant : and other poems [Book] Author: Prelutsky, Jack. 811 PRE - Good sports : rhymes about running, jumping, throwing, and more [Book] Author: Prelutsky, Jack. 811 PRE - What a day it was at school! : poems [Book] Author: Prelutsky, Jack. 811 RUD - Today at the bluebird café : a branchful of birds [Book] Author: Ruddell, Deborah. 811 RYD - Toad by the road : a year in the life of these amazing amphibians [Book] Author: Ryder, Joanne. 811 SIN - Central heating : poems about fire and warmth [Book] Author: Singer, Marilyn. 811 WON - You have to write [Book] Author: Wong, Janet S. 811 WOO - Locomotion [Book] Author: Woodson, Jacqueline. 811 WOR - Animal poems [Book] Author: Worth, Valerie. 811 YOL - Least things : poems about small natures [Book] Author: Yolen, Jane. 818.802 CHI - Chicken soup for the pet lover's soul : stories about pets as teachers, healers, heroes, and friends [Book] Author: [edited by] Jack Canfield ...[et al.]. 829.3 RUM - Beowulf : a hero's tale retold [Book] Author: Rumford, James, 1948895.6 KOB - Today and today : haiku [Book] Author: Kobayashi, Issa, 1763-1827. 912 GOO - Goode's world atlas [Map] Author: Howard Veregin, editor. 912 NAT - National Geographic student atlas of the world. [Map] 912.7 ROA - The road atlas & travel guide [Map] Author: Rand McNally and Company. 914.95 GOR - Greece [Book] Author: Gordon, Sharon. 916 CRO - Africa for kids : exploring a vibrant continent, 19 activities [Book] Author: Croze, Harvey. 918.5 SHI - Peru [Book] Author: Shields, Charles J., 1951919.6 SAQ - The Tahiti handbook [Book] Author: Saquet, Jean-Louis. 920 BIO - Biography for beginners Issue #1, Spring, 2005 : sketches for early readers [Book] Author: Laurie Lanzen Harris, editor. 920 FOR - Great scientists [Book] Author: Fortey, Jacqueline. 920 SHE - Soccer stars [Book] Author: Shea, Therese. 930.1 EAR - Early humans [Book] Author: [project editor, Phil Wilkinson; special photography, Dave King]. 937 OSB - Pompeii : lost & found [Book] Author: Osborne, Mary Pope. LCCN: 2005-9331 940.3 ADA - World War I [Book] Author: Adams, Simon, 1955959.7043 MUR - Vietnam War [Book] Author: Murray, Stuart, 1948- 973 ARM - The American story : 100 true tales from American history [Book] Author: Armstrong, Jennifer, 196192 DIA - Diana, Princess of Wales : young royalty [Book] Author: Gormley, Beatrice. 92 KNI - Marvelous Mattie : how Margaret E. Knight became an inventor [Book] Author: McCully, Emily Arnold. 92 SIS - The wall : growing up behind the Iron Curtain [Book] Author: Sís, Peter, 194992 WRI - Patience Wright : America's first sculptor and revolutionary spy [Book] Author: Shea, Pegi Deitz. BC 398.354 AGU - O filho do vento [Book] Author: Agualusa, José Eduardo,1960BC 581.981 BRI - Plantas do Brasil [Book] Author: Brioschi, Gabriela, 1961BC 591 BRI - Bichos do Brasil [Book] Author: Brioschi, Gabriela, 1961BC 709.1 LIM - Em nome do autor : artistas artesãos do Brasil = In name of the author : craft artists from Brazil [Book] Author: Lima, Beth (Elizabeth Marie de Lima) BC 869.1 GUL - Dr. Urubu e outras fábulas [Book] Author: Gullar, Ferreira, 1930BC 883 CAR - Ilíada [Book] Author: Carvalho, Bruno Berlendis de. BC 92 TOZ - Claudio Tozzi [Book] Author: Machado, Regina, 1950BC E LAL - Faz e acontece no circo [Book] Author: Lalau. BC E SEC - O sonho de Natal [Book] Author: Engel, Patrícia Secco. BC E SEC - A felicidade das borboletas [Book] Author: Secco, Patricia Engel. BC F COU - O beijo da palavrinha [Book] Author: Couto, Mia, 1955BC F MIS - Os mistérios da 5a. série : antologia de contos de enigma e mistério [Book] Author: 5o. ano 2007/2008 ; ilustrações dos autores ; [direção técnica, Gila Fregonesi, Eloísa Galesso ; projeto gráfico e edição de texto, Adriana Bauer, Leila Milazzotto, Sandra Lima. CF 548 SYM - Crystal & gem [Book] Author: Symes, R. F. DVD F FIN - Finding Nemo = Procurando Nemo [Video] Author: a Pixar Animation Studios film ; directed by Andrew Stanton ; produced by Graham Walters ; screenplay by Andrew Stanton, Bob Peterson, David Reynolds. DVD F ICE - Ice age = A era do gelo [Video] Author: Twentieth Century Fox. DVD F LAS - The last unicorn [Video] Author: Lord Grade presents ; screenplay by Peter S. Beagle ; produced and directed by Arthur Rankin, Jr. & Jules Bass. DVD F MON - Monstros S.A. = Monsters, Inc [Video] Author: Walt Disney Pictures presents ; a Pixar Animation Studios film ; executive producers, John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton ; directed by Pete Docter. E AGE - Terrific [Book] Author: Agee, Jon. E ARN - The twin princes [Book] Author: Arnold, Tedd. E BAE - Thump, thump, rat-a-tat-tat [Book] Author: Baer, Gene, 1927E BAN - Max's words [Book] Author: Banks, Kate, 1960E BIN - Howard B. Wigglebottom learns to listen [Book] Author: Binkow, Howard. E BLO - A splendid friend, indeed [Book] Author: Bloom, Suzanne, 1950E BON ~ - Paddington's ABC [Book] Author: Bond, Michael. E BOR - Caps, hats, socks, and mittens : a book about the four seasons [Book] Author: Borden, Louise. E BRA - Ballerino Nate [Book] Author: Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker. E BRO # - Arthur writes a story [Book] Author: Brown, Marc Tolon. E BRO # - Arthur's computer disaster [Book] Author: Brown, Marc Tolon. E BRO # - Arthur's first sleepover [Book] Author: Brown, Marc Tolon. E BUC * - Sid and Sam [Book] Author: Buck, Nola. E BUL - Fast and slow : an animal opposites books [Book] Author: Bullard, Lisa. E BUL - Long and short : an animal opposites book [Book] Author: Bullard, Lisa. E BUL - Loud and quiet : an animal opposites book [Book] Author: Bullard, Lisa. E BUL - Smooth and rough : an animal opposites book [Book] Author: Bullard, Lisa. E BUL - Wet and dry : an animal opposites book [Book] Author: Bullard, Lisa. E BUN - Anna's table [Book] Author: Bunting, Eve, 1928E BUN - One green apple [Book] Author: Bunting, Eve, 1928E BUR - The greedy triangle [Book] Author: Burns, Marilyn, 1941E CAB - Cat's colors [Book] Author: Cabrera, Jane. E CAL - May I pet your dog? : the how-to guide for kids meeting dogs (and dogs meeting kids) [Book] Author: Calmenson, Stephanie. E CAR - I like me! [Book] Author: Carlson, Nancy. E CAR - Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully [Book] Author: Carlson, Nancy. E CAS - On the town : a community adventure [Book] Author: Caseley, Judith. E CAU - Clap your hands [Book] Author: Cauley, Lorinda Bryan. E CAZ * - Minnie and Moo, wanted dead or alive [Book] Author: Cazet, Denys. E CHA * - Cork & Fuzz [Book] Author: Chaconas, Dori, 1938E CHA * - Cork & Fuzz : good sports [Book] Author: Chaconas, Dori, 1938E CHA * - Cork & Fuzz : short and tall [Book] Author: Chaconas, Dori, 1938E CHE - Juk's adventure in Bangkok, Thailand [Book] Author: Chen, Meng Lin. E CHE - Juk's adventure in Chiang Mai, Thailand [Book] Author: Chen, Meng Lin. E CHO - Behind the mask [Book] Author: Choi, Yangsook. E CLE - Just another ordinary day [Book] Author: Clement, Rod. E COF - Fred stays with me [Book] Author: Coffelt, Nancy. E COH * - Digger Pig and the turnip [Book] Author: Cohen, Caron Lee. E CRO - Dooby dooby moo [Book] Author: Cronin, Doreen. E CRO - Duck for President [Book] Author: Cronin, Doreen. E CUY - Skeleton hiccups [Book] Author: Cuyler, Margery. E DEP # - Little Grunt and the big egg : a prehistoric fairy tale [Book] Author: De Paola, Tomie. E DOT - What is science? [Book] Author: Dotlich, Rebecca Kai. E DOU - Coral reef [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - Crab [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - Humpback whale [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - Jellyfish [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - Kelp [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - My ears [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - My eyes [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - My hands [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - My legs and feet [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - My mouth [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E DOU - My nose [Book] Author: Douglas, Lloyd G. E EAS * - Are you my mother? [Book] Author: Eastman, P. D. (Philip D.) E EDW * - Five silly fishermen [Book] Author: Edwards, Roberta. E EDW - Some smug slug [Book] Author: Edwards, Pamela Duncan. E EGA - Roasted peanuts [Book] Author: Egan, Tim. E EHL - Color zoo [Book] Author: Ehlert, Lois. E EHL - Nuts to you! [Book] Author: Ehlert, Lois. E FAR - Clever Ali [Book] Author: Farmer, Nancy, 1941E FLO - Lightship [Book] Author: Floca, Brian. E FOX - A particular cow [Book] Author: Fox, Mem, 1946E FOX - Tough Boris [Book] Author: Fox, Mem, 1946E FRA - Mr. Ferlinghetti's poem [Book] Author: Frampton, David. E FRA - Walk on! : a guide for babies of all ages [Book] Author: Frazee, Marla. E FRE - Dandelion [Book] Author: Freeman, Don, 1908-1978. E FRI - A cloak for the dreamer [Book] Author: Friedman, Aileen. E GAL - Smiley Shark [Book] Author: Galloway, Ruth, 1973E GER - Summer is summer [Book] Author: Gershator, Phillis. E GIG ~ - Each orange had 8 slices : a counting book [Book] Author: Giganti, Paul. E GRA - Orange pear apple bear [Book] Author: Gravett, Emily. E GRE - The adventures of the dish and the spoon [Book] Author: Grey, Mini. E HAR - I like where I am [Book] Author: Harper, Jessica. E HAY * - The secret of the Circle-K cave [Book] Author: Hays, Anna Jane. E HEN - Road builders [Book] Author: Hennessy, B. G. (Barbara G.) E HEW * - Human body : about me [Book] Author: Hewitt, Sally, 1949E HIL - Duck & Goose [Book] Author: Hills, Tad. E HOW * - Scared silly [Book] Author: Howe, James, 1946E HUT - The doorbell rang [Book] Author: Hutchins, Pat, 1942E JAM - The shark who was afraid of everything! [Book] Author: James, Brian, 1976E JEF - The incredible book eating boy [Book] Author: Jeffers, Oliver. E JEN - Looking down [Book] Author: Jenkins, Steve, 1952E JEN - Move! [Book] Author: Jenkins, Steve, 1952E JOO - Mama, do you love me? [Book] Author: Joosse, Barbara M. E JUL - We are wolves [Book] Author: Julietta, Melinda. E KER - You and me together : moms, dads, and kids around the world [Book] Author: Kerley, Barbara. E KHA - My family vacation [Book] Author: Khalsa, Dayal Kaur. E KIR - Miss Spider's tea party [Book] Author: Kirk, David, 1955- E KLI - Why do you cry? : not a sob story [Book] Author: Klise, Kate. E KLO - Once upon a time, the end : (asleep in 60 seconds) [Book] Author: Kloske, Geoffrey. E KRA - The backward day [Book] Author: Krauss, Ruth. E KUT ~ - Z is for zombie [Book] Author: Kutner, Merrily. E LES - Listen, Buddy [Book] Author: Lester, Helen. E LIE - Bats at the beach [Book] Author: Lies, Brian. E LIO # - Inch by inch [Book] Author: Lionni, Leo, 1910-1999. E LJU - Follow the line through the house [Book] Author: Ljunkvist, Laura. E LOB * - Frog and Toad all year [Book] Author: Lobel, Arnold. E LON - Froggy gets dressed [Book] Author: London, Jonathan, 1947E MAD - Velma Gratch & the way cool butterfly [Book] Author: Madison, Alan. E MAN - Samsara dog [Book] Author: Manos, Helen. E MAR - Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? [Book] Author: Martin, Bill, 1916-2004. E MCC - Moon plane [Book] Author: McCarty, Peter. E MCG - A very brave witch [Book] Author: McGhee, Alison, 1960E MET - Five little sharks swimming in the sea [Book] Author: Metzger, Steve. E MIL - My chickens [Book] Author: Miller, Heather. E MIL - My cows [Book] Author: Miller, Heather. E MIL - My goats [Book] Author: Miller, Heather. E MIL - My horses [Book] Author: Miller, Heather. E MIL - My pigs [Book] Author: Miller, Heather. E MIN * - Little bear [Book] Author: Minarik, Else Holmelund. E MIT - Different just like me [Book] Author: Mitchell, Lori, 1961E MIT - Down by the cool of the pool [Book] Author: Mitton, Tony. E MUN - Smelly socks [Book] Author: Munsch, Robert N., 1945E MUR - The penny pot [Book] Author: Murphy, Stuart J., 1942E OCO * - Eek! Stories to make you shriek [Book] Author: O'Connor, Jane. E OET - Germs [Book] Author: Oetting, Judy. E PER - Pictures from our vacation [Book] Author: Perkins, Lynne Rae. E PER - If... [Book] Author: Perry, Sarah. E PHI - Find Anthony Ant [Book] Author: Philpot, Lorna. E PIL - Dog breath : the horrible trouble with Hally Tosis [Book] Author: Pilkey, Dav, 1966E PLA - Planes [Book] Author: Usborne Publishing Ltd. E POL # - Something about Hensley's [Book] Author: Polacco, Patricia. E POL - Hairy Tuesday [Book] Author: Pollack, Pamela D. E REI - Tell me a scary story-- but not too scary! [Book] Author: Reiner, Carl, 1922E REI - You and me, baby [Book] Author: Reiser, Lynn. E REY - Ish [Book] Author: Reynolds, Peter H., 1961E RIC - And Tango makes three [Book] Author: Richardson, Justin, 1963E ROC - Four seasons make a year [Book] Author: Rockwell, Anne. E ROC - Growing like me [Book] Author: Rockwell, Anne. E ROD - First grade stinks! [Book] Author: Rodman, Mary Ann. E ROT - Every season [Book] Author: Rotner, Shelley. E RYL* - Mr. Putter & Tabby write the book [Book] Author: Rylant, Cynthia. E SAK - Emily's balloon [Book] Author: Sakai, Komako, 1966E SCH - Starring Miss Darlene [Book] Author: Schwartz, Amy. E SEE - Black? white! day? night! : a book of opposites [Book] Author: Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. E SEE - Walter was worried [Book] Author: Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. E SEU # - Fox in socks [Book] Author: Seuss, Dr. E SEU # - Great day for up [Book] Author: Seuss, Dr. E SEU # - Green eggs and ham [Book] Author: Seuss Dr. E SEU # - I can read with my eyes shut! [Book] Author: Seuss Dr. E SEU - My many colored days [Book] Author: Seuss, Dr. E SHA - Alice the fairy [Book] Author: Shannon, David, 1959E SHA - Good boy, Fergus! [Book] Author: Shannon, David, 1959E SHR - What's heaven? [Book] Author: Shriver, Maria. E SKU - Who's in a family? [Book] Author: Skutch, Robert. E SPU - Farm life [Book] Author: Spurr, Elizabeth. E TIT - Anatole [Book] Author: Titus, Eve. E VAN ~ - The alphabet theatre proudly presents the Z was zapped : a play in twenty-six acts [Book] Author: Van Allsburg, Chris, 1949E WAR - The biggest bear [Book] Author: Ward, Lynd, 1905E WAT - Scaredy squirrel makes a friend [Book] Author: Watt, Mélanie, 1975E WHY - Badness for beginners : a Little Wolf and Smellybreff adventure [Book] Author: Whybrow, Ian. E WIL - Finders keepers [Book] Author: Will, 1904-1974. E WIL - Don't let the pigeon stay up late! [Book] Author: Willems, Mo. E WIL - My friend is sad [Book] Author: Willems, Mo. E WIL - Today I will fly! [Book] Author: Willems, Mo E WIN - Living on a mountain [Book] Author: Winne, Joanne. E WON - The dumpster diver [Book] Author: Wong, Janet S. E WOO - Quick as a cricket [Book] Author: Wood, Audrey. E WOO - Rude giants [Book] Author: Wood, Audrey. E WOO - Coming on home soon [Book] Author: Woodson, Jacqueline. E WOO - The other side [Book] Author: Woodson, Jacqueline. E WOO - Our Gracie Aunt [Book] Author: Woodson, Jacqueline. E WOO - Visiting day [Book] Author: Woodson, Jacqueline. E WOO - We had a picnic this Sunday past [Book] Author: Woodson, Jacqueline. E YEE - Fireman Small [Book] Author: Yee, Wong Herbert. E ZEM - The judge, an untrue tale [Book] Author: Zemach, Harve. E ZIE - A new coat for Anna [Book] Author: Ziefert, Harriet. E ZOE - Great white shark, ruler of the sea [Book] Author: Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner. F ADL - Cam Jansen and the barking treasure mystery [Book] Author: Adler, David A. F ADL - Cam Jansen and the mystery of the monster movie [Book] Author: Adler, David A. F AVI - Crispin : at the edge of the world [Book] Author: Avi, 1937F BAB - Jack Plank tells tales [Book] Author: Babbitt, Natalie. F BAR - Peter and the shadow thieves [Book] Author: Barry, Dave. F BAS - The eleventh hour : a curious mystery [Book] Author: Base, Graeme. F BAU - The blue ghost [Book] Author: Bauer, Marion Dane. F BRI - Milly-Molly-Mandy stories [Book] Author: Brisley, Joyce Lankester, 1896F BUC - The fairy-tale detectives [Book] Author: Buckley, Michael. F BUC - Once upon a crime [Book] Author: Buckley, Michael. F BUC - The problem child [Book] Author: Buckley, Michael. F BUC - The unusual suspects [Book] Author: Buckley, Michael. F CHR - The city of gold and lead [Book] Author: Christopher, John, 1922- F CHR - The White Mountains [Book] Author: Christopher, John, 1922F CLE - No talking [Book] Author: Clements, Andrew, 1949F COD - Diary of a fairy godmother [Book] Author: Codell, Esmé Raji, 1968F COD - Vive la Paris [Book] Author: Codell, Esmé Raji, 1968F COL - Artemis Fowl : the lost colony [Book] Author: Colfer, Eoin. F COL - Gregor and the Code of Claw [Book] Author: Collins, Suzanne. F COL - Gregor and the marks of secret [Book] Author: Collins, Suzanne. F COV - Into the land of the unicorns [Book] Author: Coville, Bruce. F CUR - Elijah of Buxton [Book] Author: Curtis, Christopher Paul. F DAH - Charlie and the great glass elevator [Book] Author: Dahl, Roald. F DEF - Bringing Ezra back [Book] Author: DeFelice, Cynthia C. F DEM - The last dragon [Book] Author: De Mari, Silvana. F DOW - Phineas L. MacGuire-- gets slimed! [Book] Author: Dowell, Frances O'Roark. F DUD - Dude! : stories and stuff for boys [Book] Author: edited by Sandy Asher and David L. Harrison. F DUP - The prophet of Yonwood [Book] Author: DuPrau, Jeanne. F FAR - The Land of the Silver Apples [Book] Author: Farmer, Nancy, 1941F FRA - You can't, but Genghis Khan [Book] Author: Frantz, Jennifer. F FUN - Inkspell [Book] Author: Funke, Cornelia. F GAN - I am not Joey Pigza [Book] Author: Gantos, Jack. F GIF - Water Street [Book] Author: Giff, Patricia Reilly. F GRE - Catherine : the great journey [Book] Author: Gregory, Kristiana. F HAA - The softwire : virus on Orbis 1 [Book] Author: Haarsma, PJ. F HER - James Herriot's treasury for children [Book] Author: Herriot, James. F HIA - Hoot [Book] Author: Hiaasen, Carl. F IBB - Journey to the river sea [Book] Author: Ibbotson, Eva. F JOH - Thora and the green sea-unicorn : another half-mermaid tale [Book] Author: Johnson, Gillian. F JOH - Thora [Book] Author: Johnson, Gillian. F KAD - Cracker! : the best dog in Vietnam [Book] Author: Kadohata, Cynthia. F KEN - Kimchi & calamari [Book] Author: Kent, Rose. F LEV - Fairest [Book] Author: Levine, Gail Carson. F LIN - The wind on the moon : a story for children [Book] Author: Linklater, Eric, 1899-1974. F MAR - Uncle [Book] Author: Martin, J. P. (John Percival) F MCC - Akimbo and the elephants [Book] Author: McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948F MCC - Peter Pan in scarlet [Book] Author: McCaughrean, Geraldine. F MOR - Kensuke's kingdom [Book] Author: Morpurgo, Michael. F NIX - Drowned Wednesday [Book] Author: Nix, Garth. F NIX - Grim Tuesday [Book] Author: Nix, Garth. F NIX - Lady Friday [Book] Author: Nix, Garth. F NIX - Sir Thursday [Book] Author: Nix, Garth. F ODO - Are you flying, Charlie Duncan? [Book] Author: O'Donnell, Elizabeth Lee. F OMA - Once upon a cool motorcycle dude [Book] Author: O'Malley, Kevin, 1961F OSB - Dragon of the red dawn [Book] Author: Osborne, Mary Pope. F PAR - Junie B., first grader : toothless wonder [Book] Author: Park, Barbara. F PAR - The kid in the red jacket [Book] Author: Park, Barbara. F PAR - Archer's quest [Book] Author: Park, Linda Sue. F PAU - Hatchet [Book] Author: Paulsen, Gary. F REX - The true meaning of Smekday [Book] Author: Rex, Adam. F RIO - The sea of monsters [Book] Author: Riordan, Rick. F RIO - The Titan's curse [Book] Author: Riordan, Rick. F ROW - Harry Potter and the deathly hallows [Book] Author: Rowling, J. K. F RYA - Paint the wind [Book] Author: Ryan, Pam Muñoz. F SAL - House of the red fish [Book] Author: Salisbury, Graham. F SAL - Night of the howling dogs [Book] Author: Salisbury, Graham. F SIL - Pond scum [Book] Author: Silberberg, Alan. F SNI - The carnivorous carnival [Book] Author: Snicket, Lemony. F SNI - The end [Book] Author: Snicket, Lemony. F SNI - The grim grotto [Book] Author: Snicket, Lemony. F SPI - Summerhouse time [Book] Author: Spinelli, Eileen. F TWA - The adventures of Tom Sawyer [Book] Author: Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. F VAN - Just a dream [Book] Author: Van Allsburg, Chris. F WEE - So B. It : a novel [Book] Author: Weeks, Sarah. F WHI - Way Down Deep [Book] Author: White, Ruth, 1942F WHI - Mistress Masham's repose [Book] Author: White, T. H. (Terence Hanbury), 1906-1964. F WIL - The Aurora County All-Stars [Book] Author: Wiles, Deborah. F WIL - The golden hour [Book] Author: Williams, Maiya. F WIL - The hour of the cobra [Book] Author: Williams, Maiya. F WOO - Feathers [Book] Author: Woodson, Jacqueline. PRO 027.8 AME - Information power : building partnerships for learning [Book] Author: American Association of School Librarians. PRO 158 PIN - A whole new mind : moving from the information age to the conceptual age [Book] Author: Pink, Daniel H. PRO 370.152 MCK - Learning to question, to wonder, to learn [Book] Author: McKenzie, Jamieson A (Jamieson Angus), 1945PRO 370.7 MCK - Beyond technology : questioning, research, and the information literate school [Book] Author: McKenzie, Jamieson A. (Jamieson Angus), 1945PRO 370.7 MCK - Just in time technology : doing better with fewer [Book] Author: McKenzie, Jamieson A. (Jamieson Angus), 1945PRO 370.7 MCK - Planning good change with technology and literacy [Book] Author: McKenzie, Jamieson A. (Jamieson Angus), 1945PRO 371.1 NIE - What keeps teachers going? [Book] Author: Nieto, Sonia. PRO 371.334 KEA - Internet-based student research : creating to learn with a step-by-step approach, grades 5-12 [Book] Author: Keane, Jacqueline P. PRO 371.392 MON - The discovery of the child [Book] Author: Montessori, Maria, 1870-1952. PRO 372.623 FLE - Boy writers : reclaiming their voices [Book] Author: Fletcher, Ralph J. PRO 401 PIN - The stuff of thought : language as a window into human nature [Book] Author: Pinker, Steven, 1954REF 371.805 AQU - Aquila : 2006-07 [Serial] Author: [adviser, Luciana Barbosa ; editors, Lauren Corcoran... [et al.]]. REF 371.805 AQU - Aquila : 2007-08 [Serial] Author: [advisor/art director, Luciana Barbosa ; editors, Desiree Berger ...[et al.] ; graphic art, Elena Fajardo, Monique Schierz-Crusius ; photography, Andre Krongold ... [et al.]]. SR E REI - Tell me a scary story-- but not too scary! [Book] Author: Reiner, Carl, 1922-